
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

I. 根據(jù)句意和所給音標選詞。(5分)
I.  The _______  /si:ts/ in the theater are very comfortable.
A.   Seet      B.seats      C.seas     D.seat
2. Can you come to the _______ ['θɪətə]   with me tomorrow ?
A. cinema   B. concert  C.theater   D.event
3. _______  /ɔːl'ðəʊ/ my sister is only six, she can dress herself.
A. Though  B. Through  C. Although    D. Thought
4. At  last,  Tony didn’t  _______ [ə'pɪə] ,and his friends were very sad .
A. Apple   B, appear  C, already  D already
5Who's the_______  ['wɪnə]  of the tennis match?
A.winner    B.writer   C victory   D winer

6. I want to see Animal World. Please _______ the TV.
A. turn on    B. turn up    C. turn down    D. turn off
7. You should put _______ and a cup of yogurt into the blender.
A. two teaspoon of sugar       B. a teaspoon of sugar
C. two teaspoons of sugars       D.  a teaspoon of sugars
8 .Drinking hot tea ______ honey is good _____ you.
A .with; for     B. with; at   C. and; for     D. for ;at
9 He can’t get there on time ______ the heavy rain.
     A . because  B . when  C . because of   D .if
10. I went to see you last Saturday, ___there __nobody in the room.
A. but;  was  B. and; were  C. and; was  D. but; is
11.________ does your mother go for a walk?   ---Every afternoon.
A. How long      B. How often      C. How much      D. How many
12. It ______that everyone in our class likes Xiao Shenyang.
  A. looks   B. seems    C. sees   D. feels
13. He will come back ______ two days.
   A. from       B. at     C. after    D. in
14. Don’t _______ the milk into the cup . It’s full (滿了).
  A. peel  B. pour  C. leave  D. drink
15. I think people here are friendly. Do you agree ____ me?
     A. with     B. to       C. on    D. from
16. Last Sunday we went to the beach . We had great fun ______ in the water.
     A. playing      B. plays       C. play       D. to play
17. My father tries _____vegetables eleven to twelve times a week .
     A. eat  B. to eating C. To eat D. ate
18.Jack ____ plays basketball on Sunday.
   A. sometimes   B. sometime   C. some  times  D. some  time
19.--- Does the child need any help?      ----No. She is ____ to dress herself.
   A. enough old   B. young enough 
C. old  enough  D. enough young
20.I am ______taller than my brother
     A. very      B. too    C. more      D. a little
21. It was sunny. So  I ____with you.
A. decide to go fishing       B. decided went fishing
C. decided to go fishing      D. decide to go fishing
22. He had to help his father _________ on the farm on weekends.
     A. work     B. working     C. works       D. worked
23.She is new here,so she has ______friends at school
     A, much  B. few   C, little   D. a  little
24.You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is __in it.
      A. nothing special        B. anything new
      C. everything important   D. Something interesting
25. Will there ____any paper money in 100 years?  —No,____.
 A.have;there won't B.be;there won't 
 C.have;they won't D.be;they won't
26.—      are you going to do that?   — I am going to take acting lessons.
A. When        B. How    C. Where    D. What
27.—Mary will go to Sydney when she      up.
A. grow            B. grows     C. will grow          D. growing
28. Can you please speak __________, Lucy? We can’t hear you.
A. easily       B. hardly     C. loudly   D. finally
29. Which of the pictures below tells people not to swim here?   
  A.             B.            C.              D.

30 She says she is going to      a new hobby in the coming year.
     A. make up     B. take up        C. put up      D. dress up

