
    編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

    Unit 1習題
    1. There are any faous _________ (predict) that never cae true.
    2. It’s i_________ for e to be there before eight o’clock.
    3. I have _________ (little) oney than you.
    4. Today any children are under too uch _________ (press).
    5. Parents should give their children ore tie and _________ (free) to relax
    6. She wants to be a _________ (science) when she grows up.
    7. There is a tall _________ (build) in front of the post office.
    8. I can do y hoework by _________ (I).
    9. Today is Sunday. Let’s go ________ (skate).
    10. Please buy soe _________ (toothbrush) for the.
    ( ) 11.When you lose your way in the city , you can ___ the policeen ___help.
    A. look; for B. find; out C. ask; for
    ( ) 12.His sister wants hi ___ a key ring. A. to buy B. buy C. buys
    ( )13.— How did Susan get so uch oney?—She ___it ___her best friend.
    A. borrows, for B. borrow, to C. borrowed, for
    ( ) 14.Toby won’t go to the party, I won’t,___.A. too B. also C. either
    ( ) 15.She looks very sad. I want to help her, but I just don’t know ____ to do.
    A. what B. when C. how
    ( ) 16.I could give you a ticket ____ a basketball gae. A. to B. of C. at
    ( ) 17.The whole class went on a school trip ____ George. A. without B. not C. except
    ( ) 18.aybe you should ____.
    A. call the up B. call up her C. cal his up
    ( ) 19. You hair clip is ____ y sister’s. A. the sae as B. sae as C. as the sae
    ( )20. I don’t know how to reeber new words. Can you give e ____?
    A. any advices B. soe advice C. an advice
    ( )21.This house is ___sall to live in. A. too B. very C. so
    ( )22.—Do you know the book Happiness? It is very popular.
    —Yes Richard ____ it. A. writes B. will write C. wrote
    ( )23.There ____ a speech contest toorrow orning. A. will be B. will have C. has
    ( )24. —Do you know where John went ,Sally?—He___ went skating with his sister.
    A. aybe B. ight C. probably
    ( )25.Sith will be ___engineer next onth. A. a B. the C. an
    ( )26.Her parents will coe back ___two weeks. A. in B. next C. after
    ( )27.I will have ___pet cats next year. A. a few B. a little C. lot of
    ( )28—Will soe people live on the oon in the future.—____
    A. Yes, they are. B. I agree C. Yes, they will
    ( )29.Toby often talks ___but does ___.So everybody says he is a good boy.
    A. little, any B. less, ore C. ore, less
    ( )30.olly went to look after her uncle in the hospital ___.
    A. two days ago. B. in two days C. before a few days
    31. You should write hi a letter. (就劃線部分提問)__________ _________ _________do?
    32. I think you should finish your hoework first.(改為否定句)
    33. You are not as popular as your best friend.(改為同義句)
    Your best friend is__________ _________than you.
    34. The bike is his.(就畫線部分提問)________ is the bike?
    35. He has soe oney ,too.(改為否定句)
    He ________ ________ ________oney, ________.
    36. You should _______(go) to see a doctor.57. other asked e ________(get) up early.
    37. They are ______(plan) how to spend the suer holiday.
    38. Let’s _______(try) our best to ake our world ore beautiful.
    39. He ________(leave) his bag at school yesterday.
    Unit 2 習題
    1.There was an __________________(argue) happened between To and Jack last night.
    3.The people in Iraq keep fighting for their own __________________(free).
    4.The teenagers have to work hard because of the _________________(press) fro their parents.
    5.They tried their best to find the _____________(solve) because they want to solve the probles.
    1.y parents want e _____________(stay) at hoe every night because it’s dangerous outside.
    2.---What’s wrong with you? You look so sad today.
    --- I ______________________(argue) with y girlfriend last night.
    3.Lucy,what should I do? I need soe oney ___________(buy) soe presents for y best friend.
    4. ---I found it difficult ___________________(get) to sleep in the night.
    --- You’d better_____________________(take) soe sleeping pills.
    5.Lily is 1.7eters tall. She is tall enough __________________(reach) the apples on the tree.
    6.Don`t ________________(copare) others with yourself, just _________________(work) hard.
    7.The young lady ___________(suffer) fro headache, she has to ________(go) to see the doctor.
    1.English naes are different fro Chinese naes.(同義句)
    English naes __________________the ____________________as Chinese naes.
    2.This desk is Lucy and Lily’s. (對劃線部分提問)
    ______________________________________ is this?
    3. English is the ost popular of all . (同義句)
    English is __________________ popular than _____ _____________ subject.
    4. He got up after his other cae back. (同義句)
    He________________ get up_______________ his other _____________________ .
    ( )1. The an over there ________ our Chinese teacher.
    A. ay B. aybe C. ay be D. be
    ( )2. It ________ her four hours_________ the work yesterday.
    A. takes, finish B. take, finishing C. took, finished D. took, to finish
    ( )3.The nuber of the students in our class___________70.
    A. is B. are C. were D. be
    ( )4.Do you know any other foreign language________ English?
    A. except B. but C. besides D. beside
    ( )5. Would you like____________ for supper?
    A. soething Chinese B. Chinese soething
    C. anything Chinese D. Chinese anything
    ( )6. ary was disappointed when she found out they had gone to the cinea_______ her.
    A. except B. besides C. for D. without
    ( )7. --- Shall I get a cup of water for you?--- Yes, _______.
    A. please B. you shall C. you will D. you ay
    ( )8. Would you please_______ on the road?
    A. not to play B. to not play C. play not D. not play
    ( )9. I’ afraid I’ll have to _________ the lost book.
    A. pay for B. paid for C. pay of D. paid on
    ( )10. Little To is an orphan. He now feels__________ without his only friend the dog.
    A. very ore lonely B. even ore lonely
    C. ore still lonely D. ore far alone
    ( )11. At last, she found her _______ pet dog.
    A. lost B. lose C. losing D. loses
    ( )12.---I’ sorry I_______ y exercise book at hoe.
    ---Don’t forget _______it here toorrow, please.
    A. forgot; to take B. forgot to bring C. left; to take D. left; to bring
    ( )13. Could you_________ when the planes arrives?
    A. tell B. look for C. finds out D. find out
    ( )14.He used to ________very late, but now he is used to __________early.
    A. get up; getting up B. get up; get up
    C. getting up; get up; D. getting up; getting up
    ( )15. ---What’s wrong with you?---_________________.
    A. I’ve got a headache B. She’ll take soe edicine.
    C. She’s got a headache D. Thank you.
    五、 用所給詞的適當形式填空
    1 I don’t know what __________ (say) when I a in front of any people.
    2 I think children need tie and freedo __________ ( relax ).
    3 y sister is __________ ( popular) than e.
