
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一、聽句子,選出與其意思相符的圖畫。 (5分)
( )1. A. B. C.
( ) 2. A. B. C.
( )3. A. B. C.
( )4. A. B. C
( )5.A. B. C.
( )6.A..For four days . B. Five days a week. C. In Five days
( )7.A.It doesn’t atter. B. I’ sorry to hear that. C. Never ind.
( )8.A.You are welcoe. B . I’ so sorry. C. What a pity.
( )9.A.onday B.Oct.1st C. onday the 1st
( )10. A. No, thanks. B. I hope so. C. Sure. Here you are.
( )11.Q:How any kinds of ingredients do they need?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
( )12. Q: Where did the boy go?
A. The zoo. B. The library. C. The aquariu.
( )13. Q: Who is taller?
A. Bill B. Li Lei C. John
( )14. Q: What’s the atter with Bill?
A. He has a headache.B. He has a sore back.C. He has a fever.
( )15.Q: Why can’t Henry go out?
A . He has to wash his clothes. B. He has to clean his roo. C. He has to ake dinner.
四、聽短 文, 根據(jù)其內(nèi)容從A, B, C, D中找出能回 答下列問題的選項(xiàng)(讀三遍)(5分)
( )16. When did Robert go fishing?
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. D. On onday.
( )17. Who did Robert go fishing with?
A. Nick. B. ike. C. Dick. D. Tick.
( )18. How did the two boys get to the river?
A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By car. D. By bus.
( )19. What tie did it begin to rain?
A. At three in the afternoon. B. At about four in the afternoon.
C. At five in the afternoon. D. At six in the afternoon.
( )20. Who got wet in the rain?
A. Robert did. B. Nick did. C. Both of the did. D. Neither of the did.
( )21. It is ____useful way to read____instruction before you use the blender.
A. a,; a B.a; the C.an; the D.the;the
( )22.Is her lifestyle____as_____?
A.the sae; I B.different;y C.the sae; ine D.different; e
( )23.Ann did quite ____in the English Copetition,but Anna did even____.
A.better;well B.well;well C.well;better D.better;better
( )24.----I’ planning____the vacation with y grandparents,dad.
----Oh,don’t_____to buy the soe nice food.
A.spending;forget B.spending;reeber C,to spend;forget D.to spen d,reeber
( )25.Here____the results____the English test.
A.is;of B.are;on C.are,of D.is,about
( )26.The nuber of the students in our school____6000.A nuber of students____at school yesterday.
A. are;were B.is ;were C.is;was D.are;was
( )27.Thanks a lot for____e____your party.
A.invite;for B.invite;to C.inviting;to D.inviting;for
( )28.I____go to bed _____12 o’clock last night.
A .can’t;until B.could;until C.can,until D.couldn’t;until
( )29To has two friends here and he has____one in Paris.
A.another B.other C.the other D.others
( )30.Can you coe____to y house_____the science report on Sunday.
A,on;to discuss B.over;to discuss C.in;discussing D.over;discuss
( )31.—How far is it fro here?
—It’s about_______fro here.
A.5 hundred kiloeter away B.5 hundreds kiloeters far
C.5 hundred kiloeters away D.5hundreds of kiloeters far
( )32----______yogurt do we need______fruit salad?
A.How any;to ake B. How uch;to do C.How any cups of;to ake D.How uch cups of; ake
( )33._____ _____green onions is a difficult job.
A.Cut up B.cutting up C.cuting up D.cutting into
( )34.Thoas wants to know__________.
A.How long does it take to get to school B. How long it take to school
C.How long is it take to get to school D.How long it takes to get to school
( )35.Taking a boat ust be a lot _____than_____ a bus.
A.fun,taking B.ore fun ; taking C. funner ;to take D. ore fun; to take
y nae is Tony.I had a day 36 fro school this week. But I didn’t 37 a good tie. Last night, I slept late. I had soe probles 38 up early in the orning .When I got up,It was nine o’clock in the orning. And the weather was very bad. So I had to stay at hoe and help o 39 the housework.Then I went to the Gift shop by bus. There were too any 40 on the bus.It was very crowded. It took e an hour 41 the shop. I bought 42 gifts. After that, I read a boring book and watched TV.In the afternoon,y parents wanted to go for a walk.So I went out with the. 43,that wasn’t interesting, either. In the evening, y best friend 44 e to see an interesting ove 45 sharks.But I found it wasn’t interesting at all.
What a bad day!
( )36.A. of B. off C. away D. far
( )37.A.have B. spend C. play D. had
( )38.A.to get B. getting C. get D. gets
( )39.A.doing B. did C. do D. does
( )40.A.visitors B. passengers C. drivers D. students
( )41.A.to reach B. reached C. to get D. arrived
( )42.A.a little B. few C. a few D. little
( )43.A.And B. Also C. Until D. However
( )44.A.told B. said C. spoke D. let
( )45.A.with B. about C. for D. in
There was a poor young an in a village. He had a parrot. The parrot could speak. It could only say, "There is no doubt (懷疑) about it." And to every question, it gave the sae answer.
One day the young an had no oney for bread. He decided to sell the parrot. He took it to the arket. Who wants to buy y parrot? Twenty pounds for the clever parrot!" the young an shouted.
An old an cae up and said, "This is really a nice bird, but it is too expensive." Then he asked the parrot, "Are you worth twenty pounds?"
