2013年初二上冊英語期中檢測試題(Unit 1-Unit 6)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

2013-2014八年級英語上期中檢測題(Unit 1-Unit 6)
姓名: 班級: 得分:
( )1.I like all kinds of cartoons, _______ exaple, ickey ouse.
A. as B. for C. in D. at
( )2.Our ath teacher was ill yesterday, so r Li took _______ place.
A. he B. hi C. he’s D. his
( )3.China is faous _________The Great Wall.
A. in B. on C. for D. at
( )4.The news _________ pretty educational.
A. be B.is C.are D. a
( )5. r Zhang is one of ____in our school.
A .the ore popular teachers B .ost popular teachers
C .the ost popular teachers D .the ost popular teacher
( )6. ---_______do you have an art festival in your school? ---Once a year.
A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon
( )7.. It’s cold, so we decide __ __ at hoe.
A. stay B. to stay C. staying
( )8. ---Do you often go to the gy? ---No. ________. I don’t like sports at all.
A. always B. never C. soeties D. usually
( )9. Which one is ________ , football or basketball?
A. ore popular B. popular C. popularer D. uch popular
( )10. ---- y brother works .---- Yes , so he ever plays coputer gaes.
A. hard; hardly B. hardly; hard C hard; hard D. hardly; hardly
( )11. ----- Is there in today’s newpaper? ----- Sorry, I don’t know
A. soething new B anything new C. new soething D new anything
( )12. ---- Why was he late, To ?
-----He was late he was ill, not the bad weather .
A. because, because of B. because of , because
C. because , because D. because of , because of
( )13. On weekends, I have nothing to do but ________ TV.
A. to watch B.watching C. watch
( )14. Do you enjoy _________ photos.
A. to take B.take C taking
( )15.Lily’s book is ______ nicer than yours.
A. very B.quite C.uch
( )16. What do you think _____ the talk show?
A.on B./ C.of
( )17.____ is iportant for us to learn ore knowledge(知識).
A. It B.That C.this
( )18. The Yellow River is the second in China.
A.long B.longer C.longest D.longer and longer
( )19. ost students watch TV three ____four ties a week.
A. and B. but C. or D. however
( )20.Do you look _______ To?
A. the sae as B. sae as C. the sae D. the sae so
( )21.Little Bob eats food , so he is fat .
A. uch too; too uch B. uch too; too any []
C. too uch; uch too D. too uch; too any
( )22.Next week he his pen pal in London.
A.is going to visit B visit C visits D visited
( )23. --How often do you read English books?-- I read English books about ________ a week.
A. one tiesB. twiceC. three tieD. one
( )24. There will be a soccer gae _______ the orning of June 15 .
   A. inB. on C. at D. /
( )25. ______ are they going? —For five days.
A. How often B. How long C. How old D. When
( )26.______ he _______ at this school last ter?
A. Did , study B. Does, study C. Was, study D. Did, studied
( )27.Last Sunday we went to the beach . We had great fun __________ in the water.
A. playing B. plays C. play D. to play
( )28. Although it is far , _______I walk to school.
A. but B. or C. / D. so
( )29. I just finish ________y last ovie yesterday.
A. ake . B. akes. C. to ake. D. aking.
( )30. Is your sister as ______ as you?
A. funnier B. ore funny C. funny D. funniest
I’ Sue. Kate is y best friend. She is tall and thin 31 long straight hair. I first et her in the school dining hall.
One day, I had lunch in the dining hall. I knocked over(打翻) y soup and wet 32 . Other students 33 at e loudly but Kate didn’t. What did she do? She poured(倒) water on herself. It really 34 y heart. Then we becae good friends.
I like Kate, 35 we’re different in soe ways. She is very funny, but I’ a little 36 , so she has ore friends than e. She works uch 37 than e, so she can always get better grades. We like different 38 . She likes writing and playing the piano, but I like dancing and playing the drus. Both of us like sports. Kate plays tennis very well, and she always 39 tennis gaes. I’ good at badinton.
Kate 40 everything with e and truly cares about e. How lucky I a to have a friend like her!
( )31.A.fro B. with C. about
( )32.A.yself B. herself C. yourself
( )33.A.juped B. shouted C. laughed
( )34.A.broke B. touched C. reached
( )35.A.if B. because C. though
( )36.A.serious B. lazy C. outgoing
( )37.A.higher B. harder C. faster
( )38.A.activities B. subjects C. facts
( )39.A.isses B. loses C. wins
( )40.A.follows B. shares C. spends
Li Lei, Beijing
I found the suer vacation was not so interesting as I iagined(想象). It was very hot, so I had to spend ost of the tie staying at hoe, watching TV, listening to the radio and playing with y dog. Soeties, I went to visit y relatives(親戚).
Gina, New York
I went to the countryside with y faily and stayed there for about two weeks. The air there was nice and clean. Every day, we fed the chickens, ilked the cows, played with the dogs and went fishing. We enjoyed ourselves very uch. We watched to go there again.
Alice, London
y suer vacation was great. I went to Switzerland(瑞士) with y friends and stayed there for a week. It wasn’t very hot there. We went to a clib the Alps(阿爾卑斯山). We felt very tired but excited. We also saw soe beautiful lakes, went boating and took any photos.
( )41.Li Lei did NOT during the suer vacation.
A. watch TV B. go fishing C. play with his dog
( )42.Where did Gina spend the suer vacation?
A. At hoe B. In the countryside. C. In Switzerland.
( )43.Alice spent her suer vacation with .
A. her friends B her faily C. her relatives
( )44.What can we learn fro the passage?
A. Li Lei didn’t enjoy his vacation.
B. It was not very hot in the countryside.
C. Gina went boating during her vacation.
( )45.What is the passage ainly about?
A. Activities you can do on vacation. B. Trips to different countries.
C. Three people’s suer vacations.
Five years ago, I et her in a shopping center. I was walking through the shop when I saw her. Then she cae back to y house with e. After that, we becae friends.
Once she had to go into hospital to have an operation(手術(shù)) on her leg. I was worried about her and looked after her every day. I ade breakfast for her. I was not good at cooking, but she never coplained(抱怨). I also helped her take showers.
I have to idea why we can be good friends, because she is quite different fro e. I like writing, reading and playing coputer gaes. But she loves outdoor activities. She likes playing balls best. She also loves sleeping.
She will run all around the house to lick(舔) y face if soeone shouts “Kiss for Dad.” That is the only nae she knows e by—Dad, though I call her by any naes—Pickle, issile and Little. But her real nae is Pixar. This week she turns seven years old.
( )46. Where did the writer et Pixar?
A. On the street. B. In a hospital. C. In a shopping center.
( )47. Pixar was years old when the writer et her.
A. two B. five C. seven
( )48.What does the writer like doing?
①Reading ②Playing balls ③Sleeping ④Playing coputer gaes ⑤Writing
A.①②④ B.②③⑤ C.①④⑤
( )49.What can we learn fro the passage?
A. Pixar once had an operation on her head. B. Pixar doesn’t like playing outside.
C. Pixar is the writer’s dog.
( )50.What’s the best title for the passage?
A. How to ake Friends B. y Good Friend C. How to Be a Good Friend
I’ ike. I a a student. In y teachers’ eyes, I a not a very good student, because I don’t study hard at y lessons and I a soeties late for school.
Last Wednesday, I was late for school. y teacher was a little angry. “Coe to school on tie toorrow, or I will telephone your father,” said y ath teacher. I was afraid. So I got up early the next orning. After a quick breakfast, I rode y bike to school. Soon I was riding across a bridge. Just at that tie, I heard soebody shouting for help. I stopped and found a little girl struggling in the river. I got off y bike, juped into the river and swa to the girl as quickly as I could.i tried y best to push the girl to the bank. At last the girl was saved. When I got to the classroo, the class had been on for 15 inutes. y teacher criticized(批評) e.
Till now, I haven’t told y ath teacher why I was late that orning. But I didn’t regret(后悔) it at all.

