2013年八年級英語上冊odule 5 Lao She Teahouse測試題(帶答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網

英語外研八年級上綜合測評 odule 5
(分數100分 時間90分鐘)
第Ⅰ卷 部分 (15分)
Ⅰ.聽句子,選擇與之相匹配的圖片 (5分)
1.Liu Wei can play the piano well with his feet.
2.I like classical usic best.It akes e feel relaxed.
3.Pop usic is lively and great for dancing.
4.Daing doesn't like jazz at all.
5.Beethoven was a faous u sician in the world.I like his usic.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

Ⅱ.聽對話,選擇正確答案 (5分)
W:Which kind of usic do you prefer,classical usic or jazz?
:I like the both,but I like pop usic best.
6.What's the an's favour ite kind of usic?
A.Classical usic.  B.Jazz.   C.Pop usic.
W:Are you going to Kate's party?
:No,I don't think so.
W:Why not?
:Well,everyone is going to sing.I can't sing at all.
7.Why is the boy not going to Kate's party?
A.Because he doesn't like singing. B.Because he can't sing at all.
C.Because he will have lots of work to do.

W:Can you dance?xkb1.co
:No,I can't.But I can play the guitar well.
W:Good!Our band needs a guitar player.
8.What is the boy good at?
A.Dancing. B.Playing the guitar. C.Playing basketball.

W:Hello,Paul. http:// 1.co
:Hi,Jenny.I hear that you will leave school.What do you want to be?
W:I think I' going to take up singing.
W:It's because I' good at singing songs.All y classates say so.Besides,singing is very interesting and you will eet a lot of fans.
9.What does the girl want to be?
A.A singer. B.An actress. C.A teacher.

10.Why does the girl choose that job?
A.Her parents let her do so. B.She is good at singing. C.She likes to teach children.

Ⅲ.聽短文,選擇最佳答案 (5分)
There are five people in y faily.We li ke different usic.y father likes techno.He thinks it's odern.He likes to dance to the techno usic.y other loves opera.Because it's draatic and the singers have beautiful voices.Rock is y brother's favourite.He likes the strong rhyths.He thinks it's fun.y sister likes pop usic.It is great for dancing.I like blues.It's slow,sad usic.
11.Why does his father like techno?
A.Because it's odern. B.Because it's beautiful. C.Because it's slo

12.Does his other like techno?
A.Yes,she does. B.No,she doesn't. C.I don't kno

13.What sort of usic does his brother like?
A.Techno. B.Opera. C.Rock.

14.What sort of usic does his sister like?
A.Pop usic. B.Opera. C.Techno.

15.Is blues slow and sad usic?
A.Yes,it is. B.No,it isn't. C.It's beautiful and fast.

第Ⅱ卷 筆試部分 (85分)
Ⅳ.單項選擇 (10分)
16.Qingdao is one of ______ cities in China.
A.the ost beautiful   B.ost beautiful C.ore beautiful D.very beautiful

17.When ______ did you finish your hoework last night?
A.in the earth B.on the earth C.in earth D.on earth

18.—Have you ever seen the fil Harry Potter and the Half­Blood Prince (《哈利•波特與混血王子》?
—Yes,it is a new fil ______ David Yeats.
A.with B.on C.by D.at

19.—How old is your ______ sister?
—She is 17 years old.She is three years ______ than e.
A.elder; older B.old; older C.older; elder D.elder; elder

20.This isn't your book,______?
A.is this B.is it C.isn't this D.isn't it

21.I ______ there will be a basketball atch next weekend in our school.
A.hear of B.hear about C.hear D.listen to

22.Don't ake the children ______ so uch hoework every day.It akes the ______.
A.do; sadly B.did; happy C.to do; sad D.do; tired

23.Lily is ______ beautiful than ary.
A.a lot any B.a lot uch C.a lot ore D.a lot of ore

24.The fil 2012 is wonderful.Let's go to see it,______?
A.do you B.shall we C.don't you D.aren't you