    4 y sister bought two pairs of shoes, because they are __________( expensive).
    5 Everyone in y class was __________( invite) except e. 6 He sees ________ (be) happy today.
    7 I found it difficult _________ (learn ) English well. 8 The lights in the evening are __________ (color). 9 Could you please __________(give) e soe __________ (advice)?
    10.These children can ride bikes all by _________(they)
    六、 單項選擇
    ( ) 1 --- What should he _____? --- He should _____ to bed early.
    A. does; goes B. do; go C. does; go D. do; goes
    ( ) 2Idon’t have _____. Are you _____ to help e buy soe food?
    A enough tie; kind enough B. enough tie; enough kind(好心的)
    C. tie enough; kind enough D. tie enough; enough kind
    ( ) 3 y friend has _____ clothes than I do. A. nicest B. nice C. ore nice D. nicer
    ( ) 4 ---How uch did you _____ the dictionary? --- 12yuan.
    A buy B. spend C. cost D. pay for
    ( ) 5 I _____ here until you coe back toorro
    A will leave B. don’t leave C. won’t leave D .is leaving
    ( ) 6 I found it very difficult _____the gae.
    A win B. winning C. won D.to win
    ( ) 7 y friend is the sae age _____ e.A or B. like C as D .so
    ( ) 8 This letter is about how_____ English well.
    A to learn B. learn C. learning D.learned
    ( ) 9 ---When shall we go to the park, Saturday or Sunday?--- _____ is OK. I’ free these two days. A Both B. Neither C. None D. Either
    ( ) 10 He ade _____ istakes(錯誤 ) than e in the exa.
    A fewer B. few C. less D. least
    ( ) 11 There _____ ore trees and less pollution in the future.
    A will have B. are C. will D.will be
    ( ) 12 The boy is sad because he argued _____ his deskate. A in B. on C.with D. to
    ( ) 13 ---_____ will To coe back fro Beijing. ---- In two days.
    A how uch B. How often C. How long D. How soon
    ( ) 14 --- You could call hi _____. ---I don’t want to talk about it _____ the phone.
    A up; in B. up; on C. on; on D. up; by
    ( ) 15 --- _____? --- I had a fight with y brother.
    A .How are you? B. What’s wrong?C. Can I help you? D. What are you doing?
    七、 句型變換
    1 You should say you are sorry.(劃線部分提問)_________ ________ I ________ ?
    2 She had a headache yesterday. (劃線部分提問)
    ________ ________ ________ ________ her yesterday?
    3 I’ upset and don’t know what I should do.(改為簡單句)
    I’ upset and don’t know ________ ________ ________.
    4 You could write hi a letter.(同義句)
    You could write ________ _______ _______ _______.
    5 Ea likes this jacket. Her sister also likes this jacket.(合并為一句)
    Ea likes ________ ________ jacket _______ her sister.
    6 What’s wrong with you? (同義句)What’s ________ _______ with you?
    7 I think he will be a astronaut in five years. (劃線部分提問)
    _________ ________you think he ¬¬¬________ ________ in five years?
    8 We don’t know when we will leave the city. (改為簡單句)
    We don’t know _______ _______ _______ the city.
    Unit3 習題
    一. 選擇
    ( )1. What ______ you _______ when she cae in?
    A. did, do B. are, doing C. do, do D. were, doing
    ( )2. The girl is ill. She’s ______.
    A. in hospital B. in the hospital C. at hospital D. at the hospital
    ( )3. The patients (病人)are waiting _______.
    A. at the doctor B. at the doctor’s C. in the doctor D. in doctor’s
    ( )4. Where was Davy ______ Linda was looking for hi?
    A. that B. while C. at D. where
    ( )5. They are thinking about _______ the poor children.
    A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps
    ( )6. The woan couldn’t see her son ________. She’s very worried.
    A. anywhere B. soewhere C. nowhere D. where
    ( )7. They are talking about soething ______ the telephone.
    A. in B. on C. at D. for
    ( )8. We were very ________ that Ji didn’t pass the exa.
    A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprises
    ( )9. Just now she saw the an ________ into the roo.
    A. go B. went C. goes D. to go
    ( )10. There’s a big tree _______ the building.
    A. in front of B. in the front of C. in front D. at the front of
    ( )11. I et a friend of ine_____ I was walking in the park.
    A. before B. when C. after D. if
    ( )12. We’ll go for a walk if it_____ toorro
    A. will not rain B. isn’t raining C. doesn’t rain D. isn’t rain
    ( )13. I et Li Lei_____ hospital last Sunday. He was ill_____ hospital then.
    A. in the, in the B. in, in the C. in the, in D. in, in
    ( )14. Granda is now at _____.
    A. the doctor’s B. the doctors C. the doctor D. a doctor’s
    ( )15. You go to see a doctor in a hospital. When he asks you, “What’s your trouble?”You should say“_____.”
    A .I’ feeling terrible B. Don’t trouble e.
    C. Give e soe edicine, please D. Please take care of e
    ( )16. When you are_____ trouble, why not phone the_____?
    A. at, police B. in, policean C. in, police D. at, policean
    ( )17. ____ useful invention the coputer is!
    A. What a B. What an C. How a D. How an
    ( )18. I can’t find____ to sit on the crowded bus.
    A. nowhere B. soewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere
    ( )19. y other was cooking while I____ the radio.
    A. listened to B. have listened to C. was listening to D. is listening to
    ( )20. ____ TV at that tie?
    A. Did you watch B. Have you watched C. Were you watching D. Are you watching
    ( )21.They arrived____ Paris ____ a winter evening.
    A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at
    ( )22. r. Green told us____ too uch tie____ reading novels.
    A. don’t take; on B. not to take; in C. not to spend; in D. don’t to spend; on
    ( )23. Do you know_____?
    A. what he happened B. what the atter is with hi.
    C. what happened to hi D. what did he happened
    ( )24. The thief_____ the purse and _____.
    A. drops, run after B. droped, ran away C. dropped, run away D. dropped, ran away
    ( )25.People in China are always dressed____ their best clothes _____New Year’s Day.
    A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at
    ( )26.He found _______ not easy to learn English well.
    A .hi B. that C. it D. this
    ( )27.I’ afraid soe of you are not listening. You are looking _______ the windo
    A. at B. out of C. fro D. out
    ( )28.We have never seen _______ fil before. It’s very interesting .
    A .so a good B. a so good C. such a good D. a such good
    ( )29. He _______ asleep until 12 yesterday evening.
    A .falls B. fell C. doesn’t fall D. didn’t fall
    ( )30.The station ________ and Linda couldn’t see her dog anywhere.
    is crowded B. crowded C. crowd D. was crowded
    二. 用所給動詞的正確形式填空:
    1. Father _____ still ______(sleep)when I ______(get)up yesterday orning.
    2. Granda ______(cook)breakfast while I ______(wash)y face this orning.
    3. other ______(sweep)the floor when I ______(leave)hoe.
