
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


英語人教八年級上綜合測評Unit 7
(時間:90分鐘 分值:100分)
第Ⅰ卷 部分(15分)
Ⅰ .聽句子,選擇正確答語(5分)
1.How much honey do we need?
2.Do you like smoothies?
3.How to make a fruit salad?
4.How many apples does your brother have?
5.Would you like a cup of coffee?
1.A.Two teaspoons.B.Three teaspoons.C.Four teaspoons.

2.A.Yes,it is.B.Yes,I will.C.No,I don't.

3.A.It's very delicious.B.Sorry,I don't knoC.It's very popular.

4.A.Just one.  B.No,please.  C.Yes,I do.

5.A.Y es,I like. B.Yes,please. C.No,please.

W:I'm thirsty!Let's make apple juice.
M:How do you make apple juice?
W:Well,first peel two apples.
M:Two apples?
W:Yes.Then cut up the apples.
M:OK,it's done.
W:Now put the apples in the blender.Then pour the milk in the blender.
M:It will make the juice tasty.
W:I guess so.Next,turn on the blender.Finally,pour the apple juice in a glass and drink it.


Do you like scrambled eggs with tomatoes?The dish is delicious and easy to cook.Here's a recipe for it.First cut up one tomato and one green pepper.
Next break three eggs and put them into a bowl and mix them.Add some salt to the bowl and mix again.Then heat the pan and pour some oil into the pan.Put the egg,the tomato and the green pepper into the pan.Finally cook for 2 minutes.Now you can enjoy it.

green pepper__12__

第Ⅱ卷 筆試部分(85分)
16.Among the fruit,I like ______ best.
A.yogurtB.milkC.orange  D.watermelons

17.______ red and yellow,and you'll get orange.
A.Mix B.MakeC.Draw D.Add

18.There ______ two slices of turkey on the table and there ______ some relish on the slices.
A.a(chǎn)re;are B.a(chǎn)re;isC.is;is D.is;are

19.Here's the recipe ______ my favorite chicken hamburger.
A.for B.ofC.on D.to

20.Before we eat a banana,we usually ______ it first.
A.wash B.drinkC.cut D.peel

21.—Listen!The pop music is wonderful.
—Hush!Grandma is sleeping.You'd better ______ the radio.
A.turn up B.turn downC.turn on D.take down

22.Look!There are ______ on the desk.
A.four glasses of milk B.four glasses of milks
C.four glass of milk D.four glass of milks

23.—What can I do for you?
—Please ______ two apples and then ______.
A.peel;cut them up B.peel;cut up them
C.get;cut them D.gets;cut them up

24.Now cut ______ the tomatoes and put them ______ the blender.
A.down;in B.up;into
C.off;into D.up;on

25.I want to make a banana milk shake.Please tell me,______ milk do I need,and ______ bananas do I need?
A.how much;how much B.how many;how many
C.how much;how many D.how many;how much

It is usual to have a salad when an American has his meal.American people eat the salad before the main course.A nice American thing is the salad bar.In restaurants __26__ salad bars the waiters do not bring you salad.You go to the salad bar and help __27__.You can eat as __28__ as you want to.You eat the salad while some people cook the main course.
American people know __29__ to choose from the menu.American menus can look different,at first sight,for they use some words which are strange to most visitors.Here are some points,which __30__ be useful.
Potatoes most often come to “French fries” or “baked potatoes”.If you order a baked potato,the waiter will ask you what you want __31__ it.The choice is butter or sour cream.Very often vegetables do not come with the meal,and you have to __32__ extra for them.
American beef is usually good and often beautiful.
An American salt pot may __33__ a pepper pot.But they are different.The salt pot's holes are bigger.The pepper pot's holes are black.
You might __34__ that in American restaurants,if you can't finish your meal,you can put the rest in a “doggy bag” and take them home.If you leave some meal,your waiter may ask you if you'd like him __35__ it into a little ba g,or you can ask him to do this.
26.A.with B.ofC.from D.a(chǎn)bout

27.A.you B.yourselfC.yours D.your

28.A.many B.fewC.much D.little

29.A.when B.thatC.why D.how

30.A.may B.needC.must D.shall

31.A.to B.onC.for D.into

32.A.take B.spendC.pay D.buy

33.A.look for B.look afterC.loo k at D.look like

34.A.hear B.listenC.look D.a(chǎn)sk

35.A.put B.puttingC.to put D.puts

Ⅵ.理解 (20分)
Can you name some foods in the meat group?Can you tell where they come from?
Your body is made up of millions of cells.Cells are very small.
Your body has to make new cells in order to groIt also has to make new cells to take the place of the old cells that have been worn out.
To grow,the cells need a thing called protein.The protein you need mostly comes from foods in the meat group.
Fruit and vegetables are plant foods.Foods in this group give your body vitamins and minerals.Your body needs vitamins and minerals to grow and to stay well.
The third food group is made up of bread.These foods come from grain.Your body gets heat and energy from these foods.It needs a lot of energy to work and play.
Milk is one of the best foods your body can get.It has protein,vitamins and minerals.Milk is good between meals or with meals.
36.In order to grow,your body ______.
A.has to make more water B.needs less protein
C.has to make new cells D.needs old cells

