
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1、against 可以用表示跟某人/某個班級等進行的比賽。
如:We are going to have a basketball gae against Class Three on Sunday.
2、win sth. 例如:win a gae, win a race, win a gold edal, win first place
【注意】win不能用于win sb.,要說打敗某人,應(yīng)該用beat /defeat sb.
①join sb.表示“加入某人的行列,和某人一起”
如 Will you join us?
②join +組織 表示“加入某個組織”
如 I a going to join the school usic club.
③join in +活動 表示“參加某項活動”
如 Jane is going to join in the volleyball atch next week.
【聯(lián)想】take part in+活動(相當(dāng)于“join in +活動”),表示“參加某項活動”。要注意與join的用法區(qū)別,join要加某人或某個組織,join in才能加“某項活動”(= take part in+活動)。
4、ski現(xiàn)在分詞為skiing [同學(xué)們不要覺得怪怪的,就是這樣子]
The child is ill. 也可說The child is sick.
a sick child(不能說 an ill child)
10、copetition競賽 [可數(shù)名詞]
11、score ⑴作為動詞是“得分”的意思。
如:①a score of 3—2 ②The score is 80. ③ a score of 90
1 point,2 points, three points等等,每一分即一個point,
如His score is 20 points ore than ine. 他的分?jǐn)?shù)比我多20分。
[ 以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾,要變y為i加再es ]
13、Canadian加拿大人:a Canadian, two Canadians
Aerican美國人:an Aerican, two Aericans
Chinese中國人:a Chinese, two Chinese
Japanese日本人:a Japanese, two Japanese
[這四個單詞也可作形容詞,如 ①He is Canadian.(作表語)= He is a Canadian.②He is a Canadian boy.(作定語) ]
an Englishan, two Englishen (英國人,英國男人)
an Englishwoan, two Englishwoen (英國女人)
a Frenchan, two Frenchen (法國人,法國男人)
a Frenchwoan, two Frenchwoen (法國女人)
He/She is English / French. (English / French是形容詞)
He is an English boy. She is an English girl.
He is a French boy. She is a French girl.
不能說 “He/She is an English.”以及“He/She is a French.”
14、chocolate 巧克力 ,(在本中)是不可數(shù)名詞
15、chip炸薯條 通常用復(fù)數(shù)形式chips,noodle也是通常用noodles
作定語或表語用形容詞,修飾動詞用副詞 (形容詞與副詞的常用法)
The question is easy. It’s an easy question.
He answered the question easily. 他輕易地回答了這個問題。
17、habit習(xí)慣,是可數(shù)名詞。如eating habits,a good / bad habit
18、fun 作為名詞是不可數(shù)名詞,作為形容詞只能放在名詞前面。
19、grass草,草地 coffee咖啡,tea茶,candy糖果 [一般作不可數(shù)名詞]
21、Internet因特網(wǎng),互聯(lián)網(wǎng) [首字母記得用大寫]
22、pill藥丸,藥片 [可數(shù)名詞]
23、advice忠告,建議,勸告 [不可數(shù)名詞]
24、ice冰 [不可數(shù)名詞]
25、health健康 [不可數(shù)名詞]
26、sleepy困的,想睡覺的 區(qū)別:asleep睡著的
27、edicine藥 [不可數(shù)名詞]
28、an article 一篇
29、litter垃圾 [不可數(shù)名詞]
30、energy能量 [不可數(shù)名詞]
31、skin皮膚 [不可數(shù)名詞]
32、air空氣 [不可數(shù)名詞]
33、wealth財富,財產(chǎn) [不可數(shù)名詞]
34、beef牛肉 [不可數(shù)名詞]
35、toato西紅柿 [可數(shù)名詞,復(fù)數(shù)形式為toatoes ]
36、potato 馬鈴薯 [可數(shù)名詞,復(fù)數(shù)形式為potatoes ]
37、sandwich 三明治 [可數(shù)名詞,復(fù)數(shù)形式為sandwiches ]
38、essage消息 [可數(shù)名詞] 區(qū)別:news 新聞,消息 [不可數(shù)名詞]
39、happiness 幸福,愉快 [不可數(shù)名詞]
40、exa 考試,測試 [可數(shù)名詞] the exa, an exa
41、istake錯誤 [可數(shù)名詞] ake a istake犯錯誤
但“ by istake錯誤地”是習(xí)慣用語
42、business生意,(本分)工作 [不可數(shù)名詞]
43、accident事故 [可數(shù)名詞] have an accident 出事故
skate, exercise, arrive, leave, practice, serve, becoe, encourage,
iprove, cause, soke, choose, exaine, save, type
注意:lie和die要變成ing形式比較特殊:lying, dying
47、throw變成ing形式直接加ing: throwing
49、ring變成ing形式直接加ing:ringing [同學(xué)們不要覺得怪怪的]
1、during the suer holidays在暑假期間
2、have a basketball gae舉行一場籃球賽
3、against Class Three [表示跟三班的進行比賽,用against]
4、on Sunday 在星期日
5、the first basketball gae第一場籃球賽
6、this ter這學(xué)期
7、cheer us on為我們加油
cheer on 屬于“及物動詞+副詞”的結(jié)構(gòu)
如 cheer Li ing on = cheer on Li ing
如 cheer her on
8、join the school rowing club加入學(xué)校劃船俱樂部
9、play for a tea為某球隊效力,on/in a tea在某球隊打球
10、quite a bit / quite a lot 許多,大量
11、grow up 長大成人
12、in the world在世界上
13、break the Olypic record 打破奧運記錄
14、win a gold edal贏得一枚金牌
15、in the 2008 Beijing Olypics在2008年北京奧運會上
16、give up
如 Don’t give up so easily.不要這么輕易放棄
①名詞作賓語可中可后,如 give up the race = give the race up
②代詞作賓語只能放中間,如 give it/the up
17、in the future今后
18、take part in參加 [+某項活動],參見重點單詞第3小點。
19、have a nice day 玩得高興,過得愉快
have a good tie
have a nice tie
have a great tie
have a wonderful tie
20、an hour 一小時, half an hour半小時
21、do exercise做運動 = take exercise
注意:做早操要說 do orning exercises
do sports做運動 = take sports
22、pretty well相當(dāng)好
23、the high jup跳高, the long jup跳遠
25、all over到處,遍及
26、be good for 對……有益
27、the day after toorrow后天
28、keep fit/healthy 保持健康
29、arrive in/at 到達
[①小地方(家、店、公園等等)用at;②大地方(城市或國家等)用in;③鎮(zhèn)和村:薄冰語法用at, *** (美國一個權(quán)威的國家電臺)用in
30、play against… (同……比賽)
31、leave for+某地 (動身去某地)
32、twice a week每周兩次
33、go ountain clibing去爬
34、on Sundays在每星期日
35、①every day每天 [用作時間狀語]
如She goes skating every day.
