
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1.?Did you buy ____for Linda’s birthday?
--Not really. Just soe flowers.
A. soething special B. anything special C. special soething D. special anything
2. The ovie was ___ and we saw it again.
A. enough bring B. boring enough C. enough interesting D. interesting enough
3. -- _____ do you visit your grand parents?
-- Three or four ties a onth.
A. When B. Why C. How often D. How any
4. ?What a nice eal! It’s really kind of you to invite us.
--_______. I’ glad you like it.
A. Not at all B. Sounds good C. Well done D. That’s right
5. I don’t think junk food is good _____our health.
A. at B. for C. to D. with
6. ?Tie is oney.
--But I think tie is ______ oney.
A. as iportant as B. ore iportant as
C. the ost iportant in D. ore iportant than
7. ?What’s the weather like in your city today?
--Fine. A little cold, _______.
A. but B. so C. and D. though
8. _____ is quite easy ____e to finish the job on tie.
A. It; of B. That; of C.It; for D. That; for
9. Li Ping and Wang Fang ___ black eyes.
A. has both B. have both C. both have D. both has
10. _____you don’t give up, your drea will coe true.
A. As well as B. As soon as C. As long as D. As for as
11. --______I swi here?
--I’ sorry. Children ____be alone(獨自的) here.
A. ust; can’t B. ay; ust C. Can; ustn’t D. Can’t; can
12. He is a very ______ student. He does hoework ________ in our class.
A. careful; carefully B. careful; the ost carefully
C. carefully; careful D. the ost careful; the ost carefully
13. ?What does he _____soap operas?
--He can’t __.
A. think of; stand it B. like; ind the C. think of; stand the D. think; love it
14. r Green is a tall an _____ short hair.
A. with B. in C. has D. have
15. What is he going to _____when he _______up?
A.do; will grow B.does; grows C.be; will grow D.be; grows
16. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you’d better eat ____junk food and take ____exercise.
A.ore; less B.fewer; ore C.less; ore D.ore; fewer
17. There ______ a football atch in our school the day after toorro
A.will have B.is going have C.will be D.has
18. Don’t forget to _______the lights when you leave the classroo.
A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down
19. ---_________today?
---It’s Saturday the 20th.
A. What day is it B. What’s the date C. When is D. What is
20. Do you know if _______back next week? If he _________ back, please let e kno
A.he coes; will coe B.will he coe; coes C.he will coe; coes D.he coes;coes
1.---Here is _____ advice for you.
---Thanks a lot.
A.a B.an C.soe D.a piece
2. ichael often akes _______istakes, because he never reads_______.
A.careful; carefully B.careless; careful C.careless; carefully D.careful; carelessly
3. --Karen, I’ so sorry i can’t coe to your party. I have to study for the coing test.
--That’s too bad. aybe ____ tie.
A.other B.others C.another D.the other
4. --______ I reply to the invitation by next Tuesday?
--Of course, you ust.
A. Can B. ight C. Could D. ust
5. The terrible earthquake ade soe old houses _________.
A.fall down B.fell down C.to fall down D.falling down
6. If you don’t want to accept the gift, you can ____.
A.turn down it B.turn it down C.turn off it D.turn it off
7. We should use fewer plastic(塑料) bags in our daily life _____they can cause serious pollution.
A.and B.but C.because D.if
8. --Can people see the Olypic Gaes?
--Every four years.
A. When B. How often C. How long D. What tie
9. --Can you tell e your prediction?
--I predict there will be less______ in the future.
A.people B.planets C.ice D.pollution
10. Without _______, Kelly went into her bedroo.
A.say soething B.saying soething C.say anything D.saying anything
11. There _______ a wonderful concert in two days in Chongqing University.
A.is B.was C.will is D.is going to be
12. UE has _______seats in Shapingba. That’s why any people like going there.
A.cofortable B.ore cofortable C.ost cofortable D.the ost cofortable
13. ________ is good for your health. You should have ore.
A. Junk food B. Coffee C. edicine D. Yogurt
14. I like playing basketball. I hope I can be as _______as Yao ing in the future.
A.successful B.ore successful C.successfully D.ore successfully
15. --I went to New York this suer vacation.
--It’s a good place for shopping. Did you buy anything for ______?
A.you B.your C.yourself D.yourselves
16. --It’s _____colder today than it was yesterday.
-- Yes, don’t you see I a wearing a thicker coat?
A.pretty B.ore C.uch D.little
17. Look! All the student are preparing _______ the final exa.
A.to B.of C.for D.on
18. --What is your birthday wish?
--I wish i could becoe a faous agician before y ________birthday.
A.thirty B.thirtieth C.the thirty D.the thirtieth
19. --Can you go to the ovie theater with e tonight?
--______. I a busy with y schoolwork.
A. Sure. B. I’d love to C. I don’t know D. I’ afraid i can’t
20. --Jenny sings ore beautifully than before.
