
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

英 語 試 題
第I卷(選擇題 共85分)
Ⅰ. 聽問句,選擇最佳應答語。(共5分)
1. A. I had a sore throat.         B. I’m drinking.   C. That’s too bad.
2. A. I hate them.              B. Good idea.       C. I’d like to.
3. A. I was doing my homework.    B. I stayed at home.   C. I felt happy.
4. A. That’s right.             B. Sorry, I can. .      C. Sure, that should be OK.
5. A. He falls down.         B. He fell down.      C. He was lovely.
Ⅱ. 聽五段短對話,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。(共5分)
6. What’s the matter with John?
A. He has a cold.           B. He has a stomachache.   C. He has a headache.
7. Where could the woman give out the food?
A. In the school.           B. In front of the bank.      C. At the food bank.
8. Who is coming over at seven?
A. His grandpa.    B. His grandma.          C. His father.
9. How does Tom go to school?
A. By bus.     B. On foot.        C. By subway.
10. Why should the man write a letter to his best friend?
A. Because they had a talk.  B. Because they had a discussion.  C. Because they had a fight.
Ⅲ. 根據(jù)你所聽到的對話,選擇正確答案。(共5分)
11. Whose notebook is this?
 A. Jenny’s.    B. Bob’s.       C. Linda’s.
12. Which sport does Tom like best?
A. Volleyball.       B. Basketball.    C. Football.
13. What does the girl mean?
A. She doesn’t like swimming.   B. She can’t go swimming with Tom.
C. She will go swimming with her mother.
14. How long does it take Jane to get to school on foot?
A. 3 minutes.    B. 13 minutes.   C. 30 minutes.
15. Why isn’t the boy going to watch the talk show with the girl?
A. Because he doesn’t like the show.          B. Because he has a lot of homework to do.
C. Because the show is boring.
IV. 聽短文。根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。短文讀兩遍(共5分)
16. It is    today.
A. sunny              B. rainy         C. cloudy
17. Jim likes    best.
A. playing football      B. watching TV  C. reading
18. Jim turned off the TV because    .
A. he had some homework to do   B. he didn’t find any matches on it
C. he wanted to call his friend
19. Mike is    at home.
A. playing with a cat  B. doing his homework  C. doing some housework
20. Jim finishes his exercises    .
A. this morning   B. this afternoon   C. this evening


