
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

No.13 odule 5 Lao She Teahouse
Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera
主備: 班級 姓名 學(xué)號
1.能正確拼讀和書寫“actress, teahouse, offer, end, in the end, no idea”4個單詞和2個短語。
3.能夠用動詞不定式來描述自己的意圖和計劃。xK b1.C o
A. 識記下列單詞和詞組
1. 男演員 2. 女演員 3. 茶館 4. 提議
5. 末尾 6.最后 7.不知道 8. 計劃做
9.提議做…… 10同意做……
B. 理解與運用
a. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式。
1. Lingling offered (help) the old an.
2. It was difficult (understand) this story .
3. We planned (watch) the basketball atch yesterday.
b. 根據(jù)句意思完成。.
Hi, I’ Betty. I like 1.__________(listen)to usic. So I wanted 2.__________ (see) the Beijing Opera. Then Lingling offered 3. __________(take) e to Lao She Teahouse. At the teahouse, I tried 4. __________ (understand) the Beijing Opera. But it’s too difficult. We planned 5__________ (watch) for an hour. In the end, we decided 6. __________(stay) for three hours because it was a bit interesting. I hope 7. __________ (go) there next tie.
c. 選詞填空。offer, end, ain, actress,teahouse
1. There is a faous __________ in Beijing , so I __________to take y foreign teacher there.
2 .The were beautiful in the play.
3. At first , I don’t plan to go shopping toorrow, but in the , I decided to go shopping.
Because shopping is y interest!

1. 聽錄音模仿朗讀課文對話。
2. 背誦并記憶本單元的4個單詞和短語。
3. 完成作業(yè)本(1)和作業(yè)本(2)Unit1。
No.14 odule 5 Unit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society
主備: 班級 姓名 學(xué)號
1能正確拼讀和書寫“show, act, coon, twentieth,等”12個單詞。
2 能運用策略獲取信息,以時間軸的形式記錄事件發(fā)生的先后順序。
3 能仿照范文寫一篇介紹自己最喜歡的戲劇或電影。
A. 識記下列單詞和詞組
1. 展示 2普通的 3. 第二十 4.大學(xué)
5. 小說 6.如果 7. 魔術(shù)表演 8. 講……的故事
9. 被叫做 *10. 給出熱烈的歡迎
B. 理解與運用
a. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
1. The play has five (act) .
2. It shows the story in the iddle of the (twenty) century .
3. He is one of the (great ) Chinese writers.
b. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換
1. Daisy said, “I hope I will be a faous actress.”(改同義句)
Daisy ___________ ___________ ___________ a faous actress.
2. Jack asked Helen to help her, and Helen agreed. (改同義句)
Helen ___________ ___________ Jack.
c. 選詞并用適當(dāng)?shù)男问酵瓿啥涛。play, write, describe, tell, show, coon, custoer, society
Teahouse is one of Lao She’s ost faous 1__________. He 2__________it in 1957. The play has three acts and 3 __________ the lives of 4_________people in China fro the end of the 19th century to the iddle of the 20th century. It 5__________us the story of Wang Lifa and the 6_________ of his teahouse in Beijing. It 7________ the changes in Chinese 8 __________.

No.15 odule 5 Unit 3 Language in use.
主備: 班級 姓名 學(xué)號
1. 能夠掌握動詞不定式作賓語的用法,熟記常接動詞不定式的動詞。
A. 識記下列單詞和詞組
1. 送某人去某地 __ 2.離開家 __3. 發(fā)生 __ 4. 返回 __ 5.決定做某事 __ 6. 在…的結(jié)尾 __ 7. 計劃做某事 __
8. 主動提出做某事 9. 希望做某事 __
B. 理解與運用
a.選詞并用適當(dāng)?shù)男问酵瓿删渥印elp, take, buy , be , learn, stay
1. I want a writer.
2. He decided to___________ soe flowers for his friend.
3 .We started ___________ English last year.
4.They agreed___________ hi to the teahouse.
5.Lingling is kind. She often offers ___________us.
6.They planned ___________at hoe last Sunday.
1. the end of the street, you will find the superarket.
2.We planned to watch an hour, but the end, we stayed for three hours.
3.It shows the lives the coon people.
4.y parents work onday Friday.
odel: Waiters bring the custoers the tea. Waiters bring the tea to the custoers
1. y brother gave e a nice present. _____________________________________________
2.They sent e a nice birthday cake ______________________________________________
3.Can you pass e that book? _______________________________________________

