
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

姓名             班級            總得分          
一、單項填空(本大題有20小題, 每小題1分, 共20分)
1. I want to ask a ______: Can you deal with the math ______?
A .question; question      B .problem; problem
C .question; problem       D .problem; question
2. I'm going to ______ my room ______ tomorrow morning.
A .tidy; on    B .tidy; /    C .clean; on    D .clean; at
3. Now students, ______ your plans for the coming year.        
A .writing down       B .write down
C .to write down       D .wrote down
4. I didn't go to school yesterday. So I ______ to do with that.
A .had       B .had nothing
C .had something       D .had anything 
5. ______ of the year, we often make a promise.
A .At the beginning       B .At the begining
C .From the beginning       D .From the beginning
6. I hope we'll study ________ home ________ computers in the future.
A .in; with       B .at; on
C .at; with       D .in; on
7. Lana's father will go to Paris ________ seven o'clock.
A .on       B .after       C .in       D .during
8. We should play a part in ________ the party.
A .organize       B .organizing
C .organization        D .organized 
9. Please give me two ________.
A .pieces of paper       B .pieces of papers
C .pieces paper       D .piece papers
10. There ________ a splendid football event (足球賽事) in Brazil in 2018年.
A .will have   B .will be
C .will hold      D .are having
11. Sauce(醬油), sugar and ________ are all very important for cooking.
A .drink    B .vegetables     C .salt     D .fruits
12. I need three ________ honey.
A .spoon of    B .spoons of
C .spoon for    D .spoons for
13. Please fill my cup __________ water. Thank you.
A .of   B .in    C .to    D .with 
14. I like lettuce ________ hamburgers.
A .on    B .in    C .fo r     D .at 
15. First, put the pizza in the oven(烤箱). ________, turn on the oven.
A .Next     B .Finally
C .Last     D .Third
16. I don't like this pen. Please show me ________ one.
A .other         B .the other
C .another       D .the another
17. I'm not happy because he refused ________ for the meeting.
A .prepare          B .prepared
C .to prepare        D .preparing
18. I'm going to ________ out with my friends this afternoon.
A .hang          B .hung
C hanged        D .hanging
19. I'm too tired, so I ________ sit down and rest every five minutes.
A .mus t         B .had to
C .have          D .have to 
20. — Can you come to my birthday party?
— ________.
A .Yes, I can't        B .Sorry, I can't
C .No, I can          D .Sorry, I can
二、完形填空(本大題有10小題, 每小題1分, 共10分)
BEIJING-The sky is grey and the air smells strange.  It's another day of smog. On Saturday,heavy haze(霾)still covered north and east China.  Highways were closed and  21   couldn't take off on time. The smoggy weather affected the country' s land from north tosouth   22   Beijing,Hebei,Shandong,and 6 other provinces.  People could only see clearly  2 3    than 50 meters in some areas. Cities   24   Shanghai and Nanjing have been covered by the grey sky for the past several days. Many walkers in the street had to wear   25   .  In the airport in Nanjing,more than 60 flights were canceled(取消)on Saturday   26   the haze,  which also made schools stop   27   on Thursday and Friday in Nanjing. The office worker of Environmental Protection said earlier this week that there were several main reasons behind the widespread haze: unpleasant weather conditions making  28   difficult for smog to disappear, motor vehicle exhaust(尾氣),and coal use for winter heating.To fight pollution,the Chinese government now plans to clean up the air by cutting coal use,  29   some factories,and removing 6 million old cars from the roads. “We must face up to the facts,” said Yan Naiqiang,  a professor of environmental science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.  “The treatment of smog will be a long fight.  From now on,if we use buses or cars less and do   30   riding,we believe a clear sky is not a faraway dream.”
21. A.coaches   B.trains   C.flights   D.double-deckers
22.A.include   B.including  C.includes   D.included
23.A.less     B.better    C.farther   D.nearer
24.A.in     B.like     C.around   D.outside
25.A.hats   B.gloves     C.sunglasses  D.masks
26.A.besides  B.except     C.because of  D.for
27.A.  classes   B.rest   C.work    D.shopping
28.A.that    B.this   C.one     D.it
29.A.close       B.closing    C.open    D.opening
30.A.much      B.more      C.many   D.most
三.閱讀理解(本大題有15小題, 每小題2分, 共30分)  
Ⅰ、閱讀A、B兩篇短文, 從每小題所給的四個選項中, 選出能回答所提問題或完成所給句 子的最佳答案
Mr and Mrs Smith have two children, David and Liz. The family are all busy, so they often leave notes(便條)for each other. Read these four notes for today.
2:30 p.m.
To David,
Mr Black phones. No football practice
today. I’m going to Donna’s house to
play and be back at 5:00 p.m.
Liz  4:00 p.m.
To Liz,
It’s your turn(輪次)to walk the dog. I have to do my homework after school. Remember to play with Teddy when you get home.                                       
6:45 p.m.
Did anyone see my sports shoes? I looked for it everywhere. I’m in my bedroom doing my homework.
David  9:00 p.m.
To David,
I saw your shoes in the living room this morning. They smelled bad, so I put them outside the back door. Good night,dear!
31.Who will walk the dog today?
A .David.          B . Mrs Smith.      
C . Liz             D . Mr Smith.
32.avid is           at 6:50 p.m.
A .playing football    B .playing with Donna 
C .looking for his shoes    D .doing his homework
33.Where can David find his sports shoes?
A .In his bedroom.   B .Outside the back door. 
C .In the living room.  D .At Donna’s house.
34 According to(根據(jù))the notes, Teddy is              .
A .David’s friend   B . the dog in the family 
C .Liz’s classmate  D . Mr Black’s student
35.ich of the following is TRUE?
A.Mrs Black phones David today .      
B. David is going to Donna’s house
C. It’s Liz’s turn to walk the dog today.   
D. Mrs Smith put the shoes outside the back door.
A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can't catch any fish. One day, he goes to the river as usual(像往常).Suddenly(突然) a fish comes out. He catches(捉到) the fish. He is very happy. He forgets to put the fish in the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, "I have a fish! I have a fish!" All his friends come to see him." Where is your fish? Let us have a look at it." his friends say." It’s there, near the bank(河岸附近)." the cat answers. But he can't find the fish. When he sings and dances, the fish jumps back into the river. All his friends laugh at(嘲笑) him because they don’t see any fish there.
36.What does the cat do every day? He_______.
A. fishes              B. dances        
C. sings               D. laugh
37.Where does he put the fish when he catches it one day?  _________.
A. Near the bank      B. In the basket  
 C. In the river            D. at his home
38.Which one is NOT right(不正確)?    _________.
A. The cat feels happy when he catches a fish 
B. The cat’s friends want to see the fish
C. The fish is in the river at last    
D. The cat sings and dances with his friends
39.How does he feel at last(最終)?    He feels ______.
A. happy.                B. sad.            
C. excited(感到激動的)  D. afraid(害怕的)
40.What does the word forget mean in the passage(單詞forget在文中是什么意思)?
It means_______.
A. 記得               B. 知道           
B. 忘記              D. 放棄
A. And you need to exercise more.
B. What about junk food.
C. I think you should change your eating habits.
D. Try to keep healthy.
E. Can I eat them?
F. You should eat more fruit and vegetables.
G. They are delicious, but they are not healthy.

