
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

一單選題 八下期末復習題一
( )1. The T-shirt is ____ bright ____ ost of the boys like it.
A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that D. very; that
( )2. Beijing Opera sounds ____. any old people like it.
A. beautifully B. beautiful C. well D. badly
( )3. —I can’t get a ticket to Titanic. —____
A. Good luck! B. Well done! C. Congratulations! D. What a shae!
( )4. —Does Ted tell you ____ he will coe next week?
—No, he doesn’t. But ____ he coes, I’ll give you a ring.
A. if; whether B. whether; whether C. if; if D. if; until
( )5. —How careful Ji is! —He writes ____ in our class.
A. ore careful B. ost carefully C. ost careful D. ore carefully
( )6. —Help ____ to soe soup, children. —Thank you.
A. yourself B. yself C. yourselves D. ourselves
( )7. Thank you for ____ us to your art festival.
A. inviting B. to invite C. invite D. invited
( )8. —By the way, Robert sends his best wishes to you.
—____ A. It’s nice of hi. B. All right. C. Thank you. D. It’s great.
( )9. How terrible! The truck hit the wall to avoid ____ the child.
A. hurt B. to hurt C. hurts D. hurting
( )10. Taiwan is a beautiful place. It is ____ the southeast of China.
A. in B. on C. to D. off
( )11. —Hello! I’d like to speak to Ji. —____
A. Here is Ji. B. That’s Ji. C. This is Ji speaking. D. He is Ji.
( )12. London will host the 2012 Olypics, then we’re looking forward to ____ it.
A. watches B. watching C. watch D. to watch
( )13. —It’s necessary ____ our environent. —I agree with you.
A. protect B. protecting C. to protect D. protects
( )14. There ____ a food festival next Wednesday.
  A. has B. have C. is going to have D. is going to be
( )15. Lily oved to the city 3 days ago. Now she still can’t get used to ____ there.
A. lives B. living C. to live D. live
( )16—ike felt sad because he failed his exa yesterday.
—I’ sorry to hear that. Let’s ____.
A. cheer hi onB. cheer on hiC. cheer hi upD. cheer up hi
( )17That’s _______.
A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well
( )18 Wine ______ wheat.
A. is ade of B. is ade froC. are ade of D. are ade fro
( )19 It’s ______ that everyone _____ the sae clothes.
A. true, likes  B. ipossible, like C. ipossible, likes D. right, like
(。玻 The weather in Beijing is different ______ in Shanghai.
A. fro B. fro itC. fro those D. fro that
(。21 The twins are going to ______ their parents ______ help.
A. turn, for B. turn to, for C. turn, of D. turn to, of
( )22. —ike felt sad because he failed his exa yesterday.
—I’ sorry to hear that. Let’s ____.
A. cheer hi onB. cheer on hiC. cheer hi upD. cheer up hi
( )23. Soe children were skating on the ice happily. Suddenly one of the ____ the water and the other children felt ____.
A. falls into; frightening       B. fell into; frightened 
C fell to.frighten D fell to. frightening
( )24. —To, Jane wanted you to call her.
—I’ll ____ in twenty inutes. Thank you.
A. call on herB. call her onC. ring up herD. ring her up
( )25. Ann will not be able ____ your birthday party because she has a teperature.
A. to coe to B. coe toC. coesD. to coe
( 26. Jack wanted to get a ticket to Titanic, but there was ____ left.
A. noB. notC. noneD. one
( )27. Kate’s grandother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____.
A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. alone; lonelyD. lonely; alone
( )28. He entered PeKing University____. The people in his village are ____ hi.
A. in the end; pride inB. at the end; pride of
C. in end; proud ofD. in the end; proud of
( )29. —What’s the atter with To? He sees ____ sad.
—His pet dog died.
A. feelB. feelsC. to feelD. feeling
( )30. —Shall we go hiking this weekend?
—Sounds ____.   A. good  B. wellC. good ideaD. bad
( ) 31She is happy _____her good result.  A why B because C because of
( ) 32 She was surprised______ e last night.    A to see B see C saw
( ) 33— Which book do you like best aong these books?
_ _____. I like watching TV.
A None B Both C Either D Neither
( ) 34 He didn’t pass the exa ____ playing coputer gaes.
A because B since C as D because of
( ) 35 There was a sile on her face,It seeed that his words ____her.
A please B pleased C pleasant D pleasure
( )36He is very sad, We ‘d better do soething to______
A cheer up the B cheer the up C cheer up Dcheerful
( )37 iss li often ends her class _____ a song.
A for Bwith Cof D in
( ) 38 We are going to____ this Saturday travling around Beijing.
A take B spend C pay D cost
( )39. —— How did Kate get so uch oney?
  —— She ___ it ___ her best friend.
A borrowed; fro B. borrows; for C. borrow; to
( )40. To asked ichael __the boy was. A. what B. which C. who

