初二英語下冊8B Unit l Past and Present測試題(含答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

8B Unit l Past and Present達(dá)標(biāo)檢測卷
滿分:100分 時(shí)間:90分鐘 得分:_________
( )1.—Do your parents have the sae hobby?
—No.y father likes playing________ chess while y other enjoys playing piano.
A./;the B./;/ C.the;/ D.the;the
( )2.I was born there and have known that old useu________ I was very young.
A.for B.since C.because D.so
( )3.Noise pollution was a serious proble here_________.
A.since then B.in the future C.once a week D.in the past
( )4.There are about live__________ young trees on the hill.
A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of
( )5.We can’t find Zhang Hong.Where_________ he_________?
A.does;go B.does;gone C.did;gone D.has;gone
( )6.(2009蘇州)It took the fireen two hours to________ the fire.
A.put out B.put up C.put on D.put away
( )7.—_______have you known each other? —Since we were in our childhood.
A.How far B.How often C.How long D.How soon
( )8.y grandfather lives in a village________,but he never feels_________.
A.a(chǎn)lone;alone B.lonely;alone
C.lonely;lonely D.a(chǎn)lone;lonely
( )9.With the help of the Internet,news can_______ every corner of the world easily.
A.reach B.a(chǎn)rrive C.get D.go
r Li had never been up in an airplane before and he had read a lot about accidents.So one day when a friend cae to his house and wanted to take hi for a ride in his own sall plane,r Li was very 1 .He thought to 2 ,‘If I don’t agree,y friend ay not be happy. 3 if I agree,I a really afraid that there ight be soe danger.’ 4 ,however,his friend ade hi believe that it was very 5 ,and r Li got on the plane.
His friend 6 the engine(發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī))and the plane began to ove along on the ground of the 7 .r Li was very frightened and 8 his eyes.After a inute or two he opened the,looked out of the window of the plane,and said to his friend,‘Look 9 those people down there.They look as 10 as ants(螞蟻),don’t they?’
   ‘Those are ants,’answered his friend.‘We are still on the ground.’
( )1.A.excited B.pleased C.worried D.glad
( )2.A.hi B.hiself C.he D.his
( )3.A.And B.For C.So D.But
( )4.A.Finally B.First C.Last D.Slowly
( )5.A.interesting B.safe C.cofortable D.dangerous
( )6.A.began B.carried C.oved D.started
( )7.A.a(chǎn)irport B.town C.station D.garden
( )8.A.opened B.closed C.with D.looked
( )9.A.up B.over C.a(chǎn)t D.a(chǎn)fter
( )10.A.slow B.big C.strange D.sall
Three people were walking along the street,first a big an,then a pretty woan.a(chǎn)nd then an old gentlean.The first two went around the corner.Suddenly the gentlean saw a piece of paper on the ground.He picked it up.It was fire pounds.A few seconds later,the young woan
cae back.She was crying.‘I have lost five pounds,’she said.
‘Don’t cry,’said the gentlean.‘Here it is.’The young woan thanked hi and went away.After a few seconds,the big an cae back.He was looking for soething.Suddenly a window opened and a short an looked out.‘I saw five pounds fall fro your pocket,’he said,‘but that an gave it to a young woan.’The big an was very angry.The gentlean was frightened and gave hi another five pounds.When the gentlean had gone,the young woan cae back to get her one pound and sixty-seven pence,and the short an cae out to get his.
( )1.The short an said________.
A.he saw the big an drop five pounds
B.the old art kept the lost oney
C.the pretty woan drop five pounds
D.he found hiself drop five pounds
( )2._________really lost oney.
A.The big an B.The pretty woan
C.The short an D.The old gentlean
( )3.How any pounds did they get by cheating(期騙)?
A.Six. B.Five. C.Four. D.Three.
( )4.The gentlean________.
A.was very clever and strong
B.did a very good deed(好事)
C.was very kind but not brave
D.had plenty of oney
( )5.The young woan only get_________ at last.
