
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網

1.She _________Beijing last night.
A.arrvied in B.got C.reaches D.arrived
2.__________ ready now, let’s begin.
A.Everything is B.Soething are C.Nothing are D.Anything is
3.I ______ life was like here in the past.
A.wonder that B.know when C.wonder what D.decide why
4._____________weather it was!
A.What nice B.How a nice C.How nice D.What a nice
5. Another two hours _______not enough.
A.is B.are C.will are D.were
6.I’ free now, I have _________ (無事)to do .
7.Is __________(某人)going with you ?
8.I can finish it by __________ (我).
9.Children, please help _____________to the fish(隨便吃).
10.It ____________(似乎)that it is going to rain.
11.The _____________(無聊的)book akes e ___________(無聊的)
12.He decided ___________(try) it.
13.I tried y best ____________(work) it out.
14.He is __________ __________(等候) a bus.
15.I need ______ _________(一把雨傘)_________ ________(因為) the heavy rain.
16.I have _________ ___________(足夠的時間).
17.I a not _________ __________(足夠的老).
18.Did you go ___________ ___________(有趣的某個地方)?
19.I _________ a gift _______y other yesterday (給…買).
20.When it’s hot,I feel like ____________(游泳) in the pool.
21.He teaches ___________(I) English.
22.Why not __________(try) to go by boat?
23.I kept _____________(寫) this story.
1.___________do you go to Shanghai?
A.How any ties B. How often C,How long D.How soon
2. __________this book carefully and you can get a lot.
A. Reading B.Read C.Readed D.To read
3.There is ____________salt in the fridge, I will buy soe.
A.little B.few C.a fe D.a little
4. I a going to study ________.
A.hardly B.hard C.hardly ever D.harding
5. _________do you watch TV? ----Twice a week
A.How any B.How long C.How far D.How often
6. He ___________ten years old.
A.ay B.aybe C.ay be D.ight
7. ___________they were hard-working,_______they didn’t get good grades.
A. Although, / B.Though, but C.though, / D.Although, but
8. He is ________a clever girl __________she can work out this ath proble.
A.so, that B.such, that C.too, to D.enough, to
9.The ___________dog was ___________on the floor, at last it __________.
A.dying, die, died B.died, die, dying C.dying, dying, died D.death, dying, die
10. _____________ of the students ____here.
A.None,is B.No one,are C.Nothing,are D.None,are
11.___________of y parents _____teachers.
A.All,are B.Both,is C.Both, are DNone,are
12. I will have ________________holiday.
A.three weeks B.three-weeks C.three week’s D.three-week
13. ---Next week I a ________ __________(相當滿) for e.
----Really? ____________?
A. How about; B. How coe; C.How often D.How any
14. y other _________e __________.
A. hopes, to drink B.wants, drink C.except, to drink D.wants, to drink
15. Fifteen percent of the inforation _______true and twenty percent of the edicine _____fake.
16.It’s good to relax by _____________(使用) the Internet.
17. He went Shanghai, _____________(但是), I stayed at hoe.
18. Keeping ___________is good for our __________(健康).
19. I have ____________(曾經) been to Wuhan, I went there ___________(兩次).
20. What do you usually do ____________ ____________(在周末)?

1.______________you study, ______________your grades are.
A.Harder, the better B.The harder, the better C.The hardest, best
2. He is ____________ of the two girls.
A.taller B.the tallest C.the taller D.tallest
3. The weather in Beijing is colder than ___________in Hainan.
A.weather B.it C.those D.that
4. You don’t need a lot of friends ____________they are good.
A.though B.but C.as long as D.in fact
5.Larry helps to __________the best in e.
A.bring out B.care about C.be up to D.have to do with
6. We ___________excellent, we ___________one thing in coon.
A.are both, both have B.both are, both have C.are both, have both
7. Do you play it as ___________as your sister?
A.good B.better C.well D.best
8. He is talented __________.
A.in usics B.at usics C.for usic D.in usic
9.__________is easy for e _________friends.
A.That, to ake B.It, akes C.It, to ake D.This, ake
10. It’s kind _________you to help e.
A.for B.of C.to D.at
11. Who feels_______________(無聊的), Lucy, Lily or ary?
12. Which is ________________(差), Wenzhou or Hangzhou?
13.They don’t eat ____________ junk food. They are _______________.
