八年級(jí)英語上學(xué)期Unit 2 Keeping Heahthy單元訓(xùn)練卷(仁愛版)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

八年級(jí)英語上學(xué)期Unit 2 Keeping Heahthy單元訓(xùn)練卷(仁愛版)
1.I had a ________ (可怕的) headache. I didnt sleep well last night.
2.If you __________(咳嗽)often, it makes your throat and lungs hurt.
3.Tom’s mother  is _________(刷) Tom’s shoes, they are too dirty.
4.I have a toothache. I had to go to see a ___________(牙醫(yī)).
5.You had a backache. You had better not ________(舉) heavy things.
6.My grandma __________ (擔(dān)心) about me when got my leg hurt last night.
7.The doctor asked me not to drink too much _________(咖啡),or I can’t sleep at night.
8.Doctor Lee told me to take three___________(藥片) each time.
9.Kate look quite___________(蒼白).I think she should go to see a doctor.
10.The old man __________( 仍然) lives in the small house alone.
11. — What’s the ________(事情) ?— I have the _____(流感).
12. He has a ___________(頭痛), so he   has to take a rest at home.
13. I am not feeling well. I have a _____  (咳嗽).
14. — What’s wrong with him? — He ____(患) a cold.
15. . You’d better drink more ________  water (開水) .
16 The monkey looked at us ________ (通過)the window.
17. It’s dangerous to go ______ (穿過)the street when the traffic light is red.

1. 得了咳嗽 ___________ 2. 得了發(fā)燒__________  3. 好好休息一__________
4. 看醫(yī)生___________   5. 患了流行性感冒___________________________
6. 你應(yīng)該多喝水. You  ________  drink  __________  __________ water.     
7. 你怎么啦? _________  __________  _________  __________?
8.這個(gè)小女孩日夜思念著媽媽。The girl misses her mother _______ and _____.
9不要擔(dān)心我,我很快就好了。Don’t ________  ______me. I will be well soon.
10.露西和莉莉都是我的好朋友。_____ Lucy _______ Lily ____my good friends.
What’s the matter with your left foot? Let me _______ it _______.
15.今天的報(bào)紙沒有什么有趣的東西。There is ___________  ____________ in today’s newspaper.
三. 單項(xiàng)選擇。(30分)
(    )1.—What’s the matter with you, Jim?—_______
 A.I’m fine. Thanks. B.I’m good at English.C.I have a toothache. D.I’m having a rest.
(    )2.You _______ eat too many candies. It’s bad for your teeth.
 A.must B.can C.should D.shouldn’t
(    )3.If you have a headache, you _______ lie down for a good rest.
 A.shouldn’t B. had better not C.had better D.mustn’t
(    )4.—I had a backache. I can’t sleep.—_______
A.Don’t worry.       B.Not so well. C.I’m sorry to hear that.    D.Why?
(    )5.—Oh, you have a headache and a cough. _______ have you been like this?—Three days.
A.How long B.How soon  C.How often D.How many
(    )6.My hometown is in the south of China. There is ______ rain in spring.   A.many B.lot of C.a lot D.plenty of
(    )7.—I’m afraid you have a cold. You’d better go to see a doctor.
 —_______   A.No, I have no time.     B.That’ s a good idea.
 C.It’s very kind of you. D.I’m sorry to hear that.
(    )8.You look pale. _______ have a good rest?
 A.Why don’t you B.Why are youC.What aboutD.Why you don’t
(    )9.You should not eat _______ meat. It can make you fatter.
 A.too many B.too much C.much too D.many too
(    )10.You should take _______ on time, _______ each time, and two times a day.  A.the medicines; three pillsB.the medicine; three pills  C.the medicine; three pill D.the medicines; three pill
(    )11.Don’t worry_________ me. I feel better.
    A. about       B.on           C.in        D.for
(    )12.Both Mary and I _______ English girls. We come from England.
    A. are        B.is           C.were      D. be
(    )13.--You look pale.What’s wrong?--I don’t feel ________ today.
     A.nice       B.good          C.well     D. badly
(    )14.Mike had a cold. He _______ some medicine this morning.
     A. take      B. drank          C. ate      D. took
(    )15.She always eats too ___ eggs and too______ milk for breakfast.
     A. many; many         B,many;  much
     C.much; many          D.much;  many

