
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


(    ) 1. My ___ restaurant is just near my home.
A. dre am  B. ideal  C. third  D. favourite
(    ) 2. I would like to invite you to my ___ party.
      A. celebration  B. farewell  C. birthday  D. Halloween
(    ) 3. Why not___ to the centre of the town?
      A. walk   B. ride   C. go   D. run
(    ) 4. There are two_____ you can take.
      A. apples  B. cakes  C. routes  D. taxis
(     ) 5. There is a _____ house between the two modern buildings.
      A. large  B. wooden  C. green  D. new
(    ) 6. A. Anywhere in the world.  B. Not the USA.  C. Australia.
(    ) 7. A. I like beaches.   B. Sure.   C.  They are beautiful.
(    ) 8. A. Last Wednesday afternoon.
 B. Before I came here.
C. In a shop on Main Street.
(    ) 9. A. Sixth Street.
      B. It’s not far from here
      C. The post office is on West Street.
(    ) 10 A. When the green light is on.
      B. When the red light is on.
      C. When we are not busy.
(    ) 11. A. Her study  B. Her balcony.  C. Her bedroom.
(    ) 12. A. It is a very big family.
       B. There are five people in her family.
       C. There are only two people in her family.
(    )  13. A. They are not new.  B. They are white. C. They are Amy’s.
(    ) 14. A. By bus.  B. On foot  C. By bike.
(    ) 15. A. He was about 11.  B. He was about 9.  C. He was about 14.
(    ) 16. How old is Tom?
A. He is 11.  B. He is 12.  C. He is 13.
(    ) 17. What does Eddie always do when Tom ri des his bike?
A. Eddie always sits on the ground and watches Tom.
B. Eddie always runs after his bike.
C. Eddie always stays at home.
(    ) 18. What does Eddie usually do when Tom is inside the school?
A. Eddie usually plays inside the school.
B. Eddie usually waits outside the school.
C. Eddie usually sleeps under a tree.
(     ) 19. How much do Tom’s classmates like Eddie?
A. They like Eddie only a little.
B. They have no feelings about Eddie.
C. They like Eddie very much.
(    ) 20. Do Tom’s classmates bring anything for Eddie?
A. Yes. They often bring some food fo r Eddie to eat.
B. Yes. They often bring some toys for Eddie to play with.
C. No. They never bring anything for Eddie to eat or play with.

第二卷  筆試部分(80分)

