2013年八上英語(yǔ)odule1 Period 1課時(shí)作業(yè)(新教材外研版)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

odule 1 How to learn English
Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as uch as possible Period 1
請(qǐng)完成課本P3 Activity 3 Write notes about learning English
Activity 4 Underline the correct words and expressions

1. 將A和B配對(duì) ______________
2. 同意某人(的說(shuō)法) ______________
3. 練習(xí)做某事 ______________
4. 修改拼寫 ______________
5. 我們應(yīng)該做… ______________
6.讓我們做… ______________
7.為什么不…呢? ______________
8.做…怎么樣? ______________
10.我們?yōu)槭裁床弧? ______________
11. 查閱______________
12. 談?wù)揰_____________
13. 寫下,記下______________
14. 努力做某事______________

II. 請(qǐng)寫出下列英語(yǔ)的漢語(yǔ)意思或拼寫

1. graar n.______________
2. key word______________
3. ain idea______________
4. in pairs______________
5. 發(fā)音 v.______________
6.6. 發(fā)音 n. _________________________
7. 7. 優(yōu)秀的,極好的 adj. ______________
8. 8. 建議 v. ______________
9. 9. 完成 v. ______________

Ⅰ.詞匯 ?
1.How about l   to the radio??
2.Now,let e show you how to c   the graar istake.?
3.Why don’t you write d   your istakes in your n    ??
4.I don’t know how to p________ this word. Can you tell e its phonetic syllable(音標(biāo))?
5.Can you give e soe a   ?y English is so poor.?
6.I enjoy w    English fils and l   ? to real English songs.?
7. —Let’s have a rest.?—That’s e   .I’ tired.
8.any students ask for advice about i    their English.?
9.Did you enjoy y    at the party??
10.Write the words on p    of paper and put the in your bedroo.
11. Can you tell e how I can practise (speak) English?
12.How about (listen) to the radio in English?
13.There are any (different) between the two factories.
14.Why did you want (invite) your friend to your club?

Ⅱ.根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)提示完成句子(每空一詞) ?
1.—Let’s go out for a walk no?
— (好主意).?
2.You should always (在課堂上說(shuō)英語(yǔ)).?
3.Why don’t you (把它寫下來(lái))??
4.It’s a good idea to speak English (盡可能多地說(shuō)英語(yǔ)).?
5. Why you the words?(你為什么不寫下這些正確的單詞呢?)
6. Try the questions their answers.?(努力把問(wèn)題和答案連線匹配。)
7.對(duì)不起,我把作業(yè)忘在家里了。I’ sorry. I y hoework . ?
This is the our English . ?
Everyone should English every day.?
I you to eight or ten words .
11. s Gao asked us to listen for the ain idea and key words. I her. (我同意她的觀點(diǎn))
12. 如果你遇到了一個(gè)新詞,在字典里查一下。
If you eet a new word, ________ ________ the word in the dictionary.
1.What do you think is the best way learn English??
2. Don’t forget the windows when you leave the roo.?
A.to closeB.closingC.closeD.closed?
3. How about to that song now??
A.listenB.listenningC.listeningD.to listen
4. Our new teacher is going to give us soe _______ this ter.
A.advices B.an advice C.advice D.a advice
5. This is a new word. Please .
A.write down it B.write it down C.write down the D.write the down
6.-What should we do to learn English well ?
-We should English loudly in the orning?
A.read B.to read C.reading D.reads
7.-What can I do this weekend?
-Why don’t you at hoe.
A. having a good rest B. to have a good restC. has a good rest D. have a good rest
8. Boys and girls ,try not in class.
A. sleep B to sleep C. sleeping D. sleepping
9. Why does ary want other students??
A. to inviteB. invitingC. inviteD. invited?
10. —What’s wrong??
—I a big istake in y hoework.?
A. adeB. tookC. didD. gave

V.補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(每空一詞) ?

Hi Rose,?
I like English very uch, but y grades are not very good. What should I do to iprove y English??
Fro Liu Chang?
Hello Liu,?
I’d like to hear that you like English very uch. You want to iprove your English. Then you1  always practice your listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2  listen for the iportant words, not every word. Reading English stories is also good for you.If you are not ?interested in it, 3  watching English language ovies? 4  to take graar notes in class. Then try to use the graar to write your own sentences. Finally, I know we have “English Corner” in our school, so  5  you join it to practice speaking? What’s ore, 6  keep a diary in English every day because it’s a good way to iprove your writing.?
Best wishes.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/112333.html
