
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

(命題、審題: 2013年11月28日 本卷共120分,70分鐘完成)
Name       Class    。危铩    。觕ore     

第二部分:筆試部分(本部分共 小題,95分)。
一、選擇( 每小題1分,共20分)
( )1. — Are you going to be     actor? — Yes. I’ taking     acting lessons.
A. a; theB. an; /C. the; anD. /; a
( )2. We are going to the party     next weekend.
A. inB. onC. /D. for
( )3. ary will coe back to London 2 weeks.
A. for B.afterC. atD. in
( )4.—     are you going to keep healthy? — I’ going to exercise every day.
A. How B. WhereC. WhyD. What
( )5. — Please     y e-ail address (地址) and send e e-ails when you’re free. — OK.
A. look like B. write to C. look down D. write down
( )6. Alan proised     he was going to work hard this ter.
A. he B. hisC. hiD. hiself
( )7. — What is ary going to be when she    ? — She is going to be an astronaut like Wang Yaping.
A. wakes up B. grows up C. stands up D. hurries up
( )8.I think eating enough fruit and vegetables is good     our health.— I agree     you.
A. to; of B. with; of C. at; with D. for; with
( )9. — Can I go now?— Please     you leave nothing here.
A. ake sure B. find out C. think of D. look at
( )10 There     a football gae this afternoon.
A. is going to have B. has C. is going to be D. will have
( )11. y grandfather only reads news ______ newspapers, not ______ coputers.
A. in, in B. on, on C. in, on D. on, in
( )12. ?Don’t you want to ______ to the oon for traveling? ?Yes, I do.
A. walk B. run C. fly D. takeX Kb1 .C o
( ) 13. Linda likes staying at hoe ______. She is a shy girl.
A. happily B. quickly C. already D. alone
( )14. ?Do you know which country ___ hold the next Olypic Gaes in 2016? ?Brazil.
A. ay B. should C. can D. will
( ) 15. ?Will there be a robot in everyone’s hoe in the future? ?______
A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t. C. You’re right. D. Yes, I think so.
( )16.—      toato juice do you need?— One cup is enough.
A. How oftenB. How any C. How uchD. How long
( )17. He filled the box      books.
A. withB. forC. ofD. in
( )18. Please      hot water into the blender.
A. cutB. ixC. pourD. carry
( )19.—      can you learn English so well?
—      listening to English songs and watching English ovies.
A. What; In B. What; By C. How; By D. How; In
( )20.— It’s tie      the ountain. Are you ready?— Sorry, I forgot to bring water.
A. clib B. to clib C. clibing D. clibed
ost people have their future plans and dreas. And they hope the plans and dreas can 1 one day. In fact, everyone dreas about interesting and satisfactory (令人滿意的) jobs that can help hi 2 uch oney, a loving faily, a(n) 3 house and any friends. I often think about 4 I would like to be in the future and what y future life 5 like.
I live in England with y parents no We have been here for three onths. At the new school, I often 6 tired and lonely. When I pass the English exas, the first thing I a going to 7 is to relax. However, the English language is very iportant to e because all people speak English here. I hope I can learn English well and go back to China soon. I want to be a(n) 8 in y hoetown one day. I like living in y own country.
I hope I’ll 9 y English soon and can talk with others in English freely (流暢地). Then I will study coputer science hard because it is a very interesting subject for e. Using coputers can 10 e great pleasure (樂趣) and can also help e a lot in English teaching in the future.
( ) 1. A. coe true B. coe over C. coe up D. coe out
( ) 2. A. ake B. take C. spend D. pay
( ) 3. A. possible B. interesting C. beautiful D. relaxing
( ) 4. A. who B. what C. which D. that
( ) 5. A. be B. will be C. see D. will see
( )6. A. see B. have C. take D. feel
( ) 7. A. end B. do C. play D. study
( ) 8. A. coputer engineer B. actor C. English teacher D. scientist
( ) 9. A. finish B. learn C. iprove D. predict
( ) 10. A. give B. get C. send D. keep

四、理解 。(每小題2分,共 30 分 )
( A )
I’ a o of two children Crappy Boy (aged 6) and Crappy Baby (aged 3). They are brothers. They throw (扔) toys when they fight and argue (爭吵) with each other. I find that Crappy Boy and Crappy Baby are so different.
I tell the that we are having pizza for dinner. They respond differently. Crappy Baby clasps (緊握) his hands together and gives e a big sile. He loves pizza. But Crappy Boy begins to cry. He doesn’t love pizza.

I tell the it’s tie to brush teeth. Crappy Boy brushes his teeth at once without saying anything, but Crappy Baby throws the toothbrush away. When I ask the to go to bed, they also have different answers. Crappy Boy does as I say. But Crappy Baby runs fro e when I try to change his diaper (尿布). He says that he wants to read his book, but what he really wants to do is listening to usic.
y children, y God!
( )31. Crappy Boy is     year(s) older than Crappy Baby.
A. 1B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
( )32. What food does Crappy Baby like?

A. B. C. D.
( )33. The underlined word “respond” eans     in Chinese.
A. 覺察B. 認識 C. 辨別 D. 反應
( )34. Fro the passage, we can learn that Crappy Baby    .
A. is 5 years old B. has a younger sister C. doesn’t like brushing teeth D. loves reading books
( )35. The best title (標題) of the passage is “   ”.
A. The tie to brush teeth B. A sad dinner C. Crappy Boy’s other D. Crappy Boy and Crappy Baby
Hi! I’ ary argaret. In early 2008, I asked y dad to help e build a website to help anials. He said, “Why not help people by the website?” I liked that idea and Kids Are Heroes (英雄) was born (誕生). Let’s eet two of our heroes.
Sydney Ford loves dancing and she does really well in it. Sydney raised (籌集) the ost oney fro ticket sales of her perforances in her school. Sydney taught dancing at suer caps. She also worked with kindergarten classes. She dreas being a perforing artist one day.
In 2008, at the age of 8, Ada Claggett started collecting (收集) food for others in need. In that year, he collected 88 pounds of food fro the neighborhood. Ada collected food every Easter and Thanksgiving. Since (自從) then, he has collected about 14,000 pounds of food and $5,300 for others.

