
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

時(shí)間:100分鐘  總分:100分

  Appearance:                                      Ability:
  big and strong                                      can run very fast
    _6___eyes                                       good at 10 other animals
  yellow ___7____
  ___8____hair on the head                             Food:
  usually can live ___9____years
  (    )11.It is a letter from some students to a newspaper.
  (    )1 2.They wrote the letter because they wanted to play golf.
  (    )13.Wetlands can clean the water in a natural way.
  (    )14.If Yuejin Company builds a golf court in the wetland,many animals and plants will die.
  (    )15.We can build another place to clean the water.
  (    )1.Hey,Daniel.You should not drop litter so___________.
          A.careful       B.carefully      C.careless       D.car elessly
  (    )2.If it ________ tomorrow,we’11 go boating in Xuanwu Lake park.
          A.doesn’t rain      B.rain      C.won’t rain      D.didn’t rain
  (    )3.一Is Kitty really hardworking?
          一Ye  s_she keeps ________ dancing every day.
          A.practicing       B.to practice      C.practiced       D.practices
  (    )4.We need to ________ the problem in time—we can’t leave it till tomorrow.
          A.read           B.work           C.solve          D.a(chǎn)ttack
  (    )5.Baby giant pandas ________ a lot of time ________ their mothers’milk every day.
          A.spend;to drink                  B.cost;drinking
          C.take;to drink                    D.spend;drinking
  (     )6.There are not many red—crowned cranes today and the number of them ________
          getting ________.
          A.a(chǎn)re;fewer and fewer              B.a(chǎn)re;smaller and smaller
          C.is;fewer and fewer               D.is;sma]ler and smaller
  (    )7.一Who is your favourite teacher?
          一My English teacher,of course.She often encourages me ________ and helps me
          a lot with my English.
          A.to study hard                     B.studying hard
          C.studies hard                      D.study hard
  (    )8.一Is Jay Chou really coming to our school?
          一Yes,of course.You see we are all in ________ to prepare for it.
          A.a(chǎn) hurry         B.hurries         C.hurry          D.the hurry
(    )9.一What’s the weather like today?
          It’s ________.We can not go for a picnic as usual.
          A.cloudy         B.sunny
          C.fine           D.rainy
(    )10.一Would you like to go to the cinema with me?
—  ___________ 
          A.Yes,I'd like to                B.No.I wouldn't
          C.No,I don’t want to go with you D.Yes,1 would
  (    )11.一May I know your telephone number?
            一WelI,you may call me ________ 025—5567 2354.
            A.on           B.for            C.in             D.with
  (    )12.In fact wolves am not as ________ as you think,and they seldom attack people.
           A.dangerous                 B.more dangerous
           C.the most dangerous          D.dangerously
  (    )13.I like shopping in Xinjiekou,________ I don’t like the busv tramc there.It’s very hard for buses to move.
            A.a(chǎn)nd          B.but            C.because        D.or
  (    )14.The old man knows the number of the birds here by ________ once a year.
            A.doing a bird count            B.feeding them every day
            C.watching them               D.teaching them to speak
   (    )15.Which of the following is not a natural disaster?
             A.Typhoon.               B.Traffic accidents.
             C.Flood.                  D.Snowstorm.
    1.We are __________ (go)to the Red Hill Forest Zoo for a school trip tom0ITow.
    2.Monkeys are very clever,they can learn to ride bicycles __________ (easy).
    3.一I’m leaving for London for a holiday tomorro',~.
       一Enjoy __________ (you).
    4.I advise you __________ (not come)to school late again.
    5.Who is the __________  (write)of Harry Potter Ⅳ?
    6.The TV programme will not be __________ (結(jié)束)until midnight.
    7.If hunters catch a tiger,they often kill it for its __________ (毛皮)and bones.
    8.一What’s your favourite food?
       一 I like __________ (三明治)best.
    9.If you leave litter __________ (到處),you will be unweleome.
    10.Elephants help farmers if people __________ (訓(xùn)練)them.


