八年級英語上冊Unit 1 Topic 3期末復(fù)習(xí)題(仁愛英語)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

八年級英語基礎(chǔ)知識檢測Unit 1 Topic 3
姓名______ 分數(shù)______
( )1.I bought a pair of running shoes because I want to _______ the teachers’ relay race.
A.joinB.join inC.take partD.have part in
( )2.The otto of the odern Olypics is “_______”.
A.Fast, high, strongB.Faster, higher, stronger
C.Faster, high, strongD.Faster, high, stronger
( )3.The first Olypics started in_______.
( )4.—_______ —The long jup.
A.What sport will you take part in?B.Which sport will you take part in?
C.What are you going to do?D.What’s the atter?
( )5.Li ing will take part in the boys’ _______.
A.800-eter raceB.800-eter races
C.800 eter raceD.800-eter-races
( )6.y foreign friend, To, will coe to _______.
A.cheer e upB.cheer up e
C.cheer e onD.cheer on e
( )7.—When shall we go to Yunnan? —Let’s _______ it _______ onday.
A.ake; inB.eet; onC.ake; onD.eet; in
( )8.—What are you going to do toorrow? —_______ I _______ go hiking.
A.aybe; willB.aybe; wantC.ay be; willD.ay be; want to
( )9.Don’t sleep all day. You should _______ to keep fit.
A.not eatB.to run
C.do any exerciseD.do orning exercises
( )10.—Hi, I’ Xiao Li, I’ very glad to _______ friends _______ you.
—e too. I’ Xiao Wang.
A.get; likeB.ake; withC.get; withD.ake; to
ike:Hello! 11
ike:This is ike. Hi, Jack. I have two tickets for a basketball atch. 12
Jack:I’d love to. 13
A.When shall we eet?
B.See you then.
C.Can I speak to Jack, please?
D.Would you like to go with e?
E.Where shall we eet?
ike:Let’s ake it two.
Jack: 14
ike:At y hoe.
Jack:OK. 15
ike:See you.
ike is y friend. He 16 the day with orning exercises. After orning exercises, he
17 English at hoe. It’s tie to 18 breakfast. His 19 habits are 20 good. He eats a lot of vegetables. He 21 ever eats junk food. He says it is bad for 22 to eat junk food too uch. In the afternoon, he plays football with his classates. Because he doesn’t like to go to the ovies, he often 23 TV at hoe. Soeties he 24 on the Internet and talks with e 25 the Internet.
( )16.A.startB.beginC.startsD.begins with
( )17.A.readingB.readsC.watchD.books at
( )18.A.takeB.haveC.likeD.owe
( )19.A.eatingB.eatsC.eatD.to eat
( )20.A.ratherB.prettyC.uch D.too
( )21.A.hardB.harderC.hardlyD.hearty
( )22.A.healthyB.healthC.fitD.fitness
( )23.A.looks atB.readsC.watchesD.sees
( )24.A.getsB.gotC.gettingD.to get
( )25.A.inB.onC.atD.with
1.A happy faily gives a loving e_______ for children.
2.We work hard to i_______ our ability(能力).
3.Five rings are a s_______ of the Olypic Gaes.
4.This evening Kangkang will go to the ovies in the Haidian T_______.
5.He isn’t here no P_______ he is at hoe.
6.The coputer will cost at _______(至少)10,000 yuan. It’s too expensive.
7.aria passes the _______ (木棒) to Jane.
8.Here are three pages fro Kangkang’s _______ (日記).
9.Zhang Yining is the _______(獲勝者) in the table tennis gae.
10.Er Yuehe is one of the _______(當(dāng)代的) writers.
Teachers think they will_______uch_______with the students.
_______ and _______ foreigners will live in China.
How any countries _______ _______ _______ the 2008 Beijing Olypics?
There _______ _______ ore and ore wide roads in our city.
What does CBA _______ _______?

Unit 1 Topic 3
Ⅰ. 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B
Ⅱ. 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C
Ⅲ. 11.F 12.T 13.T 14.F 15.F
Ⅳ. 16. No, he isn’t.
17. Every Friday afternoon.
18. ichael Jordan.
19.They watch football atches.
20. Yes, he is.
第二部分 基礎(chǔ)知識運用
Ⅰ. 1.B考查join in+races的用法。
2.B考查奧運會的格言: Faster, higher, stronger.
5.A考查800-eter race的用法。
6.C考查cheer sb. on搭配,意為“為某人加油”。
7.C考查“Let’s ake it ... ”的用法,星期幾的單詞前用介詞on,故選C。
8.A考查ay be意為“可能是”和aybe意為“可能”的區(qū)別。aybe在句中作狀語,通常
9.D考查詞組do orning exercises,exercise作“操練,體操”講時是可數(shù)名詞,加s;作“活動,
鍛煉”講時是不可數(shù)名詞,如: do (uch) exercise。
10.B考查詞組ake friends with sb. 意為“和某人交朋友”。
Ⅱ. 11.C 12.D 13.A 14. E 15.B
Ⅲ. 16.Cstart the day with意為“以……開始一天”,但主語是第三人稱單數(shù)。
18.B have breakfast意為“吃早飯”。
21.Chardly ever表示否定含義,意為“幾乎從來不”。
Ⅳ. (A)
26.B 由第一段第二句“運動對人的健康有利”,可知選B。
33.B由第二段第三句可知“蹦極是要把橡膠帶子綁在腿上的” 。
34.A 由第三段最后一句可知“在過去,人們生活在危險當(dāng)中,他們不得不出去尋找食物”,
35.A由最后一段第一句“很多人認為生活中刺激太少” ,可知選A。
36. In 1896. 37.An eble. 38. 108 years. 39. Yes, it does.
40.Faster, higher and stronger.
第三部分 寫作
Ⅰ. (A) 1. environent 2. iprove 3. sybol 4. Theater 5. Perhaps
(B) 6. least 7. stick 8. diary 9. winner 10. odern
Ⅱ. 11. get; fun 12. ore; ore 13. took part in 14. will be 15. stand for
Ⅲ. 參考范文
Hi! Everyone! Do you know the ascots for the 2008 Beijing Olypic Gaes? Now, let e tell you. Each of the has a lovely nae. “Beibei” is a fish, “Jingjing” is a panda, “Huanhuan” is an Olypic flae, “Yingying” is the Tibetan antelope and “Nini” is the swallo They stand for the colors of the Olypic rings. If you put their naes together, it is Beijing Huan Ying Ni. That eans “Welcoe to Beijing” !

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/108489.html
