2014年八年級英語下冊odule 1測試題(外研版英語有答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

外研八年級(下)odule 1模塊測試題
I. 根據(jù)所給系動(dòng)詞,選擇合適的形容詞
1. taste ( ) 2. sound ( ) 3. look ( ) 4. sell ( ) 5. feel ( )
A. strong, pretty, sart B. fresh, sour, delicious C. soft, tight, cofortable
D. salty, sweet, strong E. nice, quiet, noisy
II. 根據(jù)句意和首字母填入合適單詞
1. The sitting roo l________ very nice.
2. I often f________ a bit sad when I leave y u and dad.
3. Please be q________. The baby is sleeping.
4. It doesn’t ________, there is no hurry.
5. Let e i________ yself, y nae is Sipson.
6. I’ a_________ I don’t like cheese.
7. What’s the weather l_________ today?
8. This kind of apple t________ delicious. I want one ore.
9. We’re going to the airport to ________ y friend Sally fro London.
10. Don’t eat the at. It has gone b________.
III. 單項(xiàng)選擇
( ) 1. We Chinese like to ________ when we eet.
A. hold hands B. shank hand C. shake hands D. wave hands
( ) 2. It’s ________ to help others who are in trouble.
A. rude B. polite C. ipolite D. terrible
( ) 3. We all felt very ________ at the _________ news.
A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting
C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited
( ) 4. They _________ their best to finish the work no
A. are trying B. trying C. tired D. tires
( ) 5. The Chinese parents always teach their children to be ________ to others.
A. carefully B. friendly C. lonely D. angrily
( ) 6. ―Have you heard the song “ TAKE E TO YOUR HEART ”?
―Yes, it _________ terrible.
A. sells B. sounds C. looks D. tastes
( ) 7. What _________ interesting book it is!
A. an B. the C. a D. /
( ) 8. It rained heavily yesterday, but ________ of the students was late for school.
A. both B. all C. none D. neither
( ) 9. ―Hello! I haven’t seen you for years.
―Oh, John. _________?
A. How are you B. How do you do
C. How about you D. What are you
( ) 10. Thank you for _________ e.
A. inviting B. to invite C. invites D. invite
IV. 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式
1. The girl is afraid of ________ ( walk ) on the street alone.
2. I like the little girl. She is ________ ( love ).
3. Eating enough vegetables is good for your _________ ( healthy ).
4. He is one of the _________ ( great ) usicians in the world.
5. I _________ ( go ) there two years ago.
6. What __________ you _________ ( do ) at nine last night?
7. I’ busy _________ ( clean ) the garden.
8. They are all faous _________ ( write).
9. When can you finish _________ ( do ) your hoework?
10. He was good at _________ ( play ) football.
V. 補(bǔ)全對話
A) 從II欄中找出I攔中各句的答語
( ) 1. What’s the atter?
( ) 2. Would you like to go to the cinea with e tonight?
( ) 3. What’s she like?
( ) 4. How long have you learnt English?
( ) 5. Have the children gone hoe?
A.She looks very pretty in her photo.
B.I have a bad cold.
C.For about ten years.
D.Yes, they have.
E.I’ sorry I have to do y hoework first.
B) 用完整的句子補(bǔ)全對話
A: Hi, To. ____________________ ( 1 ) ?
B: I have been to Beijing to see y pen friend David.
A: Really? _____________________ ( 2 ) ?
B: He is a doctor in a hospital in Beijing.
A: ____________________ ( 3 ) ?
B: I got to know hi on a train.
A: ____________________ ( 4 ) ?
B: He is tall and strong and wear glasses.
A: ____________________ ( 5 ) ?
B: He is kind-hearted and nice. I a lucky to be friend with hi.
VI. 完型
Jack bought shoes fro the shoe factory and _____ (1) to sell the to people. One day he walked along a street, then he stopped _____ (2) a house. There was a sall boy ______ (3) a ball near a door. Jack went up to the boy and asked, “Hello, is your other in? ” The boy looked at hi, then answered, “Yes, she is.” “That’s good!” Jack said. He took soe shoes and went to the door of the house. He knocked(敲)______ (4) the door, and waited for a few inutes, but ______ (5) cae to open the door. Jack knocked again and waited for _______ (6) inutes, but still no one answered.
Then Jack _______ (7) the sall boy and said _______ (8), “Your other is not at hoe!” “She is.” said the sall boy.” “_______ (9) didn’t she open the door?” “Because this isn’t y _______ (10)!” the boy answered.
( ) 1. A. trys B. tryed C. tires D. tried
( ) 2. A. on front of B. on the front of C. in front of D. in the front of
( ) 3. A. played B. playing C. play with D. playing with
( ) 4. A. at B. in C. with D. to
( ) 5. A. soebody B. nobody C. anybody D. soeone
( ) 6. A. a little ore B. ore a little C. a few ore D. ore a few
( ) 7. A. looked at B. looked for C. looked over D. looked after
( ) 8. A. happily B. angrily C. quickly D. luckily
( ) 9. A. When B. How C. Why D. Where
( ) 10. A. faily B. roo C. house D. hoe
VII. 理解
Our new English teacher, r White, arrived today. He’s Aerican. He siles a lot and he’s friendly but he speaks very fast. It’s difficult to understand his words. He also expects(希望) us to study hard, and speak English all the tie in our English lessons .
During the first class, r White introduced hiself, and showed us photos of his faily. He has got a big faily, two brothers and a sister. His brothers all look like hi. They are very tall and they have dark hair, but one brother has a beard. His sister is sli and she has fair hair. They were siling in all of the photos and look friendly.
Then he told us about Aerica and Aericans. He showed us how Aericans say “Hi. How are you doing?” and shake hands when they eet people. We all practiced. That was fun. And he also told us that Aericans are cheerful, lively people. They sile a lot and are usually friendly because Aericans think it’s polite to be friendly.
At the end of the lesson, we all said “Goodbye”, “See you soon” to everyone. English lessons are going to be enjoyable.
1.What does the new teacher look like?

