Unit 5 If you go to the party, you will have a great tie! 練

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll
have a great tie!

Section A
1. 參加晚會(huì)____________________2. 玩得開(kāi)心____________________
3. 穿牛仔褲去聚會(huì)______________4. 乘坐公車____________________
5. 讓某人進(jìn)來(lái)__________________6. 遲到________________________
7. 為考試學(xué)習(xí)__________________8. 觀看影碟____________________
9. 一半的同學(xué)__________________10.舉行聚會(huì)的好時(shí)機(jī)____________
15. 我也一樣____________________
一、語(yǔ)法專練 依照例子把兩句合成一句。
odel: You think you’re going to visit New York City. You will see soe tall buildings.
→If you go to visit New York City, you’ll see soe tall buildings.
1. You think you’re going to study English hard. You will do better in English.
2. You think you’re going to eat and drink ore. You will be fatter.
3. They think they are going to do ore exercise. Their health will be better.
interesting, lend, read, reading, strange
A: Did you 1._________ the book Harry Potter?
B: No, I didn’t.
A: It is a very 2.____________book.
B: What is in it?
A: Everything in it is 3._____________. I think you should read it.
B: Really? OK, but I don’t have one.
A: I have one. I’ll 4.___________ it to you.
B: Great! Thank you!
A: If you finish 5.__________, you will have a great tie.
Last year To left school. He cae to Hong Kong to fine a _1_ . He went to one copany after _2_ copany. But no one wanted hi. Now he had _3_ oney. He had to go back to his sall town. So he cae to the station. He felt very sad and _4_ . It was very late at night and the station was _5_ of people. They were waiting to buy tickets for the last train. He bought the _6_ ticket. And he was very happy.
At that tie, a woan with a crying baby walked to hi She asked hi to _7_ her the ticket. He gave her the ticket. He thought they needed it _8_ than he did. After the train left, he sat on the bench and didn't know _9_ to go. Just then. an old an cae and said, "Young an, I saw what you did to help the woan. I have a big copany. I need a good young an like you. Would you like to _10_ for e? "
1. A. jobB. workerC. workingD. jobs
2. A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. else
3. A. lessB. fewC. fewerD. little
4. A. happyB. fullC. tiredD. glad
5. A. fullB. surpriseC. allD. no one
6. A. lateB. lastC. firstD. good
7. A. boughtB. sellC. seltD. bring
8. A. ostB. bestC. nearlyD. ore
9. A. whereB. whatC. whenD. if
10. A. playB. doC. workD. put

Section B ≈Self check
1. 周游世界____________________2. 賺許多錢____________________
3. 出名________________________4. 上大學(xué)______________________
5. 受教育______________________6. 夢(mèng)想的工作_________________
7. 做某事謀生________________________8. 全世界的人們______________________
9. 做大量的工作______________________10. 一直________________________
11. 使生活困難______________________12. 把搞運(yùn)動(dòng)作為一種生活_______________
13. 受傷________________________14. 移動(dòng)電話____________________
15. 嘲笑________________________16. 在課堂上____________________
17. 想要做某事___________________18. 把……關(guān)小___________________
19. 為了提高我的英語(yǔ)_______________
1. If you are late for class, the teacher __________ angry.
A. is B. was C. will D. will be
2. If it ______ rain toorrow, we'll go to the park.
A. doesn't B. isn't C. won't D. don't
3. I et a friend of ine ______ .
A. on y way hoe B. on y way to hoe C. in y way hoe D. in y way to hoe
4. They didn't go to bed ____ they finished their hoework.
A. until B. because C. when D. if
5. Reeber ______ the book to the library when you finish _______ it.
A. to return; to readB. returning; readingC. to return; readingD. returning; to read
6. Half of the students ________ when the teacher cae into the classroo.
A. are readingB. is readingC. were readingD. was reading
7. Thank you for _______ e the news. I’ glad to hear that.
A. tell B. telling C. tells D. told
8. It's tie for class. Please stop ________ .
A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. talked
9. Is there _______ I can do for you?
A. soething B. anything C. everything D. nothing
10. y watch is not here. aybe ____ took it.
A. soebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody
11. Bill ___ the letter fro y hand and read it quickly.
A. pulled B. took C. brought D. sent
12. I like football very uch. I want ________ a football player.
A. is B. a C. to be D. be
13. If you watch TV now, you _______ the hoework tonight.
A. don't finishB. won't finishC. didn't finishD. aren't finish
14. Linda said she would coe to see e _______ next Saturday.
A. soetiesB. soetieC. soe tiesD. soe tie
15. __________ the dirty glasses away and _______ the clean ones for e.
A. Take; takeB. Bring; bringC. Take; bringD. Bring; take
1.湯姆太小了不能夠去上學(xué)。(not…enough to )
2.看起來(lái)他知道這件事情。( It seeed that)
3. 實(shí)際上,她不在這兒。(in fact)
4. 他一直在工作。(all the tie)
5. 有很多來(lái)自世界各地的人們。(around the world)
1. ----I’ll go to Japan for a trip next onth. ----Great! _______
A. Good luck!B. Have a good tie!C. Best wishes!D. Glad to see you again!
2.----I don’t know when _____ toorro ----I will call you as soon as he ________.
A. will he coe; arrives B. he will coe; arrives C. he will coe; will arrive
3. ----I a going to London to watch the Suer Olypic Gaes next onth. ----________!
A. Have a good tieB. It’s terribleC. Good jobD. What a pity
4. He failed in the ath test and looks sad. Let’s _______.
A. put hi upB. set hi upC. cheer hi upD. clean hi up
5. If our governent ______ attention to controlling food safety now, our health ______ in danger.
A. won’t pay; isB. doesn’t pay; isC. won’t pay; will beD. doesn’t pay; will be

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/169709.html