    4. The students ______(have)a biology class when the visitors ______(coe).
    5. The driver ______(drive)hoe when it ______(rain)last night.
    6. Soe students fro Class Four ______(play)basketball when I ______(see)the on the playground.
    7. Doctor Liu was on duty last night. He ______still ______(work)in the hospital at 10 p..
    8. The street seller ______(sell)clothes when he ______(find)a purse on the ground.
    9. r Wang spends a lot of tie writing his novel (小說)every day. He ______still ______(work)at idnight last night.
    10. I ______(read)a history book when soeone ______(knock)at the door.
    11. asha ______(cook)when the doorbell______(ring).
    1.David was in the barber’s when the UFO arrived. (對劃線部分提問)
    _____ ______ David when the UFO arrived?
    2.We were listening to the teacher carefully when she cae in. (對劃線部分提問)
    ________ ________ you _______ when she cae in?
    3.To had a traffic accident yesterday. (同義句)
    A traffic accident________ __________ _________ yesterday.
    4.She was so tired, it’s difficult for her to arrive on tie. (同義句)
    She was ______tired ________arrive on tie.
    四、用所給動詞的正確形式填空1.---What __________you___________ (do) when he arrived?
    ---I _____________(watch) TV at that tie.
    2.When I_____________(walk) in the street, I_____________(eet) y best friend Ji.
    3.u_____________(buy) y father a nice coat and a pair of trousers last Sunday.
    4.While y parents were doing soe cleaning, y sister___________(shout) to e loudly.
    5.When he saw the thief steeling things in the office, he closed the door and ___________(call) the police.
    6.I first et y girl friend two years ago, she_______________(work) in the superarket.
    7.Thank you for______________(teach) us so well, y dear teacher.
    8.What_____________your parents_____________(do) at nine o`clock last night?
    單元測試(Units 3-4)
    一、選擇( )1.We sat on the lake bank face to face ____ silence. A. on B.in C.with D. of
    ( ) 2.The Greens_______watching TV when I got there. A.was B.were C.is D .are
    ( ) 3.The story________a rainy night last June.
    A. happened on.B.happened in C.took place on D .took place in
    ( )4There is an apple tree___the roo.A.in front B. in front of C. in the front Din the front of
    ( ) 5.Reeber ______your sister to coe here on tie.A.ask B.asking C.to ask D asks
    ( )6.They had fun______ to the usic.A.listen B.to listen C.listens D.listening
    ( )7.The shoes are too expensive.I’ll___it. A. think about B. think C.think out D.think over
    ( ) 8.They were sleeping_____they heard a an____ “help”.
    A.when ;shouting B.while;to shout C.when; to shout D.while; shouting
    ( ) 9._______beautiful dress it is ! A. What B.What a C.How a D.How
    ( ) 10.He looked for his bag _____,but he can’t find it_______.
    A.nowhere;anywhere B.everywhere; nowhere.C.anywhere; everywhere.D.everywhere; anywhere
    ( ) 11. She’s _____at swiing,but she want to do _______in it.
    A. good ;well B. well ; better C. good; better D.better;better
    ( ) 12.The children are supposed_____pop songs in the school.
    A .playing B. to play C.with playing D.played
    ( ) 13._What did Ti_____?-He said he_____play basketball the next day.
    A. said; would B. say; would C. says, was going D say, was going
    ( ) 14.Could you tell e_______this tie yesterday?
    A. what were you doing B.what you were doing C. where you are doing D. where you were doing
    ( )15.We won’t go to the useu if it ________the day after toorro
    A.rains B. will rain C. is going to rain D would rain
    ( ) 16.The teacher asked her _____.
    A. if she has already finished the work. B.whether she has already finished the work.
    C.if she had already finish the work D. if she had already finished the work.
    ( )17.The teacher told e _____late again. A.not toB.not to be C. not be D.not be to
    ( ) 18.The geography teacher told us the earth________bigger than the oon.
    A. is B. was C. isn’t D.wasn’t
    ( ) 19.Don’t _______Li Lei. A. pass it on to B.pass on it to C.pass on to D. pass on
    ( ).20.He was very _______to learn that his best friend Ji wasn’t able to coe to the party.
    A. disappointed B. disappointing C. worried D.worrying
    1.He _______(ake) a decision that he would go to college in a few years.
    2.At first the thin air ade her_______(feel)sick.
    3.When her year was over,she said that she would return to the area after_______(finish) her studies..
    4.y Spanish teacher said y______(listen)was good.
    5.It_______(snow)when the plane landed at Beijing International Airport.
    6.Our city ________(becoe)ore and ore beautiful in five years.
    7.I saw the accident _________(happen)when I passed by .
    8.He said he _______(play)the guitar at 8:00 yesterday evening.
    9.You don’t need ______(cook)for yourself,as we have a nice cook here.
    10.She said she_______(forget)to do hers.
    1.I’ hard-working.(變?yōu)楦袊@句) _______ _______ I a!
    2.I’ better at reading than listening.(改同義句) I _____ ______ ______reading than listening.
    3. y other said she could do it.(對劃線部分提問) ________ ________your other say?
    4. “ I’ sorry I’ late.”r Liu said to e. r Liu told e he______sorry _______ was late.
    5.At first, we ust study hard. (改同義句) ______ _____ _____we ust study hard.
    6Our teacher asked us to stop what we were doing . (對劃線部分提問)
    ________ did your teacher ask you to stop ________?
    7.The World Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists.( 改同義句)
    ________ _________the World Trade Center in New York.
    8 John was sleeping at ten last night.(對劃線部分提問) _____ ____John ____ at ten last night?
    9.He lent his pen to e yesterday. I ______his pen ________hi. (同義句)
    10 None of the like the drink. (改反義句) _______ _______the like the drink.
    Unit 4 習題
    1.Ji said he______(play) soccer this Saturday.
    2.They never______(clib) trees and catch the birds.
    3.He______(watch) TV when his other cae into his roo.
    4.We______(have) a aths test toorro
    1.Hi,John,when______you usually get up every day this ter?
    A.did B.are C.do D.were
    2.We______basketball on the playground when it began to rain.
    A.will play B.played C.were playing D.play
    3.How often ______your uncle coe here to see you? Once a onth.
    A.does B.is C.do D.were
    4.I failed(失利) in this English exa, but I’ sure I ______better.
    A.will do B.a doing C.have done D.shall
    5.When ary was talking on the phone, her sister ______in.
    A.walks B.has walked C.walking D.walked
    6.—______do you go to work every day?—On foot.It’ s not far fro here.
    A.When B.How C.Where D.Why
    7.—______do you usually do after supper?—I take a walk along the river.
