
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

18-19學(xué)年八下期末復(fù)習(xí)模擬試題(二)Unit 7-8
(    )1. My teacher said I was hard-working, this made me        .
A. happily     B. more happily    C. happiness
(    )2. This year our school is        than it was last year.
A. beautiful            B. much beautiful  C. the most beautiful        
(    )3.          you are,          mistakes you will make in the exam.
A. The more careful; the fewer     
B. The more carefully; the fewer
C. The more careful; the less       
(    )4. --- Lily! You are so special and you are different from other girls.
---Everyone is different. So, just        ! It’s the best way of life.
A. enjoy yourself            B. be yourself  C. help yourself           
(    )5. —What else do you want?
—        .I think everything is ready.
A. Something else          B. Nothing else C. Else something          
(    )6. We can use a spoon or a fork        the curry.
A. eat       B. eating       C. to eat     
(    )7. Healthy eating        very important        students.
A .are; in      B. are; for    C.    is; for
(    )8. It isn’t worth        him. He is always late.
A. wait for     B. waiting for     C. to wait for 
(    )9. Who worked        , Mina or Michael or Jane?
A. more carefully            B. the most carefully  
C. more careful              D. carefully
(    )10. Not only my teachers but also my good friend        me with my lesson.
A. helps      B. helping      C. to help    
(    )11. —Can I order the meal by telephone?
—        . Here is the telephone number.
A. It’s a pity    B. No problem    C. Never mind 
(    )12. --- What do you think you can do to make money? 
--- I think        I can sell newspapers.
A. this         B. which       C. that    
(    )13. ---              --- This is Thomas speaking.
  A. Who speaks?         B. Who are you ? C. Who’s speaking ?        
(    )14. We must remember        in the sun.
A. to read     B. to not read     C. don’t read   
(    )15. Could you tell me                ?
          A. if you are from the USA          B. you are from the USA
          B. if are you from the USA        
(    )16. Look!        interesting pictures!.  
A. How         B. What          C. What an
(    )17He lives        , but he never feels        .
A. lonely, lonely      B. alone , lonely      C. lonely, alone
(    )18. The sunglasses can        your eyes        strong sunlight.
A. protect… from      B. protect …away       C. protect…out
(    )19. The funny story made the boys        yesterday.
A. laughed            B. laughing          C. laugh
(    )20. The students think the uniforms will look ugly        them.
A. with        B. on          C. in
(    )21. ---- What delicious cakes!   ---- They would taste        with butter.
A. good        B. better        C. worst
(    )22. The little boy ran        fast        we couldn’t follow him.
A. such, that        B. too, to        C. so, that
(    )23Bread        wheat.
A. is made in       B. is made from      C. is made of
(    )24.         is necessary that people wear different clothes.
A. It         B.  There         C. That
(    )25. The more you learn, the        you will find a good job.
A. more easily        B. more easier        C. more easy
(    )26 I have two brothers. One is a worker, ________ is a driver.
A. another          B. other    C. the other
(    )27. She is afraid of the water , she doesn’t know        to swim.
A. what            B. when          C. how
(    )28. What        did she say ?
A. others            B. other           C. else
(    )29. Manzu women        cheongsam first.
A. wear          B. wore           C. put on
(    )30.You think math is more important than English. 
But I really can’t agree       you .
A. with          B. at          C. for
Do you know when and how“sandwich”came into use? ?
The word“sandwich”is an English word. Sandwich was an English   1   . He lived in England about two hundred years ago. Sandwich had a lot of   2   . But he liked   3   cards for money. He often played   4   day and all night.    5   day he played twenty four hours without stopping. He did not   6   the card table to eat. He asked his servant(仆人)to   7  
him some meat and   8   . He   9   the meat in the bread and ate them. He did not want to stop playing cards. From the name of this man Sandwich, we have the word“sandwich”    10   .
Isn’t it fun??
(    )1. A. woman           B. man          C. place           D. book?
(    )2. A. money            B. food         C. bread           D. cards?
