
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

泰興市實(shí)驗(yàn)初級(jí)中學(xué) 初二英語(yǔ)期中試題
(考試時(shí)間:100分鐘  滿分:100分)
第一部分  選擇題(60分)
一、聽(tīng)力(共15小 題;每小題1分,計(jì)15分)
1. How does the girl go to school? 
A                      B                        C
2. When does the boy get up at weekends?
A                       B                        C
3.What will the woman do tomorrow?

       A                          B                        C
4. Is Sandy able to fix a bike?
A. Yes.        B. No.         C. I’m not certain.
5. What’s wrong with Sam ?
A. He’s ill.     B. He hurt his hand.   C. He has a cold.
聽(tīng)一段對(duì)話, 回答第6至7題。
6. What’s Mary’s hobby ?
A. Playing football      B. Swimming          C.Playing tennis
7. How many hours does she spend on her hobby?
A. About an hour.      B. About half an hour.    C. About two hours.
聽(tīng)第一篇短文,回答第8至10小題。請(qǐng)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選 擇正確答案,完成信息記錄表。
School begin First term (9)term Go to school Finish school
(8) September to January February to June At five At(10)
8.A.September   B.January   C.February
9.A.First    B.Second    C.Third
10.A.seventeen  B.sixteen    C.eighteen
11. What is Tom’s weekend job?
  A. To print newspapers.       B. To sell newspapers.     C. To send out newspapers.
12. Where does Tom put the newspapers on rainy days?
  A. On the bookshelves.       B. In the milk boxes.      C. In the letter boxes.
13. Why does Tom fix a light onto his bike?
  A. Because he has poor eyesight.     B. Because he wants to make his bike nicer.
C. Because he often can’t finish the task until after dark.
14.How far is Tom’s working area?
  A. Close to his school.     B. Close to his home.     C. Very far from his home.
15. Which word can best describe(描述)Tom?
  A. Honest         B. Friendly         C. Hard-working
16. —Can I have something to eat? —______. What about some bread?
   A. Sorry       B. Sure         C. Not at all         D. Right
17. —I don’t know how to solve the problem.
—________. Let’s work together to solve it.
   A. Good idea      B. Come on      C. Sounds great     D. You’re so kind
18. Don’t keep worries _______ yourself. You should share them with your friends.
   A. for          B. in         C. at        D. to
19. The play is interesting but I feel a little _______ with it.
   A. bored        B. angry        C. happy       D. patient
20. —How does your mother sing? —______ the famous singer, DengZiqi.
   A. As well as      B. As good as      C. As bad as     D. So well as
21. He is happier than I because he has ______ friends and ______ free time than I.
   A. more, less     B. fewer, more      C. more, more      D. fewer, less
22. —How much TV do you watch every week?  Not much. At ______ 2 hours of TV.
   A. least       B. most       C. last       D. present
23. He _____ the question quickly and answered them easily.
   A. looked after     B. looked into      C. looked though     D. looked forward to
24. ______ on the chair. The paint is wet.
   A. Don’t sit    B. Sit      C. Sitting      D. To sit
25. My watch is broken. I had better ________ someone to repair it.
   A. ask      B. asked       C. asking       D. to ask
26. “Fall” in American English means “_______” in British English.
   A. winter        B. spring       C. summer       D. autumn
27. He makes a birthday present for her instead of ______ one.
  A. buy        B. bought       C. buying       D. to buying
28. —What a bright light! When did you ______?  —Last week.
   A. put it on      B. put it in       C. put it out       D. put it down
29. The sweater _______ wool , so it feels very warm.
   A. is made of       B. is made from        C. is made in       D. is made for
30. How ________ I am to see so many _________ places
   A. interested, interested           B. interested, interesting
C. interesting, interested           D. interesting, interesting
31. Not only Ann but also her friend ________ crazy about doing DIY.
   A. is         B. are      C. to be       D. were
32, He got up late, but _______, he didn’t miss the first underground.
