
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第一卷 試題 24分
5. What does the an want?
A. ilk. B. Coffee. C. Tea.
6. How uch does the an want to buy?
A. 3 cups. B. 2 cups. C. 1 cup.
7. What’s wrong with the woan?
A. She has a stoachache. B. She has a fever. C. She had a headache.
8. What does the doctor tell the an to do?
A. To do soe exercise. B. To take soe edicine. C. To have soe food.
9. What is the date of Betty’s birthday?
A. ay 1st. B. ay 2nd. C. ay 3rd.
10. What present will the speakers buy for Betty?
A. A toy panda. B. A toy baby. C. A toy dog.
11. Why does the woan ake the phone call?
A. Because she hopes to find a job.
B. Because she plans to go to evening classes.
C. Because she wants to know ore about the club.
12. When can she have an interview?
A. On onday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.
13. Why does the an ask the woan for her nae and e-ail address?
A. He wants to visit her.
B. He wants to know ore about her.
C. He wants to send her inforation.
聽下面一段獨(dú)白,完成第14-16 小題
14. What should a good listener do before listening?
A. Stand with his ars crossed.
B. Epty his own ideas and thoughts.
C. Prepare as any questions as possible.
15. How any suggestions has the speaker entioned?
A. 5. B. 6. C. 7.
16. How can you get ore inforation about a good listener?
A. By post. B. By eail. C. Over the phone.

( )21.We have lived here _______ five years ago.
A.when B.since C.before D.a(chǎn)fter
( )22.We can see _____sun in the day, and we can see _______any stars at night.
A .the, the B .a, a C .the, / D./, the
( )23.We often plant _______trees every year.
A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of D. thousands
( )24.---Excuse e .Can you give e ________about learning English ?
---Certainly .I’ glad to help you.
A. a advice B. an advice C. any advice D. soe advice
( )25.---Would you like to go fishing with e toorrow ?
---Sorry, I don’t like fishing. How about _________?
A. go swiing B .go swi C. going swiing D.go to swi
( )26.---____you ever read English newspapers ?
---No, I_______.
A. Do, do B. Do, have C. Have, have D. Have, haven’t
( )27.We read the year 2006______
A. twenty six B. two thousand six C. two zero zero six D. two thousand and six
( )28.---Rock is _________than classical usic .
---But I prefer classical usic.
A even popular B uch popular C ore popular D. popularer
( )29.---The newspaper isn’t interesting , ________?
---No, it isn’t. There is nothing strange in it .
A. is it B. isn’t it C. does it D. doesn’t it
( )30.---_____have you lived in that old house ?
---For about twenty years.
A How soon B. How far C How often D. How long
( )31.---There are about 2000 students in No.4 iddle School, _______?
---Yes, there are.
A. are there B. aren’t there C are they D aren’t they
( )32.---What did your parents do last onth ?
---They went to Aerica _____business.
A. with B .for C. in D. on
( )33.---Look ! The teacher is coing.
---Let’s______and listen to her.
A. stop talk B. stop to talk C. stop talking D. to stop talking
( )34.---Where is Ji ?
---He ________Shanghai . He’ll be back next week.
A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to D. goes to
( )35.________ read soething difficult.
A. Why not to B. Why don’t C. Why not D. Why not you

Soeone says, “ Tie is oney.” But I think tie is uch 36 iportant than oney. Why? Because when oney is spent, we can get it back. But, when tie is gone, it will never 37 That is 38 we ustn’t waste(浪費(fèi)) tie.
It goes without saying that 39 is usually liited (有限的). 40 a second(秒) is very iportant. We should ake full use of our tie to do 41 .
But it is a pity(可惜) that there 42 a lot of people who do not know the 43 of tie. They spent their liited tie soking, drinking and 44 . They do not know that wasting tie eans wasting part of their own 45 .
In a word, we should save tie. We shouldn’t 46 today’s work for toorro
Reeber we have no tie to 47.
( )36 A. any B. less C. ost D. ore
( )37. A. return B. carry C. get D. bring
( )38. A. what B. because C. why D. so
( )39. A. oney B. tie C. day D. food
( )40. A. Every B. Even C. In D. Since
( )41. A. nothing useful B. useful anything C. soething useful D. useful everything
( )42. A.have B.are C.has D. is
( )43. A.difficult B.iportance C.age D. need
( )44. A. reading B. writing C. playing D. working
( )45. A. tie B. lives C. food D. oney
( )46. A. stop B. give C. let D. leave
( )47. A. lose B. save C. spend D. take