What will people look like in the future? Someone made a  31 . In the future, people will have larger heads and bigger eyes.The larger heads will be able to store 32   brains(腦). People will become smarter.  33   will people have bigger eyes? That’s because people may go and live on other  34  . They may be farther  35   thesun than the Earth is. Then people will need bigger eyes to see  36   in the darker environment.  37  UV radiations (紫外線) are stronger on other planets than on the Earth, people’s skin (皮膚) won’t be so  38   as before. What’s more, people will not need to open their mouths to  39  . They will communicate by chips in their heads.
What? You don’t want a face like this? Don’t  40  . People will look like this in at least 20,000 years. 
(   )31. A. prediction B. hobby     C. decision   D. discussion
(   )32. A. higher  B. taller    C. larger   D. less
(   )33. A. When   B. How    C. Why   D. Where
(   34. A. hotels   B. planets   C. UFOs   D. cities
(   )35. A. at    B. on      C. with   D. from
(   )36. A. clearly   B. loudly    C. carefully   D. quickly
(   )37. A. Though  B. Because   C. And    D. When
Tom was nine years old and he went to a school near his house. He went there on foot and came back home usually at 4 o’clock. But last Monday he was very late. His mother asked, “Why are you so late today, Tom?” “Because my teacher asked me to stay behind (留下)” Tom answered. “Why did the teacher make you stay behind?” the mother asked again. “Because no one could answer the teacher’s question except (除了)me,” Tom said. “What was the question?” his mother asked. “The question was ‘Who broke (打破,break的過去式) the window of the classroom?’” Tom said.
(   )41. The school was _____________ Tom’s house.
A. far from  B. near   C. nine meters to D. behind
(   )42. Tom went to school _________________.
A. on foot        B. by bus       C. by bike      D. by car
(   )43. Last Monday Tom came home __________________.
A. earlier       B. hung ry       C. late       D. happy
(  )44. ---Why did Tom stay behind after school? ---Because_________________.
A. he did something wrong        B. he did something right
C. he liked to stay there longer  D. his mother asked the teacher to do so
( )45. His mother might (可能) be very ___________when she heard about that.
A. hungry       B. pleased       C. happy      D. Angry
Bill, Frank and Dave were three brothers. Every year they sent their mother expensive gifts on her birthday,. They liked to show her how rich they were.
The eldest brother. Bill, had a lot  of money and he wanted his mother to have the most expensive gifts, but he didn’t know what to buy. So he put an ad in the newspaper. “Wanted-the greatest gift for my mother.”
About a week before his mother’s birthday a man came to his office. He brought a big bird. “This bird.” the man said, “can speak ten languages and sing some pop songs.”
“Really?  I’d like to listen to it,” Bill said.
The man made  the bird talk in French and tell a joke in Japanese. Then the bird sang a beautiful song. Bill was very happy and paid nine thousand dollars for the bird. The next day Bill sent the bird to his mother with a birthday card.
The day after his mother’s birthday he called his mother. “Well, mother” he asked, “What do you think of the bird?” “Oh, it’s very delicious, dear.” said his mother.
(    ) 46. Who is the eldest brother?
A. Dave    B. Bill        C. Jack     D. Frank
(    )47. What did Bill put in the newspaper?
A.Show    B. A magazine   C. An ad      D. A report
(    )48. How many languages could the bird speak?
A. Five    B. Seven       C. Fight       D. Ten
(    ) 49. How much did Bill pay for the bird?
A. Nine dollars        B. Ten dollars   
C. Nine thousand dollars    D. Ten thousand dollars
(    ) 50. What did Bill send to his mother for her birthday?
 A bird with a card  B. Some money   C. A joke  D. A song
In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join “environment club”. In an environment club, people work together to make our environment cl ean.
    Here are some things students often do.
    No ? garbage(垃圾) lunches. How much do you throw away(扔) after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school.
   No ? car day. On a no- car day, nobody comes to school in a car- not the students and not the teachers. cars give pollution to our air, so remember: walk, jump, bike, or run! Use your legs! It’s lots of fun!
   Turn off the water! Did you know that toilets(抽水馬桶) can waste twenty to forty tons(噸) of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In the environment clubs, students mend(修理) those broken toilets.
   We love our environment. Let’s work together to make it clean.
51. Environment clubs ask students________
A. to run to school every day.   B. to take exercise every day.
C. not to forget to take cars     D. not to throw away lunch bags
52. From the passage we know the students usually have lunch__________.
A. at school                 B. in shops
C. in clubs                  D. at home
53.on a no ?car day, ______ will take a car to school.
A. both students and teachers   B. only students
C. only teachers             D. neither(兩者都不) students nor teachers
54. After students mend toilets, they save______
A. a small river              B. a club
C. a lot of water             D. a toilet
55. The writer wrote the passage to ask students to _________
A. clean school              B. make less pollution
C. join clubs                D. help teachers

