
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

1. 除了學習英語,這個課程將給我們展示真實的美國生活。
                     English, the course                 real American life.
2. 或者是他,或者是我會得到作文比賽的特殊獎勵。
                            the special prize in the composition competition.
3. 請熱烈歡迎Becky Wang,她過去常常參加類似的活動。
 Please                           Becky Wang, she            the similar activities.
4. 他們將花六周的時間在一個暑期英語課程中學習,它在七月初開始。
                  in a summer English course, and it starts             July.
5. 這場籃球比賽太激烈了,我們直到看完才吃晚飯。
This basketball match was                    we                      it.

 make a list                      at the end of…                  
at the same time                 at the beginning of…                 
depend on                      stay in touch (with sb.)                
pay for                        by the way                
from a friendship with sb                 
prepare for                    
as well as                      too much                  
form close friendship with sb.                                 
offer sb. sth                     be certain to     

1. “他昨天怎么了?”老師問道。
 “                                           with him yesterday?” the teacher asked.
 2. 媽媽告訴我在學校要好好照顧自己。
  Mother told me                                             at school.
 3. 你為什么不和我們一起去去看電影呢?
                       you go to the movie           us?
 The people                     the world should                           .
5. 他問我是否練習得太多。
 He asked me if I was                                  .
6. 那位畫家畫了一些有關山的畫。
 That painter painted some                                  .
7. 透過窗戶我們看到他正在寫作業(yè)。
  We saw him             his homework                 the window.
8. 我們坐纜車上了泰山。
  We took                                         up Mount Tai.
9. 我叔叔說我們應該洗手。
  My uncle said we                          our hands.
10. 你知道我國最大的淡水湖是什么嗎?
  Do you know what the largest                                     is in China?

2. 翻譯詞組。
1. take up                   
2. point out                
3. at the top of…               
4. wake sb. up             
5.be famous for              
6. time off              
7. not…any more                
8. be careful               
9. move about               
10. in the end             
11. be popular with               
12. look like               
13. welcome to somewhere        
14. hear sb. doing sth.            
15. allow sb. to do sth.            
16. promise to do sth.             
17. without doing sth             
18. hope to do sth.              
19. would like sb. to do sth.            

1. 完成句子。
1. 他給了我一個燦爛的微笑。
  He                                                               .
2. 這個小女孩害怕和任何人交朋友。
  The little girl                                                       anyone.
3. 我聽到一些學生在隔壁大聲地笑和談話。
  I heard                                                     in the next door.
4. 真正的友誼是讓你的朋友們感到快樂。
  The real friendship is                                                     .
5. 大多數(shù)人喜歡交朋友,而且邀請他們的筆友來拜訪他們。
  Most people                         , and                          visit them.
6. 我不知道他沒吃早飯就去上班了。
  I don’t know                                                           .
2. 翻譯詞組。
1. join in                   
2. no problem                
 3. in silence               
4. day by day              
5. patient with               
6. have fun              
7. so that              
8. take a message              
9. get separated               
10. sure of oneself               
11. make friends                
12. stick together                
13.have a fight             
14. every time                
15. have a hard time                 
16. worry about               
17. refuse to do sth                   
18. regret doing sth                    
19. encourage sb. to do sth.                   
20. be afraid to do sth.                     
21. feel sb. do sth.                  

1. 完成句子。
1. 李明說他對玩電腦游戲感興趣。
  Li Ming says                                                     computer games.
2. 叔叔說他正在寫一本新小說。
  Uncle said that he                                            a new novel.
3. 他花了三年的時間來準備這場考試。
  It                                                               the exam.
4. 六點的新聞到此結束。
  That is                                         the six o’clock news.
5. 我解釋說我九歲的時候在小電臺求職。
  I explain that                                           in a small radio stations.

2. 翻譯詞組。
1. on air                     
2. in person                     
3. show…around                 
4. on air               
5. do interviews with               
6. in person              
7. ask for              
8. once a week              
9. watch for                
10. close down               
11. avoid doing sth.                 
12. what about doing sth.?                
13. it seems that                
14. keep on doing sth.                

1. As well as learning, will show us
2. Either he or I will get
3. give a warm welcome to, used to take part in
4. They will spend six weeks studying, at the beginning of
5. so exciting that, didn’t have super until we finished watching

1. what was the matter
2. to look after myself
3. Why don’t, with
4. all over, protect the environment
5. practicing too much
6. pictures of mountains.
7. doing, through
8. a cable car
9. should wash
10. fresh water lake

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/319218.html
