2015年秋八年級英語上冊8A Unit 7易錯題(牛津英語)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit 7錯題
一、 詞匯  (1?20)
1. Today there will be a few ________________(陣雨)。
2. The__________________(氣溫) can drop below zero in Wuxi in winter.
3. The children won’t go on a trip if tomorrow is ______________(有雨的).
4. In the beginning, there was not much _______, but later on it was getting ___________ and ____________.(霧) 
5. The bowl _________(落下) down to the floor and the boy cried.
6. Everyone knows the sun ________(升起) in the east and sets is the west.
7. Amy had a high __________(發(fā)燒) and ____________(咳嗽) a lot.
8. I looked  __________(糟糕的)  and felt very bad.
9. He likes noisy music. He play it very ___________(loud).
10. Brain speaks very softly. He should try to speak _________(loud).
11. In the past, London was famous for as the city of ___________(霧).
12. Listen! The wind is _______________(吹) strongly.
13. My father and mother love each other ____________(deep).
14. Do you want to be the ___________(shine) star?
15. It’s much too _____________(snow) in my hometown this year.
16. August is the _____________(wind) month of the year in Beijing.
17. After a night’s work without sleep, he looked much _______________(sleep).
二、 選擇 2*14
(  )1. Are you sure it will be ____________ tomorrow?
A. rain         B. rains          C. rainy          D. rained
(  )2.  __________ bad weather it is!
A. What        B. How           C. What a       D. How a
(  )3. We won’t visit Yancheng Nature Reserve if it _____________ tomorrow.
A. is raining     B. will rain        C. rains         D. rained
(  )4. Look! All the babies are sleeping now. Please speak in low ___________.
A. sounds       B. noise           C. voice         D voices
(  )5. _________ do you feel on a cold winter morning?
A. What         B. How           C. Which        D. Why
(  )6. __________perfect time to share happiness with friends!
A. What         B. What a          C. How         D. How a
(  )7. There’re seldom birds in winter, ___________?
A. aren’t there     B. aren’t they      C. are they       D. are there
(  )8. The weather report says there will be __________ in Nanjing.
A. a heavy rain                           B. heavy rainy
C. rainy heavily                          D. rain heavily
(  )9. The price of the cares ____________ a bit last month.
A. fell           B. low             C. dropped       D. fell down
(  )10. The sentence structure of “She always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.” is_________
A. S+V+P                                B. S+V+O
C. S+V+IO+DO                           D. S+V+DO+OC
(  )11. Millie’s dog builds camps ___________ her out of sticks.
A. for             B. to             C. in            D. at
(  )12. In the north-east, the temperature will stay _______zero in the daytime in spring.
A. up              B. down          C. below        D. above
(  )13. If you __________ late for work, you may lose your job.
A. arrive            B. reach          C. get to        D. arrive in
(  )14. The radio says the temperature will become much ________ tomorrow morning.
A. cold             B. colder          C. low         D. lower
三、動詞填空 2*15
1. What a heavy rain last night! But the sun_____________ (shine) brightly now.
2. She always _________ (hide) herself away in her office all day before.
3. The police searched the whole building but _________ (find) nothing unusual.
4. What an amazing thing it is ________ (travel) around the world in eight hours!
5. One summer afternoon the temperature ___________ (rise) very quickly.
6. I saw him _______________ (walk) into a hospital at 8 a.m. yesterday.
7. ______________ (harvest) crops, farmers work very hard.
8. He often _______________ (bet) a lot of money on horses last year.
9. Mum _______________ (make) supper when I got home.
10. Some children seem ________________ (learn) two languages almost as easily as one.
11. The telephone ___________ (ring) ,but the President was too busy __________(answer) it.
12. Nobody knows what _____________ (happen) if the rainstorm comes tonight.
13. There ________ (be) a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening, isn’t there?
14. There _________ (be) a few showers for the rest of the week.
15. The sun ________ (shine) brightly in the morning and they left for school happily.
四、完成句子    2*11
1. 昨天的霧沒有今天的霧大。The weather yesterday _____________________________.
2. 冬天鳥兒飛向遠(yuǎn)方,去尋找溫暖、明媚的天堂。
The birds ____________________________ warm and sunny day.
3. 我永遠(yuǎn)不會忘記那些收割莊稼的甜蜜回憶。I will never ____________________________.
4. 他們喜歡在靜靜的小溪旁或樹蔭下玩耍。
They like ________________________________ or _________________________________.
5. 那位媽媽用毛毯裹著她的寶寶。
That mother ________________________________________________ a blanket.
6. 明天溫度將會降至零度以下。
The ____________________________________________________ zero tomorrow.
7. 大雪從早上一直下到晚上。The heavy snow _________________________________.
8. 昨晚我女兒發(fā)高燒,還咳嗽的厲害。
My daughter __________________________________________________________ last night.
9. 南京每年這個時節(jié)總是寒冷、干燥。
It’s always _____________________________________________ in Nanjing.
10. 后半周無錫的氣溫會保持在零度以上。
The weather in Wuxi ___________________ for ________________________.
11. 在那些寒冷,多風(fēng)的天氣,我們外出時不得不用圍巾遮面。
On those cold windy days, we ______________________________________ when we went on.
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/284010.html