A.ore , ore healthy B.uch ore, uch healthier C.any, uch healthier
14. In the _____________show, he is the ost ________________(天賦).
15. Please read _____________(安靜的), don’t read__________(大聲的), your father is sleeping.
16. I_____________________(與…不同) you, but he is __________________(和…相同) you.
17.I __________(打破)y ar this orning, he didn’t ______________(嘲笑) e.
18. y best _________________________(類似) Larry.
19.---That’s Tara, ___________ __________?(反意疑問句)
---_______, ______________. It’s Tina.
20. I think she sang __________________(清晰) than Nelly.
21. I enjoy __________(唱) songs, and I practice ___________(唱) every day.
22.He likes____________(跳舞), when he finishes ___________(做) hoework, he spends tie ______________(跳舞).
23.A true friend _______ _______(觸及) your hand and ____________(撫慰)your heart.
24.She __________ _________(關心) e because she is always there to listen.
25.She is ________________(外向)than her sister.
26.she is ____________(滑稽) in our class.
27.The weather is getting ____________and ___________(越來越暖和).

1.y parents __________y education seriously last night.
A.taked B.ade C.took D.gave
2. I don’t like the soap opera because the stories are ______________up.
A.ake B.aking C.akes D.ade
3.That is __________ you to decide.
A.up to B. fro to C.ake up D.able to
4. He ___________in playing basketball.
A.is able to B.is ready to C.dresses up D.plays a role
5. Hangzhou is a good place ______________.
A.visit B.to visit C.visits D.visiting
6. The radio station ________, so I like it.
A.have good usic B. has a good usic C.plays good usic D.plays a good usic 7.I like the all because it’s ______________(crowded).
8. The _______________(獲勝者) get a good prize each.
9. You should wash your hands before _______________(餐).
10. We should listen to the teachers _______________(仔細的).
11. He was the __________________(創(chuàng)造性的) student in our class, so he __________(選擇)a agic to perfor. on the talent sho
12.It __________(is/ has) the biggest screen and _____________________(舒適) seats.
13.The theater is ___________________(離…最近) y hoe.
14.You can buy clothes _____________________________(最便宜) in town.
15.____ do you ________970 A?
A.How, think of B.What, like C.How, like of D.What, think of
16. ----Thanks for ______________(告訴) e.

Unit 5
1.The news _________good news, the sitcos are ____________.
A. are, educational B.is, education C.are, education D.is, educational
2. He expects ___________good grades, but I hope __________healthy.
A. to get, keep B.get, to keep C.to get, to keep D.gets, keeping
3. They are ___________this proble, but I don’t take part in the ___________(討論).
4. I want to ___________who broke the windo
A.look for B.look after C.find out D.find
5. I a ready ___________cook dinner for y faily, I a getting ready ________it.
A. to, at B.for, to C.to, for D.to, to
6. She wants to take her other’s __________to clean the roo.
A. roo B.seat C.job D.place
7. The gae show is _____________(令人愉快的)。
8. I will show you the photo if it __________toorro
A.will coe out B.is going to coe out C.coes out D.cae out
9. I can’t ___________(忍受)the scary ovie, but I don’t __________(介意)the action ovie.
10. Would you ind y ____________(成為)an actor?
11. The _______________(卡通片) are _________________(沒有意義).
12. What _______________(發(fā)生了) to you?
13. Zhejiang ________________(以…而出名) the Yue _____________(文化).
14. He is ___________(富有) than e, because he is a ________________(成功) businessan.
15. He ___________(可能) be too young, he couldn’t ______________(穿衣) hiself.
16. ____________, he passed the exa, but I I didn’, I a an _____________boy. (luck)
17. They’ll try_________best to finish the work by ___________.(他們)
Unit 7
1.r Green wants to know your nae. Please _____on the paper.
A.write it down B.write down it C.write the down D.write down the
2.I’ going to write an article _________a agazine about woen and children.
A.for B. to C.on D.at
3.---What is he going to__________when he __________up? ---A doctor.
A.do, grow B.be, grows C.do, grows D.be, grow
4.---What’s your ________for next year?
---I’ going to work hard and get good grades.
A. subject B.job C.work D. resolution
5.The story had __________a bus driver.
A.to do with B.doing with C.to do at D. do at
6.They ______________(fly) to Japan toorro
7.----How are you going to do that? ----I _________(take) acting lessons.
8.I like playing the violin, I want to be a ________.He likes science, he wants to be a ________.