   A. lucky      B. luckily       C. unlucky       D. unluckily
33. It’s great ______ to tell _____ jokes to my friends.
   A. fun, fun      B. funny, funny      C. funny, fun     D. fun, funny
34. A true friend is always willing ______ share his joy and sadness ______ others.
   A. to, for        B. to, with      C. /, with         D. /, for
35. You need to pay ________ 20 yuan if you want two footballs.
   A. other       B. the other      C. another       D. more
We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting them and putting them into our   36  . It’s not as easy as you think. It’s important to know   37    and when to eat.
    Fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach. If you eat fruit like that, it will go straight   38 the stomach into the Intestines(腸道). It will be good to your health and provide you with plenty of   39    for life activities. Fruit is the most important  food.
    But when you eat two pieces of bread and then some fruit, it is  not good to do so. Do you know the reason?
    You have probably heard people saying ?every time I eat watermelon I burp(打嗝), when I eat a banana I want to  40   to the toilet. When the fruit   41   with other food, it produces gas(氣體). That’s why you will feel uncomfortable. Actually, this will not   42   if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach.
    Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. When you  really  want to drink fruit juice, drink only   43   fruit juice, NOT from the bottles or cans. Don’t drink juice that has been  heated up. Don’t eat cooked fruits because you don’t get the nutrients(營(yíng)養(yǎng)物)at all. You only get the   44  .
    If you have learned the   45   way of eating fruits, you have the  secret of beauty, health, energy, happiness and a long life. Dark circles under the eyes will not appear.
36. A. tables            B. plates          C. mouths         D. boxes
37. A. how             B. what           C. where          D. who
38. A. past             B. between       C. among          D. through
39. A. water        B. energy         C. joy         D. time
40.A. return        B. run          C. jog        D. stay
41.A. fixes           B. fills              C. mixes          D. joins
42.A.give            B. discuss         C. arrive           D. happen
43.A. expensive  B. colorful       C. fresh           D. cold
44.A. taste              B. weight          C. shape(形狀)       D. sugar
45.A. possible         B. correct          C. new       D. same
Ticket Information
Date: 30th July-8th August
Mon~Fri 10 am, 7 pm
Sat~Sun 10 am, 2 pm, 7 pm
Place: Wanda Cinema
Duration: 90 minutes

¥35 per child or adult(day shows)
¥40 per child or adult(evening shows)
¥ 50 for 2 tickets for 2 children;
¥ 65 for 2 tickets for 2 adults(day shows)
¥ 60 for 2 tickets for 2 children;
¥ 70 for 2 tickets for 2 adults(evening shows)
Tickets for children below three are free.
46. Where is the film on ? ___________
  A. At a theatre.     B. At Wanda Cinema.      C. In a hall.      D. In a school.
47. If your mother is free only in the afternoon, she can watch this movie on ________.
  A. Sunday         B. Monday          C. Thursday        D. Friday
48. How long will the film last(持續(xù))? __________
  A. 1 hour.         B. 1.5 hours         C. 2 hours    D.3 hours
49. Who can watch the film for free? ________.
  A. Children below three.         B. Children bellow ten
C. Old people                  D. Teachers and students
50. Parents should pay at least ________ if they go with their 2-year-old son in the evening.
  A. ¥110           B.¥80         C. 70    D. ¥90
Mr. Smith is fifty years old .He began to teach in a middle school twenty-six years ago . He works hard and always comes to his office on time .He expects his students to be honest and is strict with them . Some of his students become famous people ,but they still remember him and often write to him .Of course, the old man is proud of it .
   This term he began to teach Grade One . Some of the new students were told about him ,but the others didn’t know him well .He told them how to be an honest person .He gave them several examples and said ,“I hate telling a lie most .”
   Before class was over ,he told all his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1.The next morning ,as soon as he came into the classroom , he asked , “Who’s finished Exercise 8?”