1 I asked, “What does Ji’s father wear at the office?” (合并成一句)
I asked _______________________________________________________
2 You’d better wear tight pants. (改為否定句) You’d better ____ ____ tight pants.
3. It is iportant that you study English well. (改為同義句)
It is iportant ____ ____ to study English well.
4. Ji seeed very happy.(改為同義句) It ________ that Ji ________ very happy
5The oon goes around the earth, ______ ______?(改為反意疑問句)
6 Ji works hard at school.(改為否定句) Ji ______ ______ hard at school.
7 I’d like to wear y own clothes.(改為一般疑問句)______ you like to wear ______ own clothes?
8 They are ade of cotton.(對劃線部分提問)
9Li Lei said, “I coe fro Shanghai.” (改為含有賓語從句的復合句)
Li Lei said that ________________ fro Shanghai.
10 Do you know? When does the train leave? (改為含有賓語從句的復合句)
Do you know________________?
11One of the two boys ust stay here. (改為同義句) ________ the boys ust stay here.
12. Both Lily and Lucy like dancing. (改為同義句)
________ Lily ________ Lucy ____ dancing.
13 English naes are not the sae as Chinese naes. (改為同義句)
English naes are ______________ Chinese naes.
三 根據(jù)所給但單詞適當形式
1. ary happened to eet one of her old friends and invited hi ____ (go) to her new house.
2. Although the eal was cold, it tasted _____(well).
3. You will feel happy when soeone____ (sile) at you in a strange place.
4 r. Sith _____(see) to be pleased with the new student called John.
5 I’ so _____(luck) that I have this chance to Beijing.
6 y other was very _______(surprise) when she heard the news.
7 I failed ______( pass) y exa.
8 Soe ____(foreign) even speak Chinese better than soe Chinese people.
9To felt_______(surprise) and happy when he knew he got a full score in the exa.
10 She is afraid of______(save) her pet cat.
11They didn’t allow hi __________(stay) there.
12 I don’t have anything suitable ________(wear) for the party.
13The trees can keep the wind fro _______________(blow)away the earth.
14 It’s iportant for us __________(take) care of the environent..
15 People should dress _____________(correct).
16 y teacher advise us ________(speak) English loudly.
17 Jane looks_______________(sli) than aira.
18We should know about the cost of clothes before _____________(buy) then.
19We should wear ________(suit) clothes on every occasion.
20 y watch doesn’t work. It requires__________________( repair)
21. I a sorry (hear) that.
221It’s not easy to learn the _________( art) of teaching well.
23Let e give you a piece of ___________(advise).
24I hope your business _____________( go) well.
25We all advise hi___________(not soke) any ore.
26To is a_______________(design), He ________________(design) any nice clothes.
27 His English is very poor, He can’t spell the word________________( correct).
28He is ______________(tie) the dog under the tree.
29 We don’t want to lose the because they are one of our biggest_____________(custo).
30 It ‘s ____________(polite) to wear jeans to go to the party in westen countries.
31 I _______(hide) the letter in the drawer so that nobody could find it.
32 He does her hoework________(careful) ,She is a good student.
33To’s left leg hurt badly, He has to walk_______(slow).
34 When you finish______(read) the book, please reeber ______(return) it to the library on tie.
35Can you sing Ten Little _______(India) Boys? No, I can sing _______(Russia) songs.
36There are a few_________(sandwich) on the plate. Do you want soe ore?
37 If a person likes (wear) black or blue clothes, he or she ay be a quiet person.
38 The earrings(耳環(huán)) (be) ade of gold.
39 Why not (go) shopping with e?
40 The twins look very (worry), don’t they?.
41 He dislikes ______________(swi) all the tie.
42They didn’t allow hi _________(stay) there.
43This progranne is not __________(suit) for children.
44 I don’t have anything suitable __________(wear) for the party.
45 The trees can keep the wind fro _________(blow) away the earth.
46 Please reeber ________(see) hi once.
47please reeber not _______( drink) too uch.
48 First,fry the eat _______(light),then add the rice ________(slow).
49 He is putting the pot on the cooker_______(care) 50It’s kind of you _______(say) so.
51 We had better drink_____(boil) water when we are thirsty(渴的),we should eat _____( cook) eat.
52 Would you ind________(give) e a glass of water?
53 You did it quite _____(good). I think you did ______(good) than e.. She did ______(good) of all.
54 There is no need for____( shout) to e.
55In Japan, it’s polite_______(eat) soup ________(noisy),but it’s _____( polite) in Cuba.
56 We should know about _______(west) table anners. It’s not polite to speak _______(loud).
57 This orning, I woke up ______(early) than usual
58li Hua studies _______(careful) in our class. I a not as ______(careful) as her.
59 I cook the food very______(success),To cooks ___________(success) than e,
Jane cooks _______________(success) of all the three.
60 When Ji saw the watch on the ground, he stopped________( pick) up it.
61 If you finish ______(clean) the floor, you can go hoe.
62Who cut the pork____________(finely),Jane or aria,Jane,?
but Peter did _________________aong the five cooks.(finely)
63 I leave very_______(late), kangkang leaves _______than e(late).Jane leaves _______(late) of all.
64 He turned off the coputer after he finished __________(write) the e-ail.
65 Kangkang thinks Chinese_____(fry) rice is easy to cook..

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/110597.html