II.讀音選詞  根據(jù)所給句意和音標,從每題A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出一個最佳答案。(5分)
21.He didn’t know what was___________/’hæpəniŋ /outside.
A. happened     B. happening     C. happen      D .helping
22.She’s going to _________/spend / time with her parents this vacation.
A. spent      B. spend      C. spending    D. spends
23.I need to look _________/ sma:t / for my job interview.
A. smart     B. small      C. strange      D. start
24.One day people will __________/ flai / to the moon for vacations.
A .flight      B. flew      C. fly      D. flying
25.Take the medicine three a day and have a good rest , and you’ll________/fi:l / better soon.
A. fall   B fell   C feel    D. felt
III.選擇填空  從每題A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出一個最佳答案。(30分)
26. —What’s _____ trouble with you?
 —I have _____ a cold.
 A. a;the       B. the;a    C. the; /       D. the;the
27.  —What do you want most??
    —A room of ______ own.?
    A. I   B. me   C. my   D. mine?
28. —Could you please give me ______on how to improve myself?
A. an advice     B. some advice  C. some advices   D. any advice
29—Look! Some people are running the red lights.
—We should wait ______ others are breaking the rule.
A. if  B. unless  C. although  D. because
30. He looked up and saw many birds ______ in the sky.
 A.to fly   B. flies  C. flying   D.flew
31. The man called his professor for  help because he couldn’t solve the problem by _________.
  A. herself   B. himself  C. yourself  D. themselves
32. The scientist will give us a report as soon as he          .
A. arrives B. arrived     C. is arriving D. will arrive
33. —Could you tell me ______the camera?   
A. how use      B. to use how         C. how to use    D. what to use
34. You should keep _______ while learning English.
  A. to practice    B. practices   C. practiced     D. practicing
35. He failed in the math test and looks sad. Let’s _____.
A. put him up        B. set him up       C. cheer him up       D. clean him up
36. Miss Green is free ______ kids learn to play the piano on weekends.
A. help   B. helps   C. helping   D. to help
37. Whenever we see someone in trouble, we should offer ______ him or her.
 A. help    B. helping  C. helps   D. to help
38. ?What was your brother doing at this time yesterday?
  ?He was reading a magazine ________ I was writing an e-mail at home.
A. as soon as B. after     C.until      D. while
39. —Could you please provide us ____ some information about the students’health?
  — Of course, it’s pleasure.
 A. to     B. of         C. from          D. with
40. Thanks for your invitation, but I’m so sorry I can’t go. I need to ________ my baby at home.
   A. take away       B. take off           C. take care of      D. take out of
41. They had to put off the sports meeting ______the heavy rain.
 A. because   B. because of   C. until   D. unless   
42. You _________ drive your car so fast. It's very dangerous.
 A. wouldn't         B. shouldn't   C. couldn't          D. mightn't
43.— I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone.
 — Oh, I    a walk with my parents at that time.
 A. took   B. was taking  C. am taking   D. take
44. Neither he nor I ____ from Canada. We are from Australia.
A. is   B. are  C. am   D. be 
45. When I was a child, my grandmother __________me interesting stories.
  A. used to tell    B. is used to telling     C. used to telling  D.was used to tell
46. If you want to communicate with your friend in Canada, which can’t you use?
   A.               B.         C.        D.    
47. He lost his key. It made him ________ in the cold to wait for his wife’s return.
A. to stay  B. stayed C. stays   D. stay
48.—Can you find the differences between these two pictures?
 —Differences? Oh, no. They look quite ______.
A. different      B. similar      C. strange  D. interesting
49.Lucy was _______excited______ she couldn’t say anything when she heard the good news .
A. so; that   B. such;that  C enough; to         D. too ; to
50. One of the best ways for people to keep healthy is to ____ good eating habits.
A. grow    B. develop    C. increase   D. find
51. — The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult.
  — The doctor is right.  you eat,  you will be.
  A. The less; the healthier   B. The less; the more healthier
  C. The more; the healthier   D. The more; the more healthier
52. —Could you _______ me some money ? I’ll return it to you soon.
—No problem.
   A. give   B.  borrow   C.  lend   D. make
53. You look too tired . Why not      a rest ?
A. stop to have       B. to stop having.     C. stop having    D. to stop to have
54. It is important        people         learn team spirit.
 A. of; of       B. of; to        C. for, to        D. to; to
55. —Can I have some cookies, Mom?
—______ I’ll get you some.
A. No way!           B. How come?      C. How can it be?      D. Why not?
IV.完形填空  閱讀短文,從每題A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出一個能填入文章中相應空白處的最佳答案。(10分)
On a cold winter evening, an old man and his wife walked slowly into a fast food restaurant. They    56    one hamburger, some French fries and a drink. A few    57    later, the waiter took the food to their table. Then the old man cut the hamburger in half. After he put    58   of the hamburger in front of his wife, he   59    to eat the hamburger in front of him. The old man drank some and then his wife    60   the same. But while he was eating, his wife just sat and watched him. “How    61    the old couple are!” the people around them thought. Several minutes later, a kind girl had an idea    62    buying them another meal. She walked up and asked, “Granny,    63    don’t you eat?” “We like to share everything.” “Shall I     64   meal for you?” the girl asked. “Oh, no, thanks!” the old man    65   and said, “I’m waiting for the knife that my husband is using,” she added.
 56. A. ate   B. saw   C. ordered    D. made
 57. A. weeks         B. days   C. hours    D. minutes
 58. A. half        B. some   C. all     D. most
 59. A. invited       B. began   C. wanted    D. helped
 60. A. drank    B. looked   C. did     D. said
 61. A. poor    B. bored   C. happy    D. busy
 62. A. for        B. to    C. of     D. with
 63. A. what    B. why    C. where    D. how
 64. A. feed        B. cook   C. make    D. buy
 65. A. smiled       B. cried    C. heard    D. talked
V.補全對話  (5分)
Gina: I'm going to the school party tomorrow.
Alan: Me, too. And l will bring some potato chips and chocolate.
Gina: Oh,    66
Alan: Really? Why not?
Gina:   67
Alan: What will you wear to the party?
 Gina: I'll wear my jeans.
Alan: That's not a good idea. If you do that, our teachers won't let you in. 68
Gina: I see. How will we go there?
Alan: I think we will take a bus.
Gina: I don't think so.    69    Why not take a taxi?
Alan: Good idea. _   70
Gina: Yes. lf we don't have our ID cards, we can't go to the party.
Alan: I see. See you tomorrow.
Gina: See you.
66.   A. It's a good idea.                  B. Come to the party with your friends.
      C. You can't do that.                D. What an interesting party!
67.A. If you do that, the teachers will take them away.        B. Because it's not funny.
   C. I don't want to go there by bus.    D.We don't like eating them.
68.A. Let's have a look.               B. You can wear your smart trousers.
   C.What about your sunglasses?      D. We'll meet at the school gate.
69. A.Let's take a bus.                  B. How long will it take us to get there?
    C. If we do that, we will be late.      D. How can we get there on time?
70. A.What shall we have to bring with us ?             B.We have to buy the tickets early.
C. Shall we get there at 2:00?                        D. Should we bring our ID cards?
VI.閱讀理解  閱讀下列短文,從每題A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出一個能回答所提問題或完成所給句子的最佳答案。(15分)

1. Make sure to know everyone on your QQ list.
2. When you get something bad on the Internet, tell your parents or teachers.
3. Know about the rules for the computer or Internet use.