②everyday每天的 [用作定語]
如 everyday life 日常生活
36、next weekend下周末
37、cheer her on為她加油
38、be sure確信
39、go cycling去騎自行車
類似的詞組還有:go shopping, go swiing, go fishing,
go skating, go skiing, go boating等等。
40、on Sunday ornings在每星期日上午
41、on Saturday afternoons在每星期六下午
42、toorrow orning明天上午
43、ake e strong使我強壯
[ake sb./sth. + 形容詞,意為“使某人/某物……”]
44、all over the world 遍及全世界
45、this afternoon今天下午
46、keep her heart healthy使她的心臟保持健康
[ keep sb./sth. + 形容詞,意為“使某人/某物保持……”]
47、a good way to keep fit一種保持健康的好方法
48、stay for long久留 (待很久)
49、this weekend這周末
50、get there到達那里[there是副詞,不用to]
類似的還有:get here, get hoe
get to Beijing到達北京[Beijing是名詞, 所以要用to]
51、prepare for it為它做準(zhǔn)備 [prepare for sth. 為……做準(zhǔn)備]
52、clib a ountain爬
53、row a boat劃船
54、play volleyball打排球
55、do e a favor 幫我個忙 (do sb. a favor)
56、fall ill 患病,病倒
57、between our school and No. 10 High School 在我們學(xué)校和第十中學(xué)之間
58、last week 上周 this week這周 next week下周
59、pass e soe water = pass soe water to e
[ pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb. ]
60、soewhere else 別的地方
61、throw bottles around 亂扔瓶子
62、next tie下一次
63、shout at e 對我大聲吼 [shout at sb.]
64、be angry with hi生他的氣 [ be angry with sb. ]
65、say sorry to sb. 向某人道歉 如say sorry to her/Li ing
類似的還有:say hello/thanks/goodbye to sb. 向某人問候/道謝/道別
66、do better 做得更好
67、serve the food 上菜
68、turn down 把……關(guān)小/調(diào)低
turn down the usic = turn the usic down [名詞作賓語可中可后]
turn it down [代詞作賓語只能放中間]
69、in a inute 馬上,立即
同義詞組:right now, right away, at once
70、keep e waiting 讓我一直等 [ keep sb. doing sth. 讓某人一直做某事]
71、be ready 準(zhǔn)備好了
72、on the phone 用電話,通過電話
73、last night 昨天晚上
74、be late for class上遲到 [ be late for… ]
75、take a seat 坐下,就座
76、your plans for this year 你今年的計劃
77、take part in the gaes 參加比賽
78、one of the ost popular sports 最受歡迎的運動之一
79、a history of over a century 一百多年的歷史
a history of twenty years 二十年的歷史
a history of over twenty years 二十多年的歷史
80、at that tie 那時
81、in bad weather 在糟糕的天氣
82、how to score 怎樣得分
83、put the ball into the other side’s basket
84、throw the ball into the basket
85、ore and ore popular 越越受歡迎
86、in the sun在陽光下
87、a 15-year-old boy [ 用連詞符號,相當(dāng)于形容詞的作用。year不能加s]
88、get tired變得疲勞 [ get+形容詞,意為“變得……”]
89、one year ago一年前
90、one orning 一天早晨
91、look + 形容詞,意為“看起……”
look fit 看起健康,look active看起精力旺盛
look happy看起很高興, look well看起氣色很好 / 很健康
look pale看起臉色蒼白, look tired 看起很累
92、have a 1.5-ile run 跑1.5英里 [ run在這里是名詞]
93、instead of sth./sb. 代替某物/某人
instead of chips and chocolate 代替炸薯條和巧克力
instead of hi代替他 instead of Li ing 代替李明
94、feel + 形容詞,意為“感覺……”
feel well感覺(身體)健康 [身體健康漢語經(jīng)常說身體好]
feel tired 覺得累 feel excited感到很興奮
95、do well in… (在……做得好) [ 同義:be good at… ]
96、in our school sports eet 在我們學(xué)校運動會上
97、on the playground 在操場上
98、a/the school sports eet 校運會 [ 用a泛指, 用the特指 ]
99、be ready for… (為……準(zhǔn)備好)
100、do one’s best 盡某人最大努力 如 do y best盡我最大努力
101、ake friends 交朋友 ake friends with sb. 與某人交朋友
102、during the sports eet在運動會期間
103、a pair of running shoes一雙跑鞋
104、another relay race另一場接力賽
105、at y house在我家 [ 強調(diào)地點]
106、go together 一起去
107、go to the ovies 去看電影
108、at the theater 在劇場,在戲院
109、at the train station 在火車站
110、at the school gate 在學(xué)校大門
111、on the far在農(nóng)場
112、in the relay race 在接力賽中
113、win first place 贏得第一名
114、take soe photos拍照
115、hold a sports eet 舉辦運動會
116、do badly in… (在……方面做得不好) [ 反義:do well in…]
117、cross the finish line沖過終點線
118、soe day將某一天 [ 也可以用soeday ]
119、win the boys’ 400-eter race 贏得男子400米比賽
120、hold a wonderful sports eet舉辦了一次精彩的運動會
121、win the first gold edal 贏得第一枚金牌
122、ore trees 更多的樹 ore grass更多的草
[①ore + 可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式 ② ore + 不可數(shù)名詞 ]
123、iprove our environent 改善我們的環(huán)境
124、stand for… (代表……)
125、have a cold患感冒 have a bad / terrible cold患重感冒
have a fever, have a cough, have the flu, have sore eyes,
have a toothache, have a backache, have a stoachache
126、see a dentist看牙醫(yī)
127、get well康復(fù)/變得健康 [ get + 形容詞,意為“變得……” ]
I hope you’ll get well soon. 我希望你快點好起。
128、go to see a doctor去看醫(yī)生
129、read too long 看書太久
130、take a rest 休息 [ = have a rest ]
131、in the evening 在晚上 at night 在晚上,在夜里
【注意】① Good evening.晚上好。[ 是用于晚上見面時向?qū)Ψ絾柡虻腯
Good night.晚安。[ 是用于晚上跟對方告別或睡覺前說的]
② I can’t sleep well at night.
