
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

(時(shí)間:100分鐘   滿分:100分  內(nèi)容:Book 8A  Unit1-Unit10)
1.What sport does Paul like best?
2.What does Simon want to be in the future?
3.Where is Sally now?
4.What does the girl want to have as a birthday gift?
  A.A birthday cake            B.Some flowers                  C.A pet dog
5.Where did Jim go on vacation last week?
  A.To the mountains           B.To the beach                  C.To the farm
6.What does the woman think of the coat?
  A.Too big                    B.Just so-so                    C.Pretty nice
7.When did the meeting begin?
  A.10 o´clock                 B.10:10                         C.Half past ten
8.Who will go to the concert?
  A.Mike and Molly             B.Mary and Molly                 C.Mary and Mike
9.How many Chinese words did Tina know before she came to Beijing:
   A.None                      B.Some words                       C.Many
10.What did Tina like doing best in her school?
   A.Writing exercise          B.Playing games                    C.Watching TV.
11.What did Tina think of her English teacher´s class?
   A.Friendly                  B.Interesting                      C.Great.
12.Who went to the sports center with Bob?
   A.His father                 B.His mother                      C.His brother.
13.What sport can´t people do at the sports center mow?
     A.Table tennis                   B.Volleyball                 C.Swimming.
14.How much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 16?
A.$40                            B.$50                        C.$60.
15.Why will they go to the sports center next Friday?
  A.They won´t have any classes.
  B.They can stay there longer.
  C.The tickets will be cheaper.
Holiday Resolutions
 First day Second day Third day
Peter To visit his 16____in the countryside To have a 17____with friends To study for a 18_____test
Gina To play 19____with her cousin To Peter´s home with her cousin To go 20____with her parents
1.Get up early,go out for some f_____air and enjoy a healthy life.
2.He got the first place and was the w____of the match.
3.When a_____comes,leaves begin to fall off the tree.
4.Look!There are h_____of cars parking around the school,It´s very crowded.
5.I´m sorry I can´t_______(接受)your gift.
6.The old man felt even______(更差)than yesterday.
7.Think twice and you will have a good idea to ______(解決)the problem.
8.Suzhou is a beautiful city with a long a history and colorful_____(文化)。
Mrs.Brown is going to give her daughter,Ann,a birthday party,Ann will be ten years old.A lot of her_1_(friend)will come to the party.Mrs.Brown_2_(prepare)for the party.Mrs.White is helping her.
“That´s_3_nice cake,”says Mrs.White.
“Yes,”says Mrs.Brown,“And I bought some pears,apples,oranges_4_bananas yesterday.The_5_(child)like fruit.”They put the fruit on the table.
It´s five o´clock in the afternoon.Everything is ready.Now the first girl is arriving.
 The party will begin in half an hour.
 I don´t really care if my friends are the same_6_me or different.My favorite saying is,“A true friend reaches for your hand and__7_(touch)your heart.”My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny.In fact,she is_8_(funny)than anyone I know.I_9_(break)my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better,We can talk about and share everything.I know she about_10_(I)because she´s always there to listen.

5-year-old Josiah and his mom were eating at a restaurant. There Josiah saw a homeless (無家可歸的)man sitting_1_the restaurant.
He _2_ why the man looked so  so dirty and poor . He started his mom questions like, “Where is his_3_?Where is his family?” Mom told him that the man didn´t have a home to go and didn´t have any food. Josiah was  very upset when he heard that. So he asked his mom,“Can we_4_ him to come in and have some food? We_5_ we do so, I think he will be very hungry.”Mom agreed.
The man came in and sat down.He asked for a hamburger_6_it was one of the cheapest things on the menu.But Josiah told him that he could order_7_he wanted.What Josiah did touched his mother and other people.
You never know who the angel(天使)on Earth is .And when the opportunity(機(jī)會(huì))comes,you should never walk away from it.
Here's a shopping receipt (收據(jù)) of Linda.