2.What is the new teacher like?

3.How does the new teacher speak?

4.Why are Aericans friendly?

5.What ust the students do in English lessons?

( ) 1. Liu Xiang and Yao ing are world-faous sports stars. _____ of the have set us a good exaple to us.
A. All B. Neither C. Both D. None
( ) 2. The cheese cake tasted so _____ that the kids asked for ore.
A. delicious B. well C. bad D. badly
( ) 3. ―The best thing to do in Hainan Island is scuba diving. The fish and the coral are beautiful!
―That ______ really cool!
A. looks B. sounds C. becoes D. feels
( ) 4. ―Excuse e, is this seat taken?
―______. That an got his books and left a few inutes ago.
A. I’ afraid so B. I don’t think so
C. I don’t know D. I hope not
( ) 5. “Excuse e, how long ay I ______ the book?” “For two weeks.”
A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. buy

I. 1-5 D E A B C
II. 1. looks 2. feel 3. quiet 4. atter 5. introduce
6. afraid 7. like 8. tastes 9. eet 10. bad
III. 1-5 C B B A B 6-10 B A C B A
IV. 1. walking 2. lovely 3. health 4. greatest 5. went
6. were ; doing 7. cleaning 8. writers 9. doing 10. playing
V. I ) B E A C D
II ) 1. Where have you been
2. What does he do / What’s his job
3. How did you get to know hi
4. What’s he like
5. What does he look like
VI. 1-5 D C D A B 6-10 C A B C D
VII. 1. He siles a lot and he’s friendly
2. He is tall and he has dark hair.
3. He speaks very fast.
4. Because Aericans think it’s polite to be friendly.
5. The students ust speak English all the tie in English lessons.
1-5 C A B B B

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/156209.html