25.He's never sung a song in public,______?
A.is he B.isn't he C.has he D.hasn't he

Ⅴ.完形 (10分)
Do you know ozart?Probably.He is a faous usician.
ozart was born on January 27,1756 and died in 1791.When he was very young,his father often __26__ hi around any different countries to play usic for a lot of people.But soe people didn't believe that a little __27__ could write so beautiful usic.They asked ozart to stay in a roo by hiself __28__ a week.And soeone __29__ the roo all the tie.In that __30__,he finished a new piece of usic.__31__ that,people believed this little boy could write __32__ usic.During his __33__ life,ozart studied,taught,wrote and played usic.Though he didn't have uch oney,his usic ade __34__ happy.And for __35__ 200 years his usic has ad e others happy,too.
26.A.took     B.brought   C.carried

27.A.boy B.girl C.student

28.A.in B.since C.for

29.A.saw B.watched C.looked

30.A.day B.year C.week

31.A.Before B.After C.About

32.A.beautiful B.sad C.serious

33.A.long B.short C.lively

34.A.hiself B.he C. herself

35.A.ore B.than C.over

Ⅵ.理解 (30分)

If soeone asks e,“Do you like usic?”I' sure I will answer hi or her”O(jiān)f course,I do.”Because I think usic is an iportant part of our lives.
Different people have different ideas about usic.For e,I like rock usic because it's so exciting.And y favourite rock band,the”Foxy Ladies (酷妹) “is one of the ost faous rock bands in the world.I also like pop usic.y classate Li Lan loves danc e usic,because she enjoys dancing.y best friend,Jane,likes jazz usic.She thinks jazz is really cool.
“I like dance usic and rock very uch,”says y brother,“because they are aazing.”
But y other thinks rock is boring.“I like soe relaxing usic,”she says.That's why she likes country usic,I think.
36.The writer likes usic because he thinks ______.
A.it's an exciting part of our lives B.it's an aazing part of our lives
C.it's an iportant part of our lives

37.What kind of usic does the writer like?
A.Rock and pop usic. B.Rock and dance usic. C.Jazz and country usic.

38.Who likes dancing?
A.The writer. B.Li Lan. C.Jane.

39.The writer's other thinks that country usic is ______.
A.aazing B.boring C.relaxing

40.How any people's ideas about usic are talked about in this passage?
A.4. B.5. C.6.


Country usic is very old.It cae fro the United States,Canada,Ireland,and Great Britain.Country usic is a ixture of usic fro all of these places.
In the Aerican West,cowboys had to take care of the cattle.They had to watch the all day and night because the cattle were nervous and soeties ran away.A cowboy's life was lonely and dangerous.When he was alone in the desert with the cattle,he drank strong coffee with lots of caffeine to stay awake at night.He also sang usic to the cattle to ake the quiet.He sang about the stars and the oon,about his faily and his friends.The cattle listened to the cowboy and went to sleep.They did not run away if he sang beautiful and peaceful usic.
In the Aerican South,any people cae fro Ireland,Scotland,and England.Other people cae fro France and Canada.They enjoyed their own kind of usic.They used guitars,violins and haronicas,too.They also added instruents fro their hoes,like bottles and spoons.When they visited their friends and failies on holidays like Thanksgiving Day,they usually sang and played country usic.
Country usic describes life.It talks about love,jobs,hoe and oney.It talks about friends and eneies,trucks and highways,fars and crops.People in any parts of the world like country usic because everyone knows soething about these ideas.Also,any country usic fans wear Western clothes and dance together to country usic.any bands all over the world now perfor country usic.
根據短文內容,判斷正 (T) 誤 (F) 。
41.Country usic cae fro the Aerican West and the Aerican South.

42.any fans like to dance to country usic.

43.Cowboys always stayed alone in the desert.

44.Country singers sing about unusual ideas.

45.The cattle becae cal when they listened to the cowboy's songs.

