
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網

月 考 試 卷

八 年 級 英 語

( )1.doctor A. pilot B. London C. hobby
( )2.discuss A. coputer B. university C. unlucky
( )3.send A. beginning B. Heingway C. even
( )4.inside A. pilot B. holiday C. possible
( )5.able A. education B. fall C. huan
( )6./рlænıt/ A. play B. plant C. planet
( )7./'рrәu?ræ/ A. probably B. progra C. proise
( )8./рә'lu:t/ A. pollute B. pollution C. point
( )9./i:l/ A. eat B. eal C. ind
( )10./bı'lәu/ A. below B. blow C. believe
( )1.There a talk show on CCTV-3 at 8 this evening.
A. is going to have B. is going to be
C. will have D. are going to
( )2.What’s she going to be when she ?
A. grow up B. grows C. grows up D. is going to grow up
( )3.Those boys wants to pilots when they are older.
A. as B. do C. be D. have
( )4. John found a job in New York, so his faily are going to ove the city next week.
A. fro B. away C. to D. in
( )5. I a going to learn foreign language next year.
A. other B. another C. the other D. others
( )6.There are different resolutions. Soe of the _____ self-iproveent.
A. kinds of, have to do with B. kind of, have to do with
C. kinds, have do with D. kinds, have nothing to do with
( )7. I y resolutions and I ake sure I will keep the.
A. a sure, try y best B. sure about, try y best to
C. a sure about, try y best D. a sure about, try y best to
( )8. Do you think your resolution is too difficult ?
A. keep it B. to keep it[] C. to keep D. keep
( )9. When he grows up,he’s going to do .
A. what he wants to do B. what does he want to do
C. what he want to do D. what will he want to do
( )10.People should keep the ______ between countries.
A.relationship       B.peace
C.discussion D.role
( )11.The TV progra was very______and we all got______.
A.bored;bored B.boring;boring
C.bored;boring D.boring;bored
( )12.—He got an A in last week's ath test.
—It is ______!His ath is always the worst.
A.possible B.siple
C.ipossible D.bored
( )13.The old an is very healthy.I think he will live______.
A.to be 100 years old B.100 years old
C.at 100 years old D.in 100 years old
( )14.I predict there will be less ______ in the future.
A.people B.trees
C.countries D.pollution
( )15.I ______believe everything ______ be free in 20 years.
A./;won't B.don't;won't
C.don't;will D.will;doesn't
1.The students are d the weekly plan.
2.The caera(攝影機)is y p thing.
3.Who can tell e how I can i y listening skill(技能)?
4. I want to be a r car driver, I’ going to buy a fast car.
5. I feel that you see to be worse. Did you take that the doctor gave you yesterday?
6.He ______(be)a teacher after he leaves college.
7.His sister always plays a part in ______ (save) the anials.
8.Now the ______ (pollute) is very serious.
9.We should plant ______ (any)trees than b efore.
10.It ______(see)that it's going to rain.
What will our life be like in the future?Each faily will have a 1 in the future.You can ask it to do everything 2 you.It will serve you 3 hours a day.The robot will 4 like a huan.It can talk with you when you are 5 .You won't know whether it is a huan 6 a robot when you eet it on the street.
People will have 7 tie to work and ore tie to travel.The vehicles (交通工具)in the future wil l fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it.They will 8 you to any place you want to visit.You can go to 9 during your travel when you feel tired.All vehicles will be 10 because they're driven by robots.
1.A.rocket B.robot C.car D.roputer
2.A.on B.about C.around D.for
3.A.eight B.twent C.twenty­four D.forty­eight
4.A.sound B.live C.look D.take
5.A.happy B.alone C.cofortable D.ill
6.A.so B.and C.or D.but
7.A.less B.few C.ore D.ost
8.A.ake B.take C.let D.turn
9.A.school B.work C.parks D.sleep
10.A.safe B.dangerous C.unpleasant D.ipossible
Soe children wish to be writers soe day. They want to write stories or books for people to read. That's good! It's good to write soething for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they are really good writers. They should read a lot of books, instead(代替) of watching TV and spending a lot of tie playing gaes when they are free.
There is ore fun in reading, you want to look for ore books to read. Before you decide to be a good writer, you'd better say to yourself, "I ust read ore and ore!"
( )1. This article ainly(主要) tells us that .
A. soe children wish to be writers soe day
B. it is good to write soething for people to read
C. reading books is fun
D. reading can be helpful for us to becoe a good writer
( )2. Reading ore books ay . .
A. help you to be a good writer B. help you play well
C. ake you work better D. ake you watch ore TV at hoe
( )3. It's good for children . .
A. to do a lot of reading B. to watch TV in the evening
C. to be good writers right now D. to have wishes only
( )4.Soe children want to be writers . .
A. because they want to be good readers
B. to get ore oney and buy a lot of good things.
C. to write stories or books for people to read
D. to find good work soe day
( )5. Fro the passage(段落) we know that . .
A. all children like to be writers
B. people like to read for children
C. children need to read ore and ore books
D. all writers are children
I was quite close to y grandother, Julia. We lived with her and then she lived with us. She was a very nice person, both kind and patient. She taught e to read and write when I was young and helped e to be interested in stories and poes.
In y ind, y grandother was a great cook. She cooked ore delicious food than anything you can eat in a restaurant today. She always cooked for faily and friends.