  1. Do not do anything bad on the Internet. 
2. Do not meet or visit someone on the Internet.
3. Do not give a photo of yourself or your family to a person on the Internet.
4. Except for (除了) your parents, never give out your password (密碼), even to your best friend.
5. Do not tell your name, telephone number, home address and your parents’ names … to others on the Internet.

71. Daming gets something bad on the Internet, he should (應該) tell his ______.
  A. friends and classmates       B. brothers or sisters. 
C. parents or teachers.    D. best friends
72. We can’t ______ when we are on the Internet.
  A. look at pictures          B. send our photos to others
C. talk about our homework        D. ask friends some questions
73. How many Internet safety tips are there in the passage?
   A. Five.      B. Six.     C. Seven.     D. Eight.
74. The passage tells us how to ______.
  A. send photos     B. get bad news   C. learn about Internet  D. use the Internet safely.  
75. The passage is mainly (主要地) for ______.
  A. parents      B. little children      C. friends     D. teachers
Once there was a little girl. She watered a banana tree every day. One day a voice came from the tree, “Will you play with me?” The girl was very scared and ran to her mother. Her mother said, “Don't be afraid, that voice is of the banana tree goddess, Laxmi. She is pleased with you.” The next day when the girl went to the tree, Laxmi played with her. Later, Laxmi said, “I live in this tree. Will you come to my house for lunch?” Then she took her to a beautiful palace and gave her delicious food.
When the little girl told her mother what had happened, the mother was very happy and said, “Invite Laxmi to our home tomorrow for lunch.” The girl said, “But mother, we are so poor and our house is small. How can I invite her here?” Her mother said “Don’t worry! She would be very happy with our love.” The next day the little girl brought Laxmi with her. As soon as Laxmi arrived, their house turned into a beautiful one. Their old clothes became new. The girl’s mother asked Laxmi to stay in the house with them forever.
But Laxmi went back to the tree. The little girl watered the tree every day and they lived happily ever after.
76. What did the girl do every day?
  A. She watered the banana tree.     B. She played with the banana tree.
  C. She talked with her mother.      D. She has some delicious food.
77. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “scared”?
  A. 激動      B. 難過      C. 害怕      D. 吃驚
78. Why did the girl worry at first?
  A. Because she didn’t water the banana tree.  B. Because she thought they were too poor.
  C. She didn’t have anything for lunch.     D. Because her mother didn’t let her invite Laxmi.
79. What didn’t Laxmi give the little girl?
  A. Delicious food.    B. A beautiful house.   C. New clothes.    D. Some money.
80. The best title for the passage is ______.
  A. The Banana Tree Goddess       B. A kind little girl
  C. A big banana tree              D. How to water a banana tree
  Last summer holiday, Wei Hua, a student in Beijing, wanted to have a special trip with her friends. They thought about Shanghai or Hainan, but decided on Yunnan. Wei Hua wanted to take photos of this trip, but she didn't have a camera. So she decided to buy a digital camera online.
    She had searched the Internet for two hours when she found an advertisement for the Aigo digital camera made in China. She liked the size and shape. After she had found more information, she asked her father if she could buy it. After Mr. Wei had compared all the information about different kinds of cameras, he believed his daughter had made a good decision. This camera seemed to offer the best services at the best price such as GPS system, satellite digital TV channels and others. He helped her order the camera online.
    Wei Hua filled in their telephone number, address, e-mail address and other personal information online. Then a screen came up that read, “Congratulations! You have successfully bought an Aigo camera.” The third day, Wei Hua received the camera she had ordered.
    Wei Hua came to Yunnan with her friends. They were very excited to not only visit many beautiful and fascinating sights but also practice speaking English with a few foreigners. She enjoyed her visit so much that she took a lot of photos with her new camera. The pictures will help her remember this special trip.
81. Where does Wei Hua probably live?
  A. Yunnan.      B. Hainan.  C. Beijing.      D. Shanghai
82. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the Aigo camera?
  A. It has a suitable size and a beautiful shape.
  B. It doesn't have GPS system.
  C. It is sold at the best price.
  D. You can watch TV on it.
83. When did Wei Hua receive the digital camera?
 A. Two days later.      B. Three days later.      C. A week later.     D. A month later.
84. For what Wei Hua did, which of the following is NOT mentioned during the visit?
  A. Talk with foreigners in English.         B. Make some foreign friends.
C. See many wonderful sights.            D. Take lots of photos.
85. What's the best title of the article?
A. A visit to Yunan               B. A Special Trip    
C. An Aigo Digital Camera        D. Shopping Online



