2013年八年級英語上冊odule 4 Planes, Ships and trains試題

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英語外研八年級上綜合測評 odule 4
(分?jǐn)?shù)100分 時間90分鐘)
第Ⅰ卷 部分 (15分)
Ⅰ.聽句子,選擇與之相匹配的圖片 (有兩幅圖片多余) (5分)
1.The Project Hope is an organisation that helps poor people.
2.The girl was so poor that she couldn't go to school.
3.They are raising soe oney to help poor people.
4.Project Hope has built any Hope Schools all over China.
5.r Green has known our head teacher for two years.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

Ⅱ.聽對話,選擇正確答案 (5分)
W:How long have you been at your school?
:For seven years.
6.How long has he been at his school?
A.For eight years.
B.For seven years.
C.For seventeen years.

W:Your car is very nice.How long have you had it?
:Since 2004.
7.When did the an buy the car?
A.In 2004.  B.In 2005.  C.In 2006.

:How is your broth er now?
W:He is uch better.The doctor says he will coe back hoe in two days.
8.Where is her brother now?
A.He is at hoe. B.He is in the hospital. C.He is at work.

:Could you tell e soething about the city?
W:Certainly.I'll be sixty next year.I've lived here all y life.I know it well.
9.How long has the woan lived in the city?
A.For sixty years. B.For about fifty­nine years. C.For sixty­one years.

:Do you like skating?
W:Yes,why not?How about you?
:I like it very uch.I skated when I was nine years old.
10.How old was he when he began skating?
A.Seven years old. B.Eight years old. C.Nine years old.

Ⅲ.聽獨白,從每小題A、B、C三個選項中選擇正確的選項,完成信息記錄表 (5分)
Li Lei is ten years old.He started school at the age of 8 at Huaxing Hope School.He had a great tie in school. But he didn't coe to school again.r Brown,his English teacher,went to see hi last Saturday.When he got to Li Lei's hoe,he found Li Lei's father ill in bed.Because of his illness,he wanted Li Lei to drop out of school and work on the far.r Brown was sad.Luckily,Project Hope gave soe oney to Li Lei and paid for his education.Li Lei has been back to sch ool for a week. http:// 1.co
Li Lei's experience
Age: __11__       r Brown: __12__
School nae: __13__   Patient (病人) : __14__
Where Li Lei worked: __15__
11.A.8. B.10. C.12.

12.A.Head teacher. B.Chinese teacher. C.English teacher.

13.A.Huaxing Hope School. B.No.4 School. C.Project Hope.

14.A.r Brown. B.Li Lei. C.Li Lei's father.

15.A.Far. B.Bank. C.Pay phone.

第Ⅱ卷 筆試部分 (85分)
Ⅳ.單項選擇 (10分)
16.What bad weather we have!It has rained ______ yesterday.
A.on      B.for C.since D./

17.Bill said they would have ______ holiday and they would visit the Shanghai World Expo.
A.a(chǎn) two­onth B.two­onths C.two­onths D.two­onth's

18.—How long have the soldiers been in Yushu Town?
A.Since April,2010 B.ore than a year ago
C.In April,2010 D.Since ore than a year

19.y little brother was ______,and I ust look after the ______ baby.
A.sick; ill B.ill; sick C.ill; ill D.sick; sicking

20.We are tired.Le t's stop ______ to ______.
A.walk; rest B.walking; rest C.to walk; resting D.walks; resting

21.—How long ______ the fil Avatar (《阿凡達(dá)》) ______?
—For just several inutes.
A.did; begin B.has; begun C.has; been on D.does; began

22.She ______ in the sports eeting and won the first prize.
A.took part B.joins C.a(chǎn)ttended D.entered

23.He had to ______ $100 for that new 3D ovie.
A.take B.pay C.spend D.cost

24.—Shall we leave now?
—Don't worry.We ______ have soe tie left.
A.still B.ever C.just D.yet

25.There isn't air ______ water on the oon.
A.a(chǎn)nd B.but C.or D.so

Ⅴ.完形 (10分)
any people think that if ore tie is spent,ore work will be done.So students have to __26__ the whole day doing hoework except during the three eals.It is not __27__ to see students lost in a sea of hoework both at school and at hoe.
odern students usually have any __28__.They love usic,sports,reading and watching TV.A two­day weekend gives the tie to do what they __29__.However,there's uch hoework to do,so they usually don't want to do it __30__ Sunday night.In such a short ti e,students ay finish it carelessly.The badly done weekend hoework akes teachers __31__.

