
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

初 二 英 語(yǔ) 階 段 調(diào) 研 試 卷2013. 10.
第I卷 選擇題部分(共60分)
( ).1. What is in front of the woan’s house?
A. B. C.

( )2. What did the an do last weekend?
A. B. C.

( )3. What does ark do?
A. B. C.

( )4. What hurt the boy?
A. B. C.

( ) 5.What is John’s telephone nuber?
A. 5067789. B. 5066789. C. 5066798.
( ) 6. When is the woan’s birthday?
A. On Deceber 24. B. On Deceber 25. C. On Deceber 26.
( ) 7. Where does the woan coe fro?
A. China. B. England. C. Aerica.
( ) 8. Where are the two speakers?
A. In the bus. B. At the bus stop. C. In the Children’s House.
( ) 9. Who runs faster, Lucy or Lily?
A. Lucy. B. Lily. C. Kate.
( ) 10. When did the early bus leave?
A. At 6:25. B. At 6:30. C. At 6:35.
( )11.What does the woan like in New York?
A. The traffic. B. The cineas. C. The shops.
( )12.Where will the speakers have lunch?
A. In an Aerican restaurant. B. In a Japanese restaurant.
C. In a Chinese restaurant.
( )13.What is the woan?
A. A teacher. B. A student.C. A businesswoan(商人).
( )14.What will the woan do on Tuesday night?
A. Study. B. See a fil.C. Go out for dinner.
( )15.When will the party on Friday night begin?
A. At 8:00 B. At 6:30C. At 6:00
( )16. Where does ike work ?
A. He works in a shop near his hoe.
B. He works in an office in a tall building.
C. He works in a factory far fro his hoe.
( )17 How does he go to work and back hoe every day?
A. On foot. B. On his bike. C. By bus.
( )18. How did he feel when he cae back hoe late one day?
A. He felt happy because he et an old friend on his way hoe.
B. He felt very hungry and wanted to have supper at once.
C. He didn’t feel happy with the price of the bus ticket.
( )19 Now the bus ticket is ________ last week.
A. ore expensive than B. uch cheaper than C. as expensive as
( )20. Which of the following sentence (句子)is true?
A. ike likes walking ore than taking a bus.
B. ike’s wife is unhappy to hear the news about the ticket.
C. ike thinks he will save less oney fro now on(從現(xiàn)在起) .
( )21. He is ________ honest boy and we all like hi.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )22. You_______ to the eeting this afternoon if you have soething iportant to do.
A. needn't to coe B. don't need coe
C. don't need coing D. needn't coe