(    ) 21. Sandy likes playing ___ baske tball, but she doesn’t like playing ___ piano.
A. the, the   B. /, the  C. a, /   D. a, the
(    ) 22. He sometimes ________ a picture, but now he __________.
       A. draws, sings                      B. drawing, singing
       C. draws, is singing                  D. is drawing, sings
(    ) 23. ---How many apples are there in the basket?  ---________.
A. No       B. No one.      C. None      D. Nothing.
(    ) 24. It _____ me only 30 minutes to get to the town centre.
       A. spends     B. takes    C. pays    D. costs
(    ) 25. Mrs. White is ________mother.
       A. Tom’s and Mike’s      B. Tom’s and Mike
       C. Tom and Mike         D. Tom and Mike’s
(    ) 26. He arrived _ ______ Shanghai ______ 6:00 ______ the morning of June 2nd.
        A. at, at, in    B. in, at, on     C. in, at, in      D. at, in, on
(    ) 27. Go__________ the bridge, you'll see the hospital_________ your left.
        A. through; in   B. across; on   C. cross; on    D. across; in
(    ) 28. We can see the teacher’s desk _______ the classroom.
A. before    B. after    C. in front of    D. in the front of
(    ) 29. That boy is Simon. And the girl next to ________ is Amy.
A. he       B. his      C. him         D. she
(    ) 30. Se ptember is the _________ month of a year.
        A. ninth    B. nineth    C. nine        D. ninetieth
(    ) 31. I'm looking forward ________ you at my birthday party.
        A. to seeing    B. to see    C. seeing    D. see
(    ) 32. --- What can you see on the table?
        ---There are five ______and some______.
A. bottles of milk, tomatoes   B. bottle of milks, tomatos
C. bottle of milk, tomato      D. bottles of milks, tomatoes
(    ) 33. The bookshop is near here. You can go there _____ foot. You don’t need to go there _____ bike.   
A. on ; by   B. on; on    C. by; r ide    D. on ; ride
(    ) 34. It's so cloudy, I think it __________.
        A. rain       B. rains    C. is going to rain   D. is raining
(    ) 35. There are about ______________teachers in our school.
        A. two hundreds of   B .two hundreds 
C. two hundred      D .two hundred of
(    ) 36. Stop_____ . The baby is sleeping now.
   A. to talk   B. talk   C. talking  D. /
(    ) 37. My bag is different _______ yours, but it is the same _____ hers.
        A. with, with    B. with , as     C. from, as      D. for,  with
(    ) 38. A: _______ do you watch TV?  B: Once a week.
        A. How long                    B. How often 
C. How far                      D. How much
(    ) 39. ---Would you like to go to the party?
        --- Yes,___________.
       A. I'm tired    B. I'd love to       C. I'm happy    D. I'm afraid not
(    ) 40. --- Hello. May I speak to Daniel, please?
        --- _____ Daniel, Who _____?
        A. This is; is that   B. I’m; are you   C. I’m; is that   D. This is; are you
On Sunday morning,  Lucy goes to buy some presents for her friend, Millie. Millie’s birthday is coming.
When she’s walking _41_ the shop, a girl walks up to her with a smile. Lucy is surprised. Then the girl tells Lucy that she’s called Kate and she’s a  42_ of Millie’s. She says Millie wants her to go to her party _43_ Lucy.
Lucy is __44_ that she won’t go to the party alone(單獨(dú)的). So they call a  45  and tell the driver  46   they want to go, but the car isn’t going the  47  way. It’s going  to the countryside. “Why?” Lucy asks. The girl and the driver don’t answer. Then the girl pulls a  48  on Lucy.
Lucy knows she’s kidnapped(綁架). She must escape! She quickly thinks of a(n)  49  . She takes out a lipstick(口紅) and writes “SOS” on the  50  of the taxi. And then she covers(蓋) it with her back..
After a while, a policeman sees the sign and stops the taxi. Then Lucy is saved(得救)!
(    ) 41. A. at         B. in         C. out of      D. on
(    ) 42. A. friend     B. teacher     C. student     D. policewomen
(    ) 43. A. for       B. with        C . next to     D. before
(    ) 44. A. sad       B. surprised    C. tired       D. happy
(    ) 45. A. bus       B. train       C. taxi        D. bike
(    ) 46. A. what      B. where      C. when      D. ho w
(    ) 47. A. right      B. left        C. wrong     D. good
(    ) 48. A. book      B. knife      C. pen        D. ruler
(    ) 49. A. word      B. lesson     C. story       D. idea
(    ) 50. A. seat       B. front       C. wall        D. window
七、閱讀 理解 (20分)
  Most cities and towns in China have night markets every day. During the day, the streets are quiet. At night, they become crowded(擁擠的) and lively(活躍的). Usually people arrive at three or four in the afternoon. By 6:00, the streets are like rivers of people.
  Night markets are fun places to shop in. You can buy clothes, shoes and many other things. If the price is too high, you can bargain with sellers(賣者). You can also buy nice food. When you are hungry, you can sit down for a meal. Barbecue is popular, and it really smells nice.
The best thing is everything at night markets is cheap.
(    ) 51.Where can we find night markets?
  A. In the countryside        B. In the daytime  
   C. In most cities and towns   D. In all the towns
(    ) 52.What’s the meaning of “bargain”?
  A. 合同    B. 討價(jià)還價(jià)    C. 希望     D. 交易
(    ) 53.Can people eat nice food at nights markets?
       A. Yes, he can.       B. Yes, they can. 
  C. No, he can’t.      D. No, they can’t.
(    ) 54.Choose the best title(標(biāo)題)of this article.
  A. Shopping Mall   B. Night Shopping   C. Markets  D. Night Markets
(    ) 55.The best advantage(優(yōu)勢(shì)) of night markets is        
  A. you can eat delicious food
  B. you can buy different things
  C. you can walk around
  D. you can have a good time without paying too much money
Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside closer to people’s homes. Some pe ople say the world is smaller than before because of TV.
What’s going on the other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere?
If you want to answer these and many other questions, just turn on the TV and watch it. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. With TV, however, they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch. TV helps us a lot. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.
(    ) 56. Some people  say the world is smaller than before because _____.
A. TV makes the earth smaller and smaller
B. all people like watching TV
C. watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day
D. TV brings the outside world closer to people.
(    ) 57. We can _____ when we watch TV.
A. go to live in the other countries
B. answer many questions
C. get a lot of information.
D. ask TV some questions
(    ) 58. People learn better through TV than throug h the radio because ______.
 A. TV sets are bigger than radios
B.  people can hear and they c an watch, too
C. if people don’t have TV, they can not live happily.
D.  it’s easier to turn on TV than to turn on the radio
(    ) 59. TV can _____.
A. teach us a lot of things          B. learn a lot of things
C. give us what we want          D. help us do our homework
(    ) 60. This article (文章) tells us _____. 
A. it’s good to watch TV                  B. not to watch TV any more
 C. students should not watch TV at any time.  D. to stop reading to watch TV
八、補(bǔ)全對(duì)話 (5分)
A:  __ 61 __ 