9.Those are y __________(person) things.
10. At the ___________(begin) of this ter, they ade soe study plans.
11.The __________(foreign) want to _________(提高) their Chinese by ___________(the).
12. He kept on ___________(speak) English with his friends.
13. I _______ _________(從事) faring ten years ago.
14. We should take up soe _____________(愛好), do you _______ _________(同意) e ?
15. This is y __________(自己的) book, I a the _____________(主人) of the book.
16. This book is written _________(被)Luxun.
17. I __________(制定) a resolution to get good ____________(成績) yesterday.
18. _______you able to keep your resolutions?
19. He is so young that he can’t go to school.
= He is __________young _________go to school.
=He is not _________ __________ to go to school.
20. Let the __________(做) this thing, I think they can ______________(做) well.
21. You’d better __________(做) it quickly. We hear the___________(唱歌) in the next roo.
22. Your father ade the workers _____________(工作) ten hours every day.
23. __________(來) in, please.
24. I think ___________(吃) healthier food is good for your __________(健康).
25. What about __________(吃) soe noodles, we can keep __________(健康).
Unit 7
1. I feel ___________the bike, and unluckily, he feel ___________fro the bike,too.
A.off, down B.in, into C.down, behind D. off, asleep
2. He will have a trip to Qingdao if ____________.
A.possible B.ipossible C.probably D.I can
3. Will people __________robots in their hoes?
A.has B.have C.there be D.be
4. Will there be uch pollution in the future?
A.Yes,there be B.Yes, there will. C.Yes, it will D.Yes, there is.
5.Books will only be _________coputers, not __________paper.
A.on, in B.in, on C.on, on D.in, in
6. People will ___________200 years _______space stations.
A.lives to be, in B.live be,on C.living be,in D.live to be, on
7. y other will coe back hoe _______two days.
A.after B.before C.for D.in
8.___________ore trees in the cities.
A. There is going to be B.There will have C.There will has D.There will be
9.We will have __________free tie and __________cars.
A. fewer, fewer B.ore, less C.less, fewer D.fewer, ore
10.There are uch pollution __________the earth, we should paly a part in __________the earth.
A.in, saving B.on, save C.on, saving D.at, to save
11.Can you fight in the classroo?
A.I hope so B.I think so C.I don’t think so D.I don’t hope
12. Aerican astronauts _________rockets to the oon before soe years.
A.by B.fly C.ride D.flew
13.There ay be soeone _____________y ubrella by istake.
A.taking B.bring C.takes D.to bring
14.This ____________job akes e feel _____________.
A.bored, boring B.boring, boring C.bored, bored D.boring, bored
15.These robots are fun ____________.
A.watching B.to watch C.watches D.watched
16. Soe robotes will look like huans, ____________ight look like snakes.
A.others B.another C.the other D.else
17. The roborts can___________the people who are under the buildings,and can also________the sick people.
A.look after, look at B.look for, take care of C.look out, look into D.look at, look after
18. I need soe ____________(紙) to wrte.
19. Air _________(污染)is serious.
20. we should stop ___________(污染) the _________(天空).
21. ________________(地球) travels around the sun.
22. In order to pretect the _____________(環(huán)境), we should __________(種植)any trees.
23. I will buy ____________(一套公寓) in the _____________(將來).
24. ____________(人類) will live __________________(在太空).
25. Soe __________(危險) anials are in _________(危險).
26. They have ____________(已經) built lots of _____________(工廠).
27. He ___________(信任) in e, so I passed the exa.
28. There are three ___________people on the playground, ___________of the are students(百).
29.He __________(掉落) in love with Beijing since he went there.
30.He says he ________________(可能) go to Wuhan.
31. I think it is ______________(不可能).
32. ______________(在…期間) the ____________(假期), I visited y uncle twice.
Unit 8
1.When the teacher et the parents, they __________ ___________(握手).
2.When you leave the classroo, you should _______ ___________(關上)the lights.
3.Don’t __________(倒)the dirty into the river.
4.You should add _____________________________(兩勺蜂蜜)to the tea.
5.He ______(挖)deep________ (洞) to catch anials yesterday.
6.____________(三明治) with ___________(黃油) taste great.
7.Thanksgiving is a _______________(傳統(tǒng)的) festival in ______________(秋季).
8.There were any ________________(游客) visiting our school.
9.We _____________(招待) good food to the the day before yeterday.