英 語 試 題
第Ⅱ卷(非選擇題  共35分)

Last week, I went to a cinema. I had a very good seat . the play was very 86______but I didn’t 87_________ it . The young man and young woman were sitting behind me , they were talking 88_________. I got 89________ . I couldn’t hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily .They didn’t pay any attention . In the end , I couldn’t 90 ________ it . I turned again . “ I can’t hear a word” I said angrily .
“It’s none of your business ,” the young man said rudely(粗魯?shù)? , this is a private(私人的) conversation .”
come true,       play,       happy,       speak,       be
My dream
My name is Ai Tao. I’m thirteen. I’m short. I can91________ chess well. When I grow up, I want 92_________ a scientist. I have a great and strange dream. I want to have a robot called Superman in 2010. He will be able to clean my house and do boring things instead of me. He will also help me with my English. He can practice 93________  English with me every day. In my free time he can play with me. I believe it make me 94_________. He will never be angry. I hope my dream 95_________.
VIII.改寫句子  按括號中的要求完成句子,每個空格填一個單詞。(5分)
96. They should stay at home every night, too. (改為否定句)
They ________ stay at home every night, ________.
97. Should I take some medicine?(作肯定回答)
    Yes,______ _____.
98. Bob was making a telephone call when his mother came back.(對畫線部分提問)
_____ _____ Bob _____ when his mother came back?
99. He waited until his mother arrived. (改為同義句)
He ______ ______ until his mother arrived.

100.She was too scared to move any more.(改為同義句)
 She was ______ scared _______ she couldn’t move any more.
IX.完成句子  根據(jù)漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。(5分)
101. 放學后,湯姆默默地走回了家。
  Tom went home ____ _____ after school.
102. 過度使用手機對身體有害。
Using mobile phones ______ ________ is bad for your health.
103. 謝謝你為希望工程募捐。
Thank you _____ _____ money for Hope Project.
104. 朱迪有許多愛好,像畫畫、跳舞、集郵等。
Judy have many hobbies, _____ _______, dancing, collecting stamps and so on.
105. 盡管爬山有危險, 卻有人喜歡冒險。
 Although mountain climbing is dangerous, some people enjoy ______ ______.
   In some Western countries, many children do chores to get pocket money (零花錢).        106           .           
   School students have to do homework and study for tests.              107                        They often do chores on weekends.        
      108                     So they don’t get much money. But that’s enough . Many of them only want to buy candy (糖果). And candy is cheap! They often help do the dishes, sweep the floor, or feed the pet cat or dog.      
When they get older, they want to buy more and more things. They want things that are more expensive than candy.             109                They often help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass, or cook meals.    
  Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things.
              110                   Of course, their parents help them at first.
A.So they have to work harder!
B.They usually start to do this when they are ten years old
C.They don’t have much free time on weekdays.
D.For example, they can learn how to use a lawnmower (割草機) or how to cook.
E.Yong Kids don’t need to do chores.
F.Young kids only do easy chores.

書面表達根據(jù)圖畫內(nèi)容,用英語寫一篇約80詞的短文 ,要求完整敘述圖畫內(nèi)容,并提出個人看法。
①way home, see, Xiao Ming, bird②throw, stone, pick up
③tree, fall off, hurt, badly, bird④kill, come up, old man, tell, not, again

開頭已給出:One day, when Xiao Ming was on his way home, 
1-5 ABACB      6-10 ACBAC   11-15 ACBCB  16-20 BABBB
21—25 BBDCC  26—30BCBCC  31—35BACDC 36—40 DDDDC
41—45 BBBCA46—50 CDBAB51—55 ABACD
56—60CDABC  61—65  ACBDA66—70 CABCD71—75 CBDDB76—80 ACBDA
81—85 CBABD 
86.interesting 87. enjoy 88.loudly 89.angry 90. stand
91.play 92.to be 93. speaking 94. happy 95. will come true
96. shouldn’t ;either 97.you should 98. What was;  doing 99. didn’t leave 100. so; that
101. in silence 102. too much 103. for raising 104.such as 105. taking risks
106—110 BCFAD

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/1192408.html
