
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

( )1. A. Looking for a book. B. Reading a book. C. Buying a book.
( )2. A. In hospital. B. At hoe. C. At school.
( )3. A. She'll go to the park. B. She'll take care of her other.
C. She'll take her other to the park.
( )4. A. Volleyball. B. Basketball. C. Football.
( )5. A. Porridge, egg and soe bread. B. ilk, egg and soe bread.
C. ilk, cake and egg.
( )6.A.Going hiking. B.Going sightseeing. C.Going bike riding.
( )7.A. Spending tie with his friends. B. Reading a book. C. Visiting his grandother.
( )8.A. Going bike riding. B. Visiting his grandother. C.Relaxing at hoe.
( )9.A. Relaxing at hoe. B. Spending tie with his friends. C. Buying a book.

( )10. When ay the dialog happen?
A. In the orning. B. At noon. C. In the afternoon.
( )11. Where is the atch held?
A. In Beijing. B. In Hankou Stadiu. C. In Shanghai.

( )12. Who is sick?
A. r Brown. B. ary. C. Susan.
( )13. How long will ary be away fro school?
A. One or two days. B. Two or three days. C. Three or four days.
( )14. What isn't possible for ary to do today?
A. To go to school. B. To do hoework. C. To stay in bed.
( )15.What is Gina doing for vacation?
A.Seeing her grandpa. B.Going caping. C.Going sightseeing.
( )16.When is Gina going?
A.On the 12th of this onth. B. Next onth. C.Next Thursday.
( )17.Where does her grandpa live?
A.In the countryside. B.In another city. C.In London.
( )18. How any visitors are there in a group?
A.35. B.40 C.53.
( )19. How long does it take to go there and coe back?
A.6 days. B.7 days. C.2 days.
( )20. How uc h do they need to pay?
A. 400 yuan each person. B. 400 yuan in all. C.4,000 yuan each person
( )21. When will the trip start?
A.Every Saturday. B. Every onday C. Every Tuesday.
( )22.ary often takes _________ to school.
A.the subway. B.the train C.the bus
( )23.It’s ____ iles to her school and takes about _____ inutes.
A.50, 15 B.15,5 C.5,15
( )24.If Eric goes to school on foot,it will takes __________ inutes.
A.25 B.35 C.45
( )25.By how any ways can Eric go to school according to(依據(jù))the text?
A.2 B.4 C.3

( )26. John, What are you doing _________ vacation? I' going to Dalian.
A. for B. to C. with D. in
( )27. ―― The first infiuenza A/H1N1(甲型 HlN流感) started in exico and has sprend傳播) to any parts of the world no
―― That _________ very terrible.
A. listens B. sounds C. hears D. sees
( )28.――_________ are you staying in London?
―― For a week.
A. How any B. How long C. How often D. How soon
( )29. ――I have ________ to tell you.
――Really? What's that?
A. interesting anything B. anything interestitig
C. iflteresting soething D. soething interesting
( )30. Peter often forgets__________ his English book.
A. to bring B. bring C. brought D. bringing
( )31.――Who are you going to Beiing _____?
―― y parents..
A. to B. with C. at D. for
( )32. Jane plans ________ a very different vacation this suer.
A. have B. had C. to have D. having
( )33.y grandparents like living in the______ because it's quiet and clean.
A. city B. countryside C. town D. place
( )34.――Your uncle _________ to see you. He' ll be here soon.
――I' very happy to hear that.
A. coes B. cae C. is coing D. has coe
( )35. ike finished ________ the book just no
A. reading B. to read C. seeing D. to see
( )36. She looks _______ because she has a _______ vacation.
A. relaxed, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxing
C. relaxed, re1axing D. relaxing, relaxed
( )37.The other _______ her son to the library to return (歸還) the books.
A. let B. ade C. saw D. sent
( )38.――I want to _________ in the park toorro
――That's a good idea.
A. go riding bike B. going bike riding C. go bike riding D. going riding bike
( )39. I think Hong Kong is a good place _________ .
A. going to sightsee B. going to C. going sightseeing D. to go sightseeing
( )40.――I' going to Hawaii with y brother this onth.
――___________ .
A. Have a good tie B. The sae to you
C. Let's go D. Good luck