Things always get  32  without the right ideas.Too uch hoework akes students  33  interests in learning.A horse runs faster after a  34 ,but for students only rest is not enough.We should  35 this situation.We should give students ore tie to relax.
26.A.buy B.get C.spend D.take

27.A.odern B.a(chǎn)d C.sad D.strange

28.A.sports B.hobbies C.books D.friends

29.A.like B.have C.tell D.hate

30.A.in B.a(chǎn)s C.until D.a(chǎn)t

31.A.cofortable B. happy C.a(chǎn)ngry D.relaxed

32.A.worse B.easy C.better D.wonderful

33.A.have B.get C.forget D.lose

34.A.eal B.oent C.inute D.rest

35.A.tell B.change C.keep D.hear

Ⅵ.理解 (30分)
Education plays an iportant part in odern life.However,in soe poor areas,any children can't afford the expenses of schooling (付學(xué)費) and are forced (被迫) to leave school.At the sae tie,our country is not able to invest (投資) too uch in it.Under this condition,the Project Hope is necessary to our country.Firstly,it will create conditions (創(chuàng)造條件) for the children to go back to school.Secondly,it can ake ore people educated.So it can lead to the iproveent of people's standards (標(biāo)準(zhǔn)) of life.
In y opinion,the Project Hope is of great iportance to our country.I hope that with its help ore and ore children can get the opportunity (機(jī)會) to be educated.
根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷下列句子的正 (T) 誤 (F)。
36.Education doesn't play an iportant part in odern life.(  )

37.In soe poor areas,a few children can't afford the expenses of schooling.(  )

38.Our country is not able to invest (投資) too uch in education.(  )

39.Our country will create conditions (創(chuàng)造條件) for the children to go back to school by itself (靠自己).(  )

40.ore and ore children will go to school with the help of the Project Hope.(  )


Oxfa has 12 branch bureaus (分支結(jié)構(gòu)) in different countries in the world.The table is about soe of the.
Oxfa Aerica
Office address: 26 West Stress,Boston,A 021111206,USA
Tel:1 617 482 1211
Fax:1 617 728 2594
Website: http: //wwoxfaaerica.org
Oxfa Canad
Office address: Suite 300 ­ 294 Albert Street,Ottawa,Ontario Kl P 6E6,Canada
Tel:1 613 237 5236
Fax:1 613 237 0524
Website: http: //wwoxfa.ca
Oxfa GB
Office address:274 Banbury Road,Oxford ,Ox27DZ United kingdo
Tel:44 1865 311 311
Fax:441865 312 600
Website:http: //wwoxfa.org.uk
Interon Oxfa
Office address:Roger de Lluria 15,08010 Barcelona,Spain
Tel:34 93 482 0708/0
Fax:34 93 482 0707
Website:http: //wwinteron.org http:// 1.co
New Zealand
Office address: 62 Aitken Terrace,Kingsland,Auckland,New Zealand
Tel:64 9 355 6500
Fax:64 9 355 6505
Website: http: //wwoxfa.org.nz
41.This is a table about ______.
A.Oxfas B.branch bureaus of Oxfa C.different pictures

42.There are______countries in the table.
A.six    B.five    C.seven

43.The telephone nuber of Oxfa in Canada is______.
A.64 9 355 6500 B.1 613 237 5236 C.852 2520 2525

44.The website of Oxfa in Aerica is______.
A.http: //wwoxfaaerica.org B. C.http: //wwoxfa.org.hk

