
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

時量:120分鐘 總分:120分

一、 技能(三部分,共20小題,計20分)
第一節(jié) 聽音選圖 根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容,選擇相應的圖畫。(共5小題,計5分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
第二節(jié) 對話理解 聽下面的對話,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳答案。(共10小題,計10分)
( ) 6.What can John do?
A.He can dance. B.He can swi. C.He can draw.
( )7.How long does it take Anna to get to school?
A.About 10 inutes. B.About 20 inutes. C.About 30、inutes.
( ) 8.Why did the teacher talk with ike?
A.Because he arrived late. B.Because he ate in class.
C.Because he talked in class.
( ) 9.How’s the weather today?
A.It’s cloudy. B.It’s sunny. C.It’s windy.
( )10.Where is the hotel?
A.Next to the park. B.Across fro the bank. C.Across fro the park.
( )11.What does the an want?
A.A bowl of toato noodles. B.A bowl of utton noodles.
C.A bowl of chicken noodles.
( )12.What size bowl would the an tike?
A.A large one. B.A ediu one. C.A sall one.
( )13.How’s the weather?
A.It’s hot. B.It’s raining. C.It’s snowing.
( )14.Who is watching TV?
A.Kate’s father. B.Kate’s other. C.Kate’s sister.
( )15.What is Kate’s sister doing?
A.She’s reading a book. B.She’s sleeping. C.She’s talking on the phone.
第三節(jié) 反應 根據(jù)你聽到的內(nèi)容和實際情況,寫出簡要答語,完成錄音問卷表。(共5小題,計5分)。
About the weekend
16. 17. 18.
19. 20.

( )21. ---Did you buy special? ---No,I bought .
A.soething,soething B.a(chǎn)nything,soething
C.a(chǎn)nything,anything D.a(chǎn)nything,nothing
( )22.He sees____ a diary every day.
A.keep B.keeps C.keeping D.to keet
( )23.一How was the weather? 一It rainy.
A.is B.a(chǎn)re C.was D.were
( )24.一where you go yesterday? 一I to the beach.
A.did,go B.did,went C.do,go D.do,went
( )25.I went to the beach vacation.
A.a(chǎn)t B.in C.with D.on
( )26.Today I’ free.I have______ to do.
A.soething uch B.nothing uch C.uch soething D.uch nothing
( )27.― do you watch TV? ―Every day.
A. How uchB. How anyC. How oftenD. How old
( )28.―Did you have a good vacation?
― . I enjoyed yself with y faily on the beach.
A. I’ afraid notB. I’ not sureC. Of courseD. I hope so
( )29.I often watch TV .
A. a kind of B. two tie a week C. three ties a weekD. on ties a week
( )30.―Eating less eat good for us. ―I think so.
A. beB. isC. areD. a
( )31.―Do you often play coputer gaes? ―No, . I don’t like it at all.
A. alwaysB. soetiesC. usuallyD. never
( )32.The students play sports every day and they try theselves healthy.
A. keepB. keepingC. keptD. to keep
( )33.―What do you like to do on weekends? ―I like watching TV. Culture in China is y favorite .
A. foodB. sportC. prograD. subject
( )34.―How hours do you read English books every day? ―Two.
A. anyB. uchC. oftenD. long
( )35.―Would you like soe ilk?―Yes, but just .
A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little
Last onth, To spent his vacation in town. He stayed at a sall __36____near the train station for several days.
One night, before To 37 , he went to the owner(主人)of the hotel and asked, “Will you please wake e up at 38 toorrow orning? I have to take the five o'clock train. ”
"Oh, sorry ,"the owner said, "I 39 get up so early. "
Then To asked, "Do you 40 an alar clock?" 41 it can help e. "
"Yes. Here you are," the owner said.
To 42 hi and went back to his roo. However, when he looked at the 43
carefully, he found there was soething 44 with it. To went to the owner again. "Excuse e ,are you sure the clock will ring on tie (準時)?"
" 45 !"said the owner. "When you shake(搖晃)it at 4:40 in the orning, it will ring. ”
( )36. A. hotel B. restaurantC. useuD. square
( )37. A. went to workB. went to bed C. went for a walkD. took a shower
( )38. A. 4:40 B. 5:00 C. 5:15 D. 5:30
( )39. A. soetiesB. oftenC. usuallyD. never
( )40. A. like B. rentC. have D. need
( )41. A. ButB. aybe C. If D. Or
( )42. A. forgotB. believedC. thankedD. heard
( )43. A. clockB. rooC. trainD. hotel
( )44. A. faousB. differentC. newD. wrong
( )45. A. I don’t think soB. I don’t knowC. Of courseD. You’re welcoe

