
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

Ⅰ. 單項選擇。( 15分 )
 (  )1. He didn’t ______ to do ________ .
 A. want;something   B. want;anything  C. wanted;anything 
  (   ) 2. They took ______ photos in Beijing .
      A. quite a few  B. quite a lot  C. quite few 
 (  )3. Everyone in my class _______ a bag with some food .
      A.  take     B.  takes     C.  taking
  (  )4. It is ______  nice that all of us like to eat .
      A. so    B. such    C. very 
  (  )5. ---- ______ do you have an art festival in your school ?
          ----- Once a year .
      A. How long   B. How often   C. How far 
  (  )6. Tom is a ________ boy .
       A. 12 years old    B. 12-years-old  C. 12-year-old  
  (  )7. Don’t worry . You need to lean ______ healthy habits .
      A. more about   B. little about  C. a lot
  (  )8. Jim likes running in the morning . He is ______ .
      A. health   B. healthy  C. unhealthy
  (  )9. ______ is good for your health .
      A. Eat more vegetables  B. Eating more vegetables   C. Eating more meat  
(  )10. I usually sleep _______ hours at night .
A. less than eight   B. little than   C. less  
(  )11. One of the boys _______ a black hat .
      A. have   B.  there is  C. has  
(  )12. The girl wants ______to the dentist _____ clean teeth .
      A. to go ; to   B. to go ; for   C. going ; to 
(  )13. _____ the farmers are very tired , they are working in the fields .
      A. Though   B. But   C. Because  
(  )14. -----  Do you often go to the gym ?
         -----  No , _____ . I don’t like sports at all .
      A. always   B. never   C. sometimes  
(  )15. ----- Did you enjoy your vacation ?
         -----________ . It was terrible .
      A. Yes , I did   B. No , I didn’t   C. No , I wasn’t   
  II.  完形填空。( 15分 )
    Last winter holiday(寒假)I went to Australia   16   vacation   17   my parents .
We went there   18  plane . Australia is a good place   19    . The people there were  20 
to us, and the scenery ( 風景 ) was very beautiful .We  21   there for two weeks . I   22 a special Christmas there .It was winter  23    China , but it was summer in Australia . I swam in the lake   24    Christmas Day . My parents  25   lots of photos for me .I had a wonderful time .
(    ) 16.  A. on   B. for   C.  as   D. in
(    ) 17.  A. with   B. and   C.  or   D. for
(    ) 18.  A. take   B. on   C. in    D. by
(    ) 19.  A. visit   B. to visit   C. visited    D. visits
(    ) 20.  A. friendly   B. well   C. friend    D. fine
(    ) 21.  A. to stay   B. stayed   C. stay    D. stays
(    ) 22.  A. spend   B. spended   C. spent    D. spends
(    ) 23.  A. on   B. at   C. of    D. in
(    ) 24.  A. on   B. under   C. in    D. at
(    ) 25.  A. took   B. take   C. takes    D. taked
III. 補全對話 。( 10分 )
Jack : Hi , Claire , are you free next week?
Claire : Hmm…________26_______________ .
Jack : Really ? How come ?
Claire : _____________27___________________ .
Jack : What kind of dance are you leaning ?
Claire :_________28___________ .  I have class once a week , every Monday .
Jack : How often do you have piano lessons ?
Claire : ___________29________________________ .
Jack : Well , how about Tuesday
Claire : Oh , _______30_____________ . But do you want to come ?
Jack : Sure !
 A. Twice a week , on Wednesday and Friday .
 B. next week is quite full for me , Jack
 C. I have to play tennis with my friends .
 D. I have dance and piano lessons .
 E. Oh , swing dance . It’ s fun !