[ 不能用in the evening ,因為evening指從日落到就寢時]
132、plenty of大量的:① +可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式,如 plenty of trees
② +不可數(shù)名詞,如 plenty of boiled water
【注意】①plenty of 與lots of(= a lot of )用法一樣,一般用于肯定句中,否定句和疑問句中多用any/uch ②any/uch也可用于肯定句中,常與so或too連用。即so any/uch…,too any/uch… ③ any + 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式 [so/too any也一樣],uch+不可數(shù)名詞[so/too uch也一樣]。
133、stay in bed臥床休息
134、have a sleep 睡覺 have a good sleep 睡個好覺
135、look pale看起臉色蒼白
136、feel terrible感覺不舒服
137、day and night日日夜夜
138、have a rest 休息 have a good rest 好好休息
139、have a sore throat (患)喉嚨痛 have a terrible sore throat喉嚨痛得厲害
140、lie down 躺下 [ 不能加賓語 ] 如:You’d better lie down and rest.
141、hot tea with honey (帶有蜂蜜的熱茶)
142、too uch candy太多糖果 [ too uch + 不可數(shù)名詞]
143、so uch candy 這么多糖果
144、twice a day 每天兩次
145、on the Internet 用因特網(wǎng),通過因特網(wǎng)
146、so long 這么久, 那么久
147、take care of 照顧 take good care of好好照顧
148、build up 使……更強壯, 增強……體質(zhì) [ 及物動詞+副詞 ]
build y friend up = build up y friend
build e up
149、check over給……做體檢/健康檢查;核對,檢查
如check over Li ing = check Li ing over
②代詞作賓語只能放中間 如 check hi over
150、worry about sth./sb. 擔(dān)心某事/某人
如 worry about hi/Li ing 擔(dān)心他/李明
worry about y weight 擔(dān)心我體重
151、be glad to do sth. 樂意做某事
152、ake one’s bed 整理床鋪 如 ake y bed
153、keep doing sth. 繼續(xù)做某事 keep sb. doing sth.讓某人一直做某事
154、at least 至少, 不少于
155、boiled water 開水
156、a sybol of… (……的標(biāo)志) 例a sybol of the Olypic Gaes
157、take a pill 服藥片/藥丸
158、nothing serious 沒什么嚴(yán)重的
[“不定代詞(soething, nothing, anything) +形容詞” (形容詞要放在不定代詞的后面 ),如 I have soething iportant to say. 我有一些重要的事情要說。 ]
159、return to +某地(回到某地) 如 return to Shanghai回到上海
return hoe 回家,return here回到這里,return there回到那里
160、call a taxi 叫出租車
161、have an accident 發(fā)生一場事故
162、take hi to the hospital帶他去醫(yī)院
take sb. to +某地 (帶某人去某地)
如 take e hoe帶我回家, take e there帶我去那里
I hurt y left leg. 我傷到我的左腿。 [hurt為及物動詞]
y left leg hurts. 我左腿疼。 [hurt為不及物動詞]
164、look after yself照顧我自己
165、ask for two weeks’ leave 請兩天的假
166、return to school 回到學(xué)校上
167、have a bad weekend 度過一個糟糕的周末
168、after that 之后
169、feel sleepy感到很困倦 [ feel +形容詞]
170、eat too little 吃太少 eat too uch吃太多
171、take soe edicine 服一些藥
172、①have a big breakfast吃一頓豐盛的早餐
[breakfast有big修飾可理解為種類,即什么樣的早餐,所以可以加a ]
②have breakfast 吃早餐 [ 不用冠詞 ]
173、stay up late at night晚上熬夜
174、go to bed early早睡 get up late晚起 get up early早起
175、keep fingernails long 留長指甲 [ keep sth./sb. +形容詞 ]
176、wash hands before eals飯前洗手
177、play sports right after eals飯后立即運動
①play sports進行體育運動
②right after… (……之后馬上……;就在……之后)
178、go to school without breakfast 不吃早飯去上學(xué)
179、brush teeth twice a day 一天刷兩次牙 [刷牙記得用復(fù)數(shù)形式teeth ]
180、have a bath洗澡
181、an article about soking 一篇關(guān)于吸煙的
[ 介詞后面的動詞要變成動名詞,才能作介詞的賓語 ]
182、in the newspaper 在報紙上
183、give up soking戒煙
184、read in the sun在陽光下看書
185、throw litter around 亂扔垃圾
186、enough water足夠的水 enough books足夠的書
[enough作為形容詞,后面要接不可數(shù)名詞或可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式,不可以接可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)形式。比如不可以說enough book ]
①We have enough food for this week.
