
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

班級                  姓名          得分

一、聽單詞,選出一個你所聽到的單詞,每個單詞讀兩遍 (    )1.A.violinist.       B. scientist.        C. pianist.
(    )2.A.environment.    B. personal.       C. traditional
(    )3.A probably.       B. believe         C. finally.
(    )4.A.dangerous.      B.possible        C  improve
(    )5.A.grow up     B. be sure about      C  look for
二、聽句子,選擇正確答語。每個句子讀兩遍。(  5分)
(    )6.A.Often . B. Two days. C. About an hour. 
(    )7.A.two.   B. Two spoons of honey  C   a  few.
(    )8.A. a pilot.  B. a banana   C   some  pepper
(    )9.A.in shanghai . B.I study math really hard.
      C.when I finish high school.
(    )10.A.Yes ,I will  B. Yes, I  do   C.Yes,  I am
三、.聽對話,選擇正確答案。每段對話讀兩遍。(  5分)
(    )11.They are talking about _______.
 A. robots B. computers C. UFOs
(    )12.What’s a UFO like?
 A .a  plate.  B.a  plane. C. He doesn’t know.
(    )13.Is he sure he will have a robot in 20 years?
 A. Yes, he will. B. He is not sure. C. No, he won’t.
(    )14.What does the girl want to know?
 A. What to look up on the Internet. B. How to use the Internet.
 C. Where to buy computers.
(    )15.The boy wants to be _______
 A. a teacher B. a robot C. a scientist
四、聽短文,選擇正確答案。短文讀三遍。( 5分)
(    )16.Where is Lily?
  A. She is at school gate.  B. She is at the bookshop.
  C. She is in the library.
(    )17.What is Lily going to do then?
  A. She is going home.  B. She is going to catch a bus.
  C. She is going to buy a newspaper at the post office.
(    )18.Where is the post office?
  A. Next to the bookshop.  B. At the second turning.
  C. In the next street.
(    )19.Is she going to stay in the post office for a long time?
  A. No, she isn’t.  B. Yes, she is.  C.I don’t know.
(    )20.When is she going back home?   
  A. At six o’clock.  B. At five o’clock. C. Before five o’clock.

三、單項選擇題 (15分)
1、 ________ do you want to be when you grow up ?
A  What     B  How    C    When      D   How much
2 、 I am going to ________next week
A  be   B  visit that school    C   do      D 、 have
3、  She_______move to shanghai when she finishes high school
A  is  going   B  will   C  are  going to  D were
4、 There will  _______free time in the future
A  fewer   B  less   C  little   D  fewest
5 、 In 2 years,we’ll have _________friends ,so we’ll be  very happy.
A  less    B   more    C    fewer    D   much
6 、 I  think  they ______  go  to  school  in  100  years
A don’t    B  won’t   C  aren’t   D  didn’t
7、  Will  people  have  a  robot   in  100  years ?
 A   No ,they won’t    B  yes ,they do
 C  yes ,they are       D  No ,they will
8 、______do you make a banana milk shake?   _ once a week
A How much      B  How  C How many    D How often
9 、How  many __________does she need?
A  milk   B  bread   C  tomatoes     D sugar
10、How  much  yogurt  do  we  need?
 A two      B  one   C one cup of yogurt  D a pieces of yogurt
11、Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? 
A  yes ,I don’t     B No, I’m  not   C yes ,I do D yes ,I will
12、 Tom; I think there will be more pollution in the future
     Sally: ________,I think there’ll be fewer  pollution in the future
A  I agree  B  I disagree  C  I  think so  D No,I don’t
13、A; I want to be a scientist .
    B; That _________ cool .
A   look   B seem  C likes   D  sounds
14 、When she  grows up , she wants to be an   ___________
A  teacher  B  engineer   C scientist  D computer programmer
15 、Ken is going to be a writer ,so he’s going to keep on____ stories.
A    writing    B  writes    C  tell      D   say

四、完形填空 ( 10分)
In 20 years ,I think I’ll be a newspaper reporter .I’ll ____1____ in shanghai ,because there will be____2_____ jobs in that city , As a reporter ,I think I  will meet ___3___interesting people ,so I’ll have more friends ,I’ll have ____4___pets,though ,because I’ll have ___5___free time ,And my apartment will be no good for pets because it’ll be too small ,soI’ll probably just ___6___a bird.during the week ,I’ll ____7____smart clothes .On  the weekends.I’ll look less smart but I’ll be _____8_____ .   ____9______the future ,  people will more so they’ll probably have fewer vacations ,but I think I’ll_____10_____ a holiday in  Hongkong,when possible,one day,I’ll even go to  Australia
(     )1 、  A l ive            B lives          C woks
(     )2 、A  more           B  less           C  fewer
(     )3、 A lots of           B  much          C  a lot
(     )4、 A less             B  a little         C fewer
(     )5 、A many            B  more         C  less
(     )6 、A keeps           B  keep          C  has
(     )7、A dresses           B  put           C  wear
(     )8、A more comfortable B more comfortably   C comfortable
(     )9 、A In             Bon                C at
(     )10、A has            B take             C be

