
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

一、 聽力(25分)
第一節(jié):聽小對話,回答問題。(共5小題, 每小題1分, 滿分5分)
(    ) 1. What does Henry want to be when he grows up?
A. A doctor             B. An artist            C. An astronaut
(    ) 2. What kind of person is Jim’s head teacher ?
A. humorous             B. kind                  C. careful              
(    ) 3. When will Sam leave for Sydney?
 A. Next Wednesday.      B. Next Thursday.         C. Next Saturday.
(    ) 4. .What's wrong with Peter?
A. He caught a cold.   B. He got a high fever.   C. He had a cough
(    ) 5. Where does the conversation probably take place?
        A. In a zoo             B. On a street             C. At a restaurant
(   ) 6. What’s the weather like tonight?
 A. Fine. B. Snowy. C. Rainy.
(   ) 7. What are the speakers talking about?
 A. The weather. B. The moon. C. The animals
(   ) 8.Why did Tony go to Sydney?
A.To have a trip.     B.To visit his friends.    C.To study English.
(   ) 9.How long did Tony stay there?
A.About half a year.   B.About one year.      C.About two years.
(   ) 10.Where did Tony stay?
A.In a school.    B.With a family.    C.At a hotel.
(   ) 11.When should the students arrive at school?
A. Before 6:30        B. Before 7:20         C. Before 7:50
(   ) 12. What colour are the school uniforms?
A. Blue              B. White              C. Black
(   ) 13. How often must the students clean the classroom every day?
A. Once             B. Twice              C. Three times
(   ) 14. What can’t the students do in the hall way?
A. Walk             B. Eat                C. Run
(   ) 15. What does John think of his school rules?
        A. Much too strict     B. Much too relaxing     C. Much too busy
第二部分 筆試部分(95分)
One’s education starts from his or her family, especially the mother. Here is a story that happened in my childhood.
   One Saturday morning, I __16__TV in the living room with two brothers. My mum   17   several apples of different colors and sizes. She put all the apples on the table, then   18    me and my younger brothers, “Which do you like?”   19    my younger brothers and I wanted the biggest one.   20    I could say “The biggest one”, one of my brothers stood up and said what I wanted to say.
   My mum   21    the biggest apple and said to us, “It is   22    to get the biggest apple. Many people want the best thing, but few really get it. Now let’s start a   23   . Look at the lawn(草坪) in front of our   24  . I’ll divide(劃分) it into three parts. Each of you must finish pruning(修剪)   25    own share(一份). The best and quickest one will  26   the biggest apple.” I won the apple finally.
   Since then, I have learned to try my best to succeed whenever I get a chance. I work __27   to get what I want. That was what my mother advised me to do. I feel very thankful to my mum because she taught me a very basic but the most   28    lesson. It is quite fair that we can get what we want   29__    competing. My mother kept teaching us in this way and we followed her   30   all the time.
    I do believe that mother is the first teacher of children, who can teach them to be a No. 1 pursing(有追求的) person.  
(       )16. A. watch   B. watched C. was watching D. have watched
(       )17. A. gave   B. drew C. hid D. brought
(       )18. A. told   B. answered C. took D. asked
(       )19. A. All   B. Both C. None D. Each
(       )20. A. Before   B. When   C. Until D. After
(       )21. A. ate up   B. looked up C. picked up D. gave up
(       )22. A. good   B. strange C. bad D. polite
(       )23. A. lesson   B. party C. conversation D. competition
(       )24. A. school   B. church C. house D. library
(       )25. A. my   B. our C. your D. their
(       )26. A. get   B. send C. offer D. fight
(       )27. A. carelessly  B. hard C. easily D. comfortably
(       )28. A. expensive  B. important C. difficult D. traditional
(       )29. A. on   B. without C. about D. by
(       )30. A. advice   B. example C. decision D. plan
   Saturday,March 18th
We have arrived in the hot,wet city of Bangkok. This is our first trip to Thailand(泰國). All the different smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is cheap,and very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days , visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai in the north.
Tuesday,March 21st
Bangkok is wonderful and surprising! The places are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruit and vegetables. Everything is so colourful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai.
Friday,March 24th
Our trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The village people here love the quiet life—no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met.They always smile and say “hello”.Kathy and I can only speak a few words of Thai, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness.I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year.  
(  )31.The diaries(日記) above show the writer’s      days in Thailand.
