
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)



Ⅰ 聽句子,選擇與所聽句子內(nèi)容相符的圖片
(  )1. 
(  )2. 
(  )3. 
(  )4. 
(  )5. 
Ⅱ 聽句子,選擇恰當?shù)拇鹫Z
(  ) 6.   A. News     B. Comedies     C .Soap operas
 (  ) 7. A. 15 minutes  B . By  bus    C. I’m free on Sundays
 (  ) 8. A. No, it has the worst service.  B. 30 yuan a meal.   C. It’s very far from my home.
 (  ) 9. A . At 19:00   B. Fruit salad.   C. Game shows
 (  ) 10.  A. In the market    B. Yes, I do it once a week.  C. I went shopping yesterday.
Ⅲ 聽以下兩段對話,選擇最佳答案。
  聽下面一段對話,回答第11至12 兩個小題
(  ) 11. What does Peter’s new friend look like ?
     A. He has blue eyes and black hair.   B. He has black eyes and black hair. 
C. He has black eyes and brown hair.
(  )12. Who is more outgoing , Peter or Peter’s new friend ?
A. Peter   B. Peter’s new friend   C. We don’t know.
聽下面一段對話,回答第13至15 兩個小題
(  )13. What does the boy think is the best radio station in town ?
  A. Jammin’s 107 FM   B. Oldies 102.1 FM    C. Easy Listening 979.
(  )14. What is the most popular radio station for the girl ?
A. Jammin’s 107 FM    B. Oldies 102.1 FM    C. Easy Listening 979.
(  )15. Why does the boy think Oldies 102.1 FM is the worst ?
  A. Because it doesn’t tell stories.    B. Because it has the worst music.
C. Because it can’t give people help.
Ⅳ 聽短問,選擇正確的答案。
(  )16. How many movie theaters are there in the town ?
 A. Two     B. Three.     C. Four
(  )17, What’s Screen City like ?
 A. It has the most comfortable seats. B. It has the smallest screens . C. It’s the cheapest.
(  )18. Which movie theater is the most expensive ?
A. Screen  City    B. Town Cinema.  C. Movie Palace
(  )19. What does the speaker think of Movie Palace ?
A. It’s the cheapest.   B. It has the best service .  C. It is the newest.
(  )20. Which movie theater is the closest one to the speaker’s home?
A. Screen City   B. Movie Palace   C. Town Palace.


(  )21 .— How often do you write to your friends ?
         —_____ . I’m busy with my study . 
A. once a month    B. About twice a month  C. Almost every day   D. Maybe once a week
(  )22.The movie was ___ and we want to see it again .
A. enough boring     B. boring enough     C. enough wonderful   D. wonderful enough
(  )23. Mrs Brown is nice . Every day she tried to cook __ for me when I stayed in Canada .
A. something different  B, different anything   C. nothing different  D. different everything
(  )24.. Speak louder ,please ! I can ___ hear you .
A. usually  B almost    C. hardly    D. nearly
(  )25. I am good at math , but his English is ___ than mine .
         A. much  better   B. more better   C. very better   D. pretty better
(  )26. — Will you buy the white watch or the red one ?
         ___ I’ll take ___ .One is for my mother and the other is for my sister .
        A. both      B. either      C. all     D. each
(  )27. I often watch them ___ the piano .
A. played     B playing    C pay   D to play
(  )28.The girl under the tree is new here , so ___ people know her .
        A. few     B a few   C. little    D a little
(  )29. The students are so ___ to watch such an ____ movie .
 A. exciting , excited   B. excited . exciting   C. exciting . exciting   D. excited ,  excited
(  )30.-___ kind girl Jenny is !
        - Yes . Everyone likes her very much .
         A. What        B. What a       C. How     D. How a
(  )31. Tony is only shorter than Jim. He is ____ in his class .
A. the tallest    B. the two tallest    C. the second tallest   D. second tallest
(  )32. _____ is interesting _____ us to watch game shows .