Three soldiers were on their way hoe fro the war.They arrived at a sall village,they were very tired and (41),but they had no food or oney. The only thing they did have was a cooking pot (鍋).
The soldiers built a sall cooking fire,(42) t heir pot on it,and poured in soe water. When a few villagers asked what they were doing, one of the soldiers answered that he was ak ing stone soup. A few ore villagers walking by stopped to (43) what was goingon when they heard about it.
“Any soup needs salt and pepper,”the first soldier said,(44) soe children ran to fetch salt and pepper.“Stones can be used to prepare good soup,but toatoes would (45) it so uch better,” the second soldier added. One woan said“, Why,I think I have a toato or two! ”She ran to get the toatoes.
“Soe cabbage would be a proper choice for a good stone soup! ”said the third soldier. Another woan said,“I think I can probably find soe cabbage,”and (46) she ran.
“If only we had a bit of beef and soe potatoes,this soup would be fit for a rich an's (47).”The villagers thought it over,then ran to fetch what they had in their hoes. A rich an's soup,and all fro a few stones! It seeed like (48)!
The soldiers said“, If only we had a little ilk,this soup would be fit for a king! ”And so other villagers (49) to get soe ilk.
“The soup is ready,”said the cooks,“and all will (50) it,but first we need to set the tables.”Soe of the villagers said,“Such a great soup would be better (51) soe bread and cakes,”so they brought the (52) two things and the eal was (53) by all. Never had there been such a (54) eal. Never had the villagers had such delicious soup,and all ade fro stones! They ate and drank and danced well into the night.
In the orning,the villagers gathered to say goodbye.“any thanks to you,”they said,“for we shall (55) go hungry now that we have learned how to ake soup fro stones.”
41.A.hungry B.bored C.sleepy D.sick
42.A.drew B.threw C.left D.placed
43.A.see B.tell C.iagine D.notice
44.A.but B.so C.or D.while
45.A.cook B.do C.invent D.ake
46.A.about B.in C.off D.out
47.A.health B.oney C.drea D.table
48.A.art B.agic C.interest D.supper
49.A.tried B.returned C.anaged D.cae
50.A.want B.buy C.use D.taste
51.A.over B.besides C.with D.like
52.A.first B.last C.other D.only
53.A.enjoyed B.given C.needed D.brought
54.A.cheap B.proper C.special D.public
65.A.later B.ever C.soeties D.never

One night, I was sitting in y roo half listcning as y l 5-year-old brothcr T'oy fought with y l 2-year-old brother Kevin. I didn't pay attention when Kevin rushed up the stairs with the hurt on his face.
About 20 intutes later, as l was walking upstairs I heard Kevin crying inside thc bathroo. l knocked on the door and asked," Hey, Kevin, do you want to talk?"
No answer.
I tried again, "Why don't you coe out of there?"
Again, no answer.
So, looking around, l grabbed a stack of (一摞 ) cards and a pencil and wrote," If you don't want to talk, we can write notes to each other." An hour later, l was stil1 sitting on the floor outside the bathroo with two stacks of cards in front of e. One was blank and one was cards fro Kevin on which he had translated all his yucky feelings into words for e. As I read one of Kevin's notes, tears cae to y eyes. It said, “ Nohody in this faily cares about e.I' not the youngest, and I' not the oldest. Toy thinks I' silly and Dad wishes he had the other Kevin as a kid because he's better at basketball. And you 're never around to even notice e."
Tears carne to y eyes as l wrote back to hi." You know ,Kevln, I reaIly do love you and I' sorry l don't always show it. I a here for you and you arc loved in this faily."
There was no answer for a whiIe, but then I heard a tearing sound coing fro inside the bathroo. Kevin, who had run out of words wrote on a torn paper cup, "Thanks."
I wrote back," For what?"It returned to e with" Loving e. "on it.
Since then, l try y best to never only half--notice y faily ebers any ore. Kevin and I have a closer relationship no And soeties when one of us notices that the other is upset, we'll sile and say, "Write it on a paper cup."
56.Why did Kevin stay inslde the bath roo alone crying?
A. The writer didn't help hi beat Toy.
B. He felt no 1ove fro the faily ebers.
C. He hurt hiself when rushing up the stairs.
57. Thc underlined word" yucky" ost propably eans
A. terrible B.Exciting C. aazing
58. What could be the reason that Kevin's Dad doesn't likc hi ?
A. Kevin is not as clever as his brother.
B. Kevin is not good at playing basketball.
C.Kevin doesn't like to ake friends with others.

