
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第I卷(共三部分    滿分65分)
第一部分  聽力(共四節(jié),滿分20分)
第一節(jié) 聽句子,選出與所給句子內(nèi)容相符的圖畫。聽音前你有10秒鐘讀題時(shí)間,注意聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)

(   )1.

                 A                      B                       C

(   )2.

                  A                     B                        C

(    )3.

 A                      B                        C 

(   )4.

                  A                      B                       C 


(    )5.

                  A                       B                       C
第二節(jié) 根據(jù)所聽到的句子,選出恰當(dāng)?shù)膽?yīng)答語。聽音前你有10秒鐘的讀題時(shí)間,注意聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
(    )6.A.Nice to meet you too.   B.How do you do.    C. The same to you .
(    )7.A. Two hours.    B. I don’t like it.       C. Twice a week.
(    )8.A. She is tall.     B.She is a student.    C.She is popular in school.
(    )9.A. You’r welcome.  B. Really?          C. No, thanks.
(    )10.A. No,I don’t.     B.Comedy.            C. Yes,I do.
第三節(jié) 聽對話及問題,選擇最佳答案。 聽音前你有10秒鐘的讀題時(shí)間,注意聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
(    )11. A. They climbed mountains. B. They went hiking and fishing.
C. Both A and B.
(    )12. A. Every day. B. Once a week.  C. Three times a week.
(    )13. A. Tom is as tall as Tim.      B. Tom is taller than Tim.
C. Tim is taller than Tom.
(    )14. A.awful.       B.just so so .       C.successful.
(    )15. A. Bob’s sister.   B. Bob.     C. Mary.
第四節(jié)  聽短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。聽音前你有15秒鐘的讀題時(shí)間,注意聽三遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
(    )16.Michael Jordan was born in Washington, DC.
(    )17.Jordan could play basketball very well in his high school.
(    )18.He played so well that people called him “Air Jordan”.
(    )19.He became a basketball team member in the Houston Rockets.
(    )20.Once he got 36 points in one game.
第二部分  英語知識運(yùn)用(共二節(jié), 滿分25分)
第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)填空  從A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處或替換劃線部分的最佳答案。(共15小題,每小題1分,滿分15分)
(   )21. ----How’s it going, Alan?
          ---- _________________.
A. Long time no see                        B. I’m drawing a picture
C. It’s going to rain                        D. Pretty good
(   )22. ---- ______________________________?
          ---- He is of medium build and has straight hair.
A. What does his uncle do                      B. What does his uncle look like
C. What can his uncle do                       D. What is his uncle doing 
(   )23. —What a nice watch! When   you   it?
—Three days ago.
A. do; buy   B. did; bought     C. were; buy  D. did; buy
(    )24. ---- May I speak to Robert?
           ---- _________ .
A. I am Robert       B. Speaking, please     C. It’s 78345190  D. He is Robert
(   )25. The Great Wall is   famous   lots of visitors all over the world come to visit it every year.
A. so; that  B. such; that     C. enough; that   D. very; that 
(   )26. — Are you free this Sunday?
— Yes, I am. I have ________ to do.
A. anything special  B. special anything  
C. nothing special   D. special nothing
(   )27. In the school talent show, Linda performed well and Ann did even   .
A. well   B. better   C. more   D. worse
(   )28. —Do you know that old woman?
— Yes, she is Mrs. Green. And she  ____ leaves her house because she can’t walk far.
A. usually  B. ever   C. hardly      D. always 
(   )29. We must _______ what he is doing now and then we can take action.
A. get up     B. bring out    C. wake up    D. find out
(   )30. The safety of food has become one of the _________ problems in our daily life.
A. more expensive    B. more important    C. most expensive   D. most important
(   )31. — What did you think of the show?
— It was ________. We all enjoyed it.
A. boring     B. scary    C. fantastic  D. terrible
(   )32. — What’s the weather like today?
— It’s as ______ as yesterday. You can wear shorts.
A. hot      B. hotter    C. cold   D. colder
(   )33.----- It’s smoggy(多霧的) these days in Beijing city. That’s terrible!
----- Yes, I hope to plant trees.________ trees, ______air pollution.
A. The more; the fewer       B. the less; the more   
C. The less; the fewer        D. The more; the less  
(    )34.-------The medicine _________ awful. I can’t stand it.
           -------I know, Jimmy. But it’s helpful for you.
A. tastes            B. eats          C. drinks          D. takes 
(   )35. ---- Although Ms Zhou is an old lady, she is always in the pink.
           ---- Yes. Because she exercises every day and eats a balanced diet.
A. healthy      B. lucky      C. beautiful      D. creative
第二節(jié)    完形填空 從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳答案。(共10 小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)
Friends are very important in people’s lives. Some friends have 36 views(觀點(diǎn))and interests, and 37 like the same things. Should friends be different 38 same? In my opinion, I don’t care. I have two best friends, Wang Lei and Lin Ying. Wang Lei 39 like me. I am 40 than most of the students in my class, and Wang Lei is also quiet. And we both enjoy 41 . On weekends, we often go to the library to do some reading. But the other friend of mine, Lin Ying, is 42 different from me. She is much more outgoing, and she likes 43 and often makes me laugh. She also likes 44 , so she is stronger. I don’t think differences are important in a 45 . What’s your opinion?
(   )36. A. same       B. different   C. active   
(   )37. A. others      B. another          C. other    
(   )38. A. and   B. but    C. or    
(   )39. A. isn’t   B. doesn’t      C. is
(   )40. A. quiet   B. quieter          C. more outgoing
(   )41. A. reading books B. playing games    C. watching TV   
(   )42. A. not      B. more       C. quite  
(   )43. A. doing sports B. telling jokes    C. going to parties  
(   )44. A. sports   B. books            C. movies    
(   )45. A. match   B. family   C. friendship
第三部分   閱讀理解(共15小題,滿分25分)