Simon:Hi.Andy.What’s this in the picture?Is this your favourite dog?
Andy:It looks like a dog,but it’s not a dog.It’s a___11_______.It lives in the wild forest____12_____
Simon:Oh,it seems the wolves are ____13_____.What are they afraid of?
Andy:They are afraid of people.Many people ____14______ trees,and more and more wo1ves have ____15______ to live.   
    Simon:Oh,poor wolves!
    Andy:If this continues,we won’t see wolves in the world any more.
    Simon:I agree with you.We should try our best to help them.
    1.Mr wu told us to leave school at once.The snowstorm got even worse.(用適當(dāng)?shù)倪B詞合并為一句)
       Mr Wu told us to leave school at once __________ the snowstorm got even worse.
2.I like the parrot best because it has colorful feathers.(對(duì)畫線部分提問)
       __________ _____________ you like the parrot best?
    3.“Don’t play computer games after schoo1.”Mr Wang warned ns.(改為同義句)
      Mr Wang warned us _______ ________ play computer game after schoo1.
    4.Baby pandas can not live on their own when they are very young.(改為同義句)
       Baby pandas can not live __________ __________ when they are very young.
    5.There was much fog this morning.(改為同義句)
       It __________ __________ this morning.
       She __________ __________ and began to tell the story.
       The students walked ________ _______ the classroom ________ ________ ________
    3.你必須往 回走,因?yàn)槟阕叩姆较虿粚?duì)。
       You must turn back because you are going in ________ ________ ________.
       ________ ________ people are trying_______ _______ the people ________ in the fire.
       We must help those ________ __________ .
    A:Are you free this weekend?
A:Would you like to go doing a bird c ount with us at the Wildlife Park?
    B:When is it?
    B:What time does it start?
    B:I'd like to go.When and where shall we meet that day?
A:_____4_____ We’ll go there by bus.
A.9:00 a.m..outside the school gate.
B.Nothing much.Why?
C.OK.See you on Sunday.
D.It starts at 10:00 a.m.a(chǎn)nd finishes at 4:00 p.m.
E.It’s on  Sunday,28 th Novemb er.

1.__________  2.__________  3.__________   4.__________  5.__________
Once there was an old mall in a town.He always forgot    1    things.So his wife always had to say to him,“Don’t forget this!”O(jiān)ne day he went on a long trip(旅行)alone.Before he_____2___ home,his wife said,“Now you have all these____3______.They are what you need for your trip.Take care of your things during the trip.”He went to the station,bought a ticket and ____4______ the train with it.
____5______ haft an hour later,the conductor began to check the tickets,He came to the old man and said,“Will you please ____6______ me your ticket?”The old marl looked for his ticket in all his pockets,but he could not find _____7_____.He was very worried.“I can’t find my ticket.I realty bought a ticket _____8_____ I got on the train,”said the old man.
“I believe(相信)you have bought a ticket.All right,you don’t have to buy _____9_____ one,”said the conductor kindly.“But how can I know ____10______ I'm going?I can’t remember my station!,the old man said sadly.
  (    )1.A.a(chǎn) lot of       B.a(chǎn) kind of      C.a(chǎn) piece of       D.a(chǎn) pair of
  (    )2.A.got          B.1eft          C.went           D.moved
  (    )3.A.money       B.clothes        C.tickets         D.things
  (    )4.A.got off       B.went on       C.got on          D.passed on
  (    )5.A.About       B.On           C.At              D.In
  (    )6.A.tell          B.show         C.take            D.get
  (    )7.A.it           B.this           C.them           D.ticket
  (    )8.A.but          B.till           C.before          D.a(chǎn)fter
  (    )9.A.other        B.the other       C.the others       D.a(chǎn)nother
  (    )10.A.how        B.what          C.where          D.who
It’s feeding time at the zoo,and Mr King,the keeper,has ten animals to feed.
Mr King likes feeding the animals.First he goes to the elephants and feeds them and talks to them a bit.Then he goes to the parrots.Everyone watches while he feeds the parrots so that it takes him a long time.Then he goes up to the wolf house,where he has two wolves,and then he goes next door to the tigers.After he feeds the wolves and tigers,he goes to the snake house.Not very many people like snakes,so there aren’t many people there.Then he goes on to feed the zebras.a(chǎn)nd after that to the squirrels.He has a baby squirrel at the moment.so he spends some time 1ooking after him.Then he goes to the swans,and then to the birds.Last of a11,he feeds the pandas.People like pandas very much.They live only in China.
根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,按順序排出Mr King喂養(yǎng)動(dòng)物的路線。


