牛津英語8B Unit7課時練習(xí)題7課時(譯林版新教材附答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
8B Unit7 International charities
Period1(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)
1. The sea is very beautiful, _______ (尤其) when the sky is blue and the sun shines.
 2. We have learnt some_______ (基本的) skills of reading and writing.
 3. Can you give us an introduction of your_______ (教育) background?
 4. We are_______ (平等的) in every way.
 5. Everyone has the_______ (權(quán)利) to express themselves.
 6. The_______ (擴(kuò)散) of the disease was faster than we expected.
(    ) 1. _______ helps governments and families make the world a better place for children
    A. ORBIS      B. WWF      C. Oxfam     D. UNICEF
(    ) 2. -It's time to have_______ lunch, Bob.
    -Oh, let me finish my work first. Then let's have_______ big lunch.
    A. /; a       B. /; !      C. a; a    D. a; /
(    ) 3. Take it easy. There's still a little time_______.
    A. left       B. leave      C. leaving    D. will leave
(    ) 4. Jim is_______ tired_______ finish the work.
    A. very; to      B. so; that     C. too; to     D. too; not to
(    ) 5. -Remember to close the door before you leave.
    A. Sorry, I won't         B. Yes, I will
    C. I can if I wish         D. It's hard for me to do that
  l. You should try _______ (improve) your spoken English to make yourself understood.
  2. He often spends his free time_______ (train) the young workers.
  3. He turned off the lights and then_______ (leave) the classroom.
  4. The river_______ (rise) by 3 metres already. It's very dangerous.
  5. It seemed difficult_______ (get) inside because the line was so long.
  6. Mary will tell him the news as soon as she_______ (see) him.
  7. -Did you notice her enter the office just now?
    -No, I_______ (repair) my computer all the time.
  8. Think hard and you_______ (come) up with some good ideas.
  9. -What's the terrible noise?
    -Oh, the neighbours_______ (prepare) for tomorrow's party.
 10. The old man keeps walking around this street. I think he is new here and now he has trouble_______ (find) his way.
    Is the art of conversation dying? The other day, my wife   l   two teenage children did something we haven't   2   for ages. It didn't require the Internet, a TV screen9 batteries... or anything else for that matter. But we all   3   it so much we're thinking of doing it again sometime.
    We had a conversation. The kind of real, live conversation was   4    when I was growing up, but which seems all too rare these days. Today we have chat rooms, text messages, e-mails but we seem to be losing the   5    of communicating face-to-face. We all know   6 young people are out on a date(約會) these days, they spend most of that time   7   their mobile phones. And teenagers nowadays seem to   8   communicating with their friends by sending text messages rather than actually   9   to them.
    If we carry on like this, in the future, we'll lose the use of our    10   . What do you think of it? E-mail me, and who knows? Maybe we could even have a real conversation about it !
(    )1. A. and     B. or     C. but     D. after
(    )2. A. made     B. known   C. done     D. seen
(    )3. A. acted     B. blamed   C. decided   D. enjoyed
(    )4. A. common    B. careful     C. extra     D. enough
(    )5. A. name     B. art     C. attention  D. aim
(    )6. A. because   B. how     C. when     D. unless
(    )7. A. buying     B. collecting  C. repairing  D. answering
(    )8. A. dislike     B. prefer     C. admire     D. believe
(    )9. A. writing     B. introducing  C. speaking    D. hurrying
(    )10. A. eyes     B. voices     C. mouths   D. hands
    Many years ago, when I was working as a volunteer at a hospital, l got to know a little girl named Lisa. The poor little girl had a very serious disease and was dying. The doctor had done his best but no medicine really worked. The only chance to save her seemed to be a blood transfusion(輸血) from her five-year-old brother. The little boy had the same disease before and had developed the antibodies(抗體) to fight the illness.
    The doctor talked to the little boy about what they planned to do, and asked him if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate(遲疑) for a moment. He took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I'll do it if it can save Lisa."
    As the transfusion was going on, the little boy lay quietly in bed next to his sister. He looked at her and smiled all the time. When everything was done and the colour returned to his  sister's face, his smile disappeared(消失) and he looked a little afraid. He looked up at the doctor and asked, "Will I start to die now?"
    He was too young to understand the doctor. He thought he would have to give all his blood to his sister, but he agreed.
(    ) l. The doctor wanted the little boy to_______.
    A. give all his blood to his sister
    B. give some of his blood to his sister
    C. give his life to his sister   
    D. get the same disease as his sister
(    ) 2. How did the five-year-old boy understand the doctor's plan?
    A. He thought he was going to lose all his blood.
    B. He thought he was going to be killed.
    C. He thought he was going to die together with his sister.
    D. He thought he was going to die when he grew up.
(    ) 3. What did the boy feel when the doctor talked to him about the transfusion?
    A. He was unhappy to help his sister.
    B. He was so afraid that he refused to do anything.
    C. He cried for his sister.
    D. He was willing to give his blood.
(    ) 4. What happened to the little girl named Lisa?
    A. She died of a very serious disease.
    B. She got better with the antibodies from her brother.
    C. She lost her little brother.
    D. The transfusion failed and her illness got worse.
(    ) 5. The writer still remembered the story many years later_______.
    A. because the little girl had a very strange disease
    B. because the sister and brother had the same disease
    C. because the doctor saved the little girl's life
D. because of what the boy did for his sister
Don't worry. ____________________________________________________________
一. 1. especially    2. basic    3. education    4. equal    5. right    6. spread
二. 1-5 DAACB
三. 1. to improve    2. training . 3. left    4. has risen    5. to get    6. sees   
7. was repairing   8. will come    9. are preparing   10. finding
四. 1—10  ACDAB  CDBCB
五. 1-5 BADBD
六. 1. I'm too weak to walk any further.
    2. We have ten minutes left.
    3. Do you know about any international charities?
    4. UNICEF provides basic education for children in poor areas.
    5. The charity works for the equal rights of girls and women.
    6. They have prevented the spread of the serious disease
    7. More money is needed for charity.
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/257863.html