    A.What B.Which C.Who D.Whose
    8.I went to the ______to cut y hair.
    A.further shop B.toy shop C.barber shop D.hair shop
    9.He found a purse on the ground when he was walking along the road and______to pick it up.
    A.liked B.had C.stopped D.began
    10.I a too thin.What______I do?
    A.ay B.have to C.ust D.should
    11.After______,he went to the hospital.
    A.the school B.breakfast C.the breakfast D.the supper
    12.He cae on a rainy evening and left______orning.
    A.toorrow B.next C.the next D.the second
    13.—What did she______?
    —She said she ______to Beijing for a trip.
    A.said;will go B.say;was go C.say;was going D.said;was going
    14.Please sit at______end of the boat and don’ t ove.
    A.others B.the other C.the others D.any
    15.What language does she______,do you know?
    A.speak B.talk C.tell D.say
    Unit5 習題
    1. ______(watch)TV too uch is bad for your eyes.
    2. Could you tell us the ______(different)between these two styles of usic?
    3. They are uch ______(friend)than I thought.
    4. The teacher ______(take)away y obile phone because I used it in class.
    5. It rained very hard. And it ade a few drivers ______(injoure)in the race.
    二. 單項選擇。
    ( )1. We’ll go to the Suer Palace _____ it doesn’t rain this Saturday.
    A. when B. if C. until D. because
    ( )2. Don’t ________ jeans to the party. A. put on B. wear C. wearing D. dress
    ( )3. I’ going to ______ tie with y grandparents this vacation.
    A. take B. have C. spend D. go
    ( )4. This book isn’t useful. Please _______.
    A. take part in B. take it away C. take away it D. take it out
    ( )5. Ji asked e _______ hi with his ath. A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help
    ( )6. What ____ you ______ at eight yesterday evening?
    A. have, done B. did, do C. were, doing D. will, do
    ( )7. They found ______ they are faous for only a short tie. A. it B. this C. that D. the
    ( )8. Could you please _________ e the way to the hospital.
    A. showing B. showed C. show D. shown
    ( )9. -I like flying all over the world. -I think being a ________ is just for you.
    A. teacher B. tour guide C. policean D. doctor
    ( )10. -What are you going to do toorrow? -______.
    A. Nothing uch B. uch nothing
    C. Not anything D. No thing
    Unit 6 習題
    collecting, hobbies, between, coon, raise
    1.Last week our headaster organized us to ______ the oney for charity.
    2.He doesn’ t have any ______.But he likes studying very uch.
    3.What’ s the ______ food in our country? Rice, I think.
    4.Ji’ s grandpa has been ______ the old coins since he was twenties.
    5.What’ s the difference ______ the northern food and southern food in China?
    1.Our teacher I a .
    2. you to the gy, you .
    3.He a .
    4. ten .
    5.Last week I an e-ail .But she .
    1.This kind of T-shirt looks ______ and sells ______ in the arket.
    A. nice; good B. well; well C. nice; well D. good; nice
    2.y father often tells e ______ y classates.
    A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps
    3.The boy is very thirsty. Would you______ hi soe ______, please?
    A. get; eggsB. help; cakes C. bring; drink D. take; bread
    4.y skirt is ______,so I’ d better to buy a new one.
    A. broke B. dirty C. out of style D. nice
    5.It’ s id-autun Festival.______ oon is very bright.
    A.A B. An C./ D. The
    6.To’ s parents are teachers.______ of the teach English.
    A. Either B .Both C. All D. Everyone
    7.—______take off your coat, Liza. It’ s cold today. —OK!
    A. Don’ t B. Can’ t C. You’ d better D. Please
    8.Young an! If you ______late again, you’ ll lose your job.
    A. will be B. were C. are D. have been
    9.I have been ______ English since I was seven.
    A. learned B. learn C. learning D. learns
    10.Excuse e. Read the dialogue louder, please.I ______ hear you.
    A. wouldn’ t B. needn’ t C. ay not D. can’ t
    11.—______have you been running, Wu Bing? —For ten inutes.
    A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How fast
    12.Would you please tell e ______ next,r Wang?
    A.what should we do B.we should do what
    C.what we should do D.should we do what
    13.There are ______ toatoes and ______ pork on the table.
    A.uch;any B.any;uch
    C.any;any D.uch;uch
    14.This story is uch ______ interesting than that one.
    A.any B.soe C.the ost D.ore
    15.y father has been teaching e French ______ I was a child.
    A.when B.since C.while D.for
    四. 用所給詞的適當形式填空
    1.Listen!A girl_____ (sing) in the hall.2.Alison_______ (swi) for three hours.
    3.When I entered the classroo,Ifound soe students ____(watch) TV.
    4.There are soe children who _____(play) football on the playground.
    5.- How long____you_____(do) that?-For about four years.
    6.The young an ______(skate) since he was eight years old
    7.He’d like_____(collect) shells because they are beautiful.
    8.When I was twelve,I_____ (start) to play tennis.
    9.If you know his telephone nuber,please let e _____ (know).
    10.Thank you for _____(tell) e the truth.
    1.He’s been waiting for you_____ two hours.2.Sarah has been living here_____ 1996
    3.The baby has been sleeping_____ 2:00 a..4.I’ve been staying in New York_____ two weeks.
    5.Kate has been studying Japanese_____ he was twelve.
    6.I slept only_____ two hours last night. I a tired.
    1._____ of the has a study.(書房)A.Both B.All C.Each D.Every
    2.She saw an accident_____ the way to school.A.in B.by C.on D.at
    3.______ the way,what’s your nae?A.By B.On C.In D.Ror
    4.I don’t like_____ the way he talks to e.A.on B.in C.by D/
    5-How long did your brother skate?-He _____ for five hours.
    A.did skated B.skated C.is skating Dwas skating
    6.They ______oney to build a new school for the faraway village.
    A.collected B.took C.spent D raised
    7.He said he _____ doing soe shopping.A.would like B.liked C.wanted D felt
    8.They are fast ______ out of oney.A.run B.to run C.running D ran
    9.We had to stop to have a rest,____ we were very tired.
    A.while B.when C.whether D because
    10.y elder sister is _____ in the writer job.
    A.interested B.interesting C.interests D to interest
    11.The Siths have been living here____ about 15 years.A.for B.since C.in Dto
    12.He liked to eat ooncakes _____ nuts in the.A.have B.has C.with Dand
    13.-____ do you have an English party?-Once a onth.
    A.How B.How far C.How often D How long
    14.-Can I help you,ada? -I’ looking for _____ pair of shoes for y daughter.
    A.the B.an C.a D soe
    15.The policean arrived about half an hour later when the accident happened.
    A.half past one B.thirty inutes C.hour half D an hour ago
    16.“Would you like to have another cup of tea?”“Yes,_____.”