②We have food enough for this week.
war enough 足夠暖和
carefully enough 足夠仔細
187、during the day 在白天 [ 相當(dāng)于 in the daytie ]
188、get headaches患頭痛 get a headache患頭痛
189、a pain in your head 在你的頭部的疼痛
190、work too hard工作太努力
191、get enough sleep 獲得足夠的睡眠 [sleep在這里是不可數(shù)名詞]
192、exercise for a long tie 做運動很久 [exercise在這里作動詞]
193、exercise on an epty stoach 空腹鍛煉 [exercise在這里作動詞]
194、get into the huan body 進入人體
195、cause diseases 引起疾病
196、through the nowe通過鼻子 through the outh通過口腔
197、through the skin通過皮膚
198、have an illness 生病 [ illness和disease都可作可數(shù)名詞]
區(qū)別:disease指具體的某種疾病 illness泛指不健康的狀態(tài)
199、keep the air fresh保持空氣清新
200、tidy our roos整理我們的房間
201、sweep the floor掃地 注意與clean的區(qū)別:
202、in public當(dāng)眾,公開地 spit in public在公共場所吐痰
203、as we know眾所周知
204、help ake us strong有助于使我們強壯
205、becoe sick 生病 [ becoe +形容詞]
同義:be ill [ 強調(diào)生病的狀態(tài)]
have an illness, fall ill, becoe sick [強調(diào)從健康到生病的轉(zhuǎn)變]
206、every night每天晚上 every day每天 every week 每周
207、less than… (少于…… ) 例 less than 7 hours 少于7小時
ore than… (超過……) 例 ore than two days 超過2天
208、less than three ties a week 每星期少于3次
209、once一次 twice兩次 three ties 三次 four ties四次 ……
210、on TV在電視上播放 例 Dad is on TV!爸爸上電視了!
211、go ahead開始做,著手干
212、aong people在人們之間 注意與between的區(qū)別:
aong三者或三者以上的人或物之間, between兩者之間
213、these days這幾天 those days 那幾天
214、keep our roos clean保持房間干凈
215、all the tie一直,始終
216、take one’s advice接受某人的建議 如 take your advice
217、keep away fro crowded places 遠離人多擁擠的地方
①keep away fro… 遠離…… ②place是可數(shù)名詞
218、drink lots of boiled water喝許多開水
219、take soe cold pills 吃些感冒藥
220、lie down and take a good rest 躺下好好休息
221、go to crowded places去人多擁擠的地方
222、exaine a patient 檢查病人
223、ring up 給……打電話 [及物動詞+副詞]
①名詞做賓語,可中可后 ring up John = ring John up
②代詞作賓語只能放中間 ring hi up
224、an hour later一小時以后
225、phone his father’s office往他父親的辦公室打電話
[ phone sb./ call sb./ring sb. 打電話給某人:phone用在英國語語比美國英語普通,call美國英語和英國英語都常用,ring比phone和call不正式]
226、leave a essage 留口信 take a essage 捎口信
227、give hi the essage = give the essage to hi
228、call hi back 給他回電話 [ call sb. back 給某人回電話 ]
229、give a talk 做報告 have a talk聽報告
230、on tie按時,準(zhǔn)時
231、give a talk to the students給學(xué)生們做報告
232、ake you fat使你/你們肥胖 ake you unhealthy使你/你們不健康
233、stay safe 保持安全 [ stay +形容詞,意為“保持……”]
234、first aid 急救 [名詞]
235、on the other hand另一方面
236、avoid soking and drinking遠離煙酒
[ ①avoid sth. ②avoid doing sth. 避免……]
237、[ ake sb./sth.+動詞原形]
ake soething happen使某事發(fā)生
ake sb. do sth.使某人做某事
238、try to do sth. 設(shè)法做某事,努力做某事,試圖做某事 [可能不成功]
try not to do sth.設(shè)法不做某事
239、talk in groups分組討論
240、break out爆發(fā),突然發(fā)生 [不加賓語]
241、lose one’s life 喪生 例lose his life 注意:lose過去式為lost
save one’s life 挽救某人的生命
242、stay at hoe待在家
243、learn by oneself 自學(xué) [相當(dāng)于teach oneself]
例 I learn English by yself. = I teach yself English. 我自學(xué)英語。
244、take an active part in… 積極參加……
246、care for sb. 照顧某人 [不及物動詞+介詞]
相當(dāng)于 look after, take care of
247、ost students 大多數(shù)學(xué)生
248、during those days 在那些日子里
249、be afraid of sth./sb. 害怕某物/某人
250、give e another one給我另外一個
251、pass the exa通過考試 fail the exa考試沒通過
252、this tie這次,next tie下次,last tie上次
253、get a cold 得了感冒 相當(dāng)于have a cold
254、buy her a pen = buy a pen for her 給她買了一支鋼筆
255、break the window打壞窗戶
256、hand in 交上…… [及物動詞+副詞]
hand in your hoework = hand your hoework in交家庭作業(yè)
hand it/the in
257、look for 尋找 [強調(diào)找的動作和過程]
find找到 [強調(diào)找的結(jié)果]
258、bring it to e 把它帶給我 [bring sth. to sb.把某物帶給某人]
bring sth. to sb. = bring sb. sth.
例 bring a book to e = bring e a book
注意:我們可以說bring it to e,但不可以說bring e it
即帶的某物是代詞時,只能用bring sth. to sb.的句型。
259、soe of his classates 他的一些同班同學(xué)
260、have a look看一看 have a look at sth./sb.看一看某物/某人
261、do the sae sports 做同樣的運動
the sae的用法:① +單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞② +復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞③+不可數(shù)名詞
例 the sae book, the sae things, the sae quality (相同的品質(zhì))
262、learn to skate學(xué)會滑冰 [learn to do sth.學(xué)會做某事]
263、every four years 每四年一次
264、the ost popular sport最受歡迎的運動
265、put away 把……收起放好 [ 及物動詞+副詞]
put edicine away = put away edicine
put it/the away
266、since then從那時起
267、hurry up趕快,快點
268、just a oent請稍等,稍等一會兒
269、a kind of… 一種……
270、do sth. by istake 錯誤地做某事
271、on business 出差
272、in different ways 以不同的方式
273、talk with sb. 和某人交談
274、catch the flu 患流感
1、be going to+動詞原形,be為a,is或are時,為一般將時態(tài),表示將某個時間要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。
①表示打算、計劃做某事 (有時譯成“要做某事”)
如I a going to play basketball with y classates this Sunday.
如Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain.
2、①see sb. do sth.意為“看見某人做某事”。
表示經(jīng)?吹侥橙俗瞿呈乱惨胹ee sb. do sth.
如I saw her cross the road.
I often see you play basketball after school.
②see sb. doing sth. 意為“看到某人正在做某事”
如 I saw her dancing at this tie yesterday.
如 I hope our tea will win. 我希望我們的隊會贏。
4、e, too. 我也一樣。
5、— Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?