(    )3. A. making           B. keeping       C. playing         D. selling?
(    )4. A. every             B. only          C. one            D. all?
(    )5. A. One              B. Some         C. Next           D. This?
(    )6. A. hold              B. leave          C. show          D. put?
(    )7. A. use               B. take           C. bring          D. throw?
(    )8. A. milk              B. tea            C. fruit           D. bread?
(    )9. A. put               B. took           C. brought        D. held?
(    )10. A .tomorrow         B. yesterday       C. today          D. this year
三. 口語運用(10分)  (一)從方框中選擇正確的句子補全對話
A: Hi! How handsome!?   B: Thank you.  1
A: Your coat is very nice.  2           B: It’s made of wool and cotton.
A: Look at these clothes, what are they made of?
B:   3  We can get cotton from plants and get wool, silk and leather from animals.
A: Oh, dear!  4             B: Just so so. 
A: I want to buy a coat like yours.  5     B: OK, I’d love to.
1.           2.           3.            4.           5.          
(    )1. May I take your order?                 A. We’re going to have a food festival.
(    )2. What’s up?                           B. Certainly not .
(    )3. What about flying kites on the weekend?    C. That would be nice.
(    )4. Would you mind if I learn English from you? D. Just a little, please.
(    )5. How much would you like?            E. Sure. Fried chicken and vegetable soup.
四、閱讀理解  (20分)                (A)
Costumes and Ornaments(服飾品) in Tibetan Dramas and Dances
Tibetan drama and dance have their own features and the art of the costume and ornaments applied in them are remarkable(非凡的) and  have high artistic values. Tibetan drama began to develop in the 14th and 15th centuries and became an independent singing and performing art by the time of the fifth Delia(達(dá)賴?yán)铮? There are many schools in Tibetan and the one that has been handed down belongs most to traditional programs.
The costumes and ornaments of Tibetan show strong national coloring. Some of them were historically actual costume style for the aristocrats (貴族)(閱讀短文判斷正誤)
(  ) 1 Tibetan drama and dance are very common.
(  ) 2.The art of Tibetan costumes and ornaments in the drama and dance have no artistic values. 
(  ). 3.Tibetan drama began to develop in the 14- 15th centuries.
(  ). 4. There are few schools in Tibetan
(   )5. The costumes and ornaments of Tibetan show strong national coloring.
An important question about eating out is who pays for the meal. If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him, you may say something like this: ”I’m afraid it’ll have to be some place cheap, as I have very little money. The other person may say, “OK. I’ll meet you at McDonald’s.”
This means that the two agree to go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself. He may also say, “Oh, no. I want to take you to lunch at Smith’s,” or “I want you to try the Chinese dumplings there. They’re great.” This means the person wants to pay for both of you. If you feel friendly toward this person, you can go with him and you needn’t pay for the meal. You may just say, “Thank you. That would be very nice.”
American customs(風(fēng)俗)about who pays for dates(約會)are much the same as in other parts of the world. In the old days, American women wanted men to pay for all the meals. But, today, a university girl or a woman in business world will usually pay her way during the day. If a man asks her for a dance outside the working hours, it means. “come, as my guest(客人).” So as you can see, it is a polite thing to make the question clear at the very beginning.?
(    )6. The passage tells us              .?
A. how to eat out           B. where to eat out?
C. what to eat out           D. who pays for the meal
(   )7. If you have little money,               .?
A. you’ll have a cheap meal?
B. you’ll borrow some from others?
C. you’ll ask your friend to pay for your meal?
D. you won’t want you friends to ask you to dinner
(    )8. “go Dutch” in this passage means              in Chinese.?
A. 去飯館      B. 就餐      C. 訂餐      D. 各自付款
(    )9. Sometimes your friend takes you to lunch. It means              .
A. he’s going to lend some money to you?
B. he’s going to pay for your meal, too?
C. he’ll be angry with you?
D. he can’t understand you
(    )10.In America, some girls and women              now.?
A. ask men to pay for their meals?
B. try to pay for the men’s meals?
C. try to pay for their own meals?
D. never have anything outside