( )51. Why don’t ike’s teachers like hi?
A. ike is often late for school
B. ike doesn’t study hard at his lessons
C. ike often saves the children falling into the river.
( )52. How did ike go to school last Thursday?
A. On foot B,by bike C.by bus
( ) 53. What’s the Chinese eaning of the words”truggling” in the text?
A. 掙扎 B.嬉戲 C.潛水
( )54. Why did ike coe to school late again on Thursday orning?
A. He got up late in the orning.
B. He saved a girl on his way to school.
C. His bike was broken on the way to school.
(  )55.what’ s the best title of the text?
A. A brave student B. A cruel(殘忍的) teacher C. A isunderstanding(誤會)
Ti ; What’s the best restaurant in town?
ary: 56
Ti: Oh, any kind of food is okay.
ary: Well,the French Deli is really good.
Ti: 57
ary: Yes, it’s the ost expensive restaurant in town. 58
Ti: H…,And what’s Nick’s Diner like?
ary: It’s cheaper than the French Deli, but the food’s kind of boring.
Ti: How about the Curry House?
ary: Oh, that’s a new place. 59
Ti: Is the food good?
ary: Yeah,if you like hot curry.
Ti: Yeah, I love it! 60 .
A.Is it expensive?
B.What kind of food do you like?
C.But it has the best service ,too.
D.It’s the ost popular restaurant in town.
E.Let’s go there.
56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61. Lily did her hoework last night. (改為否定句)
Lily __ ___ ___ __ her hoework last night.
62 . aria’s life is different fro Sa’s. (同義句改寫)
aria’s life isn’t the ___ _____ _____ __ Sa’s
63. They ate soe ice crea on their way to the park. (改為一般疑問句)
Did they __________ __________ ice crea on their way to the park?
64. I hardly ever go shopping. (對劃線提問)
--- ________ _________ do you go shopping?
65.Li Lei is ten years old. Lin Tao is twelve years old. (合并為一句)
Li Lei is__________ __________Lin Tao.
new, breakfast, do, stay, but, different, you, class, big, eal
Anna coes fro Russia. She is 17 years old. She’s going ____66____ with the Black faily for a year. Anna coes to England because she wants to study English. She helps rs Black ___67_____ housework in the house and goes to English ____68_____ every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
Anna is now in London. Everything is ___69____ to her. She finds life is ___70_____ fro that in osco Soe things are nice in London, any things are not so nice. The shops are ____71_____ in London than those in osco ___72____ it’s very expensive to enjoy ____73_____ in London. It’s expensive to have a ___74_____ at a restaurant or go to a cinea.
Now Anna has got used to (習(xí)慣) any things, but she can’t get used to the ____75______ in England. “You English eat so uch in the orning,” she often says. “Fruits, porridge, eggs, tea and bread. How can you face(面對) all that food so early in the day?”

66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75
請根據(jù)下面表格中的信息,介紹一下你最好的朋友Sue 的日;顒忧闆r.
要求: 可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,但必須包含所給信息;不少于60詞. 開頭已給出.
ActivitiesHow often
Do hoeworkore than one hour a day
Watch TV Hardly ever
Use the InternetTwice a week
ExerciseLess than one hour a day
Go to the oviesOnce a year
Read English booksEvery day

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/142726.html
