
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英 語 試 題


6、A.I’ reading.
B. Very well, thanks.
C. I’ very happy.

7、A. What a pity!
B. That’s too bad.
C. It’s a pleasure.

8、A. Thank you.
B. Cooking is interesting.
C. Congratulations!

9、A. Rainy.
B. Good idea!
C. Sunday

10、A. Yes, I do.
B. Of course not.
C. No, I wouldn’t.

第二節(jié) 聽對話:(20分)
11、The boy has _______.

A. a bad cold
B. a cough
C. a bad cold and a cough

12、The boy has felt like this for about _______.

A. one day
B. two days
C. three days

13、They will go to the _______ toorro

A. park
B. useu
C. theatre

14、What tie will they start toorrow?

A. At 7:00
B. At 7:30
C. At 7:40

15、The boy looks _______.

A. excited
B. proud
C. sad

16、What’s the girl’s advice?

A. To find a pen pal.
B. To keep a diary.
C. To follow tapes

17、They are talking ___ _.

A. in the library
B. in a bookstore
C. in the street

18、The an ust return the books in ______ days.

A. two
B. ten
C. fourteen

19、The cap is ______ yuan.

A. ten
B. fifteen
C. thirty

20、The an can buy two shirts for ______ yuan.

A. forty
B. fifty
C. sixty

21、ike would like to drink soe _______.

A. tea
B. ilk
C. juice

22、What’s the atter with hi?

A. He can’t sleep.
B. He has a toothache.
C. His leg hurts.

23、26. aria goes to visit Bill’s ________.
A. new hoeB. old hoe C. new office
24、 How often does Bill use the coputer?
A. Every day.B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
25、What does Bill use the coputer for?
A. Playing gaesB. Listening to usic C. Chatting with friends
26、When is there going to be a butterfly show?

A. Next week.
B. Yesterday.
C. Toorrow afternoon.

27、Who will go with Lily?

A. Ti.
B. Ann.
C. Ji.

28、How will they go?

A. By bike.
B. By bus.
C. On foot.

29、Where will they eet?

A. At the station.
B. In the shop.
C. Outside the useu.

30、What are they doing?

A. They’re eeting outside the useu.
B. They’re watching a butterfly sho
C. They’re calling each other.

31、—ike felt sad because he failed his exa yesterday.
—I’ sorry to hear that. Let’s __ __.

A. cheer hi on
B. cheer on hi
C. cheer hi up

32、—There is ____ with y watch, so I don’t know the tie.
—Let e have a look.

A. soething wrong
B. anything wrong
C. wrong soething

33、—To ust be at hoe because the light in his house is on.
—He ____ not be at hoe, because I saw hi playing basketball on the playground.

A. ust
B. can
C. ustn’t

34、r. Li is ill. Let r. Wang ____ us instead of hi.

A. to teach
B. teach
C. teaches

35、—ary can’t help ____ the house. Why?
—Because she is busy ____ a hotel reservation.

A. to clean; aking
B. cleaning; aking
C. cleaning; to ake

36、—Shall we invite our English teacher to the food festival?
—That’s a good idea! But I ____ think she ____ coe.

A. don’t; will
B. /; won’t
C. won’t; will

37、—Reeber, everyone. ____ you study, ____ result you’ll get.
—We get it(明白), iss Read.

A. The better; the harder
B. The harder; the better
C. The hard; the better

38、—Harbin is really a beautiful city and there’re any places of interest.
—So it is. Why not stay here for ____ two days?

A. other
B. others
C. another

39、I think our parents should allow us ____ ____ own clothes.

A. choosing; our
B. choosing; us
C. to choose; our

40、—Did r. White tell you ____? —Yes. He said he went there in 2003.

A. when he traveled to Tibet
C. how he goes to Wuhan
B. where he spent his holidays

41、—I’ll go on a visit to ount Huang. —____

A. Thank you.
B. Have a good trip!
C. Never ind.

42、— You did a good job, Jack. I a proud of you.

A. Oh, no.
B. It is hard to say.
C. Thank you.

43、—Oh hear, I can’t fall asleep at night because of the test.
— ______. You will pass.

A. No way.
B. Take it easy.
C. Well done!

44、—Would you ind turning down your TV?
— ___________.

A. Yes, I’d love to.
B. Of course not.
C. No, thanks.

45、—I think everyone should wear suitable clothes on every occasion.
—____. Different occasions, different clothes.

