八年級英語上冊odule 7 A faous story測試題(含答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英語外研八年級上綜合測評 odule 7
(分?jǐn)?shù)100分 時間90分鐘)
第Ⅰ卷 部分 (15分)
Ⅰ .聽句子,選擇與之相匹配的圖片 (5分)
1.This kind of cookie tastes good.
2.I don't like the soup.It tastes a little salty.
3.What do you think of this pair of glasses?
4.You'd better put on your sweater.It's a bit cold outside.
5.The an is shaking hands with y fath er and he is r Sith.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

Ⅱ .聽對話,選擇正確答案 (5分)
:Why does she look angry?
W:Because her pen was lost.
Q:How does the girl look?
6.A.She looks angry.
B.She looks happy.
C.She looks tired.

:Jack is tall and he has short hair.
W:Oh,just like his father.
Q:What does Jack's father look like?
7.A.He's short with curly hair.
B.He's tall with black hair.
C.He's tall with short hair.

:The singer is really good­looking.
W:Is it a girl or a boy?
:A girl.She has dark hair.
Q:Is the singer a boy or a girl?
8.A.A girl.
B.A boy.
C.We don't kno

:How do you feel when you speak Chinese in class,Rose?
W:I often feel nervous and I' afraid I'll ake soe istakes.
Q:What is Rose like?
9.A.She is kind.
B.She is outgoing.
C.She is a litt le shy.

:What does your sister look like,Jane?
W:She has a round face and long hair.
Q:Which picture can describe Jane's sister?

Ⅲ.聽短文,選擇最佳答案 (5分)
There is a nice girl in our class.She is fourteen years old.She is not tall.She is a little thin.She has a round face like an apple.She has two big black eyes and a sall outh.Her ears a re sall.Her hair is short and black.She likes blue.She is often in blue clothes.But today she is wearing a yellow sweater,red pants and brown shoes.She likes playing chess very uch and she is good at it.
11.The girl is ______ years old.
A.13      B.14     C.15

12.The girl is ______.
A.tall B.thin C.fat[:Z+xx+k.Co]

13.Her hair is ______.
A.black B.brown C.long

14.Today she is wearing a ______ sweater,______ pants and brown shoes.
A.blue; yellow B.yellow; red C.yellow; brown

15.W hat is she good at?
A.Playing. B.Reading. C.Chess.

第Ⅱ卷 筆試部分 (85分)
Ⅳ.單項(xiàng)選擇 (10分)
16.Thanks a lot ______ y English.
A.to help   B.fo r help C.to help e with D.for helping e with

17.He bought ______ books with ______ oney.
A.a(chǎn) few; a little B.a(chǎn) bit; a little C.a(chǎn) few; a bit D.a(chǎn) little; a few

18.Jack is afraid of flying.He feels ______ before he gets on the plane.
A.surprised  B.excited C.proud  D.nervous

19.We ustn't ______ a person all the tie.It's not polite.
A.look after B.stare at C.sile to D.find out

20.I a looking forward to hearing fro ______.
A.your reply B.you C.your letter D.your answer

21.I a enjoying sports ______.
A.a(chǎn)s well as B.a(chǎn)lso C.too D.either

22.In China,it's ______ to call an old person's nae.
A.rude B.polite C.right D.happy

23.This kind of fruit tastes ______ and sells ______ in our city.
A.good; good B.well; well C.good; well D.we ll; good

24.—Do you like the song”Never Grow Old”?
—Yes,it ______ really beautiful.
A.hears B.feels C.sounds D.listens

—The fish doesn't sell fresh,does it?
A.What does the fish look like B.What's the atter
C.What do you like to eat D.Do you like to eat fish

Ⅴ.完形 (10分)
rs Sith is thirty­eight.She has two __26__.She looks very sart with fair hair and always tries to keep thin.She hopes __27__ young and never eats __28__ eat.She doesn't want others to know how __29__ she is.

rs Sith works in an office near her hoe.It was raining heavily one orning.The head of __30__ office went out to join a eeting.The woan had __31__ to do.So she began to
talk with r Zhang about her birthday party.r Zhang is an old an __32__ glasses.He works in the sae office.“y faily bought e a fresh cake,”said the woan,“It selled very __33__!And I put nineteen candles on it—one for a year!”“Really?”asked r Zhang.He __34__ very surprised.“How did you burn (點(diǎn)著) __35__ of the ends (末端) at the sae tie?”
26.A.boy     B.girl     C.children

27.A.to keep B.keep C.keeping

28.A.soe B.a(chǎn)ny C.a(chǎn)ny

29.A.old B.big C.light

30.A.his B.her C.their

31.A.soething B.a(chǎn)nything C.nothing

32.A.in B.on C.with

33.A.delicious B.dark C.nervous

34.A.tasted B.feel C.looked

35.A.all B.both C.every

Ⅵ.理解 (30分)

People in different places eat different things.
In South China people like to eat rice.Soeties they eat it twice or three ties a day.They usually eat it with fish,eat and vegetables.It tastes very delicious.
Japanese like to eat rice,too.They also eat a lot of fish.Soeties they eat raw (生的) fish.It sounds strange but sells very fresh.
In western countries like Britain,Australia and the USA,the ost iportant food is bread or potatoes.People usually ake their bread at hoe.And they cook potatoes in different ways.In England the ost popular food is fish and chips.Soeties people eat this food at ho e,in their workplace,in the park or even on the street.People call it”take­away”food.
In China today,there are also uch”take­away”food,and ost children like to eat the.
36.People in South China usually have ______ for dinner.
A.bread B.potatoes C.rice

37.Bread is the ost iportant food in ______.
A.Britain B.Australia and Aerica C.A and B

38.People ay feel ______ to hear that Japanese eat raw fish.
A.lovely B.surprised C.quiet

39.The passage ainly talks about ______.
A.food B.a(chǎn)nials C.vegetables

40.Which sentence is RIGHT?
A.People in China and Aerica eat the sae food.
B.Australians never ake bread at their hoe.
C.Fish is very popular in Japan and England.

