
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

(8下Unit1-9上Unit 1)
(考試時間:100分鐘  滿分:100)
第一部分 選擇題(共55分)
一、聽力部分  (本大題共20小題,滿分20分)
A. 聽對話回答問題。本部分共有10道小題,每小題你將聽到一段對話,每段對話聽兩遍
1. What’s the weather like today?
  A.                        B.                        C.

2. How is Mary going to Tibet? 
A.                     B.                       C.                  

3. Where is the girl going?
A.                        B.                        C.


4.Which sport does Tom prefer?
5.What does the man do?            
A. A librarian            B. A shopkeeper              C. A student
6. What is Bruce going to do next?    
A. Order the food.    B. Do the cooking.   C. Have breakfast.
7. Why is Mike late? 
  A. He got up late this morning.     
B. He went to bed late last night.   
C. He had an accident on the way.
8. What does the sign on the wall probably say?      
A. NO PARKING.       B. NO PHOTOS.          C. NO SMOKING. 
9. How does the woman feel now?                 
A. Much better.         B. A little better.          C. More tired.
10. Who has a bike?                            
A. Tony.                 B. Sally.                   C. Lily.
B. 聽對話和短文答題。你將聽到一段對話和兩篇短文,各聽兩遍。
11. What are they talking?
A. Their homework and games.        
B. Their happy school life.     
C. Their summer vacations.
12. Who can swim?              
A. Tina.                 B. Jeff.               C. Both.
Visit to Mauritius(毛里求斯)
Country Mauritius is an island country with    13    around it.
Sports Beach volleyball, fishing and swimming
The most beautiful moment When you enjoy the beautiful  14  and clear seas, you may think you are in the heaven.
Language    15  
13. A. sea.      B. mountain             C. river
14. A. sunshine     B. sunrises               C. sunsets
15. A. English, French and German    
B. English, Chinese and Japanese  
C. English, French and Japanese
16. How many ways of shopping are mentioned in this passage?  
A. Three      B. Four       C. Five
17. Why is the market in Thailand called “floating market”?
A. A large number of people come and go at the market.      
B. People sell things on different streets every week.
C. People sell things from their boats.
18. What can you buy at the market on the Grand Place in Belgium?   
A. Fresh fruit      B. Clothes      C. Flowers
19. When is the Sonora market in Mexico open?
A. It opens every day except Monday     
B. It opens every day from early in the morning till late at night.
C. It opens every day from early in the morning till late in the afternoon
20. The Camden Market in England is NOT famous for _______.  
A. Street fashion       B. CDs         C. Birds
21. Emmanuel Macron(馬克龍) was chosen to be ______ President of France last month. He has become France’s ________ youngest president in history.
   A. a; the     B. the; the   C. /; /     D. /; a
22. ______ April 26 was an exciting day. China put its homemade aircraft carrier (國產(chǎn)航空母艦) in the water in Dalian, Liaoning province _______ the first time.
  A. On; for    B. In; at    C. At; at    D. /; for
23. Wu Yishu, the winner of Chinese Poetry Competition(《中國詩詞大會》) always wore traditional Han clothing on this TV show. And many viewers were ____ by her classical looks.
  A. impressed   B. explained   C. expressed   D. complained
24. — How was your exam the day before yesterday?
   — Oh, I couldn’t feel ________. I made few mistakes in it.
   A. better         B. best           C. worse       D. worst   
25. ---Shanghai Disneyland has attracted millions of people since it _________ last year.
   ---So it has. And I’ll go to visit it this summer holiday.
   A. is opened      B. was opening      C. opened       D. has opened
26. ---Attention, please. Your project _______ be finished by the end of this week.
---But we are up to our necks in work. ______ we finish it the next week?
A. can; May        B. need; Can         C. must; Can         D. must; Need
27. ---________ do you practice playing the piano?
   ---When Mum is at home, I have to practice every day, but she is on a business trip this week.
   A. How often     B. How about      C. How much       D. How long
28. Finding information in today’s world is easy. The _______ is how you can tell whether(是否) the information you get is useful or not.