(  A  )
My and Mrs Jones never go out in the evening ,but last Saturday Mrs Jones said to her husband, “There is a good film at the cinema tonight. Shall we go and see it ?”
Mr Jones was quite happy about it . So they went , and both of them enjoyed the film very much .
When they came out of the cinema , it was already 11 o’clock .They got into their car and began driving home . It was quite dark . Mrs Jones said ,”Look ,a woman is running along the road very fast and a man is running after her . Can you see them ?”Mr Jones said , “Yes ,I can .”He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her , “Can I help you ?”
“No , thanks ,” said the woman , but she did not stop running . “ My husband and I
always run home after the cinema . Because whoever (不論誰) gets home late will wash dishes (碗碟) .”
(      )1. Mr and  Mrs Jones ______________ .
A . often stay at home in the evening B . often go out in the evening
C . often go out to have supper D . often go to the cinema in the evening
(      )2 . Last Saturday , they ______________ .
A . went out for a walk B. went to see a film
C . went to see a woman D.went to buy a car
(      )3. __________ enjoyed the film very much .
A . Mr Jones B. Mrs JonesC. Both Mr and Mrs Jones D. The woman
(      )4. On their way home , they saw _________ .
A. a man running after a woman B. two men running together
C. a woman running after a man D. two women running together
(      )5. Why were the man and the woman running ? Because _____________ .
A. the woman’s  husband was anfry with her
B. they liked running
C. neither the man nor the woman wanted to wash the dishes
D. they tried to catch the car
(  B  )
Rose is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents.
   It’s Sunday morning. Rose gets up early in the morning. After breakfast her parents take her to the zoo. They go to see the pandas and other animals. The pandas live only in China. There are not any pandas in America. So they like the pandas best. Outside the zoo gate there is a picture. It’s a picture of panda with “welcome”. In the zoo, Rose sees not only panda but also many other animals. 
   The panda is round and fat. It looks  like a ball. It always moves slowly like a ball rolling. There are also elephants. The elephant is the biggest animal on land. There are many monkeys on the hill. Some of them are sitting in the trees. Some are picking nuts. And the others are running or climbing up the trees. Rose and her parents have a good time in the zoo.
(      )6.Rose comes from______ .        
      A. China    B. Beijing      C. America
(      )7.When does Rose go to the zoo?
     A. On Sunday      B. On Saturday  C. Before breakfast
(      )8.What does the panda look like ?
      A. It’s like a monkey.  B It’s like a ball. C. It’s like a nut.
 (      )9.Many monkeys are_____.
      A . sitting in the trees    B. picking nuts   C. both A and B
(      )10.Rose and her parents are_____ on that day.  
       A. very busy.         B. very free.   C. very happy 
                          (  C  )
Sydney Tower
Address:100Market St, Sydney
Phone:02 9333 9222
Fax(傳真):02 9333 9203
Open time:9:00 am to 10:30pm(Saturdays  9:00am to 11:30pm)
Ticket:$60(for an adult)     $30(for a child)
Website: www. Sydney tower. com. Au
How to book tickets: by phone\fax or through the web
Attraction: Sydney’s best views are just the beginning! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360° views of our beautiful city.
(     )11. Sydney Tower is _____ in Sydney, Australia.
    A. the busiest street   B. the biggest station    C. the highest point
 (     )12. If you want to book(預(yù)定) a ticket to Sydney Tower, you can not_____.
A. email Sydney tower @ hotmail.com  B. fax02 9333 9203
C. phone 02 9 333 9222
(     )13.Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children, he will pay_____.
     A. $60    B. $90          C. $120      
(     )14.Last Saturday, Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down the tower______.
A. after 11:30pm     B. before 11:30pm    C. at 10:30pm
(    )15.The passage above is probably______.
     A. a piece of news      B .  an ad 廣告      C. a story

1、In the future ,  there will be ________ fresh water and there’ll  be    _________ trees in the cities.   (  fewer  |  less )
2、_________  cups of honey do we need ?
   __________  yogurt does Andy have?  ( how much | how many )
3、I want_________ a  cook when I finish college
   What will the future _________ like ? (  be  |  to be )
4、now _______we eat the banana milk shake? ---Yes ,of cause.
We  think they might _________ make popcorn ( be able to |   can  )
5  I  would  like _________ to your party on Sunday.
  Can you _________ my birthday party?  (  to come  |  come  )

1、How are you going to do that?   _____________
2、What do you want to be when you grow up ?__________
3、Will there be less pollution in the future?  _____________
4、What will the future be like ?     _____________
5、How many bananas do we need ?  ____________
  A  Cities will be more polluted,and there will be fewer trees
  B  I am going to study math really hard
  C  Yes, there will
  D  I  want to be an astronaut
  E  Hundreds of

 1  How many _______ ( apple )does she need ?
 2  I _________ ( work ) English  really hard next year
 3  There ________ ( be )fewer people in 200years.
 4  _____  you  _____  (  make ) any resolutions last year?
 5 she  thinks  kids ___________ (  not  go ) to school in the future.

九、作文 使用,cut up  ,banana , peel  pour  turn on  blender, milk, yogurt .drink 等詞,能復(fù)述奶昔的制作過程,不少于80詞。(10分)

How do you make a banana milk shake ? 

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/316525.html