The trouble started when Mrs Cady lost control of her car on a mountain road.The car fell down thirty feet from the road into the water.It rolled over once and landed right side up in the rushing water.All three people,Mrs Cady,and her two daughters,were wearing their seatbelts.Luckily,nob ody was hurt;however,they couldn’t leave the car.
The rescue(救援)started almost at once.Another driver told the police about the trouble.The police called rescue workers and a truck to pull the car out.The driver of the truck,Paul.a(chǎn)rrived first.Immediately(立刻)he took a rope from his truck and began to walk through the rushing water to the car.Then he got caught in the ropes.He went under the water by the ear.Mrs Cady saw him and pulled as hard as she could and brought him to the car door.
Next the other rescue workers arrived.They put on special suits to keep warm.They brought safety ropes,life jackets,and warm blankets.First they pulled the people out of the back window onto the top of the car.Then they swam with each person to shore.They saved Paul,Mrs Cady,and the little girls.
(    )6.Where did the trouble start?
        A.In the river.            B.On a mountain road.
        C.Under the water.        D.In a big city.
(    )7.How many people were in danger?
        A.One.      B.Two.      C.Three.      D.Four.
(    )8.Who was Paul?
        A.A man in Mrs.Cady’s car.       B.A policeman.
        C.A doctor.                       D.The driver of a rescue truck.
(    )9.Who brought Paul to the car door?
        A.Mrs Cady.             B.Mr Cady.
        C.The girls.              D.The rescue workers.
(    )10.What was the most possible(可能)season when the trouble took place?
        A.Spring.    B.Summer.   C.Fall.      D.Winter.

Green sea turtle
Strange,but the green sea turtle is not that green.  It’s certainly not as green as a tree.  In fact,its shell(殼)is nearly black or brown.The largest hard-shel led sea turtle is between 200 and 300 pounds heavy and a shell is between 36 and 43 inches(英尺)long.But its head is smaller than other turtles.
Little baby green sea turtles are only two inches long.As the turtle grows up,its shell keeps mostly black while the body turns orange or brown.Young turtles like living in the sea,especially in areas with 1ots of sea grasses.
Green sea turtles,like all sea turtles,are very different from land or river turtles.All sea turtles can swim through the water faster.Instead of feet for walking,sea turtles have flippers(鰭狀肢)which are better for swimming.The flippers aren’t good on land,however,and walking is hard for a sea turtle because they are usually big and heavy.
One other interesting thing about a sea turtle’s flippers is that they cannot be pulled into their shells.Land turtles can pull their feet into their shells for protection.but a sea turtle can’t.
11.回答問題:Are green sea turtles green?
13.回答問題:Why is walking hard for green turtles?
14.寫出“Green sea turtles are very different from land or river turtles.”的同義句:
15.回答問題:What is the interesting difference between sea turtles and land turtles?
The Olympic Games will be held in our country.As a g _________ many people will be visiting the country,the government will b        new hotels,a large stadium,and a fine new s         poo1.The Games will be held just outside the c       and the whole area will be  c        “Olympic City”.Workers will finish the new roads at the end of this year.B        the end of next year,they will have finished work on the new stadium.The fine modenl buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter.E       will watch anxiously as the new buildings go up.We are all very    e        _ and are looking f       _ to the Olympic Games because they have n      ___been held before in this country.
1.____________2.____________3._____________4.____________5.____________  6.____________7._____________8._____________9.____________10.____________

