八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)8B Unit5課時(shí)練習(xí)題6課時(shí)(有答案譯林版新教材牛津英

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

8B Unit 5 Good manners
Period1(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)
1、打斷/插嘴____________________  2、在公共場(chǎng)所_________________________
3、保持安靜____________________  4、和別人分享__________________________
5、到處扔垃圾__________________  6、任水龍頭流著________________________
7、遵守交通規(guī)則________________  8、排隊(duì)等候輪到你______________________
1. We should always_______ (遵守) the laws to build a better society.
2. Whose_______ (順序) is it to cook tonight, your brother or your sister?
3. I wrote a report about different table_______ (規(guī)矩) between the East and the West.
4. My family go to Yangshan to_______ (摘) peaches every year.
5. Dropping_______ (垃圾) everywhere is not good for our environment.
6. Never leave the tap_______ (流動(dòng)) after you wash your hands.
7. He stood up_______ (禮貌地) when the lady came into the room.
8. She turned off the_______ (水龍頭) and dried her hands.
9. -Hurry up! We need to get there before 5 p.m.
-_______ (什么, 啊)? Didn't father say we could stay at home today?
10. We have to_______ (排隊(duì)等候) up for an hour for he film tickets.
(    ) 1. School students _____ smoke because it is bad for their health and it is against the law.
    A. needn't      B. couldn't     C. shouldn't     D. may not
(    ) 2. I don't think it's _______ to have a birthday party.
A. enough special   B. special enough    C. specially enough  D. enough specially
(    ) 3. My little brother was ______ to go to school. He needs to stay at home with my mum.
A. so young      B. young enough.   C. too young     D. that young
(    ) 4. Ben went to Canada five years ago an_______ a Chinese teacher since then.
    A. became      B. has became  C. was      D. has been
(    ) 5. -Could you come back home at three o'clock.
    - _______. I'll be at a meeting at that time.
    A. id not       B. Yes. I hope so    C. I think so  D. I'm afraid so
  1. I knew I never had enough time_______ (finish) anything at that time.
  2. They _______ (learn) a lot about good table manners since last term.
  3. I thought you would come on time yesterday, but you left me_______ (wait) for nearly half an hour.
  4. Tears (眼淚)_______ (run) down her face while she was watching this romantic film
  5. -Can you teach me how_______ (renew) my book this afternoon?
    -Sorry, I'm too tired. Maybe next time.
  6. Look ! How fast the woman_______ (swim)! I thought she could not swim so fast.
The New York Public Library
    One of New York’s most beautiful and important  1  is   2  danger.The New York public Library in the heart,of the city may  3  close its door.
    The library is in  4  part of the city.But there is grass and trees around it,and some chairs
for people to sit   5 .Even in crowded New York,its rooms are large and high.Here,a  6
sit and  7  in comfort.The library has  8  thirty million books and drawings.Some of them
very important.Every New Yorker can see and  9  the library books free.
    But the cost of running the library has.risen fast in recent years and the library doesn’t have  10  to go on with its work.In the past,it was open every evening and also on Saturday and Sundays.Now it is closed at that time to save money.
(    )1.A.build    B.builds     C.building      D.buildings
(    )2.A.a(chǎn)t       B.in        C.on           D.with
(    )3.A.to       B.has to     C.have to       D.be
(    )4.A.busy     B.busier     C.busier        D.the busiest
(    )5.A.down     B.a(chǎn)t         C.up          D.in
(    )6.A.teacher    B.student    C.writer       D.reader
(    )7.A.sing      B.think      C.talk         D.read aloud
(    )8.A.more     B.many      C.1ess         D.over
(    )9.A.fetch     B.borrow     C.take         D.keep
(    )10.A.many money       B.1ittle money
C.enough money      D.a(chǎn)ny money
    Now, Thailand is popular among more and more
tourists from the world, including Chinese. In Thailand we
should do the things as Thais (泰國(guó)人) do. When we can't
do all the things as Thais, we should at least learn and respect
(尊重) their customs (風(fēng)俗). Here's something about their
    Personal appearance (外表) is very important  in Thailand as a sign of respect for other people. Your clothes should be tidy, clean and free from holes. Shorts and sleeveless (無(wú)袖的) shirts are not welcomed in churches (教堂) Remember that you will need to take off your shoes when entering rooms. so don't wear shoes that are slow to get on and off. The rules are even stricter(嚴(yán)格) with foreign visitors,  so even if you see a local in shorts, it's not OK for everyone.
    It's not polite to touch a Thai on the head, including children. At the same time, don't touch people with your feet, or even point with them because they think feet are dirty and low.
    If someone is sitting with outstretched (伸出的) feet, don't step over them, because this is very rude. It could even make people angry. Even if the person is sleeping, it is best to go around until he or she notices and lets you go out.
(    ) 1. What is the passage mainly about?
    A. It's about the timetable about visiting Thailand.
    B. It's about the customs of Thailand.
    C. It's about the differences between Chinese and Thailand customs.
    D. It's about how to learn the language spoken in Thailand.
(    ) 2. What does the underlined word '6free" mean in Chinese?
    A. 自由的      B. 空閑的     C.無(wú)……的     D. 免費(fèi)的
(    ) 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
    A. You'd better not wear clothes with holes.
    B. You can wear sleeveless shirts in some sacred (神圣的) places if you want.
    C. Don't wear shoes that are slow to get on and off.
    D. You'd better not touch a baby's head even though (即使) the baby is lovely.
(    ) 4. Among the things below, how many are not polite when you visit Thailand?
    1. Wear clothes that are clean and tidy.
    2. Touch a Thai on the head.
    3. Touch a Thai with your feet.
    4. Step over a person if he or she is on your way.
    5. Wear shorts when you attend your friend's birthday party.
    6. Don't take off your shoes when entering rooms.
    A. Three.   B. Four.   C. Five.   D. Six.


一. 1、cut in  2、in public places  3、keep quiet  4、share with others
5、drop litter everywhere  6、leave the tap running 7、obey traffic rules  8、queue for your turn
二.1. obey    2. turn    3. manners    4. pick   5. litter    6. running   
7. politely    8. tap   9. Eh    10. queue
三. 1-5 CBCDA
四. 1. to finish    2. have learned    3. waiting    4. ran   5. to renew    6. is swimming
七. 1. Have you heard "You are never too old to learn"?
    2. Remember not to drop litter everywhere.
    3. It's wrong to pick flowers in the park
    4. Don't leave the tap running while brushing your teeth
    5. It's not polite to cut in on others.
    6. Do people here obey traffic rules?
    7. You are old enough to learn good manners.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/292285.html