A: Hello, long time no see. You look a little fat.   41   .
B: What food should I eat?
A: I think you shouldn’t eat junk food.   42   .
B: Are hamburgers junk food? I like them very much.  43   .
A: No, you can’t.   44 
B: OK. I will try to eat more healthy food.
A:    45  It can help you keep healthy, too.
B: Thank you very much. 
A: Not at all.
四、、短文填空(本大題有10小題, 每小題1.5分, 共15分)  請用適當?shù)脑~完成下面的短文, 并把所缺單詞填寫在答題卡指定的位置上。每個空只能填寫一個形式正確、意義相符的單詞。
In the past(過去) there lived a man in a small town called Zheng. One day he wanted to buy himself a new pair of 46________ . He measured (測量) his feet with a ruler first and 47________ down his size on a piece of paper. Then he went shoe shopping.
When he arrived at the shoe shop, he put his hand into his pocket(口袋), but he found 48________ paper was not here. So he said to the salesman, “I left the measurement at home and don’t know the size. I’ll will go 49_______home to take it. With these words, he ran out 50_______ of the shop.
He ran back home, found the paper and then ran to the shop again. 51 ______ it took him a few hours and the shop was closed. He 52_______ the afternoon on the way and did not buy his shoes at last.
Someone asked 53________ , “Did you want to buy the shoes for yourself ?”
“Of course,” he answered.
“Then why don’t you 54 _________ the shoes on by yourself ?”
“ I trust(相信) the ruler more 55 ________ my feet,” he said.
五、讀寫綜合(本大題分為A、B兩部分, 共20分)
A.信息歸納(共5小題, 每小題1分, 共5分)
New Energy in the Twenty-first Century
Energy from the wind
Wind is a kind of clean energy, and there is lots of it, But, if there's no wind, there is no wind energy.
Energy from the water
When water moves from a high place to a lower place, it can make electricity(電)without pollution(污染). However, people have to build dams(水壩) to use this energy, and building dams is very expensive.
Energy from the earth
There is heat in the rocks under the earth. Scientists use the heat to make geothermal(地熱的)energy. This kind of energy is cheap, but it is only possible in a few places in the world.
Energy from the sun
Solar panels (太陽電池板) on the roofs of houses can turn energy from the sun into electricity. Solar power is clean and plentiful(豐富的), but when the weather is bad, It doesn't work.
New Energy in Twenty-first Century
 Advantages(優(yōu)點) Disadvantages(缺點)
Wind Energy It’s   56  . There is a lot. It needs 57  .
Water Energy No   58  . It is expensive.
Geothermal Energy   59  . Only possible in a few places
Solar Energy Clean and plentiful. It depends (依靠) too much on
  60   weather.

61.運動可以強身健體,請以“My Favourite Sport”為題寫一篇短文,描述一下你最喜歡的運動。
favourite,be good for,health(健康),like,happy


21---30  C B A B D       C A D B B
31----45  A C A D C       A A D B C         C F E G A
46.shoes 47.wrote  48.the  49.back 50.of
51.But 52.spent 53.him  54.try  55.than
56.clean   57. wind    58. pollution   59. Cheap   60. sunny 

61.I am a boy.I am twelve years old.My favourite sport is swimming.I like swimming with my father in summer.He teaches me how to swim well.I hope I can swim as well as him.I think swimming is good for our health.Swimming makes us happy.I like it.Do you like swimming? 

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/1109291.html
