Unit 3 I’ ore outgoing than y sister課堂練習(xí)題

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 3 I’ ore outgoing than y sister.

第一課時(shí) Section A 1a-2d


1. short _____ _______ 2. tall______ ______

3. heavy _____ _______ 4. thin____________

5. funny _____ _______ 6. serious______ ______

7. outgoing______ ______ 8. friendly_______ _____

9. sart ______ ______ 10.quiet_____ _______


1. He gets up______ (early) than his classates.

2. Susan is______ (good) than ary.

3. She is______ (tall) of the two girls.

4. He is ______ (healthy) than his brother.

5. To is short, but Sa is ______ (short).


( )1. Her hair is______ than______.

A long, your B longer, you C longest, yours D longer, yours

( )2. That boy is very______. He is a great basketball______.

A tall, play B taller, player C tall, player D tall, play

( )3. Which season do you like______, winter ______ suer?

A better, and B best, or C better, or D best, and

( )4. She is______ than any other girl in her class. So she is______ .

A outgoing, ore outgoing B ore outgoing, ost outgoing

C ore outgoing, the ost outgoing D ost outgoing, ore outgoing

( )5.--Is that Sa?

--No, that’s John. He is______ than Sa.

A thin B the thinner C thinner D the thinnest



His hair is __________________.


______he __________________ his brother?


That boy is __________________in the class.


She is__________________ e.


His roo is____________________________________ .








The nuber

of the books

Zhang Wen







Fu Yi







y friend Fu Yi and I are in the __1___class. She is one year__2__ than e. I a not as__3__ as her. I a quiet, but she is __4___outgoing. Both of us like English and physics. She is ___5__at English than e, but she doesn’t do __6___in physics than e. I have __7___books than she has. She is y ___8___friend in our class.

1______ 2______ 3______ 4______ 5______ 6______ 7______ 8______

第二課時(shí) SectionA 3a-3c


1.兩年前____________ 2.努力學(xué)習(xí)____________

3.和…一樣高_(dá)___________ 4. sing well____________

5. as friendly as____________


1He is as tall as I,but he’s a little ______ (heavy).

2I’ a little______ (thin) than he is.

3Nick is ______ (funny) than Ti.

4His little sister is uch______ (outgoing) than hi.

5Here ______ (be) photos of (he) and his twin brothers.

6English is not as (difficult) as Chinese.

7Who is ______ (sart), To or Dave?

8They all enjoy______(read)books.

9There are soe______ (different) between the. So they look______ (different).

10The coat is ______ (beautiful) of the three.



I have ______ ______one brother.


Peter is ______ ______than Jack.


y sister is ______ ______ ______ ______than e.


Tony is ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______his brother.


______of the enjoy______ ______ ______.


1He is not as tall as his father.(改為同義句)

His father is ______ ______hi.

2They both like eating duplings. (改為同義句)

______ ______the like eating duplings.

3Peter is in Class1.I a in Class1,too.(改為同義句)

Peter and I are ______ ______ ______class.


Jenny and Ann are sisters. They live 1 town. Jenny is 2 than Ann. She likes living in town very uch. Jenny thinks living in town is 3 than living in the countryside. Because she likes the lights in town. She thinks the lights 4 night 5 ore beautiful than the stars in the sky. She likes to read books, and she reads ore quickly 6 Ann. She often reads until late at night.

Ann likes the countryside better. She likes to visit 7 aunt. She always helps her aunt 8 her work. Ann likes to run. She runs faster than Jenny. In the countryside, Ann can run longer. She 9 thinks running in the countryside is the ost exciting thing 10 .

( )1A in B on C at D for

( )2A old B older C oldest D the old

( )3A interesting B less interesting C ore interesting D ost interesting

( )4A in B on C at D for

( )5A a B is C are D be

( )6A as B than C fro D in

( )7A she B he C his D her

( )8A at B with C on D in

( )9A also B to C either D to

( )10A do B doing C to do D does

第三課時(shí) Section B1a-2e


1喜歡和某人做同樣的事____________ 2在功課方面做得好____________

3讓某人發(fā)笑____________ 4 be popular in school____________

5 be different fro____________


1He is______ (good)at cooking than e.

2It’s getting and ______ (war) in spring.

3Which city is (beautiful), Beijing or Fuzhou?

4What is the______ (ean) of your idea?

5Lucy has______ (any)apples than her sister Lily.


( )1To is not so ______at sports as Bill.

A good B well C better D best

( )2They______ students.They______ to watch TV.

A are both, like both B both are, both like C are both, both like D both are, like both

( )3The building is ______than that one.

A ore tall B not tall C uch taller D any taller

( )4Lily is not ______good at schoolwork ______her sisiter.

A uch, than B a little, as C as, so D so, as

( )5Pedro is ______than I.

A funny and outgoing B funnier and outgoing

C funnier and ore outgoing D ore funny and outgoing

( )6One of his classates often______ hi______.