Last Sunday afternoon, I was having dinner in a restaurant when my friend Poor came in. Poor is working in a bank and is quite rich, but he is always borrowing money from his friends and never pays it back. Poor saw me and came to sit at my table. He had never borrowed any money from me. When he was eating, I asked him to lend me two dollars. To my surprise, he gave me the money at once. “I have never borrowed any money from you,” Poor said, “So you can pay for my dinner.”
(    )11. The story happened         .
A. at home                    B. in a restaurant
C. in a bank                   D. in an office
(    )12. Poor is the name of a man and the writer         .
A. knows him well             B. doesn’t know him
C. often lends him some money   D. often borrows money from him
(    )13. Poor is a         man.
A. busy         B. clever      C. rich      D. poor
(    )14. Why was Poor glad to lend the writer two dollars?
A. Because they are brothers.
B. Because Poor is rich.
C. Because the writer is rich.
D. Because Poor wanted the writer to pay for the dinner.
(    )15. From the story we can see         .
A. Poor is an old man              B. Poor is friendly
C. the writer paid for the dinner      D. the writer is poor
Pizza is a kind of popular food. It comes from Italy. The pizza capital of the world is Naples. The world’s first pizza restaurant is still there. It was opened in 1830. The best pizza of today has a long history. It was first made by a person named Raffaele Esposito in the 1880s. This pizza has the same colors as the Italian flag. The Italian flag is red, white and green. The pizza has red tomatoes white mozzarella cheese(白干酪), and a green herb(香草).
There are many different kinds of pizza today. We can order chicken pizza, vegetable pizza, hamburger pizza, fruit pizza, potato pizza. Some pizza is thick and some pizza is thin. Some pizza has tomatoes and some pizza doesn’t have tomatoes. Most pizza is round, but some isn’t. There are all kinds of pizza. You can choose any kind you want. People all over the world like to eat pizza. How about you? What kind of pizza do you like?
16. Which is the pizza capital of the world, Naples or Rome?
17. When did the world’s first pizza restaurant open?                  
18. Who first made the best pizza?
19. How many colors does the Italian flag have?
20. Is all pizza round?
1. The Beijing Opera has a more than 200 years history . It is an a       Chinese art.
2. It’s said that the first t       of clothes were made of animal skins.
3 Can you tell me when the f      show will start?
4 She always says “Please!” and “Thank you!”. She is very p              .
5 They r              lots of money for Igali to build a village school last spring.
1. He gets up early every day                         (為了)to catch the first bus.
2. Many things are                         (出售)in the supermarket during the Spring Festival.
3. I hope that our dream will                         (變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實)some day.
4. It’s very important for us to keep a                         (平衡的膳食).
5. The boy finished                         (吃光)all the food on the plate
6. The purses are                   (由……制成)leather.
7.Your socks are very dirty. Please         them         (脫掉).
8. The story book is                (值得看).
9. Light colors make people               (看起來更胖) .
10.The Tang costume                   (代表)Chinese history and fashion culture.
六.綜合填空: 用方框中所給的單詞和短語的正確形式填空,完成下面短文。5分

Fashion   1   culture. The Tang costume   2   Chinese history and fashion culture. The Tang costume got its name because Chinese ____3____ known to other countries   4   the Han and Tang dynasties. Chinese clothes from that time were called Tang costume.
Today people can   5   the Tang costume as either formal or   6   clothes. It expresses both the wearer’s personal   7   and China’s rich   8   culture. The Tang costume is very   9    and very different from western- style   10   .
1.            2.            3.            4.            5.__________
6.            7.            8.            9.            10.___________

(scarf ,  buy,  yesterday)_________________________________________


(can’t wear, at school, slippers)_______________________________________________



(cook ,  now)___________________________________________________


(be good at,  play soccer)__________________________________________________


(sing, beautiful)_______________________________________

1. 健康飲食,保持飲食平衡,各種食物都是必要的。
2. 生活有規(guī)律,早睡早起。
3. 參加運動,強身健體。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/1133308.html