   A. ability            B. competition          C. knowledge         D. challenge
29. Vivian, my younger sister, can ______ swim ______ skate. She is going to have some training this summer vacation.
   A. either ; or        B. neither; nor     C. both; and        D. not only; but also
30. The shop in Wanda Square _______ for six years, but I ______ there so far.
    A. has opened; haven’t gone   B. has been open; haven’t been
 C. has been open; haven’t gone  D. has been opened; haven’t been
31. These new types of energy from the sun, wind and water cost very little and will never _____.
   A. run out       B. come out C. put out D. go out
32. ______ of the students in my class like watching a ______ programme called Readers at weekends. 
A. The number of; 70-minute      B. Most; 70 minutes’ 
C. A number of; 70 minute’s            D. 80 per cent; 70-minute
33. ---Shall we watch the popular TV play “Fighter of the Destiny (擇天記)” now?
   ---_____________. The news report is on.
   A. Sounds great        B. I think so        C. Better not        D. It depends.
34. ---Jim looks so sleepy that he keeps nodding his head in class.
   ---Just as the saying goes, “_______”. It’s bad for his health to stay up too late.
     A. Better late than never                 B. Burn the candle at both ends.
     C. No pain, no gain. D. You are never too old to learn
35. ---Excuse me, but could you tell me _______?   ---Certainly, and the earlier, the better.
A. how long it will take to get to Hong Kong 
B. how soon can I take the direct flight to Hong Kong
C. that I could buy a ticket to Hong Kong without my passport
D. if I can book a direct flight to Hong Kong online

It snowed again. My seventh Christmas was round the corner. I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas until my elder sister dropped the bomb (突然宣布). “There is no Father Christmas.” 
I ran to my grandmother’s house, for she always told the __36__. Grandmother was at home. I told her everything. “No Father Christmas?” she was a little ___37__. “Don’t believe it. Put on your coat, and let’s go.”
“Go? Where, Grandma?” I asked. 
“Kerby’s Store. ”
As we walked through its doors. Grandma handed me the dollars and said. “Take the __38__ and buy something for someone who needs it. I’ll wait for you in the car.” Then she turned and walked out of the Kerby’s.
For a few seconds I just stood there, holding the money, wondering what to buy, and who to buy it for.
I thought of everybody I knew, my family, my friends, my neighbours… I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decbar, a boy with bad breath (口臭) and messy (凌亂的) hair. He sat right behind me in Mrs Polack’s class.
Bobbie ___39___ went to any party during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, ___40___ we all knew that he didn’t have a cough. In fact, he didn’t have a ___41___. I decided to buy Bobbie a red warm coat that he would like.
That evening, grandma helped me wrap (包裹) the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons (緞帶), and write “To Bobbie. From Father Christmas” on it. Grandma told me Father Christmas never let people know that he __42__ them. Then she drove me over to Bobbie’s home, telling me that I was helping Father Christmas __43__ the presents.
Grandma parked the car along the street and we hid behind the trees near Bobbie’s home. Then Grandma said to me. “All right, Father Christmas, get going.”
I took a deep breath, rushed to his front door, put the present down ___44__ the door, rang the doorbell and flew back to the safety of the ___45__ and Grandma. We waited breathlessly in the dark for the front door to open. Finally it did and there stood Bobbie.
That night, I realized that Father Christmas was alive and well, and we were on his team.
36. A. truth          B. story          C. joke         D. lie
37. A. afraid          B. happy       C. tired         D. angry
38. A. book        B. coat         C. present       D. money
39. A. never    B. often      C. sometimes    D. always
40. A. so     B. if      C. but      D. and
41. A. present     B. cough     C. dollar     D. coat
42. A. helped     B. believed     C. taught     D. made
43. A. give up     B. put up    C. hand out        D. put out
44. A. on      B. behind     C. over     D. outside
45. A. shop     B. cars      C. trees     D. door
46. When was Tony born?
A. On Aug 12, 1994.   B. On Dec 8, 1994.   C. On Dec 12, 1994.  D. On Aug 8, 2018年.
47. Where is Tony from?
A. The USA.         B. Spain.           C. The UK.         D. China.
48. Tony will stay in the USA for ____.
A. one week         B. two weeks         C. one month       D. two months
49. Tony visits the USA to _____.
A. find a job         B. travel there        C. see his family      D. do some business
50. Where will you find the card?
A. At the school.     B. At the airport.    C. At the bus stop.     D. In the hospital.
In films, spies(間諜) are lucky people. They are smart and adventurous. But a real spy’s life is not that exciting. They must live a life of lies. Their work is dangerous and they may have to pay for it with their lives. American spy Nathan Hale (1755-1776) was one of these people.