( )26. ary argaret started Kids Are Heroes to help    .
A. anials B. plants C. people D. websites
( )27. Sydney Ford gave perforances in her     to raise oney.
A. neighborhood B. suer cap C. kindergarten D. school
( )28. Sydney wants to be a / an     one day.
A. artist B. teacher C. collector D. singer
( )29. Ada collected     pounds of food all together (一共).
A. 88 B. 5,300 C. 14,000 D. 14,388
( )30. The underlined phrase “in need” eans “   ” in Chinese.
A. 在危險中的 B. 在窮困中的 C. 在破敗中的 D. 在孤獨中的

 Scientists will put soe robot fish into the sea near Spain this year. These robot fish will help people find out the pollution in the water. If the robot fish are able to finish their work successfully, the tea of scientists hopes the fish will be used in rivers, lakes and seas around the world.
The robot fish are about 1.5 eters long. There will be a detector (探測器) in their bodies. It can find the pollution in the water, and then the robot fish will eat part of it.
Unlike other robots, they don’t need to be opearted (操作) by people far away. The robots all have an eight-hour battery (電池). They can “swi” in the sea freely and send back inforation to peole on the beach. After their batteries run down, they will go back to the beach by theselves.
There are five robot fish altogether (總共). Each costs (花費) about 29,000 dollars. They are part of a three-year project between engineering coany BT Group and Essex University in southeastern England.
( ) 6. The robot fish will help people find out _______ in the water.
A. ore fish B. soe people C. soe batteries D. the pollution
( ) 7. What will the robots do if they find the pollution in the water?
A. They will eat part of it. B. They will stop working.
C. They will tell people where it is D. They will take it out to the beach.
( ) 8. How long can a battery in their bodies work each tie?
A. For five hours. B. For eight hours. C. For twelve hours. D. For one day.
( ) 9. The five robot fish cost about _______ dollars altogether.
A. 14,500 B. 29,000 C. 145,000 D. 1,450,000
( ) 10. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The robot fish can eat anything in the water.
B. The robot fish need to be opearted by people.
C. The robot fish are 1.5 eters long and they look like sharks.
D. The robot fish can go back to the beach when the batteries run down.

( ) 1. To thinks the oon and stars are beautiful and ysterious (神秘的). He wants to be an astronaut in the future.
( ) 2. ath is Bob’s favorite. His ath teacher said he was ore careful and quick than his classates. He wants to work in banks.
( ) 3. Sandra likes science very uch. And she always was top on science. She wants to ake her own robot one day.
( ) 4. Bill likes talking to peole all over the world. He can counicate with anyone. He also likes traveling.
( ) 5. ike likes playing coputer gaes for fun. And he often buys clothes and food on the Internet. He can stay at hoe and play on the Internet for two onths without going out.

In one hundred years, our life will be different fro what it is no We’ll have 1. _ (機器人) in our hoes. They can help us do 2. (每件事). They can cook for us. After we 3. (穿衣服) ourselves, they will bring us the breakfast. They will help us do 4. __ (家務活), such as washing clothes and sweeping the floor. They can also work in 5. _ (工廠). They can do 6. (使人不愉快的) and hard work for us.
The way students do hoework will be different fro now, too. They will do their hoework on coputers but not on 7. (紙). People will spend their vacations on the 8. (月球) and have a great tie. They will 9. (飛) there by rocket. And they will be very excited. 10. (科學家) say these dreas will coe true easily.

Do you know how the nae “sandwich” cae?
The (56)     sandwich seeed to appear in 100 years B.C. (57)    , its nae was not “sandwich” then. It (58)     its nae in 1726. At that tie, John ontague was the fourth earl (伯爵) of Sandwich. He loved playing cards. He spent days and nights (59)    . And he kept asking for bread, cheese and (60)    . Because he kept the cards in one hand, he (61)     use the other one to eat. Later he got an idea. He put the cheese and eat between two (62)    of bread. The other players saw his new kind of food and (63)     asking about the sae one, calling it “Sandwich’s”.
In 1827, sandwiches appeared (64)     cookbooks. By 1900, they were (65)     faous in the United States. And now it’s one of the ost popular kinds of food in the world.

Thanksgiving in the United States
In ost countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays. A special day in the United States is Thanksgiving. There are any reasons for this special day. For soe people, it is a tie to give thanks for food in the autun. So it is always on the fourth Thursday in Noveber in the United States. At this tie, people also reeber the first travelers fro England who cae to live in Aerica about 500 years ago. These travelers had a long, hard winter, and any of the died. In the next autun, they gave thanks for life and food in their new hoe. These days, ost Aericans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big eal at hoe with their faily. The ain dish of this eal is alost always turkey, a large bird.
aking a turkey dinner
Here is one way to ake turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.
First, ix together soe bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.
Next, fill the turkey with this bread ix.
Then, put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours.
When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.
Finally, cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the eat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes.
1. Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving?
2. Why do people celebrate it?
3. When do people celebrate it?
4. How do people celebrate it now?
5. What is the ain dish of the Thanksgiving eal?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/105215.html