A. 6         B. 7         C. 15        D. 30
(  )32.It seems that visitors      in Bangkok.
A. often feel hungry          B. can always find cheap things
C. can’t take any photos       D. can enjoy themselves
(  )33. The writer thinks people in Chiang Rai are very _________.
A. strange    B. friendly    C. active      D. smart
Once upon a time, there was a spider(蜘蛛) with the name Anansi. He knew that he was very clever but he also knew he wasn't wise(英明的). He didn't like this, but he did not know what to do.
One day he had an idea. He went around the village with a basket and asked each person to give him some of their wisdom(智慧). The people laughed at Anansi because they knew that he needed wisdom the most. So each person put a bit in his basket and wished him good luck.
Soon his basket was full, but Anansi was worried that his neighbors might be jealous(嫉妒 ) of his wisdom and take it from him. He decided to hide it at the top of a tall tree. When he tied the basket to the front part of his body, he tried to climb the tree, but it was too difficult. He tried again and again without____▲___.
Then his youngest son walked by. "What are you doing, father?" he asked and Anansi told him." Why don't you carry the basket on your back instead?" his son said.
Anansi put the basket on his back and climbed the tree easily, but he wasn't happy. "I walked all over the village and collected so much wisdom that I am the wisest person by now, but my baby son is still wiser than me. Take back your wisdom!" he said.
So he threw the basket of wisdom into the air and went home. And that's how wisdom went all over the world.                                     
(   ) 34. Anansi went around the village because_______.
     A. he knew he was very clever             B. he wanted to show his good luck
     C. he hoped to meet his son               D. he thought he wasn't wise enough
(   ) 35. In the cartoon story, Anansi wanted to get his wisdom from_______.      
     A. his son          B. his father          C. the villagers        D. the neighbors
(   )36. The best word to be put in the blank __▲__ in Paragraph 3 may probably be ______.
A. dreams          B. success            C. pleasure            D. feelings
(   )37. The story mainly tells us _______.
     A. what wisdom really is                   B. why wisdom is important         
C. how wisdom goes all over                D. when wisdom comes from
Do you know how important it is to have breakfast? A study of 2,000 teenagers in the US showed that eating breakfast daily is helpful to young people.
    According to the study, teenagers who eat breakfast weigh around 5 pounds less than teenagers who do not. Although they take in more calories (卡路里) in the morning, they are more active during the day because they have more energy. This means they burn(燃燒) more calories than non-breakfast eaters. The breakfast does not even have to be very healthy, as eating anything is better than nothing.
    The study also showed that eating breakfast keeps teenagers feeling full for longer, so they will not eat too many snacks (零食) later in the day. This is goo d news as most popular snacks, like sweets and potato chip s, are usually unhealthy and full of calories.
    Another big advantage of eating breakfast is that it helps teenagers do better at school. This is because it gives them more energy to keep their attention in class.
    What's more, a study in the UK showed that adults (成年人) who eat breakfast daily put on less weight and also perform better at work.
Whatever your age is, take time to have breakfast every day.     
(   ) 38. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means that _________.
       A. teenagers should eat something for breakfast
       B. breakfast helps teenagers do better at school
       C. breakfast must be healthy with lots of calories
       D. the energy makes teenagers active the whole day
(   ) 39. Having breakfast daily makes the teenagers _________.
      A. burn less calories      B. put on more weight   C. relax themselves  D. eat fewer snacks
(   ) 40. The passage is mainly about _________.
      A. the importance of snacks             B. how the adults perform at work
      C. the advantages of having breakfast     D. losing weight without breakfast
(   ) 41. We can probably read this passage in a (an) _________.
      A. story book  B. health magazine   C. movie poster  D. instruction book
The universe is a big place. It is hard to believe that humans would be the only intelligent life. So scientists have been searching outer space for years, hoping to find signs of alien(外星人) life.
They use radio telescopes to search the sky for signals (信號) from other civilizations (文明). It is called SETI. SETI has been working for over half a century, but so far they haven’t heard any alien messages.
Scientists suggested aliens might not want to contact(聯(lián)系) us but could reply(回復) to a message we send. So scientists sent radio signals into the universe, hoping one day they would be picked up by alien technology. These scientists call themselves METI.
Both METI and SETI want to prove that we are not alone in the universe. But what if the “alien phone” rings one day? Should we reply to it?
British scientist Stephen Hawking thinks we should not answer because aliens could be dangerous. Hawking said that aliens could visit our solar system in search of resources (資源). “If aliens ever visit us, I think the result would be much like when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the American Indians”.
