八年級上冊英語odule1 Period 4習(xí)題(2013新教材外研版)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

odule 1 How to learn English Period 4
Unit 1 ≈ Unit 2 綜合練習(xí) (2)
課時作業(yè) ( 4 )
1. Reading English aloud every day will of course help to iprove your p__________.
2. They spend two years t__________ he thick books into Chinese.
3. I don’t know how to learn English well. Can you give e soe a__________.
4. I don’t u__________ what you are talking about.
5. She ade soe __________ in the exa. So she failed the exa.
6. ? Can you spell the word? -- No, I don’t know its s__________.
7. This idea sounds e_________. Let’s try it out in our English class.
8. --- You ust c__________ your wrong answers in your hoework carefully.
9. I want to know how to i___________y spoken English.
10. The teacher s___________ that we should speak English as uch as possible.
11. y friend a___________ e tp leave as soon as possible.
12. It’s n___________ for children to leave their parents when they grow up.
13. Who can t___________ these sentences into Chinese?
14. English, Chinese and ath are b___________ subjects in junior iddle school.
15. Your listening is poor? Why not try listening to the r___________. VOA special English is a good choice.
II.用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式 ?
1. Last onth, we went to ount Huang with our teachers and we enjoyed ___________(we).
2. They need several ___________(piece) of paper to write down new words on.
3. It’s difficult for you ___________(ake) friends if you stay at hoe all the tie.
4. Reeber ___________ (bring) your caera here toorrow, ia.
5. Writing new words down on word cards is a great way___________ (iprove) your vocabulary.
6. I want to ask for soe ___________ (advice) on how to be a good photographer.
7. Try ___________ (translate) every word into Chinese when reading an English article.
8. Daing’s ___________(pronounce) is the best in our class.
9. Dr Sith is a language doctor and he has a lot of ___________ (suggest) on how to learn English well.
10. It’s fine today. How about _________(ride)to the park?
11.I enjoy _________(watch) English fils and    ? (listen) to real English songs.?
12.There are any (different) between the two factories.
III. 句子綜合練習(xí)
1. 如果你去參加聚會,你會過得很開心。
If you go to the party, you’ll _________________________________________.
2. 你能給我些建議嗎?
Could you _________________________________________?
3. 你每天練習(xí)拼讀新單詞嗎?
Do you_________________________________________ every day?
4. 你為什么不參加英語俱樂部呢?
_________________________________________ English Club?
5. 讓我們在課堂上盡可能多的說英語吧!
IV. 短文
any students _______ ______advice about how to _______ their English. Here are soe pieces of basic advice. First, watch an English fil several_______ and try to guess the _______ of the new words. Second, don’t be afraid to ake _______ when you ake a _________ with others. Third, I also _______ you not to be shy while speaking English. The last one is about _______. I think it’s _______to forget new words quickly, so I _______ that you should use the new words as often as possible.
Here is soe excellent a_______ about learning English. First, let’s work in p_______ and p_______ speaking English as uch as p_______. _______, Why not _______ _______ the _______ answers next to the graar _______ in your n_______? Third, _______ a good idea _______ _______ _______ the key words in a d_______ and then spell and p_______ the aloud. Last but not least, you should u_______ the _______ ideas when you listen to English progras (節(jié)目) on the r_______. Do you _______ with e? 來

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/103756.html