Let’s go caping
What do we do when we go cap? First, we work out a plan. We take food, clothing, a knife, and things for cooking and eating. We take things to keep us away fro insects and the sun.
Then we put everything into the car and we drive to the woods. We look for a place for capers (露營者) and we look for a good place for our tent(帳篷). The place should have a lot of oving air. This will keep soe insects (蟲子) away. High land with water on both sides of it is good. Then we put up our tent. We put everything into the tent, and we are ready for fun. We can swi in the lake, walk in the woods, clib a ountain, row a boat, or go fishing.
  In the evening we coe back to the tent, we build a big fire because it can keep the insects away. We sit aro und the fire and talk. We ay tell interesting stories or we ay sing songs.
At night we lie down on the grass. We can look up at the stars. It is a busy day, so we try to go to sleep early.
  Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. We hope we won’t hear usic fro the radio in the next tent. We hope it wo n’t rain.
  59.Before going to cap we should first ___________.
  A.draw up a plan        B.take soe food
  C.take things to keep us war D.take soething for cooking and eating
  60.Capers can take part in ________ activities.
  A.one or two  B.only a few  C.any  D.two or three
  61.In the evening we build a fire because ________.
  A.it is cold at night      B.it can keep us war
  C.it can keep the insects away D.it is dark and quiet
  62.The capers like to ____ at night.
  A.hear usic fro the radio B.go to sleep early
  C.have rain         D.be busy (ACCB)
The first wild anials taed(馴服)by huans(人類) were dogs. This took place in Europe about10000years.
The first “dogs”were not like the(A)_____we have noaybe they were sall wolves(狼)or a type of dog like the Australian ding.
These dogs probely cae near huans to get soe fod.Soe of their puppies(幼犬)were caught by people and grew up with the.These puppies were quite tae as they grew up They thought huans wre parts of their group.
(B) Huans realized(意識到)the dogs were very helpful to the in a nuber of ways. The dogs helped people hunt(打獵).They could sell and danger before people could helped people keep war on cold nights. It is fun to have the.
Over a long tiepeople were able to keep thedogs for(C)___ purposes(目的).Soe were for hunting soe for herding(放牧) and soe just for pets.These dogs looked quite different fro each other.For exaplea Geran(德國)Shepherd looks different fro aYorkshire terrier.
Now of coursethere are any different types of dogs.(D) 世界上有400多種犬。Today dogs depend on huans ore than any other anials.
63. 在A處和C處分別填入一個適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,使句意完整。_______.________.
64. 將B處劃線句子譯成漢語_____________________.
65. 將D處句子譯成英語________________________.

If you look at the sea fro a spaceship,you ight think that the world is a water world.It′s difficult to see any land at all water covers ost of the earth′s surface.
The sea is like a big store with everything we need in it.People can get fish and other sea anials fro it.We can also find different inerals(礦物質(zhì))in it.In a cubic(立方)ile of water,we can get ninety-four tons of silver(銀)and three tons of gold(金)!It is possible to do this,but it is still difficult.It will cost ore oney to get these things fro the sea than fro the land.
But the sea does bring us a great any things that we can get easily and use. For exaple,we can use lots of sand taken fro the sea to ake glass and ceent(水泥).We not only get salt and sand fro the sea but also get food fro the sea.One day we ay even have undersea fars.
People have done less to study the sea than to study space.It is tie to turn our eyes to the sea.

The earth sees a (66)___ __________ world fro the spaceship.
The sea is like a big store.People can get sea anials,inerals,sand,food and(67)____
People have done (68)___________ to study space than to study the sea.
In the future,(69)________ fars ay appear.

六.翻譯( 6小題,每小題2分,滿分12分)根據(jù)所給漢語和提不翻譯下列句子。

70.王先生正在考慮召開一次會議。(think about)
72.最后,他選定了一件白色的衣服。(decide on)
73.你什么時候回來的? (get back)
74.格林先生總是和他的家人一起過周末。(spend tie)
75. 我相信每天睡8個小時是非常重要的。(iportant)

76.If two′s a copany and three's a crowd,what's four and five?
(如果兩個一伙,三個一群,那么“四和五”呢 ? )
77.What nuber gets bigger when you turn it upside down?.__________
78.Six Kids sit down to play gaes. lf each of the plays one gae with each of the oth ers,how any gaes can the play?___________
79. A cow walks toward the west,then it turns to the north at 90 degress (度) .Do you know in which direction (方向 ) the cow's tail is now?____________
A.West B.South C.East D.Down
80.Read the dialogue and guess the eaning of "has a co" You ay answer it in English or Chinese.
――y other has a cow .
――Because I broke(打破) her favorite glass.

A:Hi,Xiao Peng,long tie no see.(81)________________________________
B:I have been to y hoetown.
B:Yes.But I felt a l ittle sad.
B:I saw any kinds of pollution in y hoetown.
B: Sure. First, the water pollution. In the past, the water in the river was clean and there were a lot of fish in it. But now the water was very dirty.
A: Oh, lt's a great pity.
B: Sccond.Ican see white pollution everywhere.
A: I think we should d o soething useful to protect the environent.
B: The locaI governent has done soething useful to protect the environent
B: Yes, l 'd love to. I want to see what I can do for it.
A: Ok, Let's join in hand.
十•一黃金周(the National Day Golden Week)期間,你要和父母一起游北京,請根據(jù)下面的提示,寫一篇旅游計劃,80詞左右。提示:1)時間:十月一日至六日; 2)交通方式:坐火車; 3)參觀景點:天安門廣場,故宮,鳥巢(the Bird's Nest),水立方(the Water Cube); 4)美食:(Beijing Duck)