A few students put up their hands .He shook his head and said , “Open your workbooks and see whether there’s Exercise 8 in Unit 1 or not ? ”
The students had a look at their workbooks and their faces turned red at once .
51. How long has Mr. Smith taught in the middle school ?_______________
A. For fifty years .        B. For twenty-six years .   
C. For twenty years .       D. For thirty-six years .
52. What is Mr. Smith proud of ? ____________
A. All students are honest .        B. He teaches math very well .
C. His students often write to him .    D. He is strict with students .
53. Mr. Smith told his students ______.
A. how to study hard        B. not to tell a lie
C. how to be famous        D. not to be late for class
54. Why did Mr. Smith tell his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1?__________
A. Because he wanted to know if they were honest .
B. Because Exercise 8 was very easy for them .
C. Because he wanted them to do more exercises .
D. Because the students could do it well .
55.The students felt _____when Mr .Smith found them telling a lie . _________
A. angry        B. happy         C. bored        D. sorry
A few years ago, my husband and I were on an island for a long week with our two little daughters. As we talked about what to do next, our daughter jumped in and told us exactly what they wanted to do. We agreed.
As soon as we walked into the main area of the butterfly museum, we saw thousands of beautiful butterflies. They all flew with their colorful wings. My girls were jumping up and down, and I knew we had made the right decision to come to the museum. They were having so much fun.
I turned to our guide (導(dǎo)游) and asked curiously(好奇地), “How long do butterflies live?”
She said, “About ten days.”
“What can butterflies do in ten days?”
The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, “They make the world a more beautiful place.”
After we said goodbye, I couldn’t stop thinking about what the guide had said. She was right. We all have something to offer(主動(dòng)提供)the world with the time we have. If we spend the time doing what we can for others, we all can make the world a better place.
56. What did the girls want to do? __________
  A. Go to visit an island.       B. Make the world beautiful
C. Listen to the tour guide.     D. Visit the butterfly museum
57. What made the writer think they had made the right decision? ___________
  A. She knew how long butterflies live        B. They were welcomed in the museum.
C. Their daughters were having a good time.   D. She saw thousands of beautiful butterflies.
58. What does the write mainly tell us in the last paragraph? __________
  A. When they said goodbye to the guide.       B. Why they went to the butterfly museum.
  C. What she learned from the guide’s words.    D. How she would make her home a better place.
59. Which is the proper time order of what happened? __________
a. The family were staying on an island.    
b. The family went to the butterfly museum
c. The writer kept thinking about the guide’s words. 
d. The girls enjoyed themselves in the butterfly museum
A. a→b→c→d     B. a→b→d→c      C. a→d→b→c      D. b→a→c→d
60. How can we make the world a better place? ___________
  A. By doing what we can for others.      B. By living a happy and healthy life
C. By visiting some museums.           D. By talking to a guide.

第二部分  非選擇題(40分)
1. He likes reading newspapers and ____________(雜志) in his free time.
2. English is a useful ______________(語(yǔ)言) .
3. I used _____________(剪刀) to cut out pieces of card.
4. Can you tell me the answer to the question ____________(確切地) ?
5. The journey to the town centre wasn’t ___________(乏味的)at all.
6. The students couldn’t wait ___________(know) the result of the exam.
7. —What did the doctor advise you ___________(do)?
—To eat less meat and do more exercise.
8. After running 2 kilometers, I felt much ___________(thirsty).
9. —Do you know the ___________(weigh) of the fat man?
—It’s hard to say. Maybe 150 kilos.
10. As Grade 8 students, we should learn to do something we can do all by _________(we).
Do you like traveling? How can you make your trip interesting? Here’s some advice.
Before you leave, you should find some information about the place, such as its geography, history and people. You can understand that place better by reading.
Take photos!
If you want to take some photos, remember to choose the most special sights. Don’t choose the sight you can see in other places. For example, Qingdao and Ningbo are coastal (沿海的)cities, so don’t only take photos of the sea. You should take photos of something else, too.
