
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英 語 試 題

滿分:120分 時間:120分鐘
( )1.The boys are having great fun ______ in the waves.
A.play B.to play C.played D.playing
( )2、Thank you very uch for _________us so well.
A .teach B. teaching C. teaches D. taught
( )3. How’s the weather in Shanghai ? _________.
A. It raining. B. It is rain C .It is rainy. D. It rainy.
( )4.—When _______ a sports eeting? ---Last onday.
A. had you B.do you have C.did you haveD.will you have
( )5、How is it going? ______.
A. It's sunny. B.It's hot. C.It's right. D.It's pretty good
( ) 6. “You are a very beautiful girl.” “________”
A. No, I’ not. B. Sorry, I don’t. C. Thank you. D. Yes, I do.
( ) 7. He didn’t have_____ oney for a taxi, ______ he walked back to the hotel.
A. any, and B. uch, becauseC. any, so D. soe, so
( ) 8. On Sunday orning I helped y other ____ the cooking.
A. do B. to doing C. does D. doing
( ) 9. ---__________ ? ---He did soe reading at hoe.
A. What does your father do yesterday evening
B .What does your brother do in the school
C. What did your brother do on the weekend
D. Where did your brother go last Sunday
( ) 10. I cleaned y classroo ____________.
A. with three hours B. three hours ago
C. in three hours D .three hours before
( ) 11. Did you go shopping yesterday? _________.
A Yes, I do B Yes, I did C Yes, I a D No, I couldn’t
( ) 12. _______ you ________ soccer on the weekend?
A. Did, played B. Do, played C. Did, play D. Did, plaied
( ) 13. ---What ______ they doing? ---They _____studying.
A. are, are B. is, is C. was, are D. are, do
( )14. y friend is uch than e.
A. sarterB. sartC. ore sarterD. ore sart
( )15. y parents quite friendly.
A. both areB. are bothC. are allD. all are
( )16. I like aking friends, I a a little quiet.
A. butB. althoughC. so D. however
( )17. Holly likes to do the sae things .
A. likes eB. as eC. as I doD. B and C
( )18. y sister is ______ ore outgoing than e.
A. oreB. ostC. a littleD. little
( )19. Li ing and Lin Tao ______ black eyes.
A. hasB. have bothC. both have D. both has
( )20. I ______ a priary school student two years ago.
A. aB. wasC. be    D. were
( )21. He likes to do the sae things _______ e.
A. inB. onC. like   D. as
( )22. An elephant is ______ than a tiger.(德州2008)
A. heavy B. very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavier
( )23. He is not as ______ as his younger brother.(臨沂2008)
A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D.the strongest
( )24. Usually Xiao Li spends ______ tie doing hoework than Xiao Chen does.(江蘇2008)
A. little B. less C. few D. fewer
( )25. Which do you like ______,apples or oranges?(徐州2007)
A. best B. good C. well D. better
( )26. —Is your brother good at _________basketball? —Yes, he is.
A. to playB. plays C. played D. playing
( )27.We all like Tina,so she is very ________ in school
A. pretty B. beautiful C. funny D. popular
( )28. ary likes to have friends who are different ______her.
A. at B. of C. fro D. for
( )29. Sandy is ________ at playing soccer than Sion.
A. better B. good C. well D. best
( )30. He plays baseball ______. He is ______ at sports
A. well, wellB. good, good C. well, good D. good, well
( )31. ______ they look different, they have soe siilarities.
A. But B. As C. Although D. When
( )32. He was too tired,so he ______.
A. stopped resting B. stopped to rest
C. stopped to workD. stops working
( )33. —How do you feel today, Ted?
—I feel ______ better today, thank you.
A. ore B. little C. a few D. a little
( )34. To is ______ than Ji.(黃石2006)
A. short B. very shorter C. shortest D. a little shorter
( )35. You ust drive ______ next tie.(浙江2008)
A. ore carefullyB. carefully C. careful D. ore careful
( )36. Betty didn’t coe to school yesterday ______ she was ill.(濟(jì)寧2008)
A. Because B. Though C. When D. As
( )37. What did you do Friday?
A. at B. on C. in D. to
( )38. —Did you enjoy on your vacation?
—Yes, I enjoyed very uch.
A. yourselves, ourselves B. yourself, yself
C. yourselves, yself D. yourself, ourselves
( )39.—Where did they go on vacation?
— .
A. She stays at hoe. B. She visited her aunt.
C. They went to New York City. D. She wants to go to Hainan.
( )40. —How often does Kate go hiking?
— .
A. I guess she’s OK.B. About an hour.
C. Once the week.D. Twice a week.
( )41. There are 50 students in our class. 75% students like going hiking. What does “75%” ean?
A. None of the students. B. All the students.
C. ost of the students. D. Soe of the students.
( )42. — do you have a class eeting?
—Once a week.
A. How uchB. How oftenC. What tieD. How long
( )43. I see her in the superarket.
A. soetieB. soe tieC. soetiesD. soe ties
( )44. — did you watch TV? —About two hours.
A. How farB. How oftenC. How soonD. How long
( )45. He is a good student. He late for school.
A. isn’t never B. is often C. is always D. is hardly ever
( )46. —______ is “Lucky 52” shown on CCTV-2? —Every week.(2006年,黃岡)
A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How any ties
( )47. y other told e ________ you anything.
A. tell notB. not tell C. to not tellD. not to tell
( )48. Would you like to eat?
A. soething healthyB. anything healthy
C. soething health D. healthy soething
( )49. Doing orning exercises your health.