A. Good luck
B. It’s y pleasure
C. I agree with you

(B)完型:從A、B、C三個選項中,選出能填入空白處的最 佳答案。(10分)
Traffic rules help to keep order on the road. They also help to keep people 26 .
The pedestrian(行人) has as any rules to 27 as the driver of a car. You should walk on the sidewalk(人行道) or at the side of the road. Always look 28 before you walk across the street.
If you like riding a bike, don’t ride in the iddle of the road or run 29 red traffic lights. When you ride a bike with a friend, don’t look around or talk.
If you drive a car, you should 30 at the traffic lights. You ust always 31 a seat belt(安全帶). Without belts 32 the driver and the passengers ay be badly hurt in a sudden accident.
You ay not need to take a bus, but 33 if you have to travel in one. Get on or get off a bus only when it coes to a 34 . When it is full, don’t try to get inside 35 you ay fall off.
Traffic rules are also called Road Safety rules. The axi(格言) for all road users is “Thinking about others”.

46、A. healthy
B. safe
C. happy

47、A. follow
B. ake
C. break

48、A. happy
B. happily
C. carefully

49、A. through
B. across
C. along

50、A. speed up
B. go ahead
C. slow down

51、A. take
B. wear
C. carry

52、A. half
B. none
C. both

53、A. look around
B. take care
C. take a seat

54、A. sign
B. stop
C. corner

55、A. and
B. so
C. or

A: Ti, supper is ready. Ask your friend to have dinner, please!
B: OK, o! 56 What delicious food! Are they all for us?
A: Of course. 57
B: Thank you, o. Peter, they are all your favorites. Would you like to taste the?
C: Thank you, Ti. 58
(After 30 inutes)
B: What about soething to drink, Peter?
C: No, thanks. I’ full no It’s very kind of you. 59
B: 60
A. It’s a pleasure.
B. We are coing.
C. The food agrees with e very uch.
D. Help yourselves!
E. Thank you for your dinner.
第三部分 理解:(45分)
I used to be an active girl. But two years ago, an English speaking copetition held in y school changed e a lot.
I stood on the stage(講臺) for the first tie. I was so nervous that y brain(大腦) suddenly becae epty. Not long after I began y speech, the hall turned noisy. It seeed that they were laughing at e. I knew I failed.
Fro then on, I becae quiet and always stayed alone. I didn’t want to express y ideas in public, even in class. Every tie I wanted to say soething, I thought people would laugh at e. y friends couldn’t understand e, and they left e, one by one.
One day, y science teacher asked us why trees in forests were uch taller than those in the wild. “Ha, what a silly question!” I thought.
“There’s not enough space in the woods for trees to expand their branches. Of course they have to grow taller than others. The trees in the wild needn’t do that since there’s enough space. ” I said in a low voice.
To y surprise, the teacher said, “Yes, you’re right. It is a copetition. ” y face turned red right no I hadn’t spoken for a long tie, especially in public.
Then the teacher explained how trees in forests had to grow taller to receive ore sunlight. If not, they would die. This also happened in our society.
What’s ore, the tree that doesn’t live in a crowd is just like a person who has no friends in life.
I raised y head slowly and found the teacher was looking at e. His eyes were as war as sunshine. I realized that I ust stand up and face the truth.
61、We can know there was an English speaking copetition two years ago fro the first paragraph.
62、The hall turned noisy because the weather was too hot.
63、After the copetition, the writer lost her confidence.
64、The science teacher’s question was difficult.
65、Fro the story, we can guess the writer is likely to stand up fro her seat after the science class.
(B)(C)二篇:根據(jù)短文,從每小題 A、B、C中選出一個最佳答案。(20分)
(B)Soe Advice on Travel
1. Forget fashion(時尚)! Always wear your ost cofortable clothes when going on long
2. Traveling on trains and buses can be boring, so take a good book to read.
3. If you’re going soewhere cold, reeber to put on your war clothes!
4. If you are going soewhere sunny, reeber to bring your sun-block(防曬霜) and sunglasses.
5. Always take a caera with you to capture those special oents.
6. Be careful with your things whenever you go to a busy place, like a train station. There are
any thieves there!
7. ost countries have lower prices for students, so if you are a student, take your student card
with you.
8. Always leave roo in your bag and buy presents on the way hoe.
9. Bus tours often stop at expensive shops along the way, save your oney by buying presents at
local shops.
10. If you travel abroad(國外), reeber to take your passport. Whatever you do, don’t lose it!
66、If you go to Hainan Island for a trip in suer, you should take ____ with you.