You’d better taste some specials in the area. Food in some places is very delicious. So why not taste it? Maybe you have just one chance to taste it in your life.
When you visit a place, you should take a pen and a notebook, so you can write down what you see and what you think during the trip.
How to make your trip  1 
Read! Before  2  , you should find some   3  about the place, such as its geography, history and people .So you can have a  4  understanding of that place .
Take photos! When taking photos, don’t   5  to choose the most special sights, Don’t choose the   6  sight as you see in other places .
Taste! Taste some special   7   food in that area because you may have just one   8   to taste it in your life .
Write! You should write down what you   9  and what you  10  during the trip.

1._________   2._________   3._________   4._________     5._________
6._________   7._________   8._________   9._________     10._________
B.閱讀短文, 回答問(wèn)題.(5分,每條問(wèn)題的答案不超過(guò)5個(gè)單詞)
Hans Christian Andersen, a great Danish(丹麥的)writer, is very famous for his fairy tales(童話). He wrote a lot of best-known stories such as The Emperor’s New Clothes and The Ugly Ducking. His fairy tales have brought happiness to children across the world. The tales have versions(版本) of over a hundred languages.
Andersen was born in Denmark in 1805. When he was still a young boy, he was already very clever and imaginative (富于想象力的). He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets(木偶). He also loved reading.
In 1816, his father died and he learned to be a tailor(裁縫). Later he worked in a factory. At the age of fourteen, Andersen moved to the capital of Denmark to become an actor and gave performances(演出) in the Royal Danish Theatre. However, his voice changed when he grew older, so the job had to stop. Then he began to write poems and fairy tales.
In the spring of 1872, Andersen fell out of bed and didn’t get well again. He lived until 1875 and died peacefully at his close friend’s home.
1. What is Andersen famous for?
2. When was he born?
3. Where did he move at the age of 14?
4.Did he write poems?
5. Where did he die?
There was once a wise woman who lived back in the hills .All the children liked to come back and ask her questions . She always gave the right answers .
There was a naughty (調(diào)皮地)little boy a  1   the children . One day he caught a bird and held it in his cupped hands . Then he gathered his fingers (手指) around . He said “Let’s trick the old woman. I’ll a  2   her what I’m h  3   in my hands . Of course ,she’ll answer that I have a b  4   . Then I will ask her if (是否)the bird is living or dead . If she says the bird is dead ,I’ll o  5   my hands and let the bird fly away . If she says the bird is alive , I’ll quickly crush(壓碎) it and show her the dead bird .Either way , she’ll be w  6   .”
 The children agreed that this was a c  7   plan .Up the hill they went to the old w  8   hut (小屋)。
“Granny ,we have a question for you ,”they all shouted .
“What’s in my hand?” asked the little boy.
“Well , it must be a bird,” answered the old woman .
“But is it living or dead ?”asked the excited boy .
The old woman t  9   for a moment and then a  10  ,“It is as you wish ,my child.”
1. a_________   2. a________   3. h_________   4. b_________    5. o_________
6. w________   7. c_________   8. w________   9. t_________    10. a_________
姓名 基本情況 學(xué)校生活
Tom 八年級(jí)學(xué)生,很幽默,每天堅(jiān)持用英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)日記。 有時(shí)從圖書(shū)館借書(shū)。放學(xué)后,一周兩次做課外活動(dòng)。
Max 在混合性學(xué)校上學(xué),喜歡制作新的東西。 上周參加學(xué)校旅行,了解世界各地名勝。
Lisa 擅長(zhǎng)自己做生日卡片 學(xué)校上午九點(diǎn)開(kāi)始,下午三點(diǎn)結(jié)束,學(xué)生可選學(xué)科目。
Nowadays students have colourful school lives and take part in many meaningful activities . The following table is about some students and their school lives .
They have fun at school every day .

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/1137890.html