“There is no doubt about it," answered the parrot.The old an was very pleased with the clever bird's answer. He bought the parrot and brought it hoe.
Soe tie later, the old an began to find that the bird could just say these words. He said to the bird, "What a fool I a to throw so uch oney away!""There is no doubt about it," answered the parrot.
( )46. The parrot could only say these six words.
( )47. The parrot used the words to answer every question.
( )48. The old an didn't think the parrot was clever, but worth twenty pounds.
( )49. At last the old an found the parrot could say any words.
( )50. The old an said that he hiself was a fool.
Beijing has lots of interesting places. Here are soe places for children to play in:
Beihai Park
Address: No.1, Wen jin jie
Opening hours: 6:30 a.. —8:30 p..
Ticket price: 10 RB
Description: Beihai Park is a beautiful park to walk around or have fun on the boats.
Shijingshan Auseent Park
Address: No.25, Shijingshan Road
Opening hours: 9:00 a.. —5:00 p..
Ticket price: 10 RB
Description: It’s Beijing’s largest auseent park.
Beijing World Park
Address: No.158, Fen gbao Road, Huaxiang
Opening hours: 9:00 a.. —5:00 p..
Ticket price: 65 RB
Description: It shows faous buildings fro around the wo rld in sall size.
ilu(麋鹿) Park Address: Nan Haizi ilu Yuan, Daxing District
Opening hours: 8:00 a.. —5:00 p..
Ticket price: Free
Description: You can see ilu and soe other endangered anials here.
( )51. You can NOT _________ in Beihai Park.
A. walk ar ound B. see ilu C. take a boat D. go sightseeing
( )52. If you live in Huaxiang, your nearest park is ________.
A. ilu Park B. Beihai Park C. Beijing World Park D. Shijingshan Auseent Park
( )53. If you go to ilu Park, you have to pay ________ RB for the ticket.
A. 0 B. 10 C. 15 D. 65
( )54. What does the underlined word "endangered" ean in Chinese?
A. 好動(dòng)的 B. 可愛的 C. 兇猛的 D. 瀕危的
( )55. What is the best title for the article?
A. Auseent Parks B. Let’s Look After Anials
C. Faous Places Around the World D. Places for Children to Go in Beijing
People in any countries are learning English. Soe of the are sall children. Others are teenagers. any are adults. Soe learn at school, others learn by theselves. A few people learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV or in fils.As we know,it’s hard to learn a foreign language well. One ust work hard to learn another language.Because we can’t use it often.But if you have right ways to learn English, it’s a piece of cake.
Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. any boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects required (要求) for study. They study their own language ,ath and English. Soe people learn it because it is useful for their work. any people learn English for their higher studies, because at colleges or universities soe of their books are in English. Soe people learn English because they want to read newspapers or agazines in English.
( )56. Teenagers, adults and___________ learn English.
A. workers B. farers C. children D. people
( )57. People learn English________.
A. at schools B. over the radio C. on TV D. not all in the sae way
( )5 8. Different kinds of people learn English ________.
A. together with other subjects B. for different reasons
C. for their work D. for higher studies at college
( )59. Fro this passage we know that________.
A. If we have right ways to learn English, we can learn it easily B. English is very difficult to learn
C. English is learned by all people in the world D. English is useful but one needn’t learn it
( )60. Which of the following is right?________.
A. We don't need to learn any foreign languagesB. We can do well in all our work without English
C. English is the ost iportant subject in schoolsD. We should learn English because we need to face the world
A: I’ hungry, u.
B: Well, I ake noodles for you.
A: What can I do for you?
B: Bring e two eggs.
C: H ow do you ake toato and egg noodles?
D: I like toato and egg noodles.
E: How any toatoes do you need?
F: I can’t wait to eat the.
G: How uch salt do you need?
A: Great. 61 .
B: Ok. Can you help e ake the?
A: Yes. 62 ?
B: Well, help e cut up the toatoes.
A: 63 ?
B: Two is ok.
A: What else?
B: 64 .
A: First, I put soe oil. Then put in the green onions.
B: I know next pour into water.
A: So clever. But reeber boil the water for ore than ten inutes. Then put in the noodles. When the water is boiled again you can eat the noodles.
B: Oh. ¬¬ 65 .
61._______ 62. _______ 63. _______64. _______ 65. _______
for, always, difference, leave, good, any, be , quiet, what, grade
y faily (66)______spends the suer vacation by the beach. Usually we go to Qingdao, but this year we're going soewhere(67)______. We're going to Hainan. y dad says Hainan is(68)______than Qingdao, and he says the beaches are (69)______beautiful.y friend Zhao Fei went to Hainan last year and he said it was a g reat place (70)______swiing. Zhao Fei is really good at swiing, but I' not.I' cleverer than hi.I do(71)_____in ath and physics than hi.I think physics(72)____really easy.I often get good(73) ___. I like to sit on the beach and think(74)___ I will do after (75)____ school.
過 去現(xiàn) 在
計(jì) 劃努力學(xué)習(xí),積極參加各種活動(dòng),學(xué)做家務(wù)。下個(gè)假期去鄉(xiāng)村度假,享受大自然。
要求:語(yǔ)句通順,語(yǔ)意連 貫,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮80—100字左右。
Dear Wang Feng,
Thanks for your letter. Now let e tell you soething about y classate Bill. In the past he was 來

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/115731.html