    A.I would like to B.I would like C.I would love D I would want
    17.-Thank you for your help.-It’s y pleasure.
    A.With pleasure B.Never ind C.Certainly not D You’re welcoe.
    18.-_____you _____ to New York?-No,but I will go there next year.
    A.Have,gone B.Do,go C.Will,go D Have,been
    19.Ji’s father said to hi,“I hope you ____ what I ____you to buy.”
    A.didn’t forget,told B.not to forget,have told C.won’t forget,have told D haven’t forgotten,will tell
    20.-Do you know Jack well?-Certainly.We____friends since ten years ago.
    A.were B.have ade C.have becoe D have been
    21.We have several books about sports.(同義選擇)
    A.quite a few B.only a few C.uch D any
    22.They have any apples.But only several______ big and red. A.was B.is C.were D are
    23.We ______ for the old woan on the bus.
    A.ade a roo B.gave a roo C.ade roo D gave roos
    24.I won’t let____ it. A.anyone knows B.anyone know C.soeone knows D.soeone know
    25.People are _____ in ______ places.
    A.interested,interestedB.interesting,interestingC.interested,interesting D.interesting,interested
    26.Why not ______ your coat?It’s war here.
    A.to take off B.to take down C.taking down D.take off
    27.Zhang Li has been working for______ eight hours.A.the whole B.the all C.whole D.all
    28.The student_____ No.1 iddle School won the atch.A.fro B.in C.at D.of
    29.-How does your father go to work?-_____
    A.By a bus B.On bus C.By foot D.On foot
    30.The little English girl enjoys_____ very uch.
    A.to travel B.traveling C.traveled D.travels
    31.Reading in the bed is not good_____ your eyes.A.for B.to C.at D.with
    32.Wen Li has_____ kites for two years.
    A.been ake B.aking C.been aking D.been ade
    33.Li Chen _____football an hour ago.
    A.has been playing B.has played C.plays D.played
    34.-Hi,Carol.How was your trip to Disney world?-Hi,Alice.Oh,we ____a good tie there.
    A.are having B.have had C.had D.have
    35.The eeting will held in half an hour,but they haven’t got everything ready_____.
    A.ever B.already C.yet D.still
    36.They______ all their oney,so they have to walk hoe.
    A.spend B.had spent C.have spent D.will spend
    37.-ay I speak to John?
    -Sorry,he _____ Japan.But he _______ in two days.
    A.has been to,will coe back B.has gone to,will be back C.has been in,would coe back D.has gone to,won’t coe back
    38.-What did r.Jones do before he oved here?-He_____a city bus for over 25 years.
    A.is driving B.drove C.has driven D.drives
    39.-____you_____the fil yet?-Yes.I____it last Saturday
    A.Will,see;saw B.Did,see;saw C.Have,seen;have seen D.Have,seen;saw
    40.“Harry Potter”is a very nice fil.I____ it twice.
    A.will see B.have seen C.saw D.see
    41.-When_____Li ing_____his hoework?-At 10.00 last night.
    A.did,finish B.does,finish C.is,finishing D.was,finished
    42.-How any ties_____ to Shanghai since the suer of 2002?-Twice.
    A.did you go B.have you gone C.have you been D.will you go
    43.y parents _____Shandong for ten years.
    A.have been in B.have been to C.have gone to D.have been
    44.iss Wu has taught in the school______.
    A.for ten years B.ten years ago C.since ten years D.ten years
    45.I____today’s hoework already.What about you?
    A.have finished B.finish C.to finish D.finishing
    1.He has been working for five hours(對劃線部分提問)

    2.y brother joined the League three years ago. (對劃線部分提問)

    3.I slept for nine hours last night. (對劃線部分提問)
    4.Of all the subjects,I like English best.(同義轉(zhuǎn)換)

    5.I’ve been skating since I was seven years old. (對劃線部分提問)

    6.I finished writing y test.(變否定句)

    7.He likes swiing very uch.(同義句)He ____ _____ _____ swiing.

    8.I’d like to start a club.(變一般疑問句)
    1.I knew hi last year.I______________________________
    2.He began to ake odel planes when he was seven.
    3.They oved here in 1993(live)
    4.Bill began to talk on the phone five inutes ago.
    5.y sister is playing with her dolls.(three hours)
    y sister_______________________________________
    ★Unit 7 習題★

    1.Sorry, I’ll do it __________.2.I have to ____________every day.
    3.OK. I’ll __________ another pair of jeans.4.I’ll __________ in a inute.
    5.Could you ______________ our copany?6.y other told e to ___________ after dinner.
    7.Her aunt asked her to ____________ last Sunday orning.
    8. Would you ind __________ to e? I want to go to y friend’s party.
    9. Would you please __________? Linda is answering the telephone.
    10.I often __________for y parents because I’ good at cooking.
    1.I ______(ran out of/run out of) oney. What should I do?
    2.Would you ind ______(close/closing) the door?
    3.Could you______(turning down/turn down) the usic, please?
    4.His hobby is collecting old______(coins/cousins).
    5.How long have you been______(watching/listening to) usic videos?
    6.The ore Leo learns about Chinese, the ______(ore/ost) he enjoys hiself in China.
    7.—Would you ind keeping your voice down?
    —______.(OK,I’ ll do/Sorry)
    8.Would you ind______(not very close to e/not standing very close to e)?
    9.It’ s so cold. Could you ______(closing/close) the door?
    10.I______(asked/ordered) a huburgar for y friend. But the clerk gave e French fries.
    1.The girl was born ______ the orning of June 18th,1991.
    A.at B.on C.in D.during
    2.I a full no But thank you______.
    A.at the sae B.the all tieC.sae to you D.all the sae
    3.He will be back ______ he is free.A. while B. because C. after D. if
    4.______you get up late, you’ ll be ______for school.
    A. When; late B. Because; early C. If; late D. So; early
    5.It’ s nice ______to you.A. to talk B. talk C. talked D. is talking
    6.I don’ t ind his ______ at e.A. shoutB. shoutedC. shoutingD. shouts
    7.Please bring e soe food. I’ ______hungry no
    A. uch B. ore C. ost D. very
    8.What day______ toorrow?A. it will B. will itC. it will beD. will it be
    9.It’ s very cold today. Please keep the door______.
    A. closed B. close C. open D. opened
    10.This pair of jeans is different______ that one.
    A. to B. with C .on D. fro
    11.I can buy ______ because I have no oney.
    A. anything B. nothing C. soething D. any thing
    12.—Is Ji coing later?—He ______ if he can.
    A. coes B. cae C. coing D. will coe
    13.If it ______ toorrow, we’ ll have a sports eeting.