下面短文,根據短文中的信息完成文后表格 (每空一詞) (每空1分,共10分)。
What is your favourite cartoon?It ay be difficult for you to decide.But for pianist Lang Lang,To and Jerry is the best one.
When Lang was two years o ld,he saw To playing the piano.This was his first tie to enjoy western usic and this experience encouraged hi to learn to play the piano.
His talent (天資) at the keyboard has taken hi fro Shenyang to the world.
Lang becae a good piano student at three.Ever since,the boy has been doing better and better.In 1997,the 15­year­old boy studied at a faous Aerican usic college.
Lang's perforances are energetic (充滿活力的).He i s well­known for aking facial expressions and oving around while playing the piano.
The road to success has never been easy.Lang's father stopped his job to look after hi,while his other stayed in Shenyang to ake oney.But Lang considers hiself lucky and believes he should give soething back.He has helped the children in poor areas a lot.
Personal ___46__Card
About his personal life
NaeLang Lang
Year of birth__47__
Favourite __49__To and Jerry
The reason for __50__ poor childrenHe believes hiself lucky and should give soething back.
About his usical life
The __51__for western usic in his childhood encouraged hi to learn the piano__52__.With the help of his parents and teachers,he was able to __53__a faous Aerican usic college,where his success began.Faous for his__54__ perforances and__55__facial expressions and oving around while playing the piano.

Ⅶ.情景交際 (10分)
A.She's just a singer.,
B.Do you like her?,
D.Who's she?,
E.I' so excited.)
D: Dad,I have good news to tell you.
F: What news?
D: A faous singer will hold a concert in Beijing on Deceber 12th.
F: 56.______
D: She's a pop star fro Singapore (新加坡).
F: 57.______
D: Of course.58.______ She has decided this tie to sing her ost faous song It's Dark and Green Light.
F: I can't understand why you are so excited.59.______
D: Oh,her songs are so wonderful and she's so lovely!
F: 60.______ Your u and I will buy you a ticket for her concert.
D : Thank you,Dad.You are too good.

Ⅷ.詞匯題 (10分)
61.______ (也許) we should buy soe ore beef.

62.The Spring Festival is one of the ______ (傳統(tǒng)的) Chinese festivals.

63.Listen!The usic shop is playing a ______ (唱片) of ozart.

64.There is a gy in the ______ (中心) of the school.

65.Do you like taking a ______ (慢的) train to travel in the country?

____________ usic,she likes travelling as well.

Li Lei ____________ Beijing,the capital of China.

Xian Xinghai ____________ the song The Yellow River.

Please ____________ the garden.

____________,he oved to Guangzhou with his parents.

Ⅸ.書面表達 (15分)
根據以下提示,以”y usic”為題,用第一人稱寫一篇70詞左右的短文。
(1) 你最喜歡流行音樂,因為它使你感到輕松。
(2) 音樂給人帶來力量 (power) ,使人快樂;
(3) 沒有音樂,生活會很無趣。
y usic
_________________________________________________________________ _______

Ⅰ. 1.C 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.B
Ⅱ.6- 10 CBB AB
Ⅲ. 11-15 ABCAA
Ⅵ. 36-40 CABCB
41- 45 FTTFT
Info 47.1982/nineteen eighty¬two 48.Talent/Wisdo/Ability 49.cartoon 50.helping
51.love 52.well/excellently 53.enter 54.energetic 55.aking
Ⅶ. 56.D 57.B 58.E 59.A 60.C
Ⅷ. 61. aybe/Perhaps 62. Traditional 63. record 64. centre 65. slow
66. In addition to/Besides 67. was born in 68. was faous for
69. take/show your friends around 70. At the age of five/When he was five
y usic
I like usic very uch.Because it can give e power when I a tired and it can ake e happy when I a sad.People fro different countries all like usic very uch.usic is very iportant to us.If there's no usic in the world,our life won't be so interesting.Pop usic is y favourite.I think it sounds nice and it can ake e feel relaxed.
Let's enjoy usic every day!

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/154826.html