1-5AABAA 6-9 CABA 10-11CB 12-14BBA
15-17ACA 18-21ABAB 22-25ACAC
26-30.ABBDA 31-35.BCBCA 36-40.CDCDA
41-45. A D A B D 46-50.CDBCD 51.-55.CBACD
56.-58. BAB 59.-62.ACCB
63.ones. different / any
64. 人類意識到狗在很多方面對人類有幫助。
65. There are ore than / over 400 kinds / types of dogs in the world.
66. Water
67. salt
68. ore
69. undersea
70. r.Wang is thinking about having a eeting.
71. He can’t leave until Wednesday.
72. Finally, he decided on a white dress.
73. When did you get back?
74. r.Green always spends tie with his faily.
75. I believe it’s iportant to sleep eight hours a night.
76.Nine 77.6 78.15 79.D 80.Very angry
81. Where have you been?
82. Did you have a good tie there?
83. Why did you feel sad?
84. Can you describe it in detail?
85. Would you like join us in it?

Text 1. W : What were you doing at this tie yesterday afternoon?
: Let e see. I forgot to take y English book hoe yesterday; aybe I was looking for it.
Q: What was the an doing then?

Text 2. W : Are you better today, To?
: Yes, thanks. The doctor ,says I can go hoe this Friday.
Q: Where is To now?
Text 3. : Hello, Lucyt Will you coe to the park this Sunday?
W : Sorry, I can't. y other is ill.., I have to look after her at hoe.
: I' sorry to hear that.
Q: What will Lucy do this Sunday?

Text 4. W : Which does Kate like best, football, volleyball or basketball?
:I think she l4es yplleyball best.
Q: Which is Kate's favorite sport?

Text 5. : Susan, what kips of food do yon like eating best for your. breakfast?
W: I like porridge and ,egg.
:Anything else?
W: Well, soe bread, too.
Q: What's Susan's favorite breakfast?
Text 6.:What’s To doing for vacation?
W:He is going bike riding.
Q: What’s To doing for vacation?
Text 7.: What are you doing for vacation, Jane?
W: I' spending tie with y friends.
Q: What is Jane doing for vacation?
Text 8 W: What are you doing for vacation, ike?
: I' visiting y grandother.
Q: What is ike doing for vacation?
Text 9.W: What are you doing for vacation, ichael?
: I' relaxing at hoe.
Q: What is ichael doing for vacation?

Text 10:
W: Hi, Lin Tao. What are you doing now?
: I' watching the news on TV. Why?
W: Don't you know the foothall atch between Shanghai Shenhua Tea and Daliaip Shide
Tea will start at 7: 00 p. . in HanKou Stadiu?
: Really? .Have you got tickets?
W : Yeah, I've got two.
: Let e finish watching the news. It will be over at 6:30 p. . I think we can be in tie
for the atch.
W:OK. Hurry up. I'll wait for you.
Text 11:
: Hello.
W : Hello. This is ary. ay I speak to r Brown?
: This is r Brown speaking. Is there anything I can do for you?
W: I' afraid I can't coe to school today. And I' sorry to say I will ask for two or three
days' leave.
:What's the atter with you?
W: I have a cold. I' staying in bed.
: I' sorry to hear that. You need a good rest then. Can you ask Susan to tell you the
hoework and lend you a notebook?
Text 12:
: Hi, Gina. The suer vacation is coing. What are you doing for vacation?
W: Well,I' visiting y old grandfather. He lives in the countryside.
:Oh, that's a good idea.When are you going?
W: On the 20th of this onth. It's next Thursday.
Text 13:
W: Hello. Happy Travel Agency. Can I help you?
:Yes,we plan to go to Beijing next week. Can you tell e soething about it?
W: OK. What do you want to know?
:Well, how any visitors are there in a group?
W: There are about 35. Two tour guides will look after you.
; How long does it take to go there and coe back?
W: We have seven-day trips.
: Good.. How uch do we need to pay?
W: Well, about 400 yuan each person.
: It's not so expensive.When shall we start?
W : U, every onday we have a bus to Beijing.
: I see.Thanks.
W: You are welcoe.
Text 14:
ary always takes the subway to school. She likes watching people and relaxing. It 's five iles to her school and takes about 15 inutes.Eric usually walks to school. It takes about 25 inutes. But soeties he rides his bike. It takes about .10 inutes by bike. He can also take the school bus. but he doesn't like it. He doesn't have any friends on the bus. It's boring.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/206256.html