y grandother was also a hard worker both at hoe and at work. I can still reeber the difficult tie when we were very poor. At that tie, y grandother was already sixty years old but she worked in a hospital for a long tie every day ?not in the office but doing the cleaning outside and taking care of e at the sae tie while y o was at work!
y brother and sisters also love her. We will never forget our grandother. She is really iportant in our lives and is always there for all of us in one way or another. I a proud to be her grandson.
( )6. The writer’s grandother taught hi to when he was young.
A. read and write B. sing and dance
C. draw and sing D. play and learn
( )7. His grandother always ade for faily and friends.
A. cakes B. cards C. clothes D. eals
( )8. While his o was , his grandother took care of hi.
A. at hoe B. at work C. out of work D. in hospital
( )9. At the age of 60, his grandother in a hospital for a long tie every day.
A. cooked eals B. worked in the office
C. did the cleaning D. stayed with his other.
( )10. Which of the following is not TRUE?
A. His grandother is hard-working.
B. Her grandchildren all love her.
C. His grandother could read.
D. His grandother worked in a hospital for taking care of hi.
Life in the future will be different fro life today.Between then and now any changes will happen.But what will the changes be?
The population is growing fast.There will be any people in the world and ost of the will live longer than people live no
Coputers will be uch saller and ore useful,and there will be at least one in every hoe.And coputer studies will be one of the iportant subjects in schools then.People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have ore free tie for sports,watching TV and traveling.Traveling will be uch cheaper and easier.And any ore people will go to other countries for holidays.
There will be changes in our food,too.ore land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people.Then there will be less roo for cows and sheep,so eat will be ore expensive .aybe no one will eat it every day.Instead,they will eat ore fruits and vegetables.aybe people will be healthier.Work in the future will be different,too.Robots will do dangerous and hard work.Because of this,any people will not have enough work to do.This will be a proble.
( )11.In the future there will be ______.
A.uch ore fruit B.fewer people
C.less vegetables D.less people
( )12.Every faily will have at least a ______ in the future.
A.robot B.cow C.TV set D.coputer
( )13.In the future people don't have to ______.
A.work long hours B .work fast
C.walk on foot D.eat eat
( )14.People ay not eat ______ as uch as they d o today.
A.fruit B.fish
C.eat D.rice
( )15.One big proble in the future is that ______.
A.any people don't have to work
B.any people will not be able to find work
C.people have to work fast
D.all the work will be done by robots
A new library opens in the town.It's a very big library.Soe robots work there as library assistants.The robots can help you find the right books you want and do other things you tell the to.But you ust say “Please”when you ask for soething and “ Thank you”when you get soething.
Li ing wants to borrow a book fro the new library.He coes to the library with Zhang Hua.They see a robot standing there.
Li:Hey,give e the book “Little To”.Why,the robot doesn't w ork.There ust be soething wrong with it.
Zhang:No,there isn't.When yo u borrow a book,you ust say “Please”.
Li:Will you please give e the book“Little To”,r.Robot? htt p://wwx kb1.co
Zhang:Look!The robot is bringing you the book.Take it,Li ing.
Li:What's wrong with the robot?It won't let e have the book.
Zhang:Yor ust say “Thank you”.
Li:Oh,thank you very uch,r.Robot.
The robot siles and gives the book to Li ing.
短文,判斷正(T )誤( F )。
( )16.In the library all the assistants are robots.
( )17.The robot will be glad to help you if you say “Please”and “Thank you”.
( )18.Li ing asks for help fro the robot in the library.
( )19.r.Robot is a young an.
( )20.People say “Please”and “Thank you”only to robots.
1. 昨天每個人都寫下了來年的計劃。
Yesterday everyone ______ _______ their plans for the coing year.
2. 我承諾放學回來的時候整理我的房間。
I __________ I’ going to ________ y roo when I get back fro school.
3. 他不想開始從事一項困難的體育項目.
He didn’t want to ________ ________ a difficult sport.
At the ______ ______ the class,the teacher told us to ask questions.
He wants to be a ______ and he is going to study in a _____ school.
People______ ______ ______a space station______100 years.
______will______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
______ ______ ______a railway station in our hoetown.
What______your life______ ______in ten years?
______ ______wil l you finish the work?
A: Suer holiday is coing. 1 .
B: Yes, I a going to y hoetown.
A: 2 .
B: For about a onth. 3 .
A: I want to travel to Hainan Island. It’s beautiful place of interest.
B:4 . But I have to visit y grandparents in y hoetown.
A: It doesn’t atter. If you stay in your hoetown for a few days, you’ll have enough tie to go travelling.
B: 5 .Then I will go to y hoetown as soon as(一……就) the holiday begins.
A: OK! I will wait for you until you coe back.
B: That’s a deal(一言為定)! Thank you!
A. What about you? B. What’s the atter?
C. That’s a good idea. D. I’d like to travel, too.
E. When will you go there? F. How long will you stay there?
G. Do you have any plans for it?
根據下面表格提示,請你充分發(fā)揮想象力,描述一下未來人們的 生活。