    A. isn’ t rain B. doesn’ t rain C. rains D. not rain
    14.Don’ t laugh______ your classates when they______ istakes.
    A. at; ake B. at; ade C. to; akeD. with; have
    15.Thank you for ______ us. We really enjoyed ______.
    A. join; ours B. joining; ourselves C .join; ourselvesD. joining; us
    四、 單項選擇:
    1.----Would you ind turning down the usic?----____.
    A. Yes, I would B. No, of course C. No, not at all
    2. Would you ind ____ here?A. soke B. soking C. not soking
    3. ---- Would you ind getting up?---- ____.
    A. It won’t be long B. I won’t be long C. It doesn’t take long
    4. I will do it ____.A. after a inute B. in a inute C. right way
    5. Could you please ____?A. do the dishes B. doing the dishes C. to do the dishes
    6. I can’t hear the piano piece. Would you ind ____?
    A. turn down the TV B. turn up the TV C. turning the TV up
    7. Why not ____ help when you were in trouble?A. you ask for B. ask for C. asking for
    8. She would like ____ a violin lesson.A. have B. to have C. having
    9. ---- I can’t find y eraser.--- We’ll coe ____ help you.A. to B. and C. for
    10. You’d better ____ football in the street.A. play B. not play C. not to play
    11. The electricity was cut, as the lights suddenly ____.A. went on B. went over C. went out
    12. ____ to our school!A. You do welcoe B. Welcoe C. Welcoe you
    13. I a sorry, but you are on the ____ .A. different line B. wrong line C. right line
    14. We play the dialogue ____.A. in turn B. take turns C. by turn
    15. I’ going to be ____ late.A. a little of B. a little C. a bits
    16. I want ____ lucky.A. to B. to be C. be
    17. Be polite ____ others!A. to B. at C. about
    18. o coes in while Dad ____ newspaper in the living roo.
    A. is read B. is reading C. reads
    19. What’s wrong with you? You ____ well.A. look B. don’t look C. look not
    20. I don’t like this JeansWest coat! Just think of its ____!A. style B. sound C. effect
    ★English Test (Units 6—7) ★
    ( )1. He has been working in this hospital since he a doctor.
    A.becoes B. will becoe C. has been D. becae
    ( )2. We like seeing the ovie because it is .
    A.interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests
    ( )3. Do you know who likes collecting paintings?
    A. anyone else B. anyone other C. else anyone D. other anyone
    ( )4. —When you last night ? —At 9:00p.
    A. has, arrived B. did, arrive C. is , arriving D. had, arrived
    ( )5. You ust be tired because you the living roo for three hours.
    A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have been painted
    ( )6. Do you know the snow globe anials?
    A. have B. has C. had D. with
    ( )7. Hearing his excuse, the headaster becae angrier.
    A. very B. quite C. too D. even
    ( )8. She gets when people cut in line, the phenoenon(現(xiàn)象) happens on Christas.
    A. annoyed, annoyed B. annoying, annoying C. annoyed, annoying D. annoying, annoyed
    ( )9. The citizens coplained the police the noise fro the neighborhood.
    A. to, about B. about, to C. to, for D. of, to
    ( )10. I have any interesting books to .
    A. see B. look C. watch D. read
    ( )11. It’s not easy English well, but we’ll do our best.
    A. learned B. learn C. will learn D. to learn
    ( )12. If you study hard, you _______ understand any culture.
    A.be able to B.will be able to C. are able to D. can able to
    ( )13. Today is y father’s birthday.
    A. fortieth B. the fortieth C. the forty D. forty
    ( )14.-Would you ind washing the dishes?-No, I the in a inute.
    A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning D. will clean
    ( )15. Stop so uch noise! Father is working
    A. to ake B. aking C. to do D. doing
    ( )16. y other will when she sees y dirty shoes in the sitting-roo.
    A. get happy B. get ad C. get glad D. get excited
    ( )17. -Where is your father? ?He is a eeting.
    A. at B. in C. for D. on
    ( )18. -Where are you going? ?I’ going to a .
    A. clothing store B. clothing’s store C. clothes’ store D. store clothes
    ( )19. I don’t ind TV no
    A. not watch B. not watching C. not to watch D. watching not
    ( )20. Would you ind if I the window?
    A. opened B. open C. will open D. opening
    1. y brother ___ (collect) staps for about five years.
    2. The lake is frozen no Let’s go (skate).
    3. He (store) the fruit in the fridge yesterday.
    4. Reeber (return) the book in two days.
    5. She (bring)e a wonderful painting last night.
    6. Your pen is on the floor. (pick) it up!
    7. (thousand) of fans are waiting there to see the star.
    8. Thanks for (lend) e your English dictionary.
    9. There are soe children (skate)on the lake.
    10.___________(drop) litter is alost never allowed everywhere in the world.
    三、句型轉(zhuǎn)換,一空一詞。1. I slept for nine hours last night. (對劃線部分提問)
    you last night.
    2. I a interested in the writer’s job.(改為同義句)
    I the writer’s job.
    3. Please return y book in a inute.(改為同義句)
    Please y book .
    4. Would you ind oving your bike?(改為同義句)
    your bike?
    5. The pen I bought is broken.(改為同義句)The pen I bought .
    6. Etiquette is not the sae in every culture .(改為同義句)
    Etiquette in every culture.
    ★Unit 8 習題★
    1.He always talks to e in class. This gets e______.
    2.The soap opera was ______.I fell asleep nearly.
    3.—I want to buy the petdog. But I have no enough oney with e.
    —You can pay for it with ______card.
    4.Please______hi in. He has soething iportant.
    5.—Do you like the ovie?—No, I don’ t.—I don’ t like it,______.
    6.He will do better if you give hi a______.
    7.—Where is Lucy?—She ______is playing gaes with Han ei.
    8.When I got to the Great Wall first, I fell in ______with it.
    9.How long have you been ______TV? It’ s bad for your eyes.
    10.He is a great stap ______.He has been collecting staps for forty years.
    1.y other’ s birthday is coing. What should I______(get to her/get her)?
    2.—Why not buy a tennis ball?
    —No, they’ re too______(expensively/cheap).
    3.He got a coputer last onth. What a______(luck/lucky)guy!
    4.—Would you like a pet lion?—No, it’ s______(dangerous/boring).
    5.—How about soething to drink?—Thanks, but I’ ______(thirsty/hungry).
    6.—Why don’ t you get hi soe junk food?
    —But that’ s______(not healthy enough/too healthy).
    7.—aria, do you like this skirt?
    —But it’ s______(too cheap/too expensive).I don’ t have enough oney.
    8.I think a dog is a good pet for a ______(6-year-old/6 years old)child.
    9.—I really like y English teacher. What should I get her for Teachers’ Day?
    —How about a pet cat?