A.seven pounds
B.five pounds and ten pence
C.ten pounds
    D.one pound and sixty-seven pence
Six years ago,Ann graduated(畢業(yè))fro college with a degree in Art.Now she is twenty-nine and works for a large coputer copany.She takes classes twice a week after work.She is learning to use the coputer progra PowerPoint.‘I enjoyed the college,but y job doesn’t use the inforation I learned at college.’Ann says.‘The course is helping e to
do y job better.’
In the past,when students graduated fro college and got a job,they usually stopped studying.Today,lifelong learning is becoing ore coon.In any countries,soe people return to school in their late twenties,thirties,or even older to get a higher degree,ote people are taking training courses to iprove their working skills after work.People can also get degrees or training through the Internet.
Ann’s sixty-year-old other and father are taking courses in Art and usic.‘We love these two subjects.Learning is so uch fun’They say happily.‘It’s never too old to learn.’
( )6.Ann graduated fro college when she was_______.
A.twenty-nine B.twenty-six
C.twenty-three D.twenty
( )7.The underlined word‘degree.’in the passage eans________.
A.溫度 B.程度 C.學(xué)位 D.位置
( )8.ore people are taking training courses after work in order to_________.
A.iprove their working skills
B.enjoy Art and usic
C.study coputer progras
D.a(chǎn)ke ore oney
( )9.Which of tile following is TRUE?
A.Ann doesn’t want to use the inforation she learned at college.
B.People in the past usually stopped studying after graduating fro college.
C.People can only get inforation fro their teachers.
D.Ann’s parents are too old to learn Art and usic.
( )10.The best title of the passage is________.
A.Internet Studying B.College Education
C.Art Learning D.Lifelong Learning
London’s Chinese counity(社區(qū))dates hack to the 18th century.When a sall nuber of Chinese sailors oved to the city to work in Liehouse,east London.As tie went on,other Chinese people cae to this area and Liehouse began to be known as‘Chinatown’.However,
London’Chinese counity,reained very sall for any years;at the start of the 20th century,there were just 545 Chinese people in Britain.
After the Second World War,any farers in Hong Kong lost their jobs and cae to London.As Liehouse had been alost destroyed during the war,they settled(定居)in a different area—a part of central London near Leicester Square.This area is now what Londoners call Chinatown.
At first,the new iigrants(移民)found it difficult to get jobs.In the 1950s,however,a sall Chinese restaurant opened in London.a(chǎn)ny British people visited it and said that Chinese food was wonderful! Suddenly,Chinese restaurants and take-aways started opening in every part
of the city.Instead of too little work,the new Chinese iigrants now found that they had too uch! They worked as cooks,anagers or waiters.ost of the enjoyed their lives and arranged their friends and relatives to join the fro overseas.
As tie went by,London’s Chinese counity becae ore and ore successful.The sons and daughters of the original restaurant workers studied and worked very hard.And ost went on to get highly paid jobs.a(chǎn)ny Chinese failies left Chinatown and oved to ore expensive outskirts.Chinatown,however,is still as lively as ever.
( )11.When did the first Chinese iigrants coe to London?
A.In the 1950s.
B.ore than 200 years ago.
C.After the Second World War.
D.At the start of the 20th century.
( )12.Why did any Chinese iigrants coe to London in the 1950s?
A.Because it was easy for the to get jobs there.
B.Because Liehouse had been alost destroyed during the war.
C.Because any British people enjoyed Chinese food.
D.Because their children could study there and get highly paid jobs.
( )13.In the 1950s,Chinese iigrants cae to London and worked as_______.
A.sailors B.farers
C.sailors and farers D.restaurant workers
( )14.Where is London’s Chinatown now?
A.In the east of London.
B.In Liehouse.xK b1.C o
C.Not far fro Leicester Square.
D.Outside the city.
( )15.According to this passage,if people live in the outskirts of a city,they live________.
A.in the village B.far away fro the city
C.in the centre of the city D.in the outer areas of the city
Waste can be seen everywhere in the school.Soe students ask for ore food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroo.They say they can afford these things.But I don’t agree with the.
Waste can bring a lot of probles.Although China is rich in soe resources(資源),we are short of others,for exaple,fresh water.It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years.So if we go on wasting our resources,what can we use in the future and where can we
ove? Think about it.(3)I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day.
Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.
In our everyday life,we can do any things to prevent waste fro happening,for exaple,turn off the water taps when we finish washing,turn off the lights when we leave the classroo,try not to order ore food than we need,and so on.Little by little,everything will be changed.
(4)Waste can be stopped one day if we do our best.
1.List the wastes entioned in the first paragraph.(within 15 words)
2.What probles can waste bring?(within 20 words)
(2) ____________________________________________________________________
任務(wù)三:請(qǐng)給短文擬一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)臉?biāo)題.(within 5 words)
1.It’s our duty to keep our e clean.
2.The Chinese provided all foreign players with the best s during the 2008 Olypic Gaes.
3.That’s only a plane.It’s not real.
4.It’s bad for your health to eat________(不健康的)food.
5.The Dongs oved to another flat after he got________(結(jié)婚).
1.Your cousin_______(not coe)here yet.
2.Kitty_________(learn)English since she cae to England.
3.It’s__________(luck)for you to iss such an exciting football atch.
4.—Coe and have soe eat.
—Thanks.I_______ just________(have)y lunch.
5.ost people think life is_________(good)now than before.
1.Jill has already finished his hoework.(改為一般疑問句)
  _________Jill finished his hoework_________?
2.The proble is difficult for e to work out.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
It is difficult for e_________ __________out the proble.
3.They have arried.(用for two years改寫句子)
They_________ _________arried for two years.
4.We have known each other for a long tie.(對(duì)畫線部分提問)
__________ __________have you known each other?
_____________________________________so far?
It’s very necessary______________________________.
  We____________________________________ yet.
It’s the ost beautiful picture I_____________________________.
When I was at priary school,y father______________________.
illions of words have been w 1 about young people in the USA.There are reasons for this great i 2 in their ideas,feelings and actions.
Today there are about seven illion Aericans in colleges and universities.Young persons u 3 twenty-five ake up nearly half of the Aerican p 4 .a(chǎn)ny of these will soon be in charge of(負(fù)責(zé)管理)the nation.Naturally their ideas are i 5 to everyone in the country,and it is necessary for older people to understand what they t 6 and feel.
College students today have strong o 7 about right and wrong.They are deeply interested in 8 .a(chǎn) better life for all people,e 9 for those who have not been given a f 10 chance before now.They see uch that is wrong in the lives of their parents.It is h 11 for the to see what is right and good in the older ways.As a result,there is often t 12
in Aerican failies.
1.________ 2._________ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________6.________ 7._________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________ 11._________ 12._________
一、1~5.ABDAD 6~9.ACDA
二、1~5.CBDAB 6~10.DABCD
三、1~5.ADBCD 6~10.CCABD 11~15.BAIRD
四、1.Ask for ore food,forget to turn off the lights. 2.(1)We’ll be short of resources. (2)We’ll have nothing to use and nowhere to ove.
3.我認(rèn)為我們應(yīng)該對(duì)那些天天浪費(fèi)東西的學(xué)生說不.4.如果我們都盡力的話,將來有一天浪費(fèi)就不會(huì)發(fā)生了. 5.Stop wasting/No ore wasting
五、A.1.environent 2.service 3.odel 4.unhealthy 5.a(chǎn)rried
B.1.hasn’t coe 2.has learnt/has learned 3.unlucky 4.have;had 5.better
C.1.Has;yet 2.to work 3.have been 4.How long
六、1.How any English fils have you watched 2.for us to do everything well 3.haven’t played this gae 4.have ever seen 5.drove e to school every day
七、1.written 2.interest 3.under 4.population 5.iportant 6.think 7.opinions 8.a(chǎn)king 9.especially 10.fair 11.hard 12.trouble
八、One possible version:
r Chen has lived in Nanjing since he was born.He finds that Nanjing has changed a lot over the past years.There used to be fresh air and a lot of trees,but now they have built a new airport.In the past,people could only take the bus,but now you have any choices.You can take the bus,it is clean and beautiful.You can also take the subway,taxi and so on.These
changes have brought a lot of advantages to Nanjing.r Chen is very pleased to see the changes.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/131594.html
