
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習網(wǎng)

(   )1. A. I play soccer.       B. I don’t know.          C. I went to Hainan.
(   )2. A. Twice a week.       B. Yes, I do.            C. I don’t like it.
(   )3. A. At three o’clock.     B. Three days ago.       C. For a week.
(   )4. A. That sounds fun.     B. I think so.           C. Thank you very much.
(   )5. A. To the beach.        B. With Tom.           C. Swimming.
二. 聽對話回答問題(共5小題,每小題1分,計5分)
(   )6. What did Nick do on vacation?
A. Visited museums.          B. Went to summer camp.     C. Studied at home.
(   )7. How was Mary’s weekend?
A. It was great.              B. It was OK                C. It was terrible.
(   )8.Why does Peter go to his hometown?
A. Because it isn’t far from the city.          B. Because it is much warmer there.
C. Because it is much cooler there than that in the city.
(   )9. How often does Cindy’s grandmother go shopping?
A. Never                    B. Once a month            C. Once a w eek.
(   )10. Who got up earlier?
A. Sam                    B. Tara                    C. Both
三. 聽長對話回答問題(共5小題,每小題1分,計5分)
(   )11. How does Mr. Fat like vegetables and milk?
A. He likes them very much.        B. He likes them a little.
C. He doesn ’t like them at all.
(   )12. Which is right?
A. He sleeps 9 hours every night.
B. He eats junk food three or four times a week.
C. Mr. Fat has a healthy lifestyle.
(   )13. How many friends does Robert have?
A. Only one.         B. Two          C. Three
(   )14. Where is Frank from?    A. England.         B. America         C. Canada.
(   )15. Who are outgoing?   A. Robert and Jim   B. Robert and Frank    C. Frank and Jim
16. Zhang Lin e________ four to six times a week.
17. Sometimes he goes out with his friends on w_______.
18. He does his homework at h________ every day.
19. He a_______ does exercise after school.
20. He u____ the Internet on Saturday evening every week

(  )1. John said he would come to my party, but he didn’t ______.
A. forget        B. appear               C. leave          D. wait
(  )2. You can’t expect ______ a new language in a few months.
A. learn            B. learned              C. learning             D. to learn
(  )3. —Why do you like this kind of movie?—Because it always has ______.
A. nothing enjoyable     B. enjoyable nothingC. something enjoyable   D. enjoyable something
(  )4. I wrote some articles. Can you help me           them to magazines?
A. say            B. buy            C. send          D. read
(  )5. Although she is very tired, she keeps on           the piano.
A. to practice         B. practices           C. practice             D. practicing
(  )6. We’ll try our best           good grades in the test.
A. get             B. gets           C. to get                      D. getting
(  )7. Look! There are five planes ______ in the sky.
A. fly                   B. flying                   C. to fly                 D. to flying
(  )8. The book gave me ______ a surprise.
A. so                    B. such                    C. this                D. that
(  )9. There is ______ milk in this glass than in that one.
A. few                B. little                    C. fewer             D. less
(  )10. Mom, one hamburger is not enough for me. I want _______.
A. other one           B. one other           C. another one      D. one another
(  )11. It’s going to rain. Don’t forget _______ an umbrella with you.
A. take              B. takes          C. taking           D. to take
(  )12. —_______ cups of orange juice are there on the table?—Five.
A. How often               B. How much        C. How many        D. How long
(  )13. He tried many times, and _______ he started the car.
A. first           B. next           C. finally           D. last
(  )14. They went back to the hotel without _____.
A. speaking           B. speak                  C. spoke           D. speaks
(  )15. —Let’s make tomato soup.
A. OK, good idea           B. You’re welcome        C. Don’t worry      D. That’s right
二. 完形填空 (每小題1分,共10分)
The New Year is always a time for celebration (慶祝). People celebrate the New Year   1   parties and special dinners. The New Year is also a great time to   2   resolutions. A New Year’s resolution is a promise that you make to yourself on the   3   day of the year. It is a new beginning.
Next year I am going to   4   a long vacation. I’m going to visit my grandparents in New York. And I am going to study harder at school. I’m not   5   at some of my subjects — science, math and history. I   6   myself to do better next term. I am going to save (節(jié)省) a lot of   7   and buy a new bike. And I am going to try   8   new. It is going to be a great and exciting year. I know I’ll be busy and happy next year.
  9   are your New Year’s resolutions? Are you going to keep them? I think you should try to do that. Say to   10  , “I can do that!” You should believe that they will happen.
(  )1. A. with             B. for             C. of                        D. to
(  )2. A. discuss         B. improve       C. make                    D. share
(  )3. A. fourth           B. third          C. second             D. first
(  )4. A. take          B. pay             C. describe           D. miss
(  )5. A. kind            B. good           C. fine                      D. well
(  )6. A. help              B. teach          C. promise           D. enjoy
(  )7. A. money          B. time           C. food                   D. paper
(  )8. A. anyone          B. someone       C. anything             D. something
(  )9. A. Where          B. What           C. How                   D. When
(  )10. A. himself         B. myself         C. yourself               D. herself
三、  閱讀理解  (每小題2分,共30分)

Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.
Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper, the main(主要的) meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert(甜點).
1. Americans have breakfast ________.
A. after eight o’clock           B. at eight o’clock
C. before eight o’clock in the morning   D. in the morning
2. _______ is the most important meal in a day.
A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Meals D. Supper
3. What does “l(fā)ight” mean in Chinese? _______
A. 重的B. 有用的C. 輕的D. 不太重要的
4. Americans usually have breakfast and supper at ______.
A. home B. office C. inn D. work place
5. When Americans have supper, _______ comes last.
A. drink B. meat C. dessert D. vegetables