A. He , for       B. that , to      C. This , to     D. It , for
(  )33. I didn’t go to the mountains _____ the bad weather .
         A. so          B. because of       C. because     D. but  
(  )34. We planned ____ the Great Wall . And I expect ____ there earlier .
         A visit , go       B. to visit , to go     C. visit , to go    D. to visit , go
(  )35.— We’ll have an English exam this afternoon .
         A. That’s great .    B. You are good   C. Good luck to you  D. Sorry to hear that
I’m Molly .My best friend is Annie .When I was a little girl at a summer camp , a girl
came up to me and wanted to play _36_me .“Be my best friend ?She asked and gave me her 37.So Annie and I knew each other and became __38__.A few weeks later , I went to find Annie _39_I wanted to shared my chocolate with her .Annie __40__chocolate ! When I went near the
group ,I __41__Annie ask another girl ,“Be my best friend ?”And the girl answered .“Really? I thought you were Molly’s best friend !”Annie said ,“Yeah, but today I want a(n) _42_ friend .”I tried not to __43__.I ran to the river ,threw away the __44__ and cried loudly .Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder . It was Ann“Don’t cry ! I just wanted to help the _45_girl.Hearing that , I gave her my hand .
 (  )36.  A. in          B. with           C. at              D. on
(  )37.  A. arm         B. leg            C. hand          D. foot
(  )38.  A. classmates   B. brothers        C. cousins        D. friends
(  )39.  A. if           B. so             C. but           D. because
(  )40.  A. loved        B. made          C. sold          D. had
(  )41.  A. saw         B. heard          C. watched       D. helped
(  )42.  A. new         B. different       C. active         D. healthy
(  )43.  A. dream       B. cry            C. forget         D. laugh
(  )44.  A. photo       B. postcard       C. letter           D. chocolate
(  )45.  A. lazy        B. smart          C. shy           D. clever
It was a dark and cold night . The taxi driver didn’t have even one passenger (乘客) all day . when he went by the bus station . He saw a young man coming out with two bags in his hands . So he quickly opened the door of the car and asked , “Where do you want to go ,sir ?”
  “ To Star Hotel ,” the young man answered . When the taxi driver heard this , he didn’t feel happy any more . He knew the young man could give him only three dollars because the hotel was not far from the bus station . But suddenly (突然地) he had an idea . He took the passenger through many streets of the big city .
   After a long time , the car arrived at the hotel at last . “ You should pay me fifteen dollars .” the driver said to the young man “What ? Fifteen dollars ! Do you think I’m a fool (傻子) ? Only last week , I took a taxi from the bus station to the same hotel and I only gave the driver thirteen dollars . I know how much I have to pay for the trip .I won’t pay you one dollar more than I paid to the other taxi driver last week . ”
(  )46.  When did the story happen ?
A. in the morning     B  at noon     C .in the afternoon   D on a cold night
(  )47.The driver felt very ___ when he saw the young man coming out of the bus station
A.   un happy    B  worried     C sad      D excited
(  )48.  From the passage we know that the young man ____
       A. didn’t want to stay in the city 
B. knew clearly how far it was from the bus station to the hotel  
 C He didn’t know the city well  
D He came to the city by plane
(  )49.  What do you think of the driver ?
A. He was a kind and helpful man      B. He was good at driving   
C He was a dishonest man            D He was good and clever
(  )50.  The taxi driver took the young man through many street to _____
A. make the young man happy        B. get more than twenty dollars
C. let the young man think it was very far from the bus station to the hotel
D .let the young man have a good look at the city
Long long ago there was a poor man. He had an orange tree in his garden . on the tree there were many oranges . One day he found one of his oranges was much bigger than the others . It was as big as a football . Nobody had seen such a big orange . The poor man took the orange to the King . The King was so happy that he gave the man a lot of money for it .
When a rich man heard of (聽說) it . He said to himself . “It’s only an orange . Why did the King give so much money for it ? . I’ll take my gold cup to the King . He’ll give me more money .”