Why does someone want to be a spy? Some do it for their country. Some for money. Some just love it. Nathan Hale became a spy for the first reason. He lived during the American Revolution (革命). He and his people fought the British army.
In 1774, Hale joined the American army. Before that, he was a schoolteacher. Two years later, he chose to be a spy. He had to get information from the British army. He went to the city where the British army was staying. He told them that he was a schoolteacher and wanted to find a new job. He tried to get information for the American army. Hale finally got something important and decided to go back. He hid some papers in his boots. He went to the riverbank and waited for a boat to pick him up. However, British soldiers caught Hale at the riverbank and found the papers in his boots. It turned out(原來是) that as a young spy, Hale didn’t have enough experience. He had told his secret to somebody else before. But that person sold him out to the British army. Hale died on Sept 22, 1776. His final words were: “It’s a pity that I have but one life to lose for my country.” He died at the age of 21.
51. Why did Nathan Hale become a spy?
   A. For fun.        B. For money.        C. For himself.       D. For his country.
52. What does the underlined word “adventurous” in Paragraph 1mean?
   A. 愛撒謊的  B. 愛冒險的      C. 愛沖動的    D. 愛幻想的
53. According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?
   A. Nathan Hale was a spy for the British army.
   B. Nathan Hale joined the army at the age of 19 years old.
   C. Nathan Hale worked as a teacher for 2 years.
   D. Nathan Hale had rich experience as a spy.
54. What was the correct order in which these events happened?
①Hale joined the American army
②Hale got information for the American army
③British soldiers caught Hale
④Hale became a schoolteacher
⑤Hale told his secret to somebody else
A. ①④②③⑤     B. ①④②⑤③       C. ④①⑤②③   D.④①②③⑤
55. What do Nathan Hale’s final words mean?
  A. He felt sad that he had to die for his country.
  B. He felt sorry to die at such a young age.
  C. He wished to continue working for his country.
  D. It’s incorrect that his country didn’t save him.

第二部分 非選擇題(共45分)
Recent years have witnessed(見證) the returning of shared bikes across China. Now more and more people choose cycling instead of driving to school, to workplaces or to do sightseeing. Bike-sharing plans are warmly welcomed in many cities. Mobike has 5.85 million active users while Ofo has 1.4 million users this year.
People can unlock(解鎖) the shared bikes by simply using their smartphones. All bikes have GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. They are popular among many Chinese people because they help solve “l(fā)ast-mile” problems in cities. For example, many people find it difficult to get to the hotel when they get off trainers or to travel around the city.
However, the plans have also led to problems such as illegal(非法的) parking, vandalism(故意毀壞) and theft(偷竊). In February this year, two nurses in Beijing were placed under administrative detention(行政拘留) for five days for putting person locks on two shared bikes.
In fact, these problems are also shared by bike-sharing plans abroad. Started in 2007, Velib is the largest public bike sharing company in Paries. At its early period, it also met with problems of vandalism and theft. To solve the problem, the company came up with the idea of encouraging(鼓勵) people to return the bikes to stations by providing free time for their next rides.
Now, Chinese bike-shared companies are also trying to solve these problems. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit score(信用分數(shù)) for each user, but the points will be taken because of his or her bad behaviour. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental(租金) will be increased(增加) from 1 yuan to 100 yuan per 30 minutes.
Answer the following questions with No More Than 8 Words.