A. is bad to B. is good for C. is bad for D. is good to
( )50. You are so busy. What do you want e ________ for you? (2006年,重慶)
A. do B. done C. to do D. doing
Yesterday was Saturday. r. King __51__ his faily to the People’s Park in the __52__. They got up early and had __53__ quickly. After that they went to the park __54__ their car. It was nine o’clock when they got there. There were any __55 in the park. Lily __56__ the hill in the iddle of the park. Lucy flew a kite __57__ soe other children. r. King and his wife were tired after five days’ __58_. They sat under a tree and had a __59__. The King faily had a __60__ tie there.
( ) 51. A. told B. took C. called D. brought
( ) 52. A. orning B. afternoonC. evening D. night
( ) 53. A. eal B. supper C. lunch D. breakfast
( ) 54. A. on B. by C. with D. in
( ) 55. A. people B. cars C. buses D. kites
( ) 56. A. saw B. clibed C. left D. found
( ) 57. A. behind B. after C. with D. before
( ) 58. A. tie B. hoe C. work D. gae
( ) 59. A. rest B. look C. work D. swi
( ) 60.A. hard B. good C. long D. short
To and ike were good friends. Soeties they were kind to each other, soeties they were not. But all of their classates said they were like brothers.
One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter cae up to the and asked,"What can I do for you?"
"Please bring us two apples first.” said To.
When the waiter put two apples on the table, ike took the bigger one at once. To got angry,
“You are ipolite,ike. Why don’t you take the saller one?" To said.
“But I a right.”said ike with a sile,“if I let you take first, which one will you choose?"
“Of course I’11 take the saller one. "said To.
“Yes.”ike said,“If you take the saller one,the bigger one will still be ine. Don’t you think so?"
“Oh!"To couldn’t answer.
( )61. To and ike were______
A. always kind to each other B. soeties kind to each other
C. dear brothers D. friends of different school
( )62. ike thought only about__(dá)_____ when they were having lunch.
A. hiself B. To C. his parents D. his friends
( )63. The waiter gave the__(dá)_____
A. two eggs B. two apples C. three oranges D. soe ilk
( )64. To took the_______ apple.
A. better B. bigger C. saller D. worse
( )65. Who took the apple first? ______
A. ike B. To C. Both To and ike D. The waiter
Once upon a tie, there lived a rich an. He had a servant (仆人). He and the servant loved wine and good food very uch. Each tie the rich an left his hoe, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rich an knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that.
One orning, when he left hoe, he said to the servant, “Here are two bottles of poison (毒藥) and soe nice food in the house. You ust take of the.” With these words, he went out.
But the servant knew that the rich an had said was untrue. After the rich an was away fro his hoe, he enjoyed a nice eal. Because he drank too uch, he was drunk and fell to the ground. When the rich an cae back, he couldn’t find his food and his wine. He becae very angry. He woke the servant up. But the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished(懲罰), so he drank the poison to kill hiself.
( )66.In the story, _______ liked wine and good food very uch.
  A. the rich an   B. the servant  C. both A and B   D. neither A and B
( )67.The rich an knew that it was _______ that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food.
  A. the cat      B. hiself   C. nobody     D. the servant
( )68.The rich told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles, because ________.
  A. there was in fact poison in the bottles
  B. did not want the servant to drink his wine
  C. he wanted to kill the cat
  D. he wanted to kill the servant
( )69.In fact, _______ ate all the nice food and drank the wine.
  A. the servant  B. cat   C. the rich an  D. nobody
( )70.Fro the story, we know that the servant is very _______.
  A. lazy   B. bad   C. clever   D. kind
The Blacks live in a big city, Last suer they went to the countryside for their vacation. They enjoyed it very uch, because it was a quiet and clean place.
One day, they went for a walk in the orning and et an old an. The old an lived on the far and he was in the war sun in front of his house. r. Black asked hi, “Do you like living in a quiet place?” The old an said yes. r. Black said, “What are the good things about it?” The old
an answered, “People here know each other. People often coe and see e. And I often go and see the. There are lots of children here.” r. Black said, “That sounds interesting. And what are the bad things?” The old an thought for a while and said, “The sae things, in fact.”
( )71. The Blacks enjoyed their vacation.
( )72. They went for a walk with an old an.
( )73. The old an feels lonely(孤獨的).
( )74. Soeties the old an likes to eet people but soeties he doesn’t.
( )75. The Blacks often eet the old an in the countryside.
76. A lot of vegetables help you ____________ (keep) in good health.
77. y other wants e ____________ (drink) soe ilk every day.
78. His ____________ (eat) habits are pretty good, so he’s very healthy.
79. It is very necessary for us ____________ (read) English in the orning.
80. He can hardly ake the baby ____________ (stop) crying.
81. 6. Both of ____________ (they) are outgoing.
82. He sings ____________ (well) than his sister.
83. y brother and I (not be) in Beijing last onth.
84. y father plays basketball ____________ (two) a week.
85. He ____________ (watch) TV every night.
86. ost students exercise three ties a week.(就劃線部分提問)
do ost students exercise?
87. I sleep nine hours every night.(就劃線部分提問)
hours do you sleep every night?
88. y favorite progra is Anial World.(就劃線部分提問)
your favorite progra?
89. y sister often goes to a ovie on weekends.(就劃線部分提問)
your sister often on weekends?
90. She soeties does her hoework at school.(就劃線部分提問)
does she her hoework at school?
Where did you go? How was the weather there? How did you get there?
How was the food there? How was the vacation?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/113114.html