 IV.  閱讀理解。( 30分 )
     Most American families like to have a vacation in summer .Summer is a good season(季節(jié))for vacation . It is often hot in July and August .
    Children do not go to school in those two months . Some people like to stay at home , read books , surf the Internet (沖浪因特網(wǎng)) , or watch TV . Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake . Some people have enough time and money to travel(旅游)to other countries like France , Japan and Australia . They usually fly to these countries . Many families travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries . Their favorite cities are New York , Chicago , Miami , San Francisco and Los Angels .
    Not everyone likes to go to busy cities . Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys(山谷).
(    ) 31. _____ is a good season for vacation .
     A. Spring  B. Summer   C. Autumn  D. Winter
(    ) 32. Some people like to stay at home during their vacation . They don’t _______ .
     A. read books  B. surf the Internet  C. watch TV  D. go to work
(    ) 33. Many families like to have their lunch _____ during their vacation .
     A. in the office  B. near a cinema  C. near a big factory  D. near a nice lake
(    ) 34. If you have ____ , you can travel to other countries .
     A. money and friends  B. friends and time  C. money and time  D. food
(    ) 35. Which of the following is “ 芝加哥 ”
     A. Chicago  B. New York   C. Miami   D. Los Angels 
      Last Sunday it was snowy . Maria stayed at home . Her cousin Cara came to visit her . She came back from Beijing .She told Maria something about her vacation . “It was pretty good . ”
She said . Cara visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall . She took a lot of photos .
      It was lunchtime . Maria’s parents were not at home . They decided to cook by themselves . Maria cooked some noodles with some pepperoni(意大利辣香腸), tomatoes , and pepper(胡椒). After Cara ate up the noodles , she said slowly , “ I think it is delicious ! ” But Maria thought the food was awful(糟糕的). She said , “ Cara , thank you , but I put too much pepper .”
(    ) 36. How was the weather last Sunday ?
A. Sunny   B. Snowy   C. Cloudy   D.  Windy
(    ) 37. Where did Cara go on vacation .
A. Sichuan   B. Hunan   C. Shanghai   D. Beijing
(    ) 38. _______ cooked noodles .
A. Cara  B. Maria’s mother  C. Cara’s mother  D. Maria
(    ) 39. There were Some _____ in the noodles .
A. pepper ,mushrooms and tomatoes  B. pepper and pepperoni 
C. pepper , pepperoni and tomatoes   D. pepper and tomatoes
(    ) 40. Was the food awful ?
A. Yes , it was   B. No , it wasn’t   C. We don’t know   D. It was great
V.  單詞拼寫 。( 10分 )
41. It’s raining outside . Take an u______________ , please .
42. I w_____________ why you like playing this game so much .
43. I’m h_____________ . Could I have some noodles ?
44. Parents don’t like their children to eat too much j________ food .
45. A lot of vegetables can keep you h______________ .
VI.  書面表達 。( 20分 )
    今年暑假你去哪里度假了? 請以My last Summer Vacation 為題寫一篇短文,不少于60 詞。內(nèi)容要豐富,條理清楚,語言流暢,語法正確 。
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Ⅰ. 單項選擇。( 15分 )
1. B  2. A  3. B  4. A  5. B  6. C  7. A   8. B  9. B  10. A
11. C  12. A   13. A   14. B   15. B

 II.  完形填空。( 15分 )
     16. B   17.A   18. D  19. B  20.A  21. B  22. C  23. D  24. A  25. A

III. 補全對話 。( 10分 )
    26. B    27. D    28. E    29. A    30. C

IV.  閱讀理解。( 30分 )
    31. B    32. D    33. D    34.C     35. A
    36. B    37. D    38. D    39. C     40. C

V.  單詞拼寫 。( 10分 )
    41. umbrella   42. wonder    43. hungry    44. junk   45. healthy

VI.  書面表達 。( 20分 )

My last Summer Vacation
      Last summer I went back to my hometown for vacation . I had a wonderful vacation in my hometown . My hometown is in the countryside . I just loved riding a bike through the countryside and I often walked round my village . I played with my friends happily in the field .We stayed together and had fun every day .The weather was so nice , though it was a little hot . There was so much beautiful sunshine most of the day .Sometimes it rained heavily .At this time I watched TV or played computer games at home with my friends . Leaving my hometown was very sad . It made me want to cry .

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/279748.html