Robert:  What are you doing for vacation, Linda?
L inda:   I’m planning to travel with my parents in Italy.
Robert:  Oh, a great country. ______________________________(56)
Linda:   It’s always sunny and warm.
Robert:  Really? _________________________________(57)
Linda:   We’re leaving on July 17th.
Robert:   __________________________________(58)
Linda:   No, a week is too long. We’re staying there for four days.
Rob ert:  What are you doing there?
Linda:We’re going to the restaurants. We want to taste different kinds of Italian food.
Robert:  ___________________________________(59)
Linda:   And we’re going sightseeing and shopping.
Robert:  Well, that sounds wonderful. _______________________________(60)
Linda:   Thank you.
56 . A.How was the weather?     B. How is the weather there?  
     C. What is the weather ?    D. Do you like the weather ?
57.  A. When are you leaving?  B.  What time are you leaving ?
   C. Where are you leaving ?   D. How are you leaving ?
58. A. When are you going there ?  B.How are you gong there ?
   C .How long are you going to stay there?   D.How soon are you going there?
59. A. Are you going  sightseeing?  B. Are you going shopping there ?
C. Where are you going ?      D. What other things are you going to do?   
60. A .Have a good time.     B. Who are you going with ?
   C. Good luck to you.     D. I’m sorry to hear that .
第二卷 筆答題(40分)
A. 選擇方框中適當?shù)脑~匯填空。

finally, teaspoons, peel, make, blender
Do you know how to   61   a great milk shake? First,   62   two bananas, next cut them up and put them in the   63  . Add a cup of yogurt. Then pour two cups of milk into the blender, and add two   64   of honey.   65  , turn on the blender. Two minutes later, you can drink your milk shake.
61. _______   62. _______   63. _______   64. _______   65. _______


 tall,      one,      find,      think,      travel

If you 66.           in Xi’an, you could never miss the world-famous Terracotta Warriors(兵馬俑). The Terracotta Warriors are thousands of clay soldiers(陶俑). They are as 67.     
as humans. They have different faces and different jobs. Some are 68. Taking  weapons(武器)others  are leading horses.
    The warriors(武士,軍人)are built for the tomb(墳?zāi)梗﹐f Qin Shihuang, China’s 68.      
Emperor(皇帝). He 69.         that his soldiers could protect him in another world after he died. So over 700000 workers  built the tomb for 40 years.
Forty years ago, some Xi’an farmers 70.          The Terracotta Warriors five meters under the earth. So far, people found about 8000 Terracotta Warriors. But they believe that most of the Terracotta Warriors are Still under the earth.
66._____________ 67.____________ 68.___________69.____________ 70._____________

VII. 按要求完成下列各句,每空一詞。(5分)
71.Does he like playing basketball?(做肯定回答)
  ____, he____.
72.She told me the news this week.(就畫線部分提問)
  _____ ____ she _____ you the news?
73.You can’t speak Chinese in English class.(改為祈使句)
  __ ____ _____ Chinese in English class.
74.How do y ou like talk shows?(  同義句 )
       do you        ______ talk shows?

75. 這件外套太小了,為什么不買另一件呢?
  This coat is too small. Why not buy _______ _______?
76. 我們每個人都應(yīng)該參與到拯救地球活動中來。
   Everyone should ________  a _______ in ________ the earth.
77. 學(xué)生們正在為考試而學(xué)習(xí)。
  The students are studying for  _______ _______ .
I want ______  _____ a reporter because I enjoy ________  ______  people.
79. 在某些方面,我比我姐姐更加外向。
I ’m _______ _______than my sister _______ some _________
_______,they _______ the  bus back  to school.
Some resolutions _______  _______  ________ with self-improvement.

when George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good at it and made his plane do ①all kinds of tricks.
George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George wanted to take Mark up in his plane. Mark thought, “I’ve traveled  in a big plane several times, but I’ve never been in a small one. So I’ll do.” They we nt up , and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air.  When they came down again, Mark was
very glad to be back ② safely,    and he said to his friend in a shaking(顫抖的)voice, “ well, , George, thank you very much for the  two trips in your plane.” George was very surprised and said, “Two trips?” “Yes, my first and my last,” answered
1.The best title of the passage should be __________.
2. How long was Mark’s trip in the small plane?
3. 把劃線的句子譯成漢語:
4. 寫出②的形容詞形式:___________________
5. 寫出①的同義詞組:________________________
X.書面表達: (10分)
(1) What do you do on weekends?
(2) What did you do last weekend?
(3) What are your good and bad habits?
(4) What do you think is the best way to keep healthy?
Dear Tom,
Thanks for your last letter? Now let me tell you something about myself.

________________________________________________________________________ _______

                                                 See you!
                                                        Lin Yang

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/309325.html