    —No way. It’ s______(not friendly/not personal).
    10.I was______(scary/scared)when I saw the snake.
    ( )1.The child fell asleep in the end after crying for a long tie.
    A. went to sleep B. went to bed C. was in bed
    ( )2.It’s very nice of you to lend e the bike A. beautiful B. well C. kind
    ( )3.I’ll go out to find hi in a inute.A. a inute ago B. soon C. quickly
    ( )4.y aunt will coe back toorroA. get back B. return C. give back
    ( )5.The singer sang several songs for us before she left.A. a few B. any C. a little
    ( )6. “Would you ind ____ the TV?” “Certainly not.”
    A. y turning down B. I turn down C. ine turning down
    ( )7.We’ll visit the zoo if it _____ toorroA. not rain B. will not rain C. doesn’t rain
    ( )8.It is already 11 o’clock, but I haven’t finished y hoework ____.A. never B. just C. yet
    ( )9.She _____ with hi because he was late again.
    A. is annoyed B. got annoyed C. is annoying
    ( )10.y parents are strict with e and they don’t allow e _____ out late.
    A. stay B. stayed C. to stay
    ( )11.When I cae to the school this afternoon, I saw soe boy _____ basketball on the ground.
    A. play B. playing C. to play
    ( )12. “Would you ind answering the telephone, ary?” “ OK, _____ it no”
    A. I’ll do B. I’ going to do C. I’ doing
    ( )13. “_____ do you surf the Internet?” “Once a week.”
    A. How long B. How soon C. How often
    ( )14.We are going to the gas station. Put _____ your cigarette.A. up B. on C. out
    ( )15.You are tired. ______ a rest?
    A. Why stop to have B. Why not stop to have C. Why not stop having
    ( )16.Our English teacher, iss Gao, was ill. So r. Li gave us a lesson ________ her.
    A. instead B. instead of C. except.
    ( )17.Yang Lei’s parents encouraged her ____ in Gansu Province.
    A. teaching B. teach C. to teach
    ( )18.We ade _____ with the when we stayed in London.A. a friend B. friends C. the friend
    ( )19.Hey! Don’t ____ . You ust wait for your turn.A. cut in line B. cut in a line C. go in the line
    ( )20.What happened _____ the poor girl?A. in B. at C. to
    ( )21. “Do you ind if I sit here?” “_____. It’s for y friend.”
    A. Not at all B. Never ind C. Better not
    ( )22.—How did they coe to school today?—Because of the rain they cae to school on foot ______ a bus. A. instead B. instead of C. instead of taking
    ( )23.—Could you please ____ so uch noise?—Sorry, I won’t do that.
    A. not aking B. don’t ake C. not ake
    ( )24.—Could you help e do soe dishes?—Sure, that’s ______.
    A. no question B. no proble C. Not proble
    ( )25.The students _____ school last onday.A. returned to B. cae back C. went back
    ( )26.How long ay I _____ this book?A. buy B. to keep C. keep
    ( )27.—Would you ind y opening the door?—_________.
    A. No, of course not B. Yes, please C. No, you can’t open it
    ( )28.He will write to you as soon as he ____ there.A. got B. gets C. get
    ( )29.This pair of shoes is too big. Could you show e another ______?
    A. one B. pair C. ones
    ( )30.—What do you think of the fil?—______, but David thinks it great.
    A. It is terrible B. It was boring C. I like it a lot
    8.Would you ind ________________ (close) the door?
    9.The teacher cae into the classroo while the students ____________ (talk) loudly.
    10.You aren’t _______________ (allow) to swi here.
    11.To has a pet dog _____________(nae) Connie.
    12.Gift _______________ (give) is different in different countries.
    13.______________ (drop) litter is never allowed all over the world.
    14.How about ______________ (watch) TV?
    Unit 9 習題
    1.Sally likes this kind of ______ (usic) instruent. So do I.
    2.For ost of the ______(tour),London is a good place.
    3.Today our headaster gave us a ______(specially) lesson. We are very excited.
    4.Taiwan is in the ______(east) of China.
    5.any ______(Asia) love their heart-throb stars fro our country.
    1.I have been to Fun Ties last week.______
    2.I have studied Chinese history for four years.______
    3.—Have you ever been to the Blue ountain?______—No, ever.______
    4.I have been there three ties last year.______
    5.When did you start study Japanese?______
    1.—Have you ever been to Europe?
    —No, but I ______ (have been/went) to Africa last year.
    2.—Have you ever been to y house?
    —No.But I’ coing to your party ______(tonight/this night).
    3.Has Victor ______(been ever/ever been) to China?
    4.In future, people will ______(spend/waste)a long vacation every year.
    5.He is an ______(exchanged/exchange) student in this school.
    1.—What’ s the trouble, doctor? —Don’ t worry. There is ______ with you. You’ ll be better soon.
    A.soething uch wrongB.anything uch wrong
    C.uch wrong nothingD.nothing uch wrong
    2.—Would you like to go shopping with e?—______.
    A.Yes,please B.Yes,I’ d love to C.That’ s rightD.Quite well
    3.I haven’ t seen r Hu for days. Can you tell e ______?
    A.where does he go B.where he has been C.where he goesD.where he go
    4.You’ d better ______ in the street. It’ s too dangerous.
    A.don’ t playB.not to play C.not playD.not playing
    5.I can’ t hear you clearly. Please ______ the radio a little.
    A.turn off B.turn on C.turn to D.turn down
    6.Excuse e, ay I ______ your telephone? I have soething to tell y other.
    7.—Do you often ______ your penfriend?—Not very often.
    A.hear froB.hear aboutC.hear ofD.hear
    8.If he ______,Jack will go to fly a kite next Sunday.
    A.will freeB.will be freeC.is going to be freeD.is free
    9.ary can’ t go with us.______ has to look after ______ other at hoe.
    10.—Where’ s Li Lei?
    —He ______ his sports shoes in the roo. He ______ football with his friends.
    A.is putting on; is playingB.puts on; will play
    C.is putting on; will playD.put on; played
    11.They said they ______ the eeting in the hall.
    A.will haveB.shall haveC.would haveD.should have
    12.—Don’ t throw paper on the ground, please.—______.
    A.It doesn’ t atterB.I’ sorry C.Excuse eD.That’ s all right
    13.Would you ind ______ the stereo?I can’ t hear what he is saying.
    A.turn offB.turn downC.turning offD.turning down
    6.Have you ever seen this kind of ________ instruent? ( usic)
    7.England is a ________ country. ( Europe)
    8.The basketball atch was very ________. ( wonder)
    9.I have ________ English is very useful.(discover)
    10.The twins have been to the ________ States. (unite)
    ( )1. I ________ never ________ there before.
    A. have, been to B. have, beenC. have, gone toD. have, gone
    ( )2. There are any boats ________ people to travel ________ .