8年級(jí)Unit 2  Topic 2 詞匯測試卷
1. What ___________ (引致)the illness?
2. It’s ___________________ (必要的)for us to have good________(睡眠)。
3. _______(番茄)__________(馬鈴薯)can  give us___________.(能量)
4. Did you read his ___________ ?(文章)
5. The doctor told him to take the _______(藥)________(沒有)eating anything.
6. Washing hands is good for our ______________.(健康)
7. We shouldn’t throw ____________ around.(垃圾)
8. If you drink sour milk, you may get an______________.(疾病)
9. ____________ (吸煙)is bad for ____________(人的) body。
10. You should _____________ your room.(弄干凈)
(    ) 1.—Watching TV too much _______ bad for your eyes—I’ll go to bed right away.    A.is   B.are C.was D.be
(    ) 2.—If you feel _______, you should  go to school.
 A.bad B.worse C.better D.good
(    ) 3.—How often do you exercise?—_______
 A.Less than three times a week. B.More than 10 hours.
 C.From one thirty to three. D.I often do it.
(    ) 4._______ necessary for us _______ English well.
 A.This is; to learn B.It’s; to learn C.It’s; learn  D.That’s; learn
(    ) 5.If you eat ______ food and take _______ exercise, you’ll keep healthy.
 A.more; more B.less; less C.more; less D.less; more
(    ) 6.—Humans can’t live _______ air.—I agree with you.
 A.without B.with C.in D.for
(    ) 7.—I can’t keep myself active during the day.—You _______ take more exercise.A.must not  B.must be C.need to  D.may be
(    ) 8.This article says _______ is bad for our lungs.
 A.smoke B.to smoke C.smoked D.smoking
(    ) 9.You had better ask your brother _______ playing computer games.
 A.to give up B.not to give up C.to give it up D.not give it up
(    ) 10.You _______ walk across the road. It’s dangerous.
 A.may not B.don’t have to C.must not D.needn’t
(    ) 11.You ________ in the street.
           A.should  B.mustn’t  C.had better  D.A,B and C
(    ) 12.He is ___________ to carry the box.
       A.enough strong  B.weak enough C.enough weak  D.strong enough
(    ) 13.---Do you want coffee or tea?----___________.
      A.Yes,coffee.  B.No,I don’t.  C.Coffee,please.  D.Sorry ,I don’t know.
(    ) 14.He feels sleepy______he went to bed late .
           A.because  B.if  C.so  D.when
(    ) 15.Don’t eat ____.A.much too  B.too much  C.too many  D.many too
_____________  ___________ late _______  _______  _______ your health.
I must ask him________  __________  __________  _____________.
May I borrow your newspaper and ___________  it ________ my father.
Don’t  read __________  ___________  ____________.
It’s _____________ to have  healthy___________  ___________.
You__________throw___________ around.
______  ____ __  _____,good________is more important __________  ______
Please don’t spit ____________  _____________.
9. 你最好不要空腹吃香蕉。
You’d better not eat bananas ______  _____  _____   ________.
10. 當(dāng)你睡眠不足時(shí)就可能頭痛。
You may get a headache when you don’t get _______   ________.
11. 細(xì)菌可以通過口、鼻或皮膚進(jìn)入人體的身體。
Germs can___  ___ the human body through the mouth, the nose or the skin.
12. 我們必須每天打掃課室。
We ______   _ ________the classroom every day.
13 今天輪到我掃地。
It’s my turn _______   _________the floor today.
14. 我們禁止在公共場合吐痰。We _______  ________in public.
Don’t worry, Sir. I’m sure I can run ______  ________ to catch up with them.