A. war clothes and sports shoes
C .sunglasses and sun-block
B. fashionable(時尚的) clothes and a big bag

67、 According to the passage, ____ is a good way to keep away fro boredo(單調(diào)) while
you’re on a train or a bus.

A. taking a caera
C. reading a good book
B. listening to usic

68、You ust always ____ while you are at busy places because there are often thieves there.

A. put your things away
C. look after your things well
B. give your things away

69、If a student wants to buy soe presents at lower prices while traveling, he should show____ to the shop assistant.

A. prices
B. his things
C. his student card

70、The underlined word “capture” in this passage eans __ __.

A. 拍攝
B. 感受
C. 抓住

Welcoe to Xindadi Restaurant
Beijing Roast Duck¥38. 00Fried Noodles¥8. 00
Pork and Cabbage¥16. 00Fried Rice¥5. 00
Roast Chicken¥20. 00Duplings¥7. 00
Beef¥15. 00Sandwich¥9. 00
Indian Curries¥18. 00Haburger¥12. 00
Bone Soup¥6. 00Tea¥1. 50
Chicken Soup¥5. 00Apple Juice¥3. 00
Egg Soup¥4. 00Coke¥2. 50
Vegetable Soup¥3. 50Leonade¥3. 00
Apple Pie¥6. 00 Ice Crea¥2. 50 Fruit Salad¥4. 00
Tel: 0372-6819349
71、If you want to have dinner in Xindadi Restaurant, you can ____.

A. call 0372-6819349
B. fax 0372-68193349
C. call 0372-68193349

72、How any different ain courses can you choose?

A. 6.
B. 7.
C. 5.

73、Which kind of staple foods is the ost expensive?

A. Beijing Roast Duck.
B. Haburger.
C. Pork and cabbage.

74、Which dessert can’t you get after your eal?

A. Apple pie.
B. Pear pancake.
C. Fruit salad.

75、If you want to have a kind of staple food and a kind of soup, how uch oney will you
pay at least?

A.¥8. 50.
B.¥9. 00.
C.¥7. 50.

(D)下面短文, 從方框內(nèi)選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥犹钊攵涛目瞻滋帲苟涛膬?nèi)容完整、意思連貫。(5分)
F1 is a very fast car race. It is one of the ost popular sports in the world. The drivers go at over 300 kiloeters an hour every race. .
In 1895, the first F1 race began in France. During that race, . In 1901, the best drivers had an average(平均) speed of 100 kiloeters an hour. odern grand prix(獎品) F1 racing began in 1950 in Britain. “Grand prix” is French. It eans “l(fā)arge prize”. Today, 12 teas and 24 drivers race to get points. . There are also F2 and F3 racing. But the cars are slower and less high-tech.
During a F1 race, drivers have to ake several stops to change tyres(輪胎) and put ore petrol in their cars. , others change the tyres. While this tea works on the tyres, another person puts petrol in the car and a different person cleans the driver’s helet. One ore person talks to the driver about how to win. It’s aazing that all those people finish it in just a few seconds!
During 100-eter races, people count the athletes’ speed by 1/100th(0. 01) of a second, for exaple 10.81 seconds. , the race has to be tied to 1/1000th (0. 001) of a second. That is 50 ties faster than the tie for a blink(眨眼).
F1 cars look very colorful. First, cars of different teas have different colors. Then there are a lot of advertiseents on the cars.