But other scientists think we have no need to worry. David Morrison, a NASA scientist, said that if an alien radio signal reaches us from a distant planet hundreds or thousands of light-years away, then that civilization would have to be more advanced than ours. 
(   ) 42. What does “they” refer(指) to in the third paragraph?
A. Scientists.       B. Aliens.        C. Radio signals.      D. Americans.
(   ) 43. Why did Stephen Hawking think that aliens would be dangerous?
A. Because he thought aliens would rule the solar system.
B. Because he thought aliens would come to search for resources.
C. Because he thought humans would kill all the aliens on the earth.
D. Because he thought aliens would harm American Indians.
(   ) 44. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Scientists haven’t received any alien messages so far.
B. Aliens have replied to the message from the earth.
C. All the scientists think that we should not send signals into the universe.
D. Scientists are sure that humans are not alone in the universe.
(   ) 45. Which can be the best title of the passage?
A. Humans and Aliens               B. What are SETI and METI?
C. Looking for Life in Space          D. The Only Life in the Universe

46. ?Where’s Miss King?
   --Oh, she _______ to the library. You may find her there.
47.The pizza _______ nice, but it doesn’t taste good.
48. To most kids, Monkey King is one of their favourite _______.
49. Sports ______ healthy food really do good to our bodies.
50. David Smith has been a ______ writer since his book came out.
Hobbies are different from person to person!. Most People often enjoy 51.________ (收藏) things. But the strangest collection I have 52._______(曾經(jīng)) known is a collection of clocks. It belongs to my friend Mr Clock, a short, old man. He owns as 53. _______(許多) as one thousand and five hundred clocks! Some of them are very 54. _______ (有價值的).
There are clocks 55. _______ (到處) in his house. You can see 56. ______ (架子) standing in every room. All of them are full of clocks. As there is not enough room for these clocks, the man has to fill several trunks with clocks and store these trunks in his garage(車庫).
Though Mr Clock is 57. _______ (感到自豪的) of his large collection of clocks, his wife does not enjoy it at all. The clocks take up too much 58. ______(空間). What’s more, each clock keeps its 59. ______(自己的) time, so chimes (鐘聲) can be heard almost any time during day and night. In her opinion, the 60. ______ (最糟糕的) thing is that with so many clocks around, she is never able to know what time it really is!
Everyone gets headaches sometimes. But how much do you know about headaches? What may cause 61_______(they)? And 62._______ should we do when we have a headache? When should we go to see a doctor?
A headache is not an 63.______(ill), but it may show that something in our body is wrong. We may 64_____(have)over one headache each month.
Usually a fever or some other trouble may cause headaches. 65._____ is quite possible to get a headache when we work too hard. We may get a headache 66._______ we don’t get enough sleep. We may get a headache when we exercise on 67.______ empty(空的) stomach.
In my opinion, If we have a headache, the 68.______ (one) thing we should do is to lie down and rest. We should have a good sleep. Remember not to spend much time 69.______ (exercise) if we are hungry.
So if we have headaches often, we need 70.______(see) a doctor. After all, health means everything to everyone!


    A.     B.          C.            D.             E.
(   )71. A girl named Alice comes to China and wants to go to Shanghai by train. Now she wants to find out the latest train information.
(   )72. As a newcomer, Alice has no idea where Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station is. She wants to use the App to find her way quickly.
(   )73. On the train, Alice feels a little bored and then tries to listen to music for relaxing. So she takes out her phone and clicks the App to search for more favorite music she likes.
(   )74. When she arrives at the station, she finds she has no money to pay the bill. So she takes out the phone to use the App to pay for the taxi.
(   )75. It is a popular App on the phone. Alice often uses it to communicate with friends whenever they are free. Meanwhile, she’d like to share what she did or likes online, too.
七、書面表達 (共1題,滿分20分)
 76. 學校將選派部分優(yōu)秀學生到新西蘭進行“交換生(exchange student)”活動, 目前正在接收同學們的申請。假如你是Li Hua, 請根據(jù)下列信息提示和你實際情況,寫一份英文申請書, 以用于交換學校審核通過及備案。
要求:1. 短文首句僅供參考使用或自行撰寫;結尾已給出但不計入總詞數(shù);
      2. 內容必須包括下面圖示所列信息和自己實際情況,并可適當拓展;
      3. 書寫認真清楚,字數(shù)在80詞左右。
● 短文首句:I’m very glad to know that some of us will be exchange students to New Zealand. 