A Survey about Favorite TV Programs in Different Years
(1, 000 people take part in the survey)
(  )46. In 2011, the most popular program of the three was the talent show.
(  )47. The talent show was as popular as the talk show in 2012.
(  )48. The ratings(收視率)of the magic show increased by(增加) 468 from 2012 to 2013.
(  )49. The number of children who liked watching magic show was the second largest.
(  )50. Magic show had the largest audiences(觀眾) in 2013.
Mrs Brown was very fat. Her husband(丈夫) thought she should go on a diet, and he made her eat no meat or cakes.
One morning, Mrs Brown made a nice cake for her husband, and he ate half(一半) of it. After he went out, Mrs Brown cut a very small piece of the cake and ate it. It was very delicious. Then she cut a bigger piece and ate it, too. In a few minutes she finished up the cake. “My husband is going to be very angry,” she thought. “What should I do?” She made another cake very quickly, ate half of it, and put the other half on the table. Mr. Brown came back later. When he saw the half of the cake on the table, he was very happy.
根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。(共5小題,每小題2分, 滿分10分)
( 。51. Mrs Brown's husband made her eat no meat or cakes because _____.
       A. meat and cakes are junk food
       B. meat and cakes could make her fatter
       C. he liked eating them
       D. meat and cakes could make her sick
(  )52. What's the Chinese for “go on a diet” in the passage?
       A.節(jié)食   B. 加強(qiáng)營養(yǎng)  C. 健康飲食  D.多吃素食
(  )53. Which of the following is true?
        A. Mrs Brown ate half of the first cake and left the other half for her husband.
        B. Mrs Brown ate half of the first cake and half of the second one that morning.
        C. Mr. Brown ate four cakes that morning.
        D. Mr. Brown didn't eat any cakes that morning.
(   ) 54. Mrs Brown made another cake because _________.
       A. She was good at making cakes  
       B. her husband liked eating cakes.
       C. She wanted to eat more cakes 
       D. she didn't want her husband to be angry
(   ) 55. Why was Mrs Brown's husband very happy when he saw the half of the cake on the table?
        A. Because he was very hungry.
        B. Because Mrs Brown made it for him.
        C. Because he thought Mrs Brown didn't ate any cakes.
        D. Because the cake was nice and delicious.
   One of the easiest ways to keep fit is to do jogging. Jogging is the name for a very gentle(舒緩的)running—it is just a little faster than walking.
Start slow jog 20 meters, then walk 20 meters. Little by little, if you are not feeling very tired, you may do more jogging and less walking. Finally, jog the whole way. It will be easy for you to start jogging for 15 minutes twice a week, slowly, increase this to 20-30 minutes every day. The longer you join in jogging, the more you enjoy it and the healthier you will become. Some people like jogging alone, and others enjoy doing it with friends. Jogging in groups makes more people keener(熱心的), because you just can not stay in bed while there is a group of friends waiting outside. If you want to start jogging, prepare a pair of comfortable shoes and a determined mind.
根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。(共5小題,每小題2分, 滿分10分)
(   )56. Jogging means     in Chinese.
A.散步      B. 快跑      C. 慢跑     D. 跳躍
(   )57. If you are not feeling very tired,    .
A. you may do more jogging 
B. you may not do more jogging
C. you are very healthy and needn’t do more jogging   
D. you may just do more walking
(   )58. One good point of jogging in groups is   .
A. you don’t feel lonely
B. you are not likely to give it up halfway
C. you can run faster
D. you won’t feel tired
(   )59. If you want to start jogging, what you need most is   .
A. a pair of comfortable shoes and a determined mind
B. a sports suit and a lot of students
C. a partner and a good plan
D. a strong body
(   )60. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “determined” in the passage? It’s“   ”.
A. 剛強(qiáng)的  B. 堅(jiān)定的  C. 偉大的  D. 堅(jiān)硬的
第II卷 (寫作部分 共三節(jié),滿分30分)
第一節(jié) 單詞填空
Everyone is good at something,but some people are thuly   61     (talent).It’s always interesting   62    (watch)other people show their talents.Talent shows are getting more and more popular.   63   (one),there were shows like American Idol and America’s Got Talent.Now,there are similar shows around the world,such as China’s Got Talent.
All   64  (this)things have one thing in common:Thy try to look for the best singers,the most talented dancers,the most exciting   65   (magic),the funniest actors and so on.All kinks of people join these shows.But who can play the piano the best or sing        66   (beauty)?That’s up to you to decide.When people watch the show,they usually play a role in    67   (decide)the winner.And the winner always gets a very good prize.
However,not everybody enjoys watching these shows.Some think that the lives of the    68   (perform)are made up.For example,some people say they are poor farmers,but in fact they are just actors.However,if you don’t take these shows   69    (serious),they are fun to watch.And one great thing about them is that they give people a way    70  (make)their dreams come true.
第一節(jié) 英漢互譯(共10個(gè)詞組,每個(gè)1分,滿分10分)
     71. 呆在家 ___________________      76. The Palace Museum _________________
     72. 至少   ___________________      77. be similar to      _________________
     73. 去看牙醫(yī)  _________________     78.as long as        ___________________       
     74. 小學(xué)   ____________________     79. so far            ____________
     75.代替、替換、取代某人 ________    80. expect to do sth   __________________
第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá)(滿分10分)
A. A happy time.
B. Let me tell you  __________
要求:1. 請從所給的A、B兩個(gè)題目中任選其一作答,分值相同。如選B題,請把題目補(bǔ)充完整再作答。例如:你可以寫“ Let me tell you my dream”, ”Let me tell you how to learn English”,“Let me tell you I love you, Mom”等等
2. 注意緊扣主題,意思連貫,語言通順,書寫規(guī)范。
3.不得使用真實(shí)姓名和校名,如需使用名字,請用Mike,Gina等英文名字,校名統(tǒng)一用Guangming Middle School。