56. How many people are using shared bikes in China this year?
57. How do people unlock the shared bikes?
58. Why are the shared bikes popular in cities?
59. What will people get if they return Velib bikes to stations?
60. When wiil bike rental be increased according to Mobike?
We often see top students around us and everyone knows about them. Let us take Jenny as an example. She is the monitor of our class. She spends a lot of time working for our class. But she always gets good grades in all subjects. How do students like Jenny do that? When I asked her, she said, “Hard work is not the whole story. It’s not how long you sit at the desk with your books open. It’s what you do as you are sitting.” In fact, we can see many top students spend fewer hours on their studies than their classmates. Jenny gave me some valuable suggestions.
If your math teacher gives you five exercises, you should do six. If your Chinese teacher gives eight pages of reading, you should read nine. The more you practice, the more you learn.
Studying is a matter of your personal interest, so choose the way you are most comfortable with. Some people like working at night when the house is quiet, while others like doing their work early in the morning. However, others like studying as soon asthey arrive home from school while the work is fresh in their minds. No matter(無論) which way suits you, try to do your best.
Studying is your business and the business comes before entertainment(娛樂). When you are studying, phone calls should go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks given up. Studying is the only thing in your mind. Nothing can pull your attention away from what you are studying.
Studying is like eating. You should eat a little at a time. You can plan what to do today, but don’t do too much. When you can’t finish the work you planned to do, you will feel stressed and may lose confidence. On the other hand, you will not study well without a good plan. It all depends on how you manage your time.
The students who hand in a clearly written paper are already half way to get an A. Tidy papers are likely to get higher marks than messy(亂糟糟的) ones. When you write clearly and do your work carefully, the thoughts in your mind are clear. You are able to make fewer mistakes.
  61   on making your studies better
Passage outline Supporting details
Do more than you are asked Do more than what your teacher asks you to because   62    makes you learn more.
Choose suitable ways Some people like working on a   63   night, while others like doing their work early in the morning. Some people like studying their lessons shortly after   64   home from school.
Put studying  65   entertainment Pay   66   to what you are studying.
Plan your time well Don’t try to do much at a time.
Failing to finish your planned task will make you feel stressed and become less   67  .
On the other hand, you will not study well without a good plan.
Keep your papers   68    Messy papers are more likely to get   69   marks than clearly written ones.
Besides, some mistakes can be    70   .
61.            62.             63.             64.              65.             
66.            67.             68.             69.              70.             

A. 根據(jù)括號中所給的漢語提示寫出單詞,使句子意思完整正確。
71. I believe the quality of the car made in China is up to the international __________ (標準).
72. --- How __________(禮貌) British people behave in public! ---Exactly, they do.
73. The sunlight we have been used to _____________ (包括) seven colours.
74. In the Indian movie Dangal, the father found his daughters were _________(天生的) wrestlers (摔跤手) like him.
75. There have been many _________(模型) of China’s new plane C919 since it flew into the sky on May 5 this year.
B. 根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給詞的適當形式填空。
76. Today is Children’s Day. The children are enjoying ___________(they) festival now.
77. The Belt and Road Forum(“一帶一路”峰會) _____________(hold) successfully from May 14 to 15, 2017.
78. Lin Tao made up his mind ____________ (not waste) time playing computer games.
79. Bali Island is one of new ___________(couple)  favourite places to spend their honeymoon
80. Tom, together with Lucy, ______________ (not fight) at home. I will buy something delicious for you.
In a history class, our teacher, Mrs Bartlett asked us to make a poster in groups about the culture that we were studying. She told us to write the names of three friends we wanted in one group and she would think about o  81   choices(選擇).
The next day, I was told to be in a “bad” group. The boy in the group was too weak in English, and the other two girls always w  82   strange clothes. Oh, how I wanted to be with my f  83  !
With tears(眼淚) in my eyes, I walked up to Mrs Bartlett. She looked at me and seemed to know what I was there f  84  . I told her I should be in the “good” group. She gently placed a hand on my shoulder(肩膀). “I know what you want, Karma,” she said, “but your g  85   needs you. I need you to help them. Only you can help them.” I was surprised and moved. Her words c  86   me up.
“Will you help them?” she asked. “Yes,” I r  87  . Then I bravely walked over to my group. I sat down and we started. Each of us did a part according to our interests. Halfway through the week, I felt m  88   enjoying our group. We did a good job together. Nobody e  89   Mrs Bartlett believed in our group.