( )23. They always have a good tie ________ each other.
A. chatting B. chat C. chatting with D. chat with
( )24. His sall round glasses ake hi ________.
A. to look sart B. look sart C. looks sart D. look like sart
( )25.The girl is _______ at singing than dancing.
A. good B. better C. well D. best
( )26.—Sion always shares his things with others.
—Oh, how _______ he is!
A. polite B. friendly C. generous D. handsoe
( )27. If To ______the gae , he will be the ________.
A. win ,winner B. will win , winner C. wins, winning D. wins, winner
( )28. Every day I can go to school on foot _______ by bike because y hoe isn’t far.
A. so B. or C. and D. but
( )29. I bought _______ exercise books with ________ oney.
A. less; less B. ore; less C. fewer; fewer D. ore; fewer
( )30. ________all the stars,the sun is __________to the earth.
A. In; the nearest B. Of ; the nearer
C. In ;the ost near D. Of ; the nearest
( )31. “Autun” also eans _______in Aerica.
A. fall B. hall C. elevator D. ail
( )32.Christas is coing and we can enjoy ________at the Christas party .
A. our B. us C. yself D. ourselves
( )33. Eddie is eight years old, but we have seven candles only, we need ________ candle.
A. only one B. one ore C. soe ore D. one uch
( )34. Jack is _________boy of the twins.
A. the tallest B. tall C. the taller D. as tall
( )35.—We can have a day out toorro Why don't we go fishing ?
A. That's OK. B. What a great idea!
C. Yes, you are all right. D. Thanks a lot.
There are 45 students in our class. Here are the results of a survey(調(diào)查). Thirty-six students 36 they like to exercise. ost boys 37 basketball twice a week, but girls think basketball is 38 for the. They like to play volleyball twice a week. y friend, Tony, is 39 at running. He runs fastest in our class. He runs for 30 inutes in the playground every evening 40 he goes to bed. Gray is good at 41 . He goes to the Swiing Club three ties a onth in winter, 42 four ties a week in suer, so he’s quite 43 . Soe of y classates have good 44 habits. They eat 45 eat and vegetables. 70% of the drink ilk every day. Fifteen students say they drink ilk three or four 46 a week. But soe students like to eat junk food, 47 Sally. What’s worse, she doesn’t like to 48 , so she is very 49 . She always says, “I’ going to 50 weight toorro”
( )36. A. talk B. tell C. say D. speak
( )37. A. buy B. play C. watch D. enjoy
( )38. A. easy B. bad C. able D. interested
( )39. A. good B. well C. bad D. excited
( )40. A. after B. if C. before D. when
( )41. A. running B. swiing C. skating D. flying
( )42. A. so B. but C. or D. and
( )43. A. tall B. nice C. happy D. healthy
( )44. A. eating B. reading C. walking D. sleeping
( )45. A. every B. any C. both D. each
( )46. A. pieces B. inutes C. kinds D. ties
( )47. A. carefully B. especially(特別)C. finally D. slowly
( )48. A. exercise B. practice C. sing D. dance
( )49. A. thin B. beautiful C. fat D. clever
( )50. A. lose B. buy C. get D. sell

( )51.What does this chart tell us about in Nanjing?
A. The onth. B. The rain. C. The teperature(氣溫). D. The weather(天氣).
( )52. What’s the teperature in ay?
A. About 20. B. About 25. C. About 30. D. About 15.
Two friends were eating at the table, there was a cup of chili oil(辣椒油). It looked nice. The two en hadn’t seen it before. One of the thought it was sweet and drank soe of it. Tears(眼淚) ran down fro his eyes. But he hoped that his friend felt the sae as hi. He said nothing. When the other an saw that his friend was crying, he asked, “Why are you crying, y dear friend?” “I was thinking of y father. Two years ago, when he drove out on a wet day, another car hit his car and he died. How poor he was!”
Soon after that the other an took soe of the chili oil. When tears started down fro his eyes, his friend asked the sae question, “Why are you crying, then?”
“To think that you were not in the sae car as your father was.”
( )53. How did the chili oil taste?
A. It was sweet. B. It was nice.
C. It was delicious. D. It was terrible.
( )54. Why didn’t the first an tell the fact(事實(shí))?
A. He wanted his friend to drink soe chili oil.
B. He wanted his friend to cry for his father.
C. He thought his friend would like the chili oil.
D. He thought the chili oil was good for his friend.
Everyone should get enough sleep. If a student doesn't sleep well at night, he won't study well and he can’t listen to the teacher carefully in class. For a driver, it is easier for hi to have an accident (事故) if he is tired. Good sleep is also iportant for your health. Without good sleep, a person ay becoe ill.
It is hard for soe people to sleep well. A lot of things can help you get a good night's sleep. First, doing soe exercise will help you sleep. Walking, running and bike riding are good ways. Other good ways are playing ball gaes, such as basketball, soccer or tennis. However, you ust not do these just before bedtie.
Second, before you go to bed, you shouldn't drink coffee or any soft drinks. It is also not a good idea to eat sweets. But drinking a cup of war ilk ay help you to sleep.
Third, you can take a war bath or listen to quiet usic before you go to bed. any people find that they are helpful to sleep.
Follow the advice above and have a good sleep every day. Then you can wake up happily in the orning and aintain your health.
( )55. The first paragraph(第一段) ainly tells us _______.
A. students should sleep well B. sleeping well is iportant
C. tired drivers ustn't drive D. How we can stay healthy
( )56. Just before bedtie, _______ will NOT help you to sleep well.
A. listening to quiet usic B. having a war bath
C. drinking soe war ilk D. playing football
( )57. What does the word "aintain" ean in Chinese?
A. 保持 B. 預(yù)測(cè) C. 損害 D. 擔(dān)心
Welcoe to . You can get a friend here. The following three people all want to find a friend.
Nae: Nadia Longden
I’ fro anchester in England and I’ 17.
I can speak English, Spanish (西班牙語(yǔ)) and French.
Hobbies: sport, reading and shopping
Nae: Joceline
I’ fro Stafford in the UK and I’ 15.I can speak English and French.
Hobbies: swiing, reading and usic
Nae: Tony Clark
I’ fro London and I’ 13.
I can speak English and Chinese.
Hobbies: reading, travelling, diving and playing the guitar
Hi, I’ looking for a Chinese friend to help e with y Chinese.