--_____. Because a faous singer taught her how to sing last year.
A. I hope so B. I don’t think so C. I agree with you D. She was better before
There was a woan in Detroit, who had two sons. She was worried about the, _1_the younger one Ben, because he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class ade jokes about hi because he seeed so _2_.
The other _3_ that she herself would have to get her sons to do better in school. She told the to go to the Detroit Public Library to read a book within a week and do a book report for her. One day, in Ben’s _4_, the teacher held up a rock and asked if anyone knew it. Ben put up his hand and the teacher let hi _5_. “Why did Ben put up his hand?” his classates wondered. “ He _6_ said anything. What could he possibly want to say?”
Well, Ben not only _7_ the rock, but also said a lot about it, and he even knew where the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were _8_. Ben had learned all this fro doing one of his book _9_.
Ben later went on to the _10_ of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University and at last becae one of the best doctors in the United States.
1. A.and B.but C.because D.so
2. A.clever B.hard C.slow D.quick
3. A.seeed B.decided C.wondered D.told
4. A.class B.roo C.office D.lab
5. A.think B.leave C.ask D.answer
6. A.always B.ever C.quickly D.never
7. A.found B.played C.knew D.heard
8. A.afraid B.surprised C.worried D.unhappy
9. A.pictures B.exercises C.shops D.reports
10. A.top B.end C.back D.front
Today we had a special class. We had a discussion _1_ “ If you have only one day left”. It seeed that different people had ___2____opinions. ost students said they would stay at hoe and _3_ their parents with housework. They wanted to show love to their parents. Soe students wanted to do soething different _4_ helping others. They said they should do soething eaningful to the world. Only a few students said they would so _5_ but just have a rest at hoe. They had too uch to do every day. They needed a _6_.
_7_the class had different ideas, we all knew one point, that was to cherish(珍惜) our life. At last, the teacher sued up(總結(jié)) our _8_. She said, “ I’ glad you all want to use your liited(有限的) life to do soething eaningful. But please reeber: try _9_ the best of your tie! And study _10_ every day!”
1. A.of B.about C.fro D.for
2. A.different B.the different C.sae D.the sae
3. A.help B.helps C.helped D.helping
4. A.to B.so as C.such as D.for exaple
5. A.everything B.soething C.anything D.nothing
6. A.test B.dinner C.rest D.walk
7. A. Because B. When C. If D. Although
8. A.hoework B.discussion C.eeting D.grades
9. A.ake B.to ake C.not ake D.not to ake
10. A.hardly B.ore hardly C.hard D.ore hard
1. There will be soe paper oney in 100 years. (改為否定句)
There _______ be ________ paper oney in 100 years.
2. If it doesn’t rain, they will go out for a picnic. (對劃線部分提問)
_______ __________ they do if it doesn’t rain?
3. He watched TV after he finished his hoework last night. (同義句)
He _______ watch TV ____ he finished his hoework last night.
Your brother’s coputer is _________ ___________ine.
1. Tina dug a big hole in the garden yesterday. (一般疑問句)
_______ Tina _______ a big hole in the garden yesterday?
2. The rich an refused to help the poor kid. (對劃線部分提問)
________ ___________the rich an refused to do?
3. Every onth i get a letter fro y penfriend. (同義句)
I _________ ___________ y penfriend every onth.
4. 請拿一張紙把它蓋住。
Please _________ it _________ a piece of paper.
The walking school bus is a popular way of getting to school in soe wester countries. Do you know _________ a walking school bus is?
Is a walking school bus a real bus? ____________! It is a group of children walking to and fro school _________ one or ore adults(成年人)as “drivers”! Usually the _________ are their parents. The children are the “bus”, their feet are the “wheels”, their eyes are the “windows” and their legs are the “engines”. Each bus walks over a set route(固定路線)and travels at a set tie. It sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
The walking school bus is __________ with children for any reasons.
It is a safe way to go to school. And it is part of their everyday exercise. any children say that it is a good way for _____________to keep healthy. Besides, children can __________ a lot on the way. They can learn road safety and know ore about their neighborhoods. At the sae tie, they can also eet children of other ages and ake ____________ with the.

The ai(目的) of students who coe to school is to study. But to study need a right _______, or you waste either the tie _______ the oney. The following are the ways of studying.
The _________ tie for reading is orning, because in the orning, the air is fresh and the ind is clear. For that reason, we can get good result.
Is studying we ust have patience(耐心). If we don’t understand a text well, we ust read it again. We should not read the next one _________ we have learned the first one.
When we are studying, we ust put our hearts into the book, or we can get __________ fro the book while we are reading.
We ust always __________ “why”. If we eet soething difficult, ________ it down and ask our teachers or our parents, or friends. In any possible way, we ust know it copletely and can use it by ourselves.
Though there are any ways __________ studying, yet the above entioned will be quite enough if we can keep the in heart and do so.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/157931.html