— I prefer rowing.
6、— Do you row uch? (你經(jīng)常劃船嗎?)
— Yes, quite a bit/quite a lot./ No, seldo .
7、I like Yao ing best. 我最喜歡姚明。(三個或三個以上在比較)
I like Yao ing better.我比較喜歡姚明。(兩個在比較)
8、Do you know anything about hi?
①肯定句用soething,如I’d like to have soething to eat.
如 I don’t want to eat anything.
Do you know anything about hi?
如 Would you like soething to drink?
What about soething to eat?
9、He and cGrady both play for the Houston Rockets in the NBA.
② play for a tea為某球隊效力
in a tea(英式英語)在某球隊打球
on a tea(美式英語)在某球隊打球
10、I’ going to be a basketball player like hi. [ like hi作后置定語]
11、What are you going to be when you grow up? 你長大以后想當(dāng)什么?
“When+一個句子”,英語里把它稱為“由when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句”,用表示什么時候。 當(dāng)主句是一般將時態(tài)時,時間狀語從句要用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將。如本句中的“when you grow up”用的是一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),表示將(長大以后)。
【注意】有些個別單詞(如 want, can等等)雖然用的是一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),但表示的也是將的事,這時候時間狀語從句也要用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將。
如:I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
(相當(dāng)于I a going to be a doctor when I grow up.)
He hopes to be a singer when he grows up.我們長大以后就可以開車。
12、He is one of the best runners in the world.
①one of+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式,意為“……之一”
②“one of+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式”作主語時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式。如 One of the students is y good friend.
【解析】 有的同學(xué)看到the students是復(fù)數(shù)的,就以為要用are,其實應(yīng)該用is才對。為什么要用is呢,因為介詞短語of the students是作后置定語(修飾one),one才是主語,所以要用單數(shù)的is。
再如:One of the plays basketball every day.
13、She won two gold edals twice.
14、Liu Xiang took part in both the Athens and Beijing Olypics.
“both…and…”用連接兩個并列成份。當(dāng)它連接兩個并列主語是,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式。如 Both Li ing and I are students.
15、She spends half an hour doing exercise in the gy every day.
⑴spend…(in) doing sth. 花費……(時間/金錢)做某事
⑵spend…on sth. 花費……(時間/金錢)在某事物上
例:①She spends half an hour (in) doing exercise in the gy every day.
= She spends half an hour on exercise in the gy every day.
②She spends a lot of oney (in)buying clothes.
=She spends a lot of oney on clothes.
16、Now she plays baseball pretty well. 現(xiàn)在她棒球打得相當(dāng)好。
[pretty well用說明打棒球打得怎么樣]
17、She is good at juping.
be good at sth. / doing sth.
如 ①She is good at English. 她擅長英語。
②He is good at playing basketball. 他擅長打籃球。
相當(dāng)于 He is good at basketball. 他擅長籃球。
18、There is going to be a school sports eet next weekend.
[ 此句是there be句型用于be going to句型中。這里的there be句型是表示某時有某物,初一年我們常見there be句型表示某地有某物。]
19、They are sure that she will win. 他們確信她會贏。
20、It helps to keep her heart and lungs healthy.
[ help to do sth. 有助于做某事]
21、The tea is going to play against China’s national tea toorro
[ 把the tea看成一個整體,所以謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式is ]
22、It’s too bad that the players aren’t going to stay for long.
[此句中的it是形式主語,真正的主語是后面that引導(dǎo)的“the players aren’t going to stay for long”這件事。]
23、They are leaving for Japan the day after toorro
[此句是用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將。但并不是任何動詞都有這種用法,英語中,表示位置移動的動詞 go, coe, leave, fly, start, arrive等,可以用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將。其中coe, leave和arrive要記得去e再加ing變成現(xiàn)在分詞,當(dāng)然現(xiàn)在進行時別忘了動詞be ]
24、— Could you please do e a favor? 請幫我個忙好嗎?
— Sure.
25、— Will you join us? 你愿意加入我們嗎? [ will表示意愿 ]
— I’d be glad to.
26、I a not very good at it. 我不是很擅長它(足球)。
[ be good at sth. / doing sth. ]
例:① I a good at English.
② I a good at playing basketball.
= I a good at basketball.
27、— Would/Do you ind teaching e? 你介意教我嗎?
— Not at all. 一點也不介意。
[ ①用would比用do委婉 ② ind doing sth.介意做某事]
28、— Would/Do you ind if I open the window?
— Of course not./Certainly not. Please do.當(dāng)然不介意。請打開吧。
You’d better not. 你最好不要(打開窗戶)。
29、— Would/Do you ind not putting your bike here?
— Sorry. I’ll put it soewhere else.
30、— Would you ind not throwing bottles around?
— I a sorry about that. I won’t do it again.
31、— Don’t be late next tie. 下次請不要遲到。
— Sorry, I won’t. 對不起,我下次不會遲到了。
32、— Would you ind aking your bed?
— Sorry. I’ll do it right away.
33、What do you ean by saying that? 你那么說是什么意思?
34、I didn’t want to iss the goal, either.
① 肯定句要用also或too:
as well也放在句末,但一般不用逗號與前面隔開。
例 I a also a student.
I a a student,too.
② 否定句要用either,放在句末,一般用逗號與前面隔開。
35、— I didn’t want to iss the goal, either. 我也不想失去這個球的。
— But you did. 但是你確實失掉了這個球。
[相當(dāng)于But you issed the goal.]
36、I a sorry for what I said. 我為我所說的話感到抱歉。
I a sorry for losing your book. 很抱歉把你的書丟了。
[ be sorry for sth. / doing sth. 為某事感到抱歉/后悔/遺憾 ]
37、It’s nothing. 沒關(guān)系/不要緊。
同義句:①Never ind. ②It doesn’t atter. ③That’s OK.
[ 別人道歉時的答語。That’s OK.還可用回答別人的道謝。]
38、We believe you’ll do better next tie. 我們相信你下次會做得更好。
39、Keep trying! 繼續(xù)努力!
