2014秋八年級英語上冊8A 期末復習詞匯專練題(牛津英語Units5-6)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
  班級             姓名           學號       
1. Don’t____________ anything on show in the museum. (觸摸)
2. As everyone knows, ____________ makes perfect. (練習)
3. I had a long _______________with my friends about the matter. (討論)
4. The teacher spends as much time as he can ___________ everything to us. (解釋)
5. The little girl isn’t old enough to ____________herself. (表達)
6. The boy with glasses ____________ the door and came in. (推)
7. Be quick. It’s your ___________ to sing for us. (順序) 
8. British people often greet relatives or close friends with a _________.(親吻)
9. When we write about an ___________ or an event, we often use time order. (經(jīng)歷)
10 It’s our duty to donate _________ to some patients in need. (血)
11. They started their _______________ about the hot weather. (交談,談話)
12. Can you tell me how to be a __________ writer? (成功)
13. In the last Special Olympic Games, he won two __________.(銀牌)
14. The computer can last long if we learn to use it in a __________way. (正確的)
15. The museum is open to the ____________ at the weekend. (公眾)
16. You can get the ___________ by calling our hotline next week. (獎賞)
17. Don’t _________ to win the game except practicing hard. (期待)
18. They studied the _________ very carefully to save more money. (項目)
19. It’s necessary to receive ___________ before doing the task. (培訓)
20. This company needs some people with business ___________ .(背景)
21. If you have a ___   ______ to go, take it. (機會)
22. Alice was standing __________to the door. She seems a little sad. (靠近)
23. The clothes are one of the ____________. (教練) 
24. It’s __________(必須的) for us to talk to each other__________.(禮貌的)
25. The twins look so _____    _ that their teachers often mix them by mistake. (類似的)
26. Would you like to go to ___________ China to teach poor children as a volunteer? (西北的)
27. The Plum Blossom Hill (梅花山) was full of ____________ last weekend. (垃圾)
28. Please tell me the _________ telephone numbers. I want to call them myself. (客人)
29. With their___________(支持), these athletes won more than 15 __________.(金牌)
30. How to __________ a balance between study and play is important for students. (達到)
31. In order to celebrate my twentieth birthday, I should buy at least twenty __________. (蠟燭)
32. It will cost the boy over $300 __________ for the operation. (pay)
33. Do you have any trouble __________ in public fluently? (speak)
34. After a long walk, the boys all felt like_________ a good rest. (have)
35. Not my parents but I __________ interested in sports programs. (be)
36. It’s a long way to cover. It’s your turn ___________ next road. (drive)
37. It’s rude ___________ in before others when waiting for the bus. (push)
38. What can you do to keep it from __________ again? (happen) 
39. There are different kinds of _____________ in the world. (organize)
40. If you don’t warm up before taking exercise, you will risk _______ yourself. (hurt)
41. Can Mr. Smith helps us with soccer ________? We’ll have a match soon. (train)
42. Our parents expect all of us ___________ (work) hard and get good results.
43. If lots of people share the work, it will make a job easier ___________. (complete).
44. Tom as well as his sisters ___________ been to Zhenjiang twice. (have)
45. Taking a walk after supper is __________ because it’s good for our health. (mean)
46. My father went abroad, so we often communicate by __________ on the phone. (talk)
47. The girl won’t go to bed till she __________ her homework every night. (finish)
48. It’s great that my little brother will be old enough ___    ______ and make money
for the family. (work) 
49. -- How long do you spend practicing __________ English, Amy?--- Two hours. (speak)
50. Quite a few charities, _________UNICEF and ORBIS, are helping people in need. (include)-
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/291575.html