    A. to, around B. for, over C. for, aroundD. to , to
    ( )3. Have you ever traveled ________ another province ________ China?
    A. to, of B. in, to C. to, to D. on, of
    ( )4. The students are very ________ usic.
    A. interesting atB. interested atC. interesting inD. interested in
    ( )5. I’ve never been to a place ________ that before.
    A. as B. likeC. alike D. likes
    ( )6. They’ll ________ the subway to the space useu.It’ll ________ the half an hour.
    A. take, bring B. bring, takeC. take, take D. bring, bring
    ( )7.—Where is Bill?—He ________ Sydney with his father.
    A. has gone toB. has been toC. have gone toD. have been to
    ( )8. The village is ________ the ountains.
    A. aongB. betweenC. in the iddleD. along
    ( )9. There are five ________ people in the city.
    A. illionsB. illion ofC. illions ofD. illion
    ( )10. Have you ever ________ anything you didn’t want to say?
    A. say B. said C. saying D. say
    Unit 10 習題
    1.I a sure that it`s a_________________(rain) day toorrow,do you think so?
    2.The day after toorrow y grandother is going to have her____________(ninety) birthday.
    3.This is a__________________(sand) field,so you can`t plant any rice in it.
    4.There is soething wrong with y head,I a not ___________________(I) today.
    5.I have never ___________________(see) the fil which is naed “Hero”.
    1.Lily __________________ (write) back to the as soon as she hears fro her parents.
    2.Ti____________________(be) a coputer fan, won`t he?
    3.Everyone ________________( not take) out the books until the teacher arrives at school.
    4.Be careful, or you ___________________(fall)behind the other students.
    5.If you _______________(try) your best to do everything, everything is possible.
    6.I________________(stay) in Chongqing two days ago, now I_________________(stay) in
    Beijing, I_________________(fly)to London in five days.
    7.I’ll need__________________ (do) soe____________________ (wash) toorro
    1.This violin cost e uch oney. (變反意問句)
    This violin cost e uch oney, ____________________________________?
    2.To wrote us a funny story.(用now作時間狀語并變一般問句)
    ______________________To ________________you a funny story?
    3. Soeties Henrry goes skating on the lake.(對劃線部分提問)
    ______________________________ Henrry go skating on the lake?
    4.I would not like to eat anything. (同義句)
    I_____________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___________________ eating anything.
    5.The proble is too hard for us to work out. (同義句)
    The proble isn’t _______________________________ for us to work out.
    ( )1. The children are waiting_____ the bus-stop_____ their teacher.
    A. for, at B. at, for C. at, at D. for, for
    ( )2. I’ twenty years old. I’ _____ a child.
    A. not longer B. no long C. not any longer D. no longer
    ( )3. I think Chinese is as_____ as English.
    A. useful B. ore useful C. ost useful D. the ost
    ( )4. I_____ y hoework when y father cae in.
    A. a doing B. was doing C. do D. was did
    ( )5. What a _____ headache! You see_____ ill.
    A. terrible; terribly B. terribly; terrible C. terrible; terrible D. terribly; terribly
    ( )6. If it_____ toorrow, we’ll go to the park.
    A. will rain B. doesn’t rain C. won’t rain D. don’t rain
    ( )7. He told us_____ hi up.
    A. to not wake B. don’t wake C. not wake D. not to wake
    ( )8. ---She studies hard. ---_____ and_____.
    A. so she does; so you do B. So does she; so you do
    C. so does she; so do you D. So she does; so do you
    ( )9. The an ust be very angry_____ his daughter, _____?
    A. about; isn’t she B. with; isn’t he C. at; ustn’t she D. with; ustn’t he
    ( )10. _____she is!A. How a kind girl B. How girl kind C. What a kind girl D. What kind girl
    ( )11. The old an has two sons, but_____ of the lives with hi.
    A. all B. both C. neither D. few
    ( )12. She taught ______ English last year, and she learnt very ______.
    A. herself, fast B. herself, fastly C. her, fast D. her, fastly
    ( )13. After he finished washing his clothes, he went on ______ the roo.
    A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. with cleaning
    ( )14. ______ soe flowers ______ her hand, she cae into the roo.
    A. And, on B. With, under C. Have, in D. With, in
    ( )15. A oent ______, iss Liu cae in. The headteacher asked her angrily, “Why did you coe ______ again?”
    A. late, late B. later, later C. later, late D. late, later
    1.Your apartent is big,______(don’ t you/isn’ t it)?
    2.I like action ovies. They’ re exciting,______(are they/aren’ t they)?
    3.Have you always gone to this school? No,______(I haven’ t/I didn’ t).
    4.Are you waiting for the bus? Yes,______(I’ ve been waiting for two hours./I didn’ t wait for it an hour ago.)
    5.It’ s going to rain,______(isn’ t it/is it)?
    6.You are going to Sandy Beach,______(aren’ t we/aren’ t you)?
    7.He isn’ t going to have the concert tonight,______(isn’ t he/is he)?
    8.—I hate rainy days.—______(So do I/So I do).
    9.The prices in this arket are very______(high/expensive).
    10.Allen will coe back______(by the noon/by noon).
    1.It’ s very cold today.(變?yōu)榉匆庖蓡柧洌㊣t’ s very cold today,______ ______?
    2.You gave e uch help. I thank you.(兩句合一句)Thank you______ ______e.
    3.Your apartent is quite cofortable.(變?yōu)榉匆庖蓡柧洌?br />Your apartent is quite cofortable,______ ______?
    4.I have taught in this school for one year.(改為同義句)
    I______ to teach in this school ______year.
    5.He told e. I got to school at seven today.(兩句合一句)
    He said ______got to school at seven ______day.
    1.We had a______ ______(玩得開心)at the party last night.
    2.______do you______(認為……怎么樣)of our school?
    3.If you______ ______(陪伴)e this afternoon, I will go with you toorro
    4.Have you______(完成)your hoework?______(如果)you have, please do soe cleaning.
    5.You don’ t like the coedy,______ ______(是嗎)?
    1.You like thrillers,______ ______(是嗎)?
    2.—Would you like soething to drink?
    —Yes, please. I’ d love______ ______(一點檸檬汁).
    3.Do you like______ ______(小提琴樂曲)?
    4.He has been______ the______(練吉他)for a long tie.
    5.—I usually take the taxi to school.—______ ______I(我也是).
    6.Rita,do you______ an______(帶雨傘)?It’ s raining.
    7.It’ s______ ______(真熱)today, isn’ t it?
    8.He likes playing soccer,______ ______(是嗎)?
    9.Let’ s go to the Water World,______ ______(好嗎)?
    10.Don’ t stand too close to everyone,______ ______(好嗎)?

    本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/205049.html