40、We are sure to win next tie. 我們下次一定贏。
[ be sure to do sth.確信/肯定要做某事(表將)]
41、①I a sorry I didn’t call you last night. 很抱歉昨晚沒給你打電話。
[ be sorry + 一個句子]
②I a sorry for what I said. 我為我所說的話感到抱歉。
[ be sorry for sth. ]
③I a sorry for losing your book. 很抱歉把你的書丟了。
[ be sorry for doing sth. ]
42、— I a quite sorry I broke your pen. Let e buy you a new one.
— Never ind. I have another one.
⑴ one所指代的事物與前提到的事物是同類的事物,但不是同一個。
⑵ another的用法:
例 I a going to have another cup of coffee. 我打算再喝一杯咖啡。
例 We finally oved to another city. 最后我們搬到另一個城市。
【區(qū)別】 the other(另一個)是特指兩個中的另一個(總數(shù)只有兩個)。another是泛指三個或三個以上的另一個(分兩種情況,一種是知道總數(shù)是三個,另一種是只知道總數(shù)超過三個,但不知確切數(shù)字)。
例 ① I have two pens. One is black, the other is red.
② I don’t like this pen, please give e another (one)
43、That book wasn’t iportant to e. 那本書對我說不重要。
44、I’ll be in Korea. 我將會在韓國 [在中可譯成“我將去韓國”]。
45、I enjoy playing table tennis in different countries.
[ ①enjoy doing sth.喜歡做某事 ②country變復(fù)數(shù)countries ]
【聯(lián)想】enjoy oneself 玩得高興,過得愉快
例 We enjoyed ourselves at Kangkang’s birthday party.
①You have a very exciting life no 你現(xiàn)在過著令人興奮的生活。
[ 你現(xiàn)在所過的生活具有令人興奮的性質(zhì)特征 ]
②Everyone in our class felt very excited because we were the winners.
[ 我們班每人因我們是獲勝者感到興奮 ]
①y life is tiring as well. 我的生活也很累人。
[ 我所過的生活具有令人感到累的性質(zhì)特征。]
② I a very tired . 我很累。[我因某事感到累。]
48、I started playing table tennis when I was about seven years old.
[ start doing sth.開始做某事 ]
49、He invented an indoor gae for his students so that they could play even in bad weather.他為學(xué)生發(fā)明了一種室內(nèi)游戲,以便他們即使在糟糕的天氣也能玩。[ so that + 一個句子, 表示目的。意為“以便……”]
50、You can throw the ball with one hand or both hands.
①with…,意為“用……” ② both + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞
51、Healthy eating habits and running help to build e up.
[ help to do sth. 有助于做某事 ]
52、I have great fun running. 我從跑步中獲得很大樂趣。
[ have fun doing sth. 從做某事中獲得樂趣 ]
53、Running has becoe y favorite sport. 跑步已經(jīng)成為我最喜愛的運動。
[ 只有一個動名詞(短語)作主語,動詞要用第三人稱單數(shù)形式 ]
54、That’s very kind of you, but I can anage it yself.
55、I will take part in the school sports eet. 我將參加學(xué)校運動會。
[ will + 動詞原形,表示將某個時間要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài) ]
56、I’ll be in the long jup and the high jup. 我將參加跳遠和跳高。
[ be in + 活動,意為“參加某項活動”,同義:take part in, join in ]
57、I hope so. 我希望如此。
58、That’s great! 太棒了!
59、I’ sure our school sports eet will be exciting. [ be sure + 一個句子 ]
60、What will you do in the sports eet? 你將在運動會上做什么?
61、It’s y first tie to take part in the high jup.
[ It’s one’s first tie to do sth. 是某人第一次做某事 ]
62、I think I’ll have lots of fun. 我想我將從中獲得許多樂趣。
[ ①have fun玩得高興,過得愉快,相當(dāng)于have a good tie或enjoy oneself ②have fun with sb.和某人玩得高興 ③區(qū)別:have fun doing sth.從做某事中獲得樂趣 ]
63、I’ ready for the long jup. [ be ready for… (為……準(zhǔn)備好) ]
64、I’ll do y best. 我會盡最大努力。
[ ① do one’s best 盡某人最大努力 ② do one’s best to do sth.盡某人最大努力去做某事。如 I’ll do y best to learn English. ]
65、I want to be in the boy’s relay race. 我想?yún)⒓幽凶咏恿悺?br />[ want to do sth. 想要做要事 ]
66、aybe I’ll ake any friends during the sports eet.
Perhaps she will win.
[ ①aybe/perhaps(“也許,可能”之意)常放在句首。修飾整個句子。aybe與perhaps同義,但在書面語中,人們經(jīng)常更喜歡用perhaps, 因為它比較正式一點。②注意aybe與ay be的區(qū)別:aybe是一個副詞,“也許,可能”之意,常放在句首,修飾整個句子。而ay be中的ay是情態(tài)動詞,ay be意為“可能是……”或“可能在……”]
67、I’ll join in the teachers’ relay race.我將參加教師接力賽。
[ join in + 活動,與“take part in / be in +活動”同義 ]
68、— Hello, is that ichael? 你好,你是邁克爾嗎?
— Speaking. 是的。 [ 相當(dāng)于 This is ichael speaking. ]
①通電話時,想知道對方身份,不能用you。比如,不能說:Are you ichael?或 Who are you?,而應(yīng)該說Is that ichael (speaking) ?或Who’s that (speaking) ?
② 通電話時,想告訴對方你的身份時,不能用I。比如,不能說:I a Li ing.應(yīng)該說This is Li ing (speaking).
69、The school sports eet is coing toorro校運會明天即將到。
[ 此句用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將。參看重要句型第23小點。]
70、Let’s go together. 讓我們一起去吧。 [ let sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事 ]
71、① — What shall we take? 我們帶些什么呢?
— We’ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes.
② — Shall I take y caera? 我?guī)鄼C好嗎?/要不要我?guī)鄼C?
— Good idea.好主意。
③ — When shall we eet?
— Let’s ake it half past six.
④ — Where shall we eet? 我們在哪見面啊?
— At y house. 在我家。
72、①Let’s ake it half past six. 讓我們定在六點半吧。
② — What tie is it? / What’s the tie?
— It’s half past six.
③ — What tie will it begin?