1. When did Linda go shopping?
A.In the afternoon.B.In the evening.C.In the morning.D.I don't know.
2. How many kinds of things did Linda buy?
 A. Three           B. Four.          C. Five           D.Six
3. Where did Linda go shopping?
 A. Times Supermarket                        B. Jiulong Great World
 C. the Department Store                     D. Star Shopping Mall
4. How much money did Linda spend on them?
A. ¥30             B.¥150           C. ¥375            D.¥555
Li Ming is a 17-year-old boy in China.He studies in a high school in Hainan.There are 40boy studies and 20 girl student in his class.Yesterday he did a survey about what the students in his class want to be when they grow up.Here is the result.
What the boys like doing most is to become engineers and the second largest group like being doctors,that is,30percent of the boys want to be engineers and 25percent want to be doctors.20percent of the boys want to be computer programmers and another 20 percent want to be actors.Only 5 percent of the boys want to be teachers.
What he girl like doing most is to become teachers and the second largest group like being engineers.that is,40 percent of the girl want to be teachers and 25 percent want to be engineers.15percent of the girl want to be doctors and another 15 percent want to be pilots.Only 5 percent of the boys want to be basketball players.
5.Li Ming is a Chinese_____.
A.teacher            B.student         C.pianist    D.scientist
6.How many boys in Li Ming´s class want to be engineers?
 A.Four              B.Nine            C.Twelve      D.Eighteen
7.Eight boys in Li Ming´s class want to be____when they grow up.
 A.actors            B.doctors         C.pilots      D.bus driver
8.How many students in Li Ming´s class want to be teachers?
 A.Two               B.Six             C.Eight       D.Ten
If you are like me and you love drawing a lot, then I’m sure you’ll love “Drawing With Mark”. “Drawing With Mark” is a great show and Mark is really helpful. He gives kids some tips (竅門) on how to draw and often teaches kids some history about the things they draw. Kids can also learn three or four fun facts about what they are drawing.
“Happy Tails” is about cats and dogs. Mark shows how to draw them and talks about how to look after them, too.
 In “A Day With The Dinosaurs(恐龍)”, Mark visits the Museum of Boston and speaks to an expert (專家) to learn how the dinosaurs lived, what they ate and how long they lived.
In “Reach For The Stars”, Mark is also at the Museum of Boston. Hespeaks to another expert about the stars. I learned how far we are from the stars. I thought that the stars were just about 100 miles from us , but they are millions of (數(shù)百萬的) miles form us. That∩s really far!
  If you love drawing ,You can  have fun with the tips Mark gives you . The tips will help you to become an artist.
9. What’s “Drawing With Mark”?
A. A movie.        B. A show.           C. A book.        D. A magazine.
10. How does Mark learn how long the dinosaurs lived?
A. By reading a book.                 B. By talking with an expert.
C. By surfing the Internet.           D. By watching TV.
11. Where does Mark go to learn about the stars?
A. To a zoo.     B. To a gym.     C. To a library.   D. To a museum.
12.. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Kids can’t learn any history about the things they draw.
B. Mark thought the stars were very far from us.
C. The writer likes “Drawing With Mark” a lot.
D. Mark can’t draw any kinds of animals.
What will our homes be like in the future? Here are some predictions:
  ◆Want to take a shower when you get home? You’ll be able to let your smart water  heater(熱水器)to start heating up when you’re on your way home.
◆Did I turn off the oven ? Did I close the window? Everyone may have a moment like that. But in the future, your home will check these for you.
◆In your home of the future, all of your devices(設(shè)備)can work together to make your life more comfortable. When you turn on the lights in the morning, your windows will open at the same time. The lights will slowly turn off by themselves after the sun appears.
◆Your home may have dangers. The hackers (黑客)could open your door and cause a mess at your home through your phone or other devices. Your home will tell you about it but you can’t arrive in time. So people will have to be careful of their  personal information.
13. In the future, what can we do on our way home?
A. Take a shower.     B. Let the water heater work.
C. Keep working.      D. Have a look at our smart home devices.
14.. What will our life be like in the future in smart homes?
A. More comfortable.   B. Very busy.      
C. Very safe.          D. More boring.
15. Who will let you know if someone breaks into your home in the future?
A. Your friend.    B. Your home.
C.The police       D.Your neighbor
16. What’s the best title of the passage?
A .Some Beautiful Houses           B . Some Famous Predictions
C .A Better World                  D .Homes of the  Future
Mark Twain, an American writer, was born in 1835 in a poor village. He was the sixth child in his family. When he was 11 years old, his father died. In the next year, he left school and began to make a living by himself(自己謀生). He had many jobs and he also wrote something.
He wrote many novels(小說)all his life , but The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was the most famous. This novel is mainly about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River . At first , this novel wasn´t successful . But after he died, it began to become popular. Until now, this novel is still one of the most popular books . 
Mark Twain become famous because of his wonderful books in his life.He  died in 1910.But his novels will always stay with us and make us happy.
17.When was Mark Twain born?(不超過5個(gè)單詞)
18.How old was Mark Twain when he left school?(不超過5個(gè)單詞)

19.What is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer about?(不超過15個(gè)單詞)
 假如你是No.1 Middle School的學(xué)生李華,下周有一批英國中學(xué)生將來你校進(jìn)行為期兩周的學(xué)習(xí)和交流。請根據(jù)下表中的要點(diǎn)寫一封自薦信,邀請其中一名學(xué)生來你家居住。
Key points(要點(diǎn)) Words and expressions for reference(參考詞匯)
Like to do Make friends
Able to do Good at ....know English culture...
Family Friendly,helpful,able to speak English


1~8 CABC ACBA 9~11 ACB 12~15 ACAB
16. grandparents 17. p arty 18. math 19. tennis 20.shopping
1. fresh 2. winner  3. autumn 4. hundreds 5. accept 6. worse 7. solve 8. culture
1. friends  2. is preparing 3. a 4. and 5. children
6. as 7. touches 8. funnier 9. broke 10. me
1. outside 2. wondered 3. home 4. invite 5. Unless 6. because 7.anything五、閱讀理解(本題共40分, 每小題2分)
1~4 BACD 5~8 BCAD 9~12 BBDC 13~16 BABD
17. In 1835.
18. He was 12 years old.
1 9. It’s about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River.
20. 直到現(xiàn)在,這部小說仍然是最受歡迎的書之一。
One possible version:
Dear friend,
I am Li Hua, a student from No. 1 Middle School. I’m writing to invite you to come and stay in my home during the next  two weeks.
I like to make friends. This is the main reason I write this letter. I’m also good at sports and know something about English culture. Do you think we have a lot to talk about?
As for my family, you will like it the moment you come. My parents are not only kind and friendly, but also helpful. Believe it or not, they also can speak English.
Do you think I am your first choice now? Looking forward to meeting your.
Li Hua

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/1110537.html