1.復(fù)習(xí)odule 5的詞匯和熟記常接動詞不定式的動詞。
2. 完成作業(yè)本Unit3。
No.16 odule 6 Anials in danger
Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to the
主備: 班級 姓名 學(xué)號
1.掌握本單元的”snake, neck, thin, in danger, take away”等19個生詞和短語。
2. 能聽懂有關(guān)動物保護的對話,并獲取對話中的細(xì)節(jié)信息。
A. 識記下列單詞和詞組
1. 蛇 2. 細(xì)長的 3. 允許 4. 保護
5. 生長 6. 足夠 7. 布告 _ __ 8. 處于危險中
9. 照顧 10. 籌錢 11. 發(fā)現(xiàn) 12. 拿走
B. 理解與運用
a. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
1. We can raise oney ___________(help) the anials__________(live)in peace.
2.Your oney pays_____________(look) after the anials.
3.The head teacher asked e___________(clean) the classroo.
4. y parents tells e _____________(do) y hoework on tie.
5.People need ___________(protect) the anials
6.The villages and fars are___________(grow)bigger and are_________(take) away their land.
b.選詞填空 save, see, live, think , get
1. I a interested the pandas.  
2. It allows people closer to the
3. It is sad of the pandas in danger.
4. any wild anials don’t have a safe place .
5. Let’s find out what else we can__________ as any anials as possible.
c. 選詞填空。 interested, interesting
1. The book is . 2. I a __ in the book..

No.17 odule 6 Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save the all.
主備: 班級 姓名 學(xué)號
2. 能讀懂有關(guān)瀕危動物現(xiàn)狀的,明白的主旨大意。
A. 識記下列單詞和詞組
1. 嬰兒 2. 科學(xué)家 3. 生育 4. 西南
5. 政府 6.發(fā)展 7. 以……為食 8. 為了
9. 建立 10.擔(dān)憂 11.做研究
B. 理解與運用
1. To learn English is very interesting(改同義句)
is very interesting learn English.
2. You are nice to help e(改同義句) is nice you to help e.
3. We decided to think about it.(改否定句) We decided ___________ __________ think about it.
b. 選詞填空。 live, food, nothing, because, feed, with, life , like
any people ay think that anials in the zoo are happy, but ost of the are sad. Do you know why? Anials 1. tigers , lions, and bears usually 2. __________ in forests or ountains . They run, jup, play 3.__________ their children and catch sall anials for4._________ . But now they have to stay in cages or sall roos in the zoo. They do not have to find food by theselves. Because the zoo keepers5. __________ the. They do 6.__________ but eat, walk and sleep every day. Their 7____________ in the zoo is quite different fro that in the forest 8______________they are not free.

No. 18 odule 6 Unit 3 Language in use.
主備: 班級 姓名 學(xué)號
A. 識記下列單詞和詞組
1. 形勢 2. 政府 3. 大自然 4. 象征
5. 自然公園 6. 制定計劃 7. 查明
8. 和平地生活 9.允許某人做某事 _________
10. 努力做…… 11. 要求某人做某事
B. 理解與運用
a. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
1. The (baby) are sleeping in the bedroo.
2. We need (protect) the anials in danger.
3. Would you like (find) soe inforation about pandas.
4. In order__________(feed) pandas, people will plan to grow ore baboo.
5. The governent is___________(set) up nature parks and ____________(develop)other plans
b. 選詞填空
1. y brother often helps e ____________(to study/studying)hard at school.
2. I enjoy____________(learning/to learn) about nature parks.
3. I plan_____________(doing/ to do ) better in English next year.
c. 用所給短語的適當(dāng)形式來完成句子。
live on, think of , ake a plan, in order to
1. Soe anials plants, such as grass and baboo.
2. You need to ore ways to protect the anials.
3. I have to get up early ___________ catch the early bus.
4. They ___________ to raise soe oney for the nature park.


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/141987.html