The next day when the King received the gold cup . He said to the rich man “What a beautiful cup !  I’ll show you something wonderful ! Please take this great orange .
(  )51.The poor man had an orange tree _____
A . beside his garden   B . outside his garden   C . in his garden   D . near his garden
(  )52. The poor man was surprised to see ____ a football .
   A .all the oranges on the tree were like      B. one of his oranges was as big as
C . what was on his tree was              D . one of his oranges was bigger than
(  )53. Why did the poor man take the biggest orange to the King ?
    A . Because the King had never seen such a big orange
    B . Because he could sell the orange to the King .
    C. Because the King liked to eat big oranges
    D. Because he wanted to get much money
(  )54. The rich man took his gold cup to the King . He thought ___
    A.. the King would give him the biggest orange
    B . the King would give him a new house
    C . he could get much more money than the poor man
    D . The King would give him something wonderful
(  )55 . At last the King gave the rich man ____ .
    A. the biggest orange       B. a lot of money than he expected
    C. what he wished to get    D. Nothing  
Walt Disney was born in 1901. He created the Mickey Mouse in 1927 . It made him very famous . He died in 1966, but his work and his dreams did not die. Now people all over the world enjoy his Mickey Mouse and other cartoons.
     Walt Disney was a man who did not give up easily. One summer, he wanted a job in a post
office, but they told him that he was too young. He went home, drew some lines on his face. And put on his father's suit and hat. Then he went back to the same office and told them he was 18. He got the job finally.
     Later in his life, Mr. Disney had a dream . He wanted to build a new kind of amusement park. It would be clean and beautiful. The children could play happily there and the adults could live in nice hotels . It would be fun for people of all ages .  It was called Disneyland. Engineers told him it was an impossible dream. His family and friends thought he was mad. But Mr. Disney did not give up his idea. In1955, Disneyland opened to the public and became the most successful amusement park in the USA. Walt Disney's dream came true.
(  )56. When did Walt Disney creative  his Mickey Mouse ?
  A. in 1927      B. in 1955      C. in 1901      D. in 1966
(  )57. Walt Disney might be ____ years old when he got a job in a post office .
   A. less than 18        B. 19       C. 22     D. 18
(  )58. What does the words “  give up”mean in China ?
  A. 吃驚          B. 高興        C.  給予        D. 放棄
(  )59. The first Disneyland opened to the public in ____ in 1955 .
  A. China          B. America     C. Japan      D. We don’t know
(  )60. Which people can play or live in the Disneyland ?
   A. Children           B. Adults      C. Students     D. All the above
     The reality show (真人秀) is a kind of television program . Usually a reality show has any series (集) . And it can be on TV for many years .
     The reality show is quite different other kinds of TV shows . Because it shows the life of common people and no actors or actresses play in it . It often shows true stories that happen or in people’s daily life. So many people like to watch reality shows .
The first reality show came out in the 1990s in American . At that time , the most famous and popular reality show was Survivor . It was popular not only in American . But also around the world .
Reality shows also show different kinds of competitions . For example , there’s a Chinese reality show called The Voice of China . In this show , there are four famous Chinese singers . Their job is to find their favorite students and help them be the winner . The show is very successful . Many people like to watch it .
61. What is the reality show ?
62. Are there any actors acting in the reality show ?
63. When and Where did the first reality show happen ?
64. What program is The Voice of China ?
65. What do the four Chinese singers do in The Voice of China ?
Andy:  Hello , Kevin . You didn’t come to my birthday party yesterday , Why ?
Kevin : ____66____
Andy : Your cousin Edison ? Do you look the same ?
Kevin : _67_ But Edison is a little taller and stronger than me .He always beats me in basketball .
 Andy : ____68______
 Kevin : Yes, we both like reading books and playing computer games .
 Andy : That sounds great . ___69___ Is he outgoing ?
 Kevin :Yes , he’s more outgoing than me . He likes making friends .