The largest specializing
in Aerican history
Open: on. to Fri. 9:00a..-5:00p..
Sat.: 9:00a.. -1:00 p..
Close: Sun.
Address: 1100 Chestnut St. New York
Telephone: 77364431THE CITY FLOWER SHOW
Price: ¥ 50 for adults
¥ 25 for children
Address: 112 Kendal Way Chesterton
Cabridge CB4 1LT
Telephone: 55539561
Hoill you spend your suer?
English Suer Cap 2006 at University of
Toronto, Canada!
Ages: 13 to 18
For ore Inforation, Call CEE/CCIEE at
Bands fro hoe and abroad will give
perforances in Chaoyang Park,Beijing.
Chinese singers like Zhang Liangying will
also share usic with fans.
Price: 30-50 Yuan
Tie: 9:00 a..-9:00 p..
48. NEW YORK USEU is closed on _______.
A. onday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday
49. Toy is an 8-year-old boy. He wants to visit THE CITY FLOWER SHO How uch will he pay?
A. 30 yuan. B. 2uan. C. 40 yuan. D. 50 yuan.
50. If you want to get ore inforation about ENGLISH SUER CAP, you can call at_______.
A. 77364431 B. 55539561 C. 66062607 D. 30509009
51. Where will the POP USIC WEEK be held?
A. Chaoyang Park, Beijing.
B. 1100 Chesnut St. New York.
C. University of Toronto, Canada.
D. 112 Kendal Way Chesterton Cabridge.
ary is an Aerican girl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. ary doesn't know uch Chinese, but she is studying it. She often speaks Chinese with her Chinese friends. Soeties they can't understand her, because she can't speak Chinese very well.
It's Saturday orning. She goes out. She is walking in the street. She wants to go to the zoo to see the elephants and onkeys, but she doesn't know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy the way. The boy can't understand her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. The boy understands, and shows her the way to the zoo.
( )52. ary is__________ .
A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. Aerican
( )53. ary is in__________ with her parents no
A. Shanghai B. Beijing C. New York D. London
( )54. ary doesn't know how to get to__________ .
A. the zoo B. the park C. her hoe D. her school
The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as uch as possible. Soeties you'll get your words ixed up(混合) and people will not understand you. Soeties people will say things too quickly and you can' t understand the. But if you keep your sense of huor(幽默感),you can always have a good laugh at the istakes you ake. Don't be unhappy if people see to be laughing at your istakes. It's better for people to laugh at your istakes than to be angry with you,because they don't understand what you are saying. The ost iportant thing for learning English is:“Don't be afraid of aking istakes because everyone akes istakes.”
( )55. The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is ____.
  A. writing  B. listening C. using it    D. learning graar
( )56. What should you do in learning English?
  A. Be careful not to ake any istake. B. Write as quickly as you can. 
  C. Laugh ore often. D. Speak English as uch as you can.
( )57. When people laugh at your istakes,you should ____.
  A. not care  B. be happy  C. feel worriedD. be unhappy
One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by sending newspapers door to door, was so hungry that he decided to beg for a eal at the next house.
However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woan opened the door. Instead of a eal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought hi a large glass of ilk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How uch do I owe (欠…債) you?”
“You don’t owe e anything,” she replied. “Then I thank you fro the botto of y heart.” With these words, Howard Kelly left that house.
Year later the woan becae badly ill and as finally sent to the hospital in a big city. Dr. Howard Kelly, now faous, was called in. When he heard the nae of the town she cae fro, a strange light filled his eyes. Dressed in his doctor’s clothes, Dr. Kelly went into her roo and recognized her at once. Fro that day on, he gave special attention to her, and decided to do his best to save her life.
At last the woan was saved. Dr. Kelly asked the business office to pass the final bill to hi. He looked at it and then wrote soething on the side. The bill was sent to her roo. She was afraid to open it because she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to pay for it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention. She read these words:
“Paid in full with a glass of ilk, Dr. Howard Kelly.”
Tear of joy flooded(充滿)her eyes. 287words
58. The boy sent newspaper door to door in order to _______.
A. support his poor faily B. continue his schooling
C. becoe a faous doctor D. thank the woan for her kindness
59. After Dr. Kelly kneho the woan was, _______.
A. he began to take good care of her hiself.
B. he asked for her bill and paid it off at once.
C. he told her she once gave hi a glass of ilk
D. he ade up his ind to try his best to save her.