( )58. Which activity doesn't Nadia like?
A. Playing basketball. B. Reading.
C. Listening to usic. D. Shopping.
( )59. How can you contact (聯(lián)系) these three people?
A. By e-ail. B. By telephone. C. By letter. D. By radio. .
( )60. is for people to ________.
A. introduce theselves B. ake friends
C. know ore about other countries D. learn other languages
第II卷 非選擇題部分(共40分)
61. ay is y __________(忠實(shí)的)friend and I often go to her for help.
62. To, don't have so uch cold drink. You should look after __________(你自己) well.
63. To is very ____________, he has a good sense of huour.
64. Are you ___________ (ready and happy to do soething) to help us with our hoework?
65. I hope I can go to the USA for ____________(far) study.
B. 請(qǐng)根據(jù)句意從方框中選擇合適的單詞,并用其適當(dāng)形式,使句子通順。

66. To likes to play with those ___________ in the zoo.
67. The girl is uch ___________ than y sister.
68. He fell off the tree, but ___________ he didn't hurt hiself.
69. Do you think they are the fastest ___________ in our class?
70. The clever boy is learning how to swi by __________ .

71. Kate always _____________ a sile on her face and looks happy.
72. Sandy agrees _____________ horse riding with e toorro
73. y school day ____________ at five yesterday.
74. Look, the boys _____________ in a little coffee shop by the river.
75. I _____________ happy if I can help people in need in the future.
76. r. Wu invited e to join the school trip yesterday. (改為否定句)
r. Wu _________ _________ e to join the school trip yesterday .
77. Eddie is going to clib the hill. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句)
________ Eddie ________ to clib the hill ?
78. We have two hours of hoework every day. (對(duì)劃線部分進(jìn)行提問(wèn))
_________ ________ hoework do you have every day?
79. There is nothing else in the fridge. (保持句意基本不變)
There is __________ __________ else in the fridge.
80. Ay is not as tall as Peter. (保持句意基本不變)
Ay __________ __________ than Peter.
Betty, ax and ay are all y best friends. Betty likes singing and she wants to be a
s 81 when she grows up. ax has a good sense of huour and often tells funny
j 82 . I often tell ay anything because she can keep a s 83 .
We study in a 84 school. Boys and girls have l 85 together. y f 86 lesson is French. L 87 foreign languages is fun . We also have a Reading Week at school. We can read
88 books fro the school library. Near the end of the week, we can d 89 the books with our classates. This is very interesting and tie s 90 to go faster. Do you think our school life is very colourful.
81.___________ 82.____________ 83.____________ 84.___________ 85. __________
86.___________ 87.____________ 88.____________ 89.___________ 90. __________
We all got up early and got dressed quickly. And then we went to the airport by bus. We went back hoe on a very big plane. On the plane I sat with Linda and y dad. Dad was in the iddle and I was by the window, so I could see everything. Junior was behind us. I played with Linda for a while and then went to sleep.
When we got off the plane, it was very cold. We all had to hold hand baggage (托著行李) on the way hoe, because we brought back so any things.
I think the vacation is very nice. It is really interesting to visit Hainan and we all had a good tie there.