English habits

I have an English friend.One day I cae to see hi.He invited e to dinner.At table Englishen had their good anners.To accept a dish was by saying,“Yes,please.”To decline (謝絕) it was by saying,“No,thanks .”When eating they ade little noise.
After dinner he went upstairs to change his clothes.But he did not coe back.After a while I went upstairs and found hi i n bed asleep.That was his habit.
Habits are very strong.If a an by habit says”Thank you”and”please”,it is easy for hi to be polite.If a an sokes a great deal,it becoes very difficult for hi to stop.A language is also ade of habits.So we should for good habits of reading and speaking English.
根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷正 (T) 誤 (F) 。
41.In England,the usual way to take a dish is by saying”Yes,please”.And to refuse it by saying”No,thanks”.(  )

42.It is bad anners to ake uch noise when eating.(  )

43.When we say”Habits are very strong”we ean it is very difficult to change a habit.(  )

44.Different languages have different habits.(  )

45.It is very easy to for good anners at table.(  )

How to ch eer yourself up when you do badly in an exa

If you've just done badly in a test,you ust be feeling bad.But you needn't be worried about it too uch.This usually happens to everybody during their lives.Read on and you will know how to deal with it.
Step 1.Tell yourself it won't happen again.Tell yourself that next tie you'll be ready,study harder and be ore careful.Believe in yourself and ake sure you will try your best.
Step 2.Talk to a friend who will understand.Getting everything off your chest (胸) can really help.Tell your friend why you feel bad,what is getting you down and so on.
Step 3.Do soething to ake you laugh.Whether it is p laying with your friends,watching a f unny TV show or reading an interesting book,do soething that you know will ake you laugh.You ay not feel like it at first,but once you get into it,you'll feel better.
Step 4.Care for yourself.Listen to soe relaxing usic and close your eyes.Do anything that gets you to feel really good and be happy that you're living a great life.
Step 5.Talk to a parent or teacher.It ay sound stupid,but once you choose the right adult (成人) ,things can go pretty well.
任務(wù)一:根據(jù) 短文內(nèi)容,完成下列句子。
46.The writer thinks everybody would do badly ______ during their lives.

47.Getting everything that akes you feel bad off your chest can really ______.

48.If you talk to ____________,things can go pretty well.



Ⅶ.詞匯題 (10分)
51.I enjoy usic as well,e______ pop usic.

52.He speaks English q______ well.

53.He can't r______ his old friend because they haven't et for 20 years.

54.I like to breathe f______ air in the orning.

55.I'd like to i______ our school to you.

56.Bike is short for b______ in English.

57.His voice s______ very sweet.

58.She felt e______ when she saw her old friends.

59.When they eet,they usually ______ ______ (握手).

60.I have just bought soe cakes.______ ______ ______ (嘗一下)!

Ⅷ.情景交際 (10分)
A.You look so beautiful in the green dress.
B.Where did you buy it?
C.I hope to visit it one day.
D.When did you go there?
E.How did you get there?
F.How long did you stay there?
G.Have you been there?
A: Hi,Liu Fei.61.______
B: Thank you very uch.
A: 62.______
B: In Qingdao.
A: Qingdao?63.______
B: Last week.I went there with y faily.
A: 64.______
B: For a whole week.We went sightseeing in any places
A: We all know the beaches of Qingdao are very beautiful.
B: When I was lying on the beach,I felt so excited and relaxed.
A: 65.______
B: I' sure you'll like it.

Ⅸ.書面表達(dá) (15分)
男孩和女孩對某些問題的看法可能不一樣,請結(jié)合自己的實(shí)際體會,參考下表中的提示 (兩個角色任選一個) ,寫一篇70詞左右的短文。
Boys Girls
getting bad arksnot badsad,angry
clothesclean,not very iportantbeautiful,happy
snacks (零食) like a littlelike very uch
speaking to foreignersbraveshy,nervous
________________________________________________________________________ _______

Ⅰ. 1.C 2.E 3.B 4.D 5.A
Ⅱ.6- 10 ACACB
Ⅲ. 11-15 BBABC
Ⅵ. 36-40 CCBAC
41- 45 TTTTF
46 in a test
47 help
48 a parent or teacher
49 喜歡
50 相信自己,并確保你將竭盡全力。
Ⅶ.51 especially 52 quite 53 recognise 54fresh 55 introduce
56 bicycle 57 sounds 58 excited 59 shake hands 60 Have a try
Ⅷ. 61.A 62.B 63.D 64.F 65.C
Boy:I' a boy.As a boy I a brave when speaking to foreigners.I like playing football.I think football is the ost exciting sport.Soeties I have soe snacks.I like eating snacks a little.I think it is not very iportant to wear beautiful clothes.To be clean is OK.If I get bad arks,I don't think it's too bad.I'll study harder to get good arks next tie.It's wonderful to be a boy.
Girl:I' a girl.I' good at English,but I feel a little shy and nervous when I have chances to speak to foreigners.When I get bad arks,I always feel sad and get angry with yself.I don't like football,and I think it's boring.ost girls like eating snacks very uch.So do I.I' happy to wear beautiful clothes.I think girls should wear beautiful clothes.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/140609.html