Amazingly, our group got an A. But I think the A should be r  90   by Mrs Bartlett. Mrs Bartlett brought out the potential (潛能) in four of her students.
81.            82.             83.             84.              85.             
86.            87.             88.             89.              90.             
2. 所寫內(nèi)容必須包括提示中所有的中文信息,并可作適當?shù)陌l(fā)揮。
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer to promote(宣傳) reading among middle school students in Jingjiang.
I think I’m suitable for the job. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours truly,
Li Ming.
1. M: What fine weather!
  W: Yeah, and how will the weather be like tomorrow?
  M: The radio says it will be rainy.
2. M: Mary, how are you going to Tibet for the summer vacation?
  W: I planned to go there by train, but now I decided to go there by air.
3. W: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the library?
  M: It’s over there, across from the police station, near the restaurant.
4. W: Which sport do you prefer, Tom, fishing or swimming?
  M: I prefer swimming to fishing.
5. W: Excuse me, I’d like to buy a detective story. Could you show me one?
  M: Yes, this one is the most popular, I think.
6. M: It’s nearly 12 o’clock. I’m hungry, Mum.
  W: But I’m busy now, Bruce, why not order some food on the Internet?
  M: Good idea.
7. W: Mike, you are late again.
  M: Sorry, I did my work and went to bed very late last night.
8. W: Can’t you see the sign on the wall, Mr. Turner?
  M: Oh, sorry. I’ll stop smoking right now.
9. M: I heard you had got a cold. Are you feeling better today?
  W: I don’t feel any better. In fact, I’m feeling much more tired.
10. W: Hi, Tony. Can I borrow your bike, please?
   M: Sorry, I don’t have one. You may ask Lily. She has one.
M: Hello, Tina.
W: Hello, Jeff.
M: What did you do during your summer vacation?
W: I did my homework in the morning, and played games in the afternoon.
M: Did you sometimes go swimming in the afternoon?
W: No, I can’t swim. What about you?
M: I often went swimming in the afternoon. I like swimming a lot.
Have you ever thought about visiting a beautiful island? If you have such an idea, Mauritius is one of the best choices. The beach is the first place you should see. It’s an island country with sea around it. There you will see many people from all over the world. you will see people playing beach volleyball, fishing and swimming. When you feel tired, you can sit on the sand and drink a glass of cool orange juice. With its white beaches, beautiful sunsets and clear seas, everyone agrees that the beautiful island is a great place for visitors. The Mauritian people are friendly, too. English is their first language, but French and German are widely spoke there.
There are many ways of shopping. You can shop by telephone, by post and through your home computer, but for many people, the most exciting and traditional way is at a street market. You can find markets anywhere in the world.
Here are four of them:
There are many “Floating markets” in Asia. Perhaps the most unusual is in Thailand, at a place called Damnoen Saduak. It is open from six in the morning to noon every day. People sell things from their boats.
Many Belgians say that the Grand Place is the most beautiful square in the world. it is the home of a colourful flower market. It is open every day except Monday. On Monday, instead of flowers, there is a wonderful bird market.
One of the world’s most famous markets is in Mexico City ? the Sonora Market. Here, you can buy toys, birds, herbs and medicine. There are all kinds of things. It’s open every day from the early in the morning till late at night.
In England, every weekend, thousands of young people from all over London travel to Camden Market--- it is the place to go for street fashion, CD and tapes. Many people also go there for fun.
五、1. 7.25 million.
2. By simply using their smartphones.
3. Because they help solve “l(fā)ast-mile” problems (in cities).
4. Free time for their next rides.
5. When the user’s credit score drops below 80.
六、1. suggestions  2. practice       3. quiet        4. arriving       5. before  
6. attention    7. confident      8. tidy/ clean    9. lower/ fewer  10. Avoided
七、1. standard     2. politely       3. includes      4. born         5. models 
6. their        7. was held      8. not to waste   9. couples’      10.don’t fight 
八、 1.our         2.wore          3.friends       4.for           5.group 
6.cheered      7.replied        8.myself       9.except        10.received

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/1135187.html
