
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


姓名: 班級: 總分:

(A): 根據(jù)句意補全單詞,單詞首字母已給出(5分)
1.Doing orning exercises is a good way to keep h (健康).
2. It is i (重要的)to eat a balanced diet.
3. To likes watching TV and he u (通常)watches TV after supper at hoe.
4. Where did you on v________(假期).
5. The subway takes hi forty (分鐘) to go to the bank.
(B): 根據(jù)句意,用括號中所給單詞的適當形式完成句子。(5分)
6. A lot of____ ____(visit) visited our school last year.
7. It takes e ten inutes__ ___(get) to y hoe by bus.
8. y book is new, but yours is ________(new) than ine .
9. There are six___ _____(sheep) in his faily.
10. Soe of __ ___(we) are good at swiing.
11、tall_____ 12、thin¬¬_____ 13、early_____
14、uch_____ 15、lazy_____ 16、little_____
17、far____________ 18、good(well)_____
19、outgoing 20、friendly
1. delicious food 2.多于
3. of course 4.怎樣?
5.hardly ever 6.動物世界
7.at least 8.因為
9.care about 10.只要,既然
三、單項(15分)Choose the best answer to ake a coplete sentence.
1. --________do you exercise? ?Hardly ever. I don’t like sports.
A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How uch
2. ______it is not good for his health, ______he still eats junk food twice or three ties a week.
A. Although; but B. Because ; / C. Although ; / D. For ; so
3.ost students in our class watch TV every day. ___students watch TV three or four ties a week.
A. All B. Soe C. ost D. Every
4.Drinking ilk and eating vegetables _________your health.
A. are good for B. are good at C. is good for D. is good at
5.80% students like the watch. What does “80%” ean? ________.
A. None of the students B. All the students C. Soe of the students D. ost of the students
6. So ______hoework really akes the students feel tired.
A. uch B. any C. little D. few
7.—Where are you going for vacation? ?I think about ______to Brazil, but decide _____Japan.
A. go ; on B. going ; on C. go ; to D. going ; to
8.y friend is ore ________than e. He enjoys talking with others.
A. intellectual B. athletic C. outgoing D. serious
9.y other is busy _________the roo.
A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleans
10.The proble is ________different for the little boy.
A. too uch B. uch too C. uch D. too
11.You’d better _______ too uch eat. You are uch too fat.
A. not eat B. eat C. not to eat D. don’t eat
12.You _______ wash your hands before eals. It is good for your health.
A. ay B. can C. have to D. ust
13. y other often tells e _______ y classates when they need.
A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps
14.—There is no ilk_________ no fruit in the fridge.Go and buy soe,Sandy.
A.or B.a(chǎn)nd C.but D.then
15.Hiking is__________ caping.I like both of the.
A.not as interesting as B.ore dangerous than
C.a(chǎn)s interesting as D.a(chǎn)s dangerous as
y brother doesn’t like doing exercise. Last night he 1 again and again. Today y father took hi to see a 2 . The doctor said that y brother had a bad 3 . He told y father to buy soe 4 and told y brother to have a good rest. 5 happened to y brother? y brother said he kept the windows 6 all night. But y father thought that y brother 7 do ore exercise every day. After taking 8 edicine, he was uch 9 . y other told us to take good care of ourselves. I will 10 what y parents said. I will do ore sports in the future.
( ) 1. A. cough B. coughs C. coughed D. will cough
( ) 2. A. teacher B. friend C. dentist D. doctor
( ) 3. A. cold B. headache C. toothache D. SARS
( ) 4. A. water B. edicine C. ilk D. haburgers
( ) 5. A. What B. When C. Where D. How
( ) 6. A. close B. closed C. open D. opened
( ) 7. A. ay B. can C. ustn’t D. should
( ) 8. A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 9. A. good B. better C. ill D. worse
( ) 10. A. forget B. reeber C. read D. write
Joan is an Aerican girl. She lives in China no She is in y class. Her parents work in China, too, but her brother works in the U.S.A. He often writes letters to the. Joan likes Chinese class very uch, and likes speaking Chinese with us after class. Her father teaches us English well. We all like his class. On Sundays, Joan goes to the People's Park with her father and other. Soeties she goes shopping with her other. They like the Chinese food very uch. It's a happy faily.
1. Joan is fro ________.
A. China B. Japan C. the U.S.A. D. Canada
2. Joan likes speaking ________with us after class.
A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese
3. Joan's ________ is an English teacher.
A. father B. other C. brother D. father and other
4. How often does Joan go to the shop?
A. Often. B. Never. C. Every Sunday. D. Soeties.
5. Which is not wrong?
A. Joan's other is a good doctor. B. There are three people in her faily.
C. They like to eat the Chinese food a lot. D. The faily are all in China.
People eat different things in different parts of the world.