— At half past three. ( It will begin at half past three. )
[ 表示在幾點做某事要加at,如③;注意①②不要加at ]
73、① Xu Haifeng won the first gold edal for China in the 23rd Los Angeles Olypics in 1984.
②Class 4 is first.
③ His class won first place.
[序數(shù)詞前一般要用定冠詞the,但也有的例外,如②③ ]
74、— Congratulations!
— Thank you.
75、There will be another exciting relay race this afternoon.
[ there be句型用于一般將時態(tài):
①There will be…
②There is going to be… ]
76、Here are two pages fro Kangkang’s diary. 這里有兩頁康康的日記。
77、I hope soe day I’ll be able to take part in the Olypic Gaes.
[ ① be able to do sth. 表示有能力做某事,can也可以表示有能力做某事,但can只能用于一般現(xiàn)在時和一般過去時兩種時態(tài),而be able to可用于多種時態(tài)。
He is able to dance. = He can dance.
He was able to dance. = He could dance.
He will be able to dance next year. (不能說 He will can dance next year.)
② soe day 將某一天,也可以說soeday ]
78、Kangkang hopes to be a soccer player when he grows up.
[ 時間狀語從句要用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)表示將 ]
79、The People’s Republic of China took part in the Olypics for the first tie in 1952. 中華人民共和國在1952年第一次參加了奧運會。
[ do sth. for the first tie 第一次做某事 ]
【聯(lián)想】It’s one’s first tie to do sth. 是某人第一次做某事。
It’s y first tie to take part in the high jup.
80、The Olypic rings stand for the five parts of the world.
[ stand for… (代表……) ]
81、— What’s wrong with you? / What’s the atter with you?
— I have a toothache.
82、I’ sorry to hear that. 聽到這個消息我很難過。
83、①You should see a dentist. ②You shouldn’t read too long.
你應(yīng)該看牙醫(yī)。 你不應(yīng)該看書太久。
[ should / shouldn’t + 動詞原形 (應(yīng)該/不應(yīng)該…… ) ]
84、I hope you’ll get well soon. 我希望你快點好起。
85、I’ feeling terrible! 我感覺很難受/不舒服。
86、— How long have you been like this? 你這樣多久了?
— Two days. ( 完整回答:I have been like this for two days. )
87、①You’d better go to see a doctor. ② You’d better not work too long.
你最好去看醫(yī)生。 你最好不要工作太久。
[ had better / had better not + 動詞原形 (最好做某事/最好不要做某事)]
88、— How are you feeling, Nick? 尼克,你現(xiàn)在感覺怎么樣?
— Not so well. 不是很好。
89、I don’t feel like eating. 我不想吃東西。
[ feel like doing sth. 想要做某事, 感覺要做某事]
【聯(lián)想】 want to do sth. 想要做某事
90、I cough day and night. 我日日夜夜咳嗽。
91、Why don’t you have a good rest? 你為什么不好好休息一下呢?
[“Why don’t you/we + 動詞原形…?”用提建議 ]
92、What’s the atter? / What’s wrong? 怎么了?
93、I have a sore throat. 我喉嚨痛。 I have sore eyes. 我眼睛痛。
94、You shouldn’t / had better not eat so uch candy.
你不應(yīng)該 / 最好不要吃這么多糖果。
95、You shouldn’t / had better not work on the Internet so long.
你不應(yīng)該 / 最好不要上網(wǎng)這么久/那么久。
96、You should / had better take good care of your eyes.
你應(yīng)該 / 最好保護好你的眼睛。
97、practice doing sth. 練習(xí)做某事
Today we’re going to practice parking.今天我們要練習(xí)停放車輛。
98、— How are you feeling today? 你今天感覺怎么樣?
— Not too bad. 不太糟/還行。
99、Don’t worry. 別擔(dān)心。
100、Your X-rays show it’s nothing serious. [劃線部分作賓語,是賓語從句]
101、— Don’t ove your leg too uch.
— All right. 好的。
102、Let e check over your left leg again. 讓我再檢查一下你的左腿。
103、— Do you feel better today? 你今天感覺好些了嗎?
— uch better. 好多了。 [ 完整回答:I feel uch better. ]
104、Thank you for your flowers and fruit. 謝謝你們的花和水果。
Thank you for helping e. 謝謝你幫我。
[ thank you for sth. / doing sth.]
105、Follow the doctor’s advice, and you’ll get well soon.
106、ichael’s friends brought soe flowers and fruit for hi.
邁克爾的朋友們?yōu)樗麕Я艘恍┗ê退?br /> [ ①bring sth. for sb. 為某人帶某物 ② bring過去式為brought ]
【區(qū)別】bring sth. to sb. 帶某物給某人
例 I brought soe bread for ichael.
I brought soe bread to ichael. = I brought ichael soe bread.
107、The doctor asked ichael not to ove his leg too uch.
I ust ask hi to give up soking. 我必須叫他戒煙。
①ask sb. not to do sth. 叫某人不要做某事
②ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事
108、I a sorry to tell you that I had an accident yesterday.
109、The doctor told e to stay in bed for two weeks.醫(yī)生叫我臥床休息兩天。
[ ①tell sb. to do sth. 告訴某人要做某事 ②做某事做多久可以用“for+一段時間”表示,如本句中的for two weeks用修飾stay in bed,說明臥床休息多久。又如 I played football for two hours.]
110、I couldn’t read the book until today.直到今天才能看這本書。
[ not…until… 直到……才…… ]
111、Don’t worry about us. 不要擔(dān)心我們。
112、we will get well soon. 我們很快就會康復(fù)。
113、Are you OK now? 你們現(xiàn)在好了嗎?/ 你們現(xiàn)在沒事了吧?
114、If you still have a sore throat, you’d better see a doctor.
115、I love ice crea and candy. [肯定句用and連接]
You shouldn’t eat ice crea or candy. [否定句用or連接]
區(qū)別You shouldn’t eat ice crea and candy. (該句初中一般不要求掌握)
116、— I have a headache. 我患頭痛。
— What caused it? 是什么原因引起的?