 Andy : Can you Introduce(介紹)him to me ?
 Kevin : __70______   
Sports aren’t only for men. Amantle Montsho is one of the __71__ women in the world.
    Amantle Montsho was lovely__72__ she was a child . She liked running ,but her classmates often __73__ at her . Because women in her country didn’t like to run . But she never cared __74_ that . She took part in (參加) a lot of _75_ and won . The Botswana National Sports Council( 博茨瓦納國際體育委員會) had a meeting and asked her to join them .
At the age of 16 . Ms Montsho worked as a shop clerk (職員) . She spent her free time ___76 . And the council asked __77__ to work on a program for two weeks a month . So she had to travel for 8 to 10 hours for it .
The short race were not the __78_fit (適合) for her . Then she started to run the 400-meter race . she _79_ the national record (全國記錄) many times. She’s so _80__ now. people think she is one of the most talented runners in the world .
六、完成句子  (每小題2分,共計10分)
 ____ to Ren shou !  ____ do you like Renshou ____ ____
 He is ___ ___ telling stories . He often ____ us ____
He ___ ____ ____ to the ___
Beijing ___ one of ___ ___ ___ in China .
The smartphone ____ ____  ____  ____ in today’s life .
假如你是John ,根據(jù)下面的表格信息,寫一篇短文介紹你和你的朋友Mary的相同和不同
姓名 相同點 不同點
Mary 1. 喜歡音樂和運動
3. 學習努力 1. 更高,更開朗
2. 喜歡看電影
3. 天天鍛煉
John  1. 喜歡玩電子游戲
2. 每周鍛煉三次


英 語 答 題 卡
題號 聽力 筆試 總分
  一 二 三 四 五 六 七 
1-5 __ __ __ __ __ 6-10__ __ __ __ __ 11-15 __ __ __ __ __ 16-20 __ __ __ __ __
一、單選:21-25__ __ __ __ __ 26-30__ __ __ __ __ 31-35__ __ __ __ __
二、完形填空:36-40__ __ __ __ __  41-45__ __ __ __ __
三、閱讀理解:46-50__ __ __ __ __ 51-55__ __ __ __ __ 56-60__ __ __ __ __
四、補全對話 66-70__ __ __ __ __  
五、短文填空  71. _______  72._______    73.______  74.______  75.____                 
  76._______   77_______    78. ______  79._____  80.____
81_____  _____  _____  ______    82 _____  _____  _____  ______
83_____  _____  _____  ______    84 _____  _____  _____  ______
85_____  _____  _____  ______
姓名 相同點 不同點
Mary 1. 喜歡音樂和運動
3. 學習努力 1. 更高,更開朗
2. 喜歡看電影
3. 天天鍛煉
John  1. 喜歡玩電子游戲
2. 每周鍛煉三次
姓名 相同點 不同點
Mary 1. 喜歡音樂和運動
3. 學習努力 1. 更高,更開朗
2. 喜歡看電影
3. 天天鍛煉
John  1. 喜歡玩電子游戲
2. 每周鍛煉三次
聽力1——5 BBBAB     6——10 BAACB     11——15 BBACB    16——20 BABAC
筆試一、 21——25 BDACA  26——30 ACABB     31——35 CDBBC
二、完形填空   36——40 ACDDA     41——45BABDC
三、閱讀理解   46——50 DDCCC    51——55 CBACA     56——60 AADBD
61. It’ a kind of TV program and it has many series .
62. No, there aren’t .        
63. It happened in America , in the 1990s
64. It’s a famous Chinese reality show
65. They find their favorite students and help them be the winner
四、補全對話 66——70   FCGBE
五、短文填空補缺  71. fastest   72. when    73. laughed   74. about   75. competitions
                   76. running   77. her     78. best      79. broke   80. successful
六、完成句子 81. Welcome    How  so far   
82. better  at    makes  laugh
             83. hardly  ever   goes  movies   
84. is  the  biggest  cities  
85. play a great role


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/257000.html