八年級(jí)(上)英語詞匯測試(Unit 2 Topic 3)
1. Don’t go near the river. It is ________________ (危險(xiǎn)的).
2. My brother is a ____________ (勇敢的)boy. He isn’t afraid of difficulty at all.
3. What should we do to ______________ (預(yù)防) the flu?
4.There is a house __________(在……中間)the trees. It’ s too hard to find it.
5. It’s our __________ (責(zé)任) to clean our classroom every day .
6. He ___________ (挽救) his friend’s life from a serious illness.
7. The good news ____________(傳播)very fast. We all know it now.
8. He is a ____________ (有幫助的) young man.
9. ----May I ask you some ______________ (問題)? ----Sure.
10. All the students are ______________(檢查)their papers carefully before the exam is over.
1. Could you _________ _______ ____________ (捎個(gè)口信) for him.
2. The Second World War __________ ________(爆發(fā)) in 1939.
3. Must we keep the windows open _________ ________ _________(一直)?
4. Let’s ___________ ________ ( 趕快), or we will be late for school.
5. Germs can _________ _________(進(jìn)入)the human body in many ways
6. What s hould we do to __________ _________ _________(遠(yuǎn)離)germs?
7. The boys ___________ ___________(玩得開心)in Beijing last year.
8. ----Could I speak to Dr. Li,Please?
---- _________ ________ ____________ ( 請稍等), please.
9.我將捎個(gè)口信給他I’ll          him the          
10. 我是比爾,我想給湯姆留口信。
This is Bill. I’d like to ____   _____    ____  ______  ______Tom.
11. 醫(yī)生們正在給病人們做檢查。
  The doctors ______   ________ the __________.
12. 當(dāng)莉莉回來的時(shí)候,你叫她回一個(gè)電話給我,好嗎?
 When Lily ____ _____, could you please ask her  to______  ______ _____?
13恐怕他現(xiàn)在很忙。I am   _____  he ____ _____ now.                                          
14、? Hello! I’d like to speak to Wang Wang.  
    ? _____________________________.(我就是旺旺)
Please ______my father _________  ____forget the talk tomorrow afternoon
(   )1. It’s raining outside.  You’d better ________ out.
     A. go   B. don’t go  C. not go  D. not to go
(   )2. ----Must we go there by train?---- No, you ________.
    A. can’t   B. mustn’t  C. needn’t  D. don’t
(   )3. The doctors should care ________ the p atients day and night.
    A. of    B. off   C. for   D. in
(   )4.----Could I speak to Miss Gao, please?---- I’m afraid she isn’t in _____ .
    A. right now  B. right away C. at once  D. in a minute
(   )5.----Do you learn English by_______ at home at weekends, Lucy and Lily?----Yes, we do.
    A. you   B. your   C. yourself  D. yourselves
(   )6. We won’t be back _______ ten, so don’t worry _______us.
     A. at; for   B. until; for  C. until; about D. at; at
(   )7. You’d better do more exercise to ________.
    A. build yourself    B. build up you  
C. build up yourself   D. build yourself up
(   )8. Maria likes English very much. She does her best _______ English well.
    A. to learn   B. learn   C. learning  D. learns
(   )9. We should keep the windows ________ and let the fresh air come in.
     A. to open   B. opened  C. opening  D. open
(   )10. We must eat _________ food and do more exercise.
     A. health   B. healthy  C. healthily  D. unhealthy
(   )11. Don’t be afraid ________ me questions if you don’t understand.
     A. ask   B. asked   C. asking  D. of asking
(   )12. Tom can only talks ________ his father ________ the phone.
     A. to; in   B. with; on   C. with; by  D. to; by
(   )13. My mother likes to listen to light music to help her ________.
     A. relaxing  B. relaxed  C. relaxes  D. relax
(   )14. Please_______ me the truth. Maybe I can help you.
     A. speak   B. tell   C. talk   D. say
(   )15. Smoking is bad for our health. So we must say ________ it.
     A. hello to   B. sorry to  C. yes to  D. no to
(   )16.It’s the teachers’ duty _______ the students well.
     A. teach   B. to teach  C. teaching  D. to teaching
(   )17. The teachers often tell us _______ late for class.
     A. be   B. to be   C. not be  D. not to be
(   )18. My bike is brok en. I _______ walk to school.
     A. have to  B. has to  C. must   D. needn’t
(   )19.This book is _______for children to read. It has no difficult words.
 A. enough easy   B. enough easily C. easy enough D. easily enough
(   )20 ----What’s the matter with _______ boy?
    ----He has ________ illness.
     A. a; an  B. the; an  C. the; the  D. a; the
(   )21. It’s important _______ us ________ some good books.
     A. for; read  B. to; to read  C. to; reading D. for; to read
(   )22. The sunlight came into the room _______ the windows.
     A. past   B. in   C. through  D. across
(   )23? Hello! May I speak to Lily?
 ? Sorry, she isn’t in now. Can I ___ a message for you?
    A. take    B. leave    C. give    D. bring
(   )24. It’s autumn. The farmers are busy ____  apples.
    A. to pick    B. pick    C. picks    D. picking
(   )25. We ____ last night and told him the news.
  A. ring up him  B. ring him up  C. rang him up  D. rang  up him
(   )26. ? Hello! I’d like to speak to Wang Fang.     ? ____.
 A. I am Wang Fang.          B. This is Wang Fang speaking.
 C. Hello. I am her sister.       D. I am Wang Fang speaking.
(   )27. The teacher tells us ____ her carefully in her class.
  A. to listen to    B. to listen       C. listening to   D. listen
(   )28. ---- Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have a cold?
 -----------No, you _________.
A. must  not   B. don’t    C.   needn’t     D. have to
(   )29.He is ___________ to carry the box.
    A.enough strong  B.weak enough C.enough weak  D.strong enough
(   )30 The little girl has fun             songs.
A. sing        B. to sing        C. sang             D. singing

May 21st   Saturday   Sunny
SARS spreads easily among people. We should do our best to fight it.




書面表達(dá)10%   以“How to keep healthy”為題,寫一篇60—80字的短 文。內(nèi)容如下:
健康比財(cái)富重要,我們應(yīng)該怎樣做才能保持健康? 首先我們要多吃蔬果,多喝開水;其次我們應(yīng)該做大量的運(yùn)動(dòng),每天保證足夠多的睡眠。睡前最好不要喝咖啡或茶,不要吃太多的糖,不要熬夜。



本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/284731.html