1-5: 6-10:
1. d 2. p 3. i
4. r 5.
6. (be) 7. (save) 8. (pollute)
9. (any) 10. (see)
1-5: 6-10:
1-5: 6-10:
11-15: 16-20:


1 2 3 4 5

6-10 CBABA
1-5: BCCCB 6-10: ADCAB
11-15: DCADC
1. discussing 2. personal 3. iprove
4. race 5. edicine
6. will be (be) 7. saving (save)
8. pollution (pollute)
9. ore (any) 10. sees (see)
1-5: BDCCB 6-10: CABDA
1-5: DAACC 6-10: ADBCD
11-15: ADACB 16-20: F T T F F
2. wrote down

2. proise tidy

3. take up

4. beginning of

5. cook cooking

6. will live on in

8. Everything be free in the future

8. There will be

9. will be like

10. How soon
1 G 2 F 3 A 4 D 5 C
What do you think our life will be like in the future?
I think there will be tall buildings and ost of the failies will live in big apartents.ost of the failies will have cars and we will all drive to work.We can travel around the world by car.People will eat a balanced diet.We won't eat eat or junk food.We will eat ore fruits and vegetables.Each faily will have a coputer.Students won't go to school.They can study at hoe with the help of the coputers.
In a word,our life will be uch better in the future.Do you think so?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/203057.html