Soe people consider aking a public speech one of the ost difficult things in the world.
Here are soe good ways to help you ake a successful public speech.
Don’t be nervous.
To relax before aking a speech, take three deep and slow breaths ? in through the nose and out the through the outh. Practice your opening sentence three or four ties to give you confidence. When you stand on the stage, quickly take a look at the audience(觀眾) first. Th ink of the as your parents, teachers and friends.
Keep it natural
Natural gestures will help your speech: sile lightly, stand straightly and hold your chest high. Try to avoid these gestures: dropping your head, playing with a pen, holding the table tightly(緊緊地) or touching your face. Speakers should dress sartly and forally. This will help the audience feel they are respected(尊敬).
Pace and pause
Pace and pause are two iportant parts of every speech. Changing pace adds colors to the speech. Speak fast enough to keep people fro becoing bored and slow enough for people to fully understand what you’re saying. After a key point, pause for a oent. It ay ake a great difference.
Good ways to ake a successful public speech
What you should do:
Relax by taking three deep and _____81_____ breaths.
Practice your opening sentence three or four ties.
Take a quick look at the audience and regard the as your 82 , teachers and friends.
Keep it natural by siling lightly, standing straight and holding your chest 83 .
Wear 84 and foral clothes to show your respect for the audience.
Change pace to add color to the speech and stop for a short tie after a 85 point. .
What you shouldn’t do:
Don’t drop your head, play with a pen, hold the table lightly or touch 86
(A) 詞匯運用:選擇括號內(nèi)恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或詞組填入空白處,使句意完整、正確。(5分)
87、In ________ (south/southern) of China, people eat a lot of rice.
88、He is very sart , but his way to _________ (success/successful) wasn’t sooth..
89、aria arrived ___________ (early/earlier) of all.
90、?Be careful with the knife or you will _______( cut/ wash) your fingers.
?It is very kind of you to say that!
91、We know that they are two__ __ (policewoan/ policewoen) fro their unifors.
92、y teacher told e to give a ___ _ (演講) about how to learn English.
93、—Shall we sell flowers to ________ (籌集) oney for people in Ya’an?
—Good idea!
94、To likes fruit very uch, and he often ___ _ (吃完) ten apples in a few inutes.
95、When he was __ __ (為……干杯) e, I gave hi a hug.
96、We should work harder to ake our dreas __________ __________ (變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實).
(B) 遣詞造句:根據(jù)提供的圖畫和提示詞,寫一個符合圖意的完整、正確的句子。(10分)

(B) 綜合填空:根據(jù)短文大意選擇方框中的單詞,并用其正確的形式填入空白處,使得補全后的短文意思通順,語法正確,結(jié)構(gòu)完整。(5分)

We often see people in different 102 wear different clothes. In Aerica, a businessan goes to work in a dark suit, with black shoes, socks and a tie. A reporter 103 to work in old blue jeans, a work shirt and sneakers(運動鞋). These two kinds of clothes are 104 for their work.
If you are a college student who will leave school soon, before 104 a job, you have to buy soe new clothes. And you’d better have a look at“what everyone else is wearing”in the office. On certain(某種) kinds of business occasions, the en wear only suits with white shirts and dark ties. On others, en can wear jackets.
Dressing is very iportant. Without it, there is no successful fashion. It would be 105 if everyone looks at hiself in the irror before leaving hoe every orning.
第五部分 書面表達(15分)
“每天鍛煉1小時,健康工作50年,幸福生活一輩子”的理念逐步深入人心。學(xué)校的體育課重視了,運動項目增加了,更多的人參加了體育運動。體育運動有助于我們的健康,也有助于我們的學(xué)習(xí)。你喜歡運動嗎?你平常是如何鍛煉身體的?你從中得到健康和快樂嗎?你在運動中是否也有意 外的收獲?
結(jié)合所學(xué)知識,請以 Sports為題,寫一篇80字左右的短文。文中請不要出現(xiàn)姓名、學(xué)校等真實信息。

親愛的同學(xué),當(dāng)你完成這份試卷后,覺得自己的水平離及格線仍有一定差 距,請你別擔(dān)心。我們特意在下面給出五道附加題,希望能助你一臂之力!快來試試看 吧!
1. 如果有人熱心地幫助了你,你應(yīng)說 “_______” 表示感謝。
A. Good orning. B. Nice to eet you. C. Thank you.
2. 當(dāng)外國朋友問你來自哪里,你可以回答:“ ”。
A. I’ Zhang Hua. B. I’ fro Fujian. C. I’ a student.
3. 英語課你遲到了,你應(yīng)對老師說:“____________!北硎镜狼浮
A. Sorry, I’ late. B. I like sleeping. C. I’ 15.
4. 當(dāng)別人祝賀你新年快樂的時候,你可以這樣回答:“ ”。
A. The sae to you. B. e, too. C. Happy birthday to you.
5. 餐桌上,如何用英語表示“別客氣”。
A. Sit down! B. help yourself! C. Let’s go!

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/202378.html