37.In order to grow,the cells need ______.
A.food B.proteinC.meat D.bread

38.The protein comes mostly from ______.
A.milk B.fruitC.bread D.meat

39.Vitamins come from ______.
A.protein B.fruit and vegetables
C.fat D.new cells

40.Milk has ______ in it.
A.meals B.bodyC.minerals D.bread

Hi,I'm Wei Yan.There are many kinds of delicious food in the world.But I like beef noodles best.My parents also like beef noodles.But my mother is busy.She works in a hosp ital.She is a famous doctor.So my mother often has no time to cook.When I want to eat beef noodles,I often go to the restaurant.
Yesterday I went to a restaurant to eat beef noodles.On my way back home.I thought I should learn to make beef noodles.If I can cook them I will make beef noodles for my mother on her birthday.It is on Wednesday,October 28.She must be happy.So when I got home,I began to learn to make b eef noodles on the computer.Here's the recipe.
First boil some noodles.Next cut up some beef.Then mix them up and add some relish and sauce.Now you can eat them!They not only look good,but also are good for our bodies.
41.What kind of food does Wei Yan like best?
A.Beef. B.Tomatoes.
C.Tomato noodles. D.Beef noodles.

42.Where does Wei Yan often eat the food?
A.At school. B.At home.
C.In the restaurant. D.In the hospital.

43.When is Wei Yan's mother's birthday?
A.On August 28. B.On October 27.
C.On October 28. D.On November 28.

44.How did Wei Yan learn to make the food?
A.She learned it on TV. B.She learned it in a restaurant.
C.Her mother taught her. D.She learned it on the computer.

45.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Wei Yan's mother is a good doctor.
B.Wei Yan's father doesn't like beef noodles.
C.Wei Yan learned to make beef noodles on her birthday.
D.Wei Yan planned to buy a birthday gift for her mother.

1.five eggs 2.some green onions 3.a teaspoon of salt 4.three teaspoons of oil
How to make it:
First,beat up (打碎) the five eggs in a bowl.Cut_up_the_green_onions_and_put_them_in_ the_bowl,too.Put in a teaspoon of salt and mix them all up.Next,put the pan (平底鍋) on the gas cooker (煤氣灶) and turn on the gas worker.Pour three teaspoons of oil into the pan.Then pour the eggs into the pan when the oil is hot.Turn it over from time to time.About five minutes later,it is OK.Finally,put it onto a plate.
46.How many eggs do we need?
___________ _____________________________________________________________

47.How much salt do we need?

48.When should we pour the eggs into the pan?


A.Turn on the gas cooker.
B.Cook it until it is OK.
C.Pour some oil into the pan.
D.Pour the eggs into the pan.
E.Beat up the eggs.
正確順序:_________________________________________ _____________________

A:How do you __51__ a turkey sandwich?
B:Well,__52__,put some butter on a slice of bread.
A:How __53__ butter?
B:Oh,about a teaspoon.
A:OK,what __54__?
B:Next cut up some tomatoes.
A:How many __55__?
B:Well,one is probably enough.Put the tomato on the bread.Then cut up an onion,too.
A:Sounds good.What __56__ the turkey?
B:Next,put some turkey slices on the bread.
A:How __57__ turkey slices?
B:About three.
A:OK.Is that all?
B:Not quite.Put some relish on the turkey.
A:How __58__?
B:About two teaspoons.And don't forget the lettuce.
A:Sounds delicious.
B:__59__,put another __60__ of bread on the top.
A: Great!

61.Read the i______ carefully before you take the medicine.

62.Miss Chen c______ her car and found something was wrong with it.

63.What can you see on the t______ of the mountain?

64.Don't ______(傾倒) waste water into the river.

65.Eating too much ______(食鹽) is bad for our health.

66.______(final) we worked out the math problem.

67.Pass me three ______(slice) of chicken.

68.How much ______(butter) is there on the bread?

69.What do we need ______(buy) for supper?

70.I like ______(sandwich) with chicken very much.



Ⅰ. 1-5 CCBAB
Ⅱ.6- 10 BDCFA
Ⅲ. 11.tomato 12.one 13.three 14.salt 15.some
Ⅶ. 46 Five.
47 A teaspoon.
48 When the oil is hot.
49 把蔥切碎并把它們也放在碗里。
51.make 52.first 53.much 54.else 55.tomatoes 56.about 57.many
58 .much 59.Finally 60.slice
Ⅸ.61. instructions 62. checked 63. top 64. pour 65. Salt
66. Finally 67. slices 68. butter 69. to buy 70. sandwiches
Do you like drinking apple milk shake?Do you know how to make it?Now let me tell you something about it.
First,peel the apples and cut them up.Next,put the apples and ice cream into the b lender.After that,pour the milk into the blender and mix them up.Then,turn on the blender for about two minutes.Finally,pour the apple milk shake in a glass and drink it.
Now you can have a try.

5 Y

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/113980.html