3月16日凌晨?jī)牲c(diǎn)鐘,一場(chǎng)大火吞噬了福建省福州市某公寓。大火持續(xù)了兩小時(shí),燒毀了許多房子。還有兩人在火中喪命。失火原因是一家飯店用火不當(dāng)(the misuse of fire)。

A)1.They are lovely and clever animals in the sea.They.hke swimming in groups.They are very friendly to people.They can play tricks.
2.Amy is writing a letter to her friend.
3.It has white feathers and long thin neck.I fike it.
4.It rained heavily for several days.The water covers all places.
5.It is sunny and the temperature is seven to nine degree above zero.
    (1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A)
B)A:We must decide which  kind of animal we want to help.Let’s look in this book of animals.
    B:Wow,what’s that?
    A:I think it's a lion.It’s the king of animals.   
    B:Yeab.This lion is the largest lion.It is 3.35 metres long and weighs almost 318 kilograms.
    A:It looks very big and strong。I love its bright eyes.
    B:Look at its yellow fur and long hair on the head.It looks so beautiful!
    A:Yes,and lions can run very fast too.They’re also very good at hunting other animals.
    B:I hear lions usually live thirteen years,but one lion in a German zoo lived to be twenty—nine years old!
    A:Are lions your favourite animals?
    (6.bright 7.fur 8.10ng 9.thirteen/13 10.hunting)
C)Dear editor of Yangzi evening newspaper,
    Please help us save the wetlands.   
Yuejin Company wants to build a golf court there.The animals living there will die.Many of them are endangered!Many plants in the wetlands do not grow anywhere else.  Wetlands are helpful.They clean our water in a natural way.It is impossible to build a place to clean our water.
    Our government is worki ng hard to protect the wetlands.People will be sad if the company makes them into a golf court.
    Please tel]Yuejin Company to build the golf court in another place!
    Yours sincerely
    Some students from Sunshine Secondary School

(11. T 12.F 13.T 14.T 15.F)
Ⅱ.1.D    2.A   3.A  4.C  5.D 6.D  7.A  8.A  9.D
10.A   11.A  12.A 13.B 14.A 15.B
III.1.going 2.easily 3.yourself 4.not to come 5.writer 6.over 7.fur 8.sandwiches
 9.everywhere 10.train 11.wolf 12.a(chǎn)ll year round 13.in fear 14.cut down 15.nowhere  IV.1.because/as 2.Ⅵh do 3.not to 4.by themselves 5.was foggy 
V.1.calmed down 2.out of;one by one 3.the wrong direction
4.Thousands of;to save;trapped 5.in danger 
VI.1.B 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.C 
VII.1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C 
Ⅷ.1.D 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.D
11.No,they aren’t. 
13.Because they are usually big and heavy. 
14.Green sea turtles are not the same as land or fiver turtles. 
15.Land turtles san pull their feet into their shells for protection.but sea turtles can,t.
IX.1.great 2.build 3.swimming 4.capital 5.called 6.By 7.Everyone 8.excited 9.forward
A big fire
A big fire hit m.v flat in Fuzhou,F(xiàn)ujian province at 2:00 a.m.on the early morning of March 16th.It was terrible.
I was in my bedroom,sleeping when suddenly I heard a lot of noise.I opened my door and sme lt a heavy smo ke coming up into  my room very soon.I could see nothing but fire in my room!I felt scared and quite nervous—I was trapped in a fire!I screamed for help but suddenly fell to the ground and began to know nothing.When I came back to life,I found I was taken to the open air,on the ground.Some firemen and my parents were beside me.They smiled and said I was lucky.I realized 1 was safe then.
I felt thankful but still a little frightened.And I was very sad when I heard that the big fire lasted for two hours and burned many houses.We lost our homes and two people even lost their lives in the fire.It started only because of the misuse of fire in a restaurant. 

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/269062.html