91. How did the faily go to the airport?
92. Where did they go by plane?
93. Where did Junior sit on the plane?
94. What could the writer see on the plane?
95. What do you think of their vacation?
以 y ideal school 為題寫(xiě)一篇,要點(diǎn)如下;
1. What tie does your school start and finish ?
2. How long is your lunchtie at your school? What do you do during your lunchtie?
3. Do you like your school unifor? Why or Why not ?
4. How any students are there in your school?
5. What subjects do you study?
6. What kind of after-school activities do you do?
7. How often do you go on a school trip?
注意:1.要點(diǎn)要完整; 2.適當(dāng)發(fā)揮; 3.80詞左右
本部分共有10道小題,每小題你將聽(tīng)到一段對(duì)話,每段對(duì)話聽(tīng)兩遍。在聽(tīng)每段對(duì)話前,你將有5秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目;聽(tīng)完后,你還將有5秒鐘的時(shí)間選擇你認(rèn)為最合適的 備選答案。
1. : Alice, what’s in front of your house?
W: y father doesn’t like flowers, so we planted a tree.
2. W: I went swiing with y parents last weekend. What about you?
: I went boating with y classates.
3. : Hi, Betty, what is ark now?
W: He is a cook in the restaurant.
4. W: Bill, what’s the atter?
: A kitchen knife hurt e just no
5. : Hello, Rose. Can you tell e where John lives?
W: Certainly. He’s on 23 rd Park Road. His nuber is 5067789.
6. : I hear today is your birthday.
W: No, yesterday was y birthday. It’s Christas Day today.
7. : I know you’re fro England. But did you live in Aerica for soe tie?
W: Yes, I did. I lived there for five years.
8. W: Ji, does the bus go to the Children’s House?
: Yes. Let’s get on.
9. W: They say Lucy runs very fast.
: No, Lily runs faster than she.
10. : Why were you late for school this orning?
W: I went to the bus stop at 6:30, but the early bus left five inutes earlier.
: How do you like New York?
W: I’ having a great tie. I love it. I’ glad we cae.
: I really like the shops and the shopping.
W: I like the too. And I also love the useus.
: Oh, it’s alost lunchtie. Where do you want to go for lunch?
W: Let’s go to an Aerican restaurant.
: I hear you’re going back to England soon.
W: That’s right and I’ really busy.
: I’d love to get together with you before you go. Would you like to go out for dinner one night?
W: That’s a good idea. But on Tuesday I’ going out for dinner with Nancy .
: Are you going to the last class party on Friday night? Let’s go out for dinner before the party. It will start at 8:00.
W: I know, but it’s an iportant party, so we can’t go out before that.
: Then what about Saturday?
W: Ok, good idea.
ike works in a factory. It is not near his hoe. Every day he walks to work in the orning and back hoe in the evening.
One day he cae hoe late. He was not very happy. His wife saw his unhappy face, so she asked hi, “ Why are you unhappy, ike? Are you not well?”
“ No, no. I a quite well. I’ just very angry. The bus ticket was three yuan last week. But today it is two yuan.”
His wife said, “ That’s good news. The bus ticket is cheaper no You can save two yuan every day.”
But ike said, “ No, you are a fool. I walk to work and back hoe every day. Last week I saved six yuan every day. But now I saved only four yuan instead. I have two yuan less.

五. A. true yourself huorous willing further
B. onkeys slier luckily runners hiself
C. has to go finished are sitting will be
六. didn’t invite Is…going How uch
not anything is shorter
七. singer jokes secret ixed lessons
favourite Learning ore discuss sees
八.1. By bus.
2. They went hoe by plane.
3. Behind us.
4. Everything.
5. Nice (and interesting).
九. 略

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/162942.html