10.He _________(填) the turkey with bread ix. Next the turkey is ________(覆蓋) with gravy.
11.Put the turkey on the __________(碟子) to ____________(慶祝)Thanksgiving.
12.How does he ___________(制作) a banana ilk shake?
13.How ___________(許多) yougurt do we need?
14.___________(最后), cook the for ____________(又一個) ten ___________(分鐘).
15.He says it’s tie ______________________(感恩) for food and life.
16.They show thanks by __________(吃) a big eal.
17.Here is one way _______________(做) turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.
18.We get ready ___________(寫) down a recipe for the food.
19.Here is the reason __________this special day.
20.Now he is ________(挖) soe holes.
21.He is ending these ____________(機器).
Unit 9
1.I____________an exa, then he ___________go to college.
A. prepare to, prepare for B.prepare for, prepare to C.prepare, prepare to
2. I ___________hi, and I replied to hi.
A.hear fro B.hear of C.hear about D.heard fro
3. y other __________, so she has to go to the doctor.
A.eets a friend B.has the flu C.prepares for the dinner D.goes to the concert
4.Would you like _______(來) to y birthday party?
A. I’d love B.Yes, I like C. Sorry, I’ afraid I can’t. D.I can’t.
5.---Can you coe to y housewaring party?
---I’ sorry, _________I ight look after y sister.
A.and B.so C.but D.for
6. I went bike __________with hi last fall.
A.ride B.rode C.riding D.to ride
7. I didn’t go to bed __________I finished y hoework.
A.if B.after C.until D.when
8. ---_________you toorro -----See you toorrow!
A.Accept B.Refuse C.Catch D.Reach
9. ------___________________? ----It’s onday, January 28th.
A.What day is it today ? B.What’s today? C.What’s the date today?
10. We will ___________a trip to Shanghai _____________this onth.
A. have, by the end B.take, at the end of C.take, in the end
11. I ust go hoe __________10:00, or y parents will be worried.
A.on for C.by D.until
12.Please reply in __________to the invitation to y e-ail: .

A.speaking B.write C.say D.
13.I ________(趕上)the final bus to the city three days ago.
14.I ___________(收到) soe flowers, but I didn’t ____________(接受) the.
15.Thanks for ______________(邀請) e. Thank hi for his ___________(邀請) too.
16.He is looking forward to _____________(say) goodbye to you.
17. They _________________(閑逛) with their friends last weekend.
18. I ____________(拒絕) this invitation, but he ________________(回復) it yesterday.
19. y sister was _________________(吃驚) at the news.
20. ________________________(讓我吃驚的是), he passed the exa.
21. A lot of ______________(客人) went to the ____________(音樂會).
22. There is an _________________(事件) happening.
23. Lions are very lazy, they sleep in the _________________(白天).
24. He left without ______________(說) goodbye.
Unit 10
1.Our school will have a sports __________(會議) in this autun.
2.Let’s go to cheer hi up because he is _________(沮喪).
3. Soe _________(建議) ay be useful for you.
4.They take ___________(出租車)to go to school.
5.If you bring your classates to our school, the teacher ______________(讓) the out.
6. You___________(不應該) bring soe food to the library.
7.You can’t get good grades __________(除非) you work hard.
8.The ____________(粗心) boy ade lots of _________(錯誤) in the test.
9. He can finish the work by _____________(他).
10.Be ___________(細心) of what you say.
11. He has lots of _______________(經驗) in teaching.
12. I took his ubrella by _____________(錯誤地).
13. The teacher __________(建議) students about coon probles
14. What __________(其他的) thingsdo you want to buy?
15. What ___________(其他的) do you want to buy? Anything __________(其他的)?
16. He has soe probles ___________(解決) this ath proble.
17. I a afraid ____________(告訴) parents about it.
18. _________________(最后), she told her parents about her worries.
19. I solve y probles by __________(談論) to soeone about the.
20. You are halfway to ___________(解決) a proble.
21. _____________ (not bring) friends fro other class.
22. Do you have a difficult tie ______________(work) out these ath probles?.
23. I’ sorry I have no tie _____________ (watch) TV no
24. Her other asks her not to play coputer gaes too uch. If she _________ (do), her other will be ad at her.
25. I a ______________ (leave) for Washington next Sunday.
26. I a learning how_______(swi).
27. Don't forget _________ (take ) away what you bring there.
28. Could you help e o the school party this evening ?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/109581.html