A akes, laugh B ake, laugh C akes, laughs D ake, to laugh

( )7For y friend, I like doing the sae thing ______.

A like hi B like he does C as he does D as he is


y nae’s ary.I a a heavy and tall girl with long hair.I like to have friends who are different fro e.y best friend is Wang Fang.She coes fro china.She is shorter than e.And she has longer hair than e.She is uch ore outgoing than e.She often tells jokes.Her favorite thing is reading books. y favorite thing is playing chess.But we have one thing in coon.We both like playing ping-pang.She plays better than e.We often help and learn fro each other.


( )1ary is______ .

A heavy B thin C little D short

( )2ary likes to have friends who are______ .

A taller than B the sae as C caler than D different fro

( )3Wang Fang’s hair is______ than ary’s.

A shorter B longer C curlier D darker

( )4Wang Fang’s favorite thing is______ .

A reading books B drawing C playing basketball D singing

( )5ary and Wang Fang both like to______ .

A play soccer B dance C play ping-pang D tall jokes

第四課時(shí) SectionB 3a-Self Check





4 get a job____________

5 be good with sb. ____________

6 as serious as____________


1It’s necessary for us______ (have) soe friends.

2He likes to do the sae things as she ______ (do).

3Who did ______ (well), boys or girls?

4At school,To is y ______ (good)friend.

5y brother is ______ (interest) in history.


( )1. ______your sister like to have friends who are______?

A Does, like she does B Do, like her C Does, like her D Is, as her

( )2.I have any good friends who______ e.

A is different with B are different fro C is different fro D are different for

( )3.I______think ______are iportant ______a friendship.

A /,differences, on B don’t, difference, in C /,difference, on D don’t, differences, in

( )4. ______it is snowing, ______they are still working.

A Though,/ B/,though C But, though D Though, but

( )5.Is he ______than his brother?

A uch thin B uch thiner C ore thinner D uch thinner


1His brother is different fro hi.(改為同義句)

There are______ ______ his brother______ hi.

2She does well in English. (改為同義句)

She ______ ______ ______English.

3ary is 16 years old. Tara is 18 years old.(用比較級(jí)合并為一個(gè)句子)

ary is ______ ______ ______ than Tara.

4He is the tallest in his class. (改為同義句)

He is ______than______ ______ student in his class.

5There are over sisty students in our class. (改為同義句)

There are ______ ______sixty students in our class.


Peter: Do you know Lily, Sue?

Sue: Yes, she’s y best friend.

Peter: (1) ______

Sue: Because she likes to do the sae things as I do.(2) ______

Peter: Do you like playing table tennis, too?

Sue: Yes .But I’ ore athletic than Lily. What about you, Peter?(3) ______

Peter: y best friend is Tony.

Sue: (4) ______

Peter: He is tall and has short hair.

Sue: (5) ______

Peter: Yes. Soe people say that we look the sae. But Tony is a little heavier than I.

A. What does he look like?

B. She likes playing table tennis.

C. Why is she your best friend?

D. Are you ore athletic than Lily?

E. Do you look the sae?

F. Who’s your best friend?

第五課時(shí) 中考地帶


( )1Traffic is heavy and the price of oil is uch ______so that any people go to work by bus instead.(昆明)

A higher B high C expensive D ore expensive

( )2Lily isn’t as______ as Peter. She often akes istakes in her coposition.(寧夏)

A careless B careful C carelessly D carefully

( )3--Tie is oney.

--But I think it is ______oney.(青海)

A the sae as B as iportant as C ore iportant than D so iportant than

( )4He takes little, but gives______.(寧夏)

A few B little C uch D any

( )5Zhao Yazhi looks______ than she really is.(四川)

A young B ore young C ore younger D uch younger

( )6Life is ______dictionary. We should learn directly fro it.(山東)

A we B us C our D ours

( )7Breakfast is______ eal of the day. It provides us with energy after a long night without food.(山東)

A iportant B ore iportant C the ost iportant D very iportant

( )8I had to call a taxi because the box was ______than I’d expected.(江蘇)

A heavy B heavier C the heavier D the heavier

( )9Liuzhou is______ than Shanghai.(廣西)

A sall B saller C sallest

( )10--Is this your office?

--No. ______is on the third floor.(寧夏)

A ine B e C y D yself

( )11The ______you work at your lessons,the______ result you will get.(湖北)

A hard,good B harder,good C hard,better D harder,better

( )12Lucy does hoework______ than Ti.(湖南)

A carefully B ore carefull C ore carefully

( )13To is ______than any other player in the school tea.(濰坊)

A tall B taller C tallest D ore tall

( )14Yao ing is ______Chinese basketball player that ever played in NBA.(河南)

A tall B taller C tallest D the tallest





He__________________ his friend.


His words __________________excited.


You __________________than your sister.


Which subject ______you______ ,English______ ath?

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/148603.html