  B: Of course, it’s over there. But you mustn’t cross the road here. 

        ___ 62  __
A: Thanks, I want to see my teachers there. ____63___

B: There, at the first turning. 
But you can’t cross the road until the lights turn red.___64_____

 A: Thanks very much.
  B:  ___65  _   

  A. You’re welcome.
B. Where shall I cross the street, please?
  C. Excuse me, could you tell the way to the No. 2 Middle School?
  D. You must cross the road on the zebra crossing.
  E. Just a minute, when the light is green, you can go.

66. His father is one of the best _______________ (廚師) in this restaurant.

67. Neil lives on the  ______________(12) floor

68. Sandy is a nice girl. She likes________________ (分享) things with her friends.

69. Beijing, the capital, is in the _________________(北方) of China.

70. Lily is _______________ (友好的) to the other students.
十、選擇改錯(cuò)(10 分)
(     ) __________71. It’s birthday is on July the fifth, 2010.
                    A         B  C         D
(     ) __________72. Why not listening to music in the evening?
                       A   B   C           D
  (     ) __________ 73. Mr. Li is my teacher. He teaches my English well.
                              A             B   C         D
  (     ) __________ 74. Most of us like living in the flats likes this.
                       A     B    C              D
  (     )___________ 75. Does that calendar belong with Millie?
                        A               B    C   D

請(qǐng)以“My home town為題,根據(jù)下面的提示寫一篇80 字左右的短文。
1. 我的家鄉(xiāng)是一座小城,但很美麗。
2. 這里有青山,綠樹(shù),空氣污染少。這里有一條小河,夏天,我和朋友經(jīng)常在河里游泳。
3. 市中心有一個(gè)電影院,兩個(gè)超市,四個(gè)書店。
4. 我最喜歡地方是陽(yáng)光電影院,我周日常去看電影。
5. 我愛(ài)我的家鄉(xiāng),歡迎你來(lái)玩。


41—45  CABDC            46—50  BABDD
51—55  CBBDD            56—60  DCBAA
61—65  CDBEA
     66. cooks     67. twelfth   68. sharing   69. north   70. friendly
(十) 改錯(cuò)10%
71. A   its     72. C  listen    73. C me    74. D  like    75. C  to


本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/286785.html