45.Oxfa has ______ branch bureaus (分支結(jié)構(gòu)) in different countries in the world.
A.13 B.16 C.12

It was 6: 00 on a onday orning.With his books in his bag,13­year­old Jaes wangi was on his way to school,the cedo­Beijing school in a slu (貧民窟) in Nairobi,the capital of Kenya.This school was built in 2001 with the help of China,for children fro poor failies.
After getting to school,wangi went straight to his class to do his class work.It is usual that pupils in this school prepare for their lessons before the teacher coes.
To_study_in_the_school_was_once_a_drea_for_the_poor_boy.His other ade a living by washing clothes for others.Soe days she took hoe nothing,and soe days she could get about $3—it was hardly enough to buy the a full eal for a day.
Before joining the cedo­Beijing school,wangi was at hoe with his seven brothers,collecting garbage (垃圾).The school is giving these children hope for the future by providing a chance to get education.
“For e,education is the best gift,”said wangi.
46.How old was wangi?
_______________________________________________________ _________________

47.Which country helped build wangi's school?

48.How did wangi's other ake a living?



Ⅶ.詞匯題 (10分)
51.He wants to ______ (訓(xùn)練) his worker for the work.

52.I a not sure.______ (也許) you are right.

53.Soking is bad for our ______ (健康).

54.a(chǎn)ny of us have ______ (聽說) the fil Walking with Dinosaurs (《與恐龍同行》) ,but no one has seen it.

55.His parents want hi to ____________ (退學(xué)) and help the work on the far.

56.They ______ (build) the Hope School a few years ago.

57.Everyone knows hi because he ______ (live) here for five years.

58.Now everyone should realise (認(rèn)識到) the ______ (iportant) of protecting the environent.

59.r Sith ______ (work) in this factory since he cae to China.

60.I ______ (buy) the dictionary for two years.

Ⅷ.情景交際 (5分)
Susan: Where are you going,David?
David: To Beijing.
Susan: It's a long trip fro here by bike.How long will it 61.t______ you to coplete it?
David: About two years.
Susan: How any of you are aking the trip?
David: Five.
Susan: 62.W______ are you aking it?
David: We are trying to 63.r______ soe oney.
Susan: What will the oney be used for?
David: To a charity 64.c______ Protecting the Red­Crowned Crane.
Susan: That sounds great.Good 65.l______ with your trip.
David: Thanks.

Ⅸ.基礎(chǔ)寫作 (包括A、B兩部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共計20分)

Dear Sir or ada,
Please call e if you find the girl.

Ⅰ. 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.F
Ⅱ.6- 10 BABBC
Ⅲ. 11-15 BCACA X
Ⅵ. 36-40 FFTFT 41- 45 BBBAC
46 (He was)13(years old).
47 China.
48 By washing clothes for others./She washed clothes for others.
49 對這個貧苦的孩子來說,入學(xué)讀書 (學(xué)習(xí)) 曾經(jīng)是一個夢想。
50 Education is the best gift./wangi's best gift./The best gift.
Ⅶ.51 train 52 Perhaps/aybe 53 health 54 heard about/of
55 drop out of school 56 built 57 has lived 58 iportance
59 has worked 60 have had
Ⅷ. 61.take 62.Why 63.raise 64.called 65.luck
66.Lili has read for an hour./Lili has read since an hour ago.
67.John has played coputers for two hours./John has played coputers since two hours ago.
68.iss Liu has taught English since 2000.
69.r Zhao has been a cook since 1980.
70.Harry has played football for 45 inutes./Harry has played football since 45 inutes ago.
I' Linda and I a 30 noI a fro New York.That day I read soe news about Project Hope in China fro the newspaper.I would like to help a girl in a poor area.I hope you can help e find such a girl.I prefer to help a girl of 9 or 10 in a ountain village in Gansu Province.I would like to send 300 yuan to the girl every onth until she goes to the university.Please_call_e_if_you_find_the_girl.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/200630.html

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