In south China we eat rice every day. Soeties we eat it two or three ties a day, for breakfast, lunch and supper. We usually eat it with fish, eat and vegetable.
The Japanese eat rice, too. They also eat a lot of fish. They soeties eat raw(生的)fish. In Africa, aize(玉米)is the ost iportant food. People there ake aize into flour(面粉).Fro this flour they ake different kinds of bread and cakes.
In western(西方的)countries such as Britain, Australia and the U.S.A, the ost iportant food is bread or potatoes. People there usually ake their bread fro wheat flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the ost popular food is fish and chips. Soeties people cook this food at hoe, but usually they buy it at the shop. They eat this food at hoe, in their work place, in the park or on the road. People call it "take-away" food.
() 6. This passage is about ______.
A. foodB. drinkC. clothes D. ways of life
() 7. Who soeties eat fish when it isn't cooked?
A. People in China B. People in Japan
C. People in Africa D. People in Britain
() 8. The ost iportant food for African people is ______.
A. riceB. fishC. vegetableD. aize
() 9. Which of the following countries is called " a western country"?
A. One of the countries in AfricaB. Japan C. China D. Australia
() 10. People eat "take-away" food ______.
A. at hoe B. on their way to schoolC. in their officesD. A、B and C
People soeties like to read stories of dogs very uch. They think that dogs are uch cleverer than cats, sheep, cows or other anials in their hoes.
  One of y close friends, Bob, has a very large police dog naed Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby. Jack likes these walks very uch. One Sunday afternoon, I paid a visit to y friend. I stayed there for a long tie and y friend and I had uch ore talk with each other than ever before. Soon it was tie for the to take a walk in the park. We forgot that. Jack becae worried about it. He walked around the roo several ties and then sat down in front of e and looked at e. But I still paid no attention (注意) to hi. I went on talking with y friend. At last, Jack could not wait any longer. He went out of the roo and cae back a few inutes later. He sat down in front of e again. But this tie, he held y hat in his outh. Suddenly, I understood what Jack eant and so did y friend.
11.How any people are there in this story?______. [ ]
A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four
12.Jack______. [ ]
A.is a close friend of ine
B.enjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoon
C.has any close friends
D.enjoys talks in the roo
13.Jack was worried because______. [ ]
A.he wanted to eat soething
B.it was Sunday afternoon again
C.he was not feeling well
D.he wanted his aster (主人) to take hi for a walk
14.Jack took y hat in his outh to show that______. [ ]
A.I should leave the house at once
B.he liked y hat very uch
C.he was hungry and he tried to eat it
D.he wanted to have a rest
15.Which of the following is true?______. [ ]
A.When Jack and I were talking, y friend didn't pay any attention to us
B.When I was talking to y friend, Jack didn't pay any attention to us
C.When y friend and I were talking, we didn't pay any attention to Jack
D.When y friend was talking to Jack, I paid attention to the
Every year students in any countries learn English. Soe of these students are children. Others are young people. Soe learn at school, others teach theselves. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is hard to answer that question.
  any boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. any people learn English because it is useful in their work. Soe young people learn English for their higher studies because soe of their books are in English at college(學院)or university(大學). Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and agazines(雜志)in English.
  ( ) 16. Everybody learn English at school.
  ( ) 17. It is hard to answer why so any people learn English.
  ( ) 18. Children learn English because they like it.
  ( ) 19. All the books are written in English.
  ( ) 20. English is useful in people's work and life.
A: Hello, Peter, do you often watch TV?
B: No, (1) I like going to the ovies.
B: Twice a week.
A: Well, do you like watching TV, Bill?
C: Yes, (3)
A: What's your favorite progra?
C: Sports shows. What about you?
A: I never watch TV. (4)
C: What do you usually do in your free tie?
A:I usually exercise. Soeties I read books
C: (5)
1. I played tennis with y friends on Saturday.(就畫線部分提問)
you on Saturday?
2. They went to the beach on vacation.(就畫線部分提問)
they on vacation?
3. She studied for exas at hoe last Sunday.(改為一般疑問句)
she for exas at hoe last Sunday?
4. He goes to the ovies three ties a onth.(就畫線部分提問)
does he go to the ovies a onth?
5. She often helps with housework on weekends.(就畫線部分提問)
does she help with housework on weekends?


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/157389.html