● 參考詞匯:well-behaved adj. 表現(xiàn)好的  honor n. 榮譽(幸)  reason n.原因  go abroad 出國
● 提示信息:
Age Appearance
(外貌) Character
(性格) Hobbies Speciality
(特長) Study experiences Prizes Wish
... tall/strong... kind/... ... be good at... ... 2 years. ago/... ... ...
Dear Sir,
     I’m very glad to know that some of us will be exchange students to New Zealand._______________
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hope to be chosen as a member.Many thanks!                                                                                                               
                                                                         Li Hua
                                                     2018. 4.22
1. W: Henry, what’s your dream job when you grow up?
M: My father is a doctor, but I prefer to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei.
2. W: Why is your headteacher so popular with you, Jim?
M: Oh, he doesn’t talk much, but in fact he’s a humorous teacher.
3. W: Hello, Sam. When are you going to Sydney?
M: I planned to leave next Thursday morning, but I have something important to deal with. So I'll have to leave two days later.
4. W: Peter, you don’t look well. What’s wrong?
M: Oh, no cough, no fever. Just a bit of a cold.
W: Sorry to hear that. I hope you'll get better soon.
5. W: I think we are lost. We’d better ask the police for help.
  M: Look! There is an old lady there. Let’s ask her, maybe she can help us.
  W: OK, good idea!      
W: Look! How bright and near the moon looks tonight!
M: But it’s not as near as it looks.
W: I know it’s far  away from the earth. But I don’t know how far it is.
M: It’s three hundred and eighty thousand kilometers from the earth.
W: Are there any animals or plants there?
M: No, there’s no air or water there. Nothing can live on it.
W: Hi, Tony. Haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been?
M: New York. I just came back yesterday.
W: Wow, did you go there on trip or on business?
M: Neither. I went there to study English.
W: So you must have improved your English a lot. How long did you stay there?
M: About two years.
W: Well, did you stay in the local school?
M: No, I lived with an American family. They were very friendly. And I got on well with them.
W: An interesting experience! I hope I can study abroad like you one day.
第三節(jié): 聽短文,回答問題。(短文讀兩遍)
John is a middle school student in China. There are many rules in his school. John is not happy about these rules. For example, the students have to get to school before 7:20 every morning. If they don’t arrive by 7:20, the teachers will be angry. The students can’t wear their own clothes, either. They must wear blue school uniforms, but John doesn’t like blue. He prefers nice clothes in different colors. The students need to clean the classroom twice a day, early in the morning and late in the afternoon. Also, they are not allowed to eat any food in the classroom. The teachers think it helps to keep the classroom clean. What’s more, students can’t run or jump in the hallway. John says the rules are so strict that he almost can’t stand them.
一、聽力      1—5 CACAB     6—10 ABCCB      11—15 BABCA
二、完形填空  16—20 CDDBA   21—25 CADCC     26—30 ABBDA
三、閱讀理解   31—33 BDB      34—37 DCBC    38—41ADCB    42--45 CBAC
四、詞匯運用   46—50 has gone; smells; heroes; as well as; successful;
51---55 collecting; ever; many; valuable; everywhere;
               56---60 shelves; proud; space/room; own; worst.
五、語法填空   61---65 them; what; illness; have; It;
               66---70 when/if; an; first; exercising; to see/see.
六、任務型閱讀 71—75 ADECB
76. One possible version
Dear Sir,
I’m very glad to know that some of us will be exchange students to New Zealand.My name is Li Hua, a 14-year-old boy from Class 11, Grade 8. I’d like to be an exchange student for the following reasons.
To begin with, I’d like to give a brief self-introduction. I’m strong and look fit. Due to my kindness and politeness, I’m quite popular in my class. I’m also open-minded, optimistic and helpful.
Then I want to tell you I’m an excellent student. I’m always well-behaved at school and do well in all subjects. Since I came to my school two years ago, I have entered many kinds of competitions, such as English speaking competition, Chinese writing and so on. To my pride, I have won three first prizes of them. Besides these, I like playing basketball and football , and I’m good at them. As a result, they’ve been my favourite hobbies so far.
Last but not least, I’m looking forward to going abroad to improve my English and broaden my mind. I do wish to have such a chance. Hope to be chosen as a member. Many thanks!
                                                               Li Hua

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/1128032.html