第一節(jié) 聽句子,選出與所給句子內(nèi)容相符的圖畫。聽音前你有10秒鐘讀題時(shí)間,注意聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
1. My father went to the Great Wall on vacation.
2. Don’t eat too much junk food, it’s not good for your health.
3. Golden Theater has the biggest screen.
4. Did you like the singing competition yesterday ?
5. Do you want to watch a game show ?
第二節(jié)  根據(jù)所聽到的句子,選出恰當(dāng)?shù)膽?yīng)答語。聽音前你有10秒鐘的讀題時(shí)間,注意聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
6. How do you do ?
7. How often does your mother go shopping?
8. What does Alice look like ?
9. Thank you for helping me .
10. What kind of movie do you like?
第四節(jié) 聽對話及問題,選擇最佳答案。 聽音前你有10秒鐘的讀題時(shí)間,注意聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
11.M.Hi,Susan .where did you go on vacation ?
  W: Well, I went to the countryside with my friends.
M: Really? What did you do there?
W: We climbed the mountains, went hiking and fishing.
M: Sounds good. How long did you stay there?
W: For two days.
Q: What did Susan and her friends do there?
12.M: Hello! May I ask you some questions, Linda?
W: Of course.
M: Thank you. What do you usually do on weekends?
W: I usually do my homework and watch TV.
M: How often do you watch TV?
W: Three times a week.
M: What program do you like best?
W: I like Animal World best.
 Q: How often does the girl watch TV?
13. M: Is that Tom, Laura?
W: No, it isn’t. It’s Tim. Tim is taller than Tom.
Q: What can we know from the conversation?
14.W: Did you watch the school talent show, Dale?
M: Yeah. It was a great success!
W: How long did the show last?
M: For about one hundred minutes.
Q: How was the talent show ?
15. W: Bob, do you like soap operas?
M: I can’t stand them. I like sports shows best. What about you, Mary?
W: Oh! I like sitcoms very much.
Q: Who can’t stand soap operas?
第五節(jié) 聽短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。聽音前你有15秒鐘的讀題時(shí)間,注意聽三遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
 Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in the world, He was born in Brokelin New York.He didn’t play very well when  he joined the basketball team in his high school at first. Michael Jordan became famous when he joined the basketball team in 地點(diǎn) .he played so well that people called him air Jordan,then he became a memeber of the Chicago balls ,he once got 63 points in one game .
答案:1-5 CACBC  6-10 BCAAB  11-15 CCCCB 
16-20 TFTTF    21-25 DBDBA
26-30 CBCDD   31-35 CADAA 
36-40 BACCB  41-45 ACBAC   46-50 TFTFT
51-55 BADDC   56-60 CABAB
61. talented  62. to watch 63. First 64. these 65 .magicians 66. (the) most beautifully 67. deciding 68. performers 69. seriously 70 .to make
71.stay at home 72.at least 73.go to the dentist 75.take sb’s(one’s) place 76. 故宮 77. 相似于 (與….. 相似)78.只要 79. 到目前為止 迄今為止  80. 期盼去做某事


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/314965.html