There was a heavy snow last night. aria stayed at hoe. Her cousin Cara cae to visit her. She cae back fro Beijing. She told aria soething about her vacation. "It was pretty good. "She said. Cara visited the Palace useu and the Great Wall. She took a lot of photos.
It was lunch tie. aria's parents were not at hoe. They decided to cook by theselves. aria cooked noodles with soe toatoes and peppers(胡椒). After Cara ate up the noodles, she said slowly, "I think it is delicious!" But aria thought the food was too awful. She said," Cara, thank you, but I put too any peppers!"
( )46. ―How Was the weather? ―It was 。
A. sunny B. snowy C. cloudy D. rainy
( )47..―Where did Cara go on vacation? ―She went to
A. Hainan B. Tianjin C. Beijing D. Anhui
( )48. cooked noodles.
A. aria B. aria's parents C. Cara D. ary
( )49.. There are soe with the noodles.
A. peppers, ushroos and toatoes B. green peppers, toatoes and eggs
C. peppers, toatoes D. peppers and eggs
( )50. ―Was the food awful? ―
A. Yes, it was B. No, it wasn't C. We don't know D. No, it's really nice
It was Saturday yesterday. It was y good friend Li Hui’s birthday. She had a party at hoe. On the way to Li Hui’s hoe, ary usic, so we bought soe gifts for her. Li Hui likes usic, so we bought soe CDs. At about half past ten ,we arrived at her hoe. She and her faily were busy with the party. So I helped Li Hui clean the house. ary Helped her other ake the birthday cake. After that, we learned how to ake long noodles. Fro her father. It was interesting. At 12 o'clock the birthday party started. We couldn't wait to eat so uch nice food. We had cakes, noodles, beef, chicken, fish and all kinds of fruits.-Oh, we ate eggs, too. Li Hui's other said the eggs could bring us good luck. In a word, we had a great tie yesterday.
( )51. The birthday. party was on .
A. Saturday B. Sunday C. onday
( )52. What did they buy for Li Hui?
A. Soe books. B. Soe cards. C. Soe CDs.
( )53. What did the writer help Li Hui do?
A. ake the birthday cake. B. Clean the house. C. ake the dishes.
( )54. Who is good at aking long noodles?
A. Li Hui. B. Li Hui's other. C. Li Hui's father.
( )55. What didn't they eat at the birthday party?
A. Duplings. B. Beef. C. All kinds of fruits.
Rick : Hi, Nancy ! Nice to eet you ! Where did you go on vacation?
Nancy: Nice to eet you, too. I went to Beijing.
Rick: Oh, really? Did you go to the Great Wall?
Nancy: Yes, I did. It was very great and fantastic. I like it.
Rick: And did you go to the Palace useu?
Nancy : Of course I did. It has any fantastic halls and treasure in the useu. And we visited any other places, such as Tian' anen Square, Chairan ao's eorial Hall and so on.
Rick: You're so lucky. How was your vacation, Nancy?
Nancy: It was pretty good.
Rick: And how was the weather, was it cloudy or sunny?
Nancy: It was dry and windy.
Rick: How were the people? Did they welcoe you?
Nancy: They were very friendly to the visitors. They're good!
( )56. Nancy didn’t go to the Great Wall. It’s too dangerous.
( )57.Nancy and Rick are taking about the vacation.
( )58.Nancy visited the Iperial Palace,(皇宮), but she didn’t visit the Tian’anen Square.
( )59.It was dry and windy in Beijing.
( )60. People in Beijing were unfriendly to the visitors.
What Do Students Do in the First iddle School of Loudi?
There are about 7000 students in the First iddle School of Loudi. ost of the exercise three or four ties a week. Soe exercise once or twice a week. What are their favorite sports? ost of the boy students like basketball and soe of the like football. The girl students like volleyball or table tennis. Now all the students like running very uch.
As for hoework, ost of the do hoework every day. Soe of the do hoework twice or three ties a week.
All students like to watch TV. ost of the watch TV every day. Soe students watch TV twice or three ties a week. No students watch TV once a week.
61. How any students are there in the First iddle School of Loudi?

62. What are the boy students' favorite sports?

63. Do the girls like volleyball?

64. What sport do all students like very uch now?

65. Why do all students like to watch TV?

66. I played tennis with y friends on Saturday.(就畫線部分提問)
you on Saturday?
67. They went to the beach on vacation.(就畫線部分提問)
they on vacation?
68. She studied for exas at hoe last Sunday.(改為一般疑問句)
she for exas at hoe last Sunday?
69. He goes to the ovies three ties a onth.(就畫線部分提問)
does he go to the ovies a onth?
70. She often helps with housework on weekends.(就畫線部分提問)
Does she help with housework on weekends?

A: Hello, Peter, do you often watch TV?
B: No, (1) 71 I like going to the ovies.
A:(2) 72
B: Twice a week.
A: Well, do you like watching TV, Bill?
C: Yes, (3) 73
A: What's your favorite progra?
C: Sports shows. What about you?
A: I never watch TV. (4) 74
C: What do you usually do in your free tie?
A:I usually exercise. Soeties I read books
C: (5) 75
假如你是李雷,上周日你和同學們?nèi)チ死夏曛遥∣ld People’s Hoe),并且?guī)椭先藗冏隽撕芏嗍虑椋埜鶕?jù)提示詞寫一篇不少于60詞的日記。
提示詞:go by bus; clean the roo; sing and dance; play the guitar; play the guitar; play chess

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/100750.html