60. What can we infer fro the boy and the woan?
A. She thought he was not hungry but thirsty.
B. She wanted hi to pay for the glass of ilk.
C. She never thought he would save her life later.
D. He becae too shy to ask her for a drink of water.

When I was a little child y parents took e to Geran. 61 .When I cae back, I could speak Geran fluently. “ Can I do soething useful with Geran?” I asked yself.
Then, I got a good opportunity(機(jī)會(huì)) last spring. During that tie our university had a long holiday, so I stayed at hoe with nothing to do.62 . “ Why don’t you translate it into Chinese? It will be better than playing coputer gaes all day.” I agreed happily.
I proised to do 4,000 words each day. But soon I found it was hard to keep the proise.
One day in ay, the weather was beautiful.63 .Those 4,000 words were still waiting for e. After translating only three pages, I already lost interest in the book. I looked at it for a long tie. But I couldn’t ake yself turn the pages. How I wished I could just go outside and play basketball with y friends!
I counted the words again and again. I just wanted to give up. I felt as if two people were fighting in y ind. One said, “Don’t give up! Keep working hard ,and you will do well!” But then the other one said, “Go and play! It will be ore interesting than translating. Do your hoework toorro”
I stood up and would turn off the coputer. But then I reebered what y parents had told e, “ Whatever you do, don’t stop half way.” 64 .

A. y father brought e a Geran book
B. So I sat down and went on with it
C. But I couldn’t go out
D.I lived there for nine years
E. I went out with y good friends

These strategies(策略)will help you learn now to take tests and shohat you kno
ark the best answer fro a list of choices for a ultiple-choice test.
1.Read Test Directions Carefully Directions tell what you need to do. Words like best, always, only, all, and never will help you find the correct answer. Sentences with those words are usually not true.
Directions; Read each question. Circle the best answer
4. Which is the fastest way of traveling?
A. By train B. By ship. C. By plane. D. By bus.
2.Plan Your Tie Pass over hard questions. If you have tie, you can go back to the later.
3.Read ites (題干) Again If you are not sure about an answer, read the ite again. Think about all the answer choices. Which one sees best?
In a short-answer lest, write a word, a group of words, or a sentence to answer a question. Look for key words like who or what that tell you what to write in the answer.
12. What do people have to take when they travel around?
Food water and oney
For a passage-writing test, write one or ore paragraphs to answer one question.
1.Study the Ite and Key Words Read the question two ties or ore. Look for key words that tell you exactly what to do. You ight see propts (提示) like these:
● Discuss the probles in traveling.
● Think of soe ways to ake it better
2.Plan Your Answer Think about the key words and the topic. Write everything you know about the topic on a piece of you own paper. This can help you organize (組織) your writing.
3.Write the Passage Use the words in the propts to write a beginning. Then use what you know about the topic to write your passage.
●Write a topic sentence for each paragraph.
●Write the iportant inforation in the body.
●Read your passage before you hand it in.
You ay try these strategies in today’s test. We hope you’ll have a great success. Good Luck!
65. Will these strategies help you take tests?
66. When you take a short-answer test, what should you write to answer a question?
67. How any kinds of tests are talked about in the passage?
68. When you took any of the tests, should you think carefully about the topic sentences or the key words?
69. What is the purpose(目的) of the writer writing the passage?


_________________________________ Project Hope, any poor children can get education again.
I _________________________________________ y classates.
To _________________________ath ____________ English.
The students when the teacher cae in .
It’s ___________________________ learn English。.
raise oney fro, help, thousands of, pay for, build, schools and libraries, train teachers, drop out of school, because, far work, difficult,

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/40017.html