After a long day’s study at school, you are very tired. So after school you go home to relax. When you get home, a robot greets you. He’s happy to see you and helps you take your school things to your room. He listens to you talk about your school life and tells you a new joke. And he tells you to call your cousin and to say happy birthday. And then he helps you with your homework.
This is your future, and the robot’s name is NAO. NAO has a small body, big eyes and a large head. He can walk and dance. He listens and talks, and he even learns and thinks for himself. His creators (創(chuàng)造者) predict that the robot will be in people’s homes before 2040.
This $16,000 robot knows who you are. NAO can even express emotions (表達情感). He is a self-guided robot. A self-guided robot can sense (感覺), think and act. Other robots might do two out of the three. For example, a robot might sense things using cameras and think using computers, but with no arms, he can’t act. Another robot can move and sense things, but he can’t think for himself. These aren’t self-guided robots. But NAO can do them all.
6. The underlined word “greets” means “_____” in Chinese.
A. 討厭                B. 擊敗               C. 迎接               D. 仰慕
7. The robot tells you to _____ to your cousin.
A. say happy birthday        B. dance      C. send a birthday gift      D. write
8. What does NAO look like?
A. He has small eyes and a small head.         B. He has big eyes and a large head.
C. He has a large body with a large head.     D. He has a small body with a small head.
9. When might people have robots like NAO in their homes?
A. In 2020.        B. In about 15 years.          C. In 2030.            D. In about 30 years.
10. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. NAO isn’t a self-guided robot.
B. NAO can’t help kids with their homework.
C. NAO is more than fifteen thousand dollars.
D. NAO can move and sense, but he can’t think.
My vacation with Grandma and Grandpa was great! They moved to Arizona when I was five. Dad usually visits them, but not this summer! Dad sent me to stay with them for two weeks.
This was my first time to travel by myself. On the plane, I studied a picture. It was a picture of Walpi, an old Hopi village where Grandma and Grandpa live. The village is on top of a tall hill. I wasn’t sure I could climb that high. I also wondered if Grandma and Grandpa would act differently in this village than they did in our apartment in New York.
Grandpa met me at the airport (機場). As we drove away from the city, I enjoyed the beauty of the desert (沙漠). Soon we arrived at Walpi. I looked down and found that we were so high up. I felt like a bird!
Grandma was waiting for us. Grandma and Grandpa’s rooms were cool after standing under the hot sun. Grandma said the building was made of stones (石頭) and the stones kept the rooms cool.
After eating lunch, we took a walk outside. We visited the “kiva”: it is a large room where the Hopi people go for special events.
I really liked the Hopi people. They were friendly to me. One man helped me make a gift to take home to Mom. The children and I played ball games. It seemed that I was part of the big family in the village. It was hard to leave my grandparents when my two weeks was over. I wish I could live in Walpi for two more weeks!
(  )11. This summer, the writer stayed with his grandparents for _____.
A. a week         B. two weeks             C. three weeks            D. four weeks
(  )12. We can learn from the passage that Walpi is a _____.
A. picture             B. hill                 C. plane                D. village
(  )13. Where does the writer’s family live?
A. In Arizona.        B. In New York.            C. In Hopi.     D. In the kiva.
(  )14. Why were the writer’s grandparents’ rooms cool?
A. Because the building was made of stones.
B. Because the building was on top of a tall hill.
C. Because the building was far away from the desert.
D. Because the temperature was not high in the village.
(  )15. According to the writer, the Hopi people were _____.
A. funny         B. serious              C. friendly             D. creative
四.詞匯運用A ) 根據(jù)句意,首字母及漢語提示填空。(每小題1分,共5分)
1.A good friend is like a _________(鏡子).
2.Your work is p       (相當)good,but it could be better!
3.In the exam,he wants to get good g______.(成績)
4.We all like eating______(新鮮的)vegetables.
5. He lost his favorite watch. He is         (不幸的).
6. Lucy and Lily are the         (win) of the talent show.
7. He is the          (bad) student in his class.
8. I hope________________ (see) a film this weekend.
9The little girl ______(lose)her way in the street yesterday.
10. My little brother is _______(talent) in music.
1. 他們正在討論電視節(jié)目。   They ____________________  .
2. 這兩個男孩能夠自己洗衣服。 The two boys ________________
3.有些決定與自我提高有關(guān)。 ___________________ self-improvement.
4.你知道怎么做奶昔嗎?  Do you know_________________________?
5. 在面包上放一些黃油。____________________ the bread.
Dear Mum,
I'm writing to tell you about my life in America. You can't imagine(想象) how happy I am. I m   1    a lot of new friends here. They are very kind. Last week I had a fever(發(fā)熱) and m  2   stay in bed for three days. They helped me a lot with my lessons.
Cathy is one of my b   3    friends at school.  She has a round face w  4   a pair of glasses. She is two months o lder than me, but a l   5    shorter.  She works very hard and does w   6 in all her lessons. She often helps me with my English. We live in the same street. Sometimes we dance f   7   half an hour before we go home. She dances better than a   8   other students in our class. She wants to be a d  9   when she grows up.
On weekends, Cathy usually goes swimming. I sometimes go swimming with her. I think it's a good way to keep h   10   . We always have a good time together.
     Write soon.

同學(xué)們,在緊張的學(xué)習和考試就要結(jié)束的同時,寒假即將來到了。寒假里,除了休息好,你一定還有更多的事情要做吧!根據(jù)提示,趕緊拿起筆寫一份My Resolutions for the Winter Vacation 吧。ㄔ~數(shù):60—80)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/1226355.html