117、I see. 我明白了。
118、Staying up late is bad for your health. 熬夜對你的身體是有害的。
本句中的主語staying up late是動名詞短語,所以謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式is ② health是名詞,不要與形容詞healthy相混淆。]
119、I feel sleepy because I went to bed very late last night.
120、You ust not read in the sun. 你不能在陽光下看書。(ust not = ustn’t)
[ ust not意為“不準(zhǔn),不允許,一定不要,一定不許”,表示禁止。]
【注意】ust意為“必須”,所以有的同學(xué)誤以為ust not是不必的意思。
121、He thinks soking can help hi relax. 他認(rèn)為吸煙可以幫他放松。
122、That’s too bad. 那太糟糕了。
123、The article says soking is bad for our lungs.
[①劃線部分是賓語從句 ②一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),行為動詞要注意應(yīng)該當(dāng)用原形還是第三人稱單數(shù)形式。本句主語是三單,所以say要加s]
124、It ay cause cancer. 它可能致癌。
[①情態(tài)動詞+動詞原形 ②本句中的ay表示可能性。③ay還可以用表示允許或征求同意。如 You ay use y pen. ay I open the door? ]
125、How terrible! 多么可怕!
126、ay I borrow your newspaper and show it to y father?
①ay在這里表示征求同意。 ②用and連接,表示borrow和show這兩個動作一前一后緊接著發(fā)生。③show sth. to sb.展示某物給某人看 = show sb. sth.向某人展示某物 例 show e the pen = show the pen to e,show it to e (不能說show e it)
127、You ust put litter into the dustbin. 你必須將垃圾扔進垃圾箱。
You ustn’t throw litter around. 你不能亂扔垃圾。
[情態(tài)動詞ust(必須) / ustn’t(表示禁止) + 動詞原形]
128、Breakfast gives you energy for the orning.
129、Going to school without breakfast is bad for your health.
不吃早餐上學(xué)對你的健康有害。 [動名詞短語作主語]
130、Walking is good exercise and it’s necessary for your health.
[ be necessary for… 對于……說是必不可少的]
131、Soething is wrong with your health.你的身體健康出現(xiàn)異常。
[ Soething is wrong with … = There is soething wrong with…
意為“ ……出問題了”]
132、You ight get a headache when you work too hard.
[ ight是情態(tài)動詞,后面加動詞原形,語氣比ay委婉或可能性比較小。]
133、Good health is ore iportant than wealth.健康比財富更為重要。
②ore iportant than… 比……更重要
134、Food gives us energy, so we ust have enough food to keep healthy.
① give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.
例 give e a pen = give a pen to e
give it to e 注意:不能說give e it
②本句中的too keep healthy是動詞不定式短語,在此句中表示目的。
135、Of course, we ust also have the right kinds of food.
當(dāng)然,我們也必須吃合適的食物。 [ 本句中的have是吃的意思]
136、Different foods help us in different ways.
[ food指不同種類的食物時,要用復(fù)數(shù)形式foods ]
137、It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.
[ “It is+形容詞+ for sb. to do sth. ” 句中的it是形式主語,真正的主語是后面的動詞不定式(短語) ,即to do sth.是真正的主語。]
138、I a coing. 我就。
139、— ay I ask you soe questions, Dr. Li?
— Sure,go ahead. 當(dāng)然可以,開始吧。
140、What should we do to prevent it?
141、First,…. Second,…. Third,…. Finally,….
首先,…… 第二,…… 第三,…… 最后,……
142、— ust we do exercise to prevent the flu?
— Yes,We ust. / No, we needn’t. / No, we don’t have to.
143、— Extension 6226, please. 請轉(zhuǎn)分機6226。
— Just a oent, please. 請稍等。
144、— Could I speak to Dr. Li Yuping? 我可以和李玉平醫(yī)生通電話嗎?
— I’ afraid he is busy right no 恐怕他現(xiàn)在很忙。
[ 這里的right now不是“立刻,馬上”之意,而是“就在此刻”的意思,right是加強語氣,修飾now]
145、I’d like to speak to Dr. Li Yuping. 我想和李玉平醫(yī)生通電話。
[ would like to do sth. 想要做某事]
146、Please tell y father not to forget the talk toorrow afternoon.
①tell sb. to do sth.告訴某人做某事
②tell sb. not to do sth.告訴某人不要做某事
147、I’ll give hi the essage.我會告訴他的。
148、If yes, When can he get it? 如果行,他什么時候可以取走它(自行車)?
相當(dāng)于:If it’s OK, when can he have it?
149、You need to have healthy eating habits. 你需要養(yǎng)成健康的飲食習(xí)慣。
[need to do sth. 需要做某事。]
區(qū)別:①need doing sth. 主語一般是物 ②need to do sth.主語一般是人
150、Eat the right food to keep you healthy. 合理飲食使你保持健康。
151、It’s necessary to learn about first aid.
[ it是形式主語,真正的主語是to learn about first aid ]
152、Happiness is iportant for your health. 快樂對你的健康很重要。
153、Be happy to be healthy. 想健康就得快樂。
[ to be healthy是目的狀語,說明保持快樂的目的。]
154、any students think it’s cool to soke and drink.
155、You should say no to soking and drinking. 你應(yīng)該對煙酒說不。
[①say no to… 對……說不 ②to是介詞,所以本句中soke和drink要變成動名詞soking,drinking,才能做介詞to的賓語。]
156、Now I know how iportant happiness is.現(xiàn)在我知道快樂有多重要。
[劃線部分是賓語從句,它本是一個疑問句(How iportant is happiness?快樂有多重要?),但同學(xué)們要注意,作賓語從句要用陳述句的語序(即“主語+謂語”的語序),當(dāng)然疑問詞要放在前面,所以變成how iportant happiness is 。注意黑體字is位置的變化 ]
157、We learnt a lot fro SARS. 我們從非典(這事件)中學(xué)到了很多。
We should learn fro Leifeng.我們必須向雷鋒學(xué)習(xí)。
①learn sth. fro sb./sth. 從某人身上/某事上學(xué)到……
② learn fro sb.向某人學(xué)習(xí)
158、We can ask y father ore about it. 我們可以向我爸了解更多的情況。
[ ask sb. about sth. 問某人關(guān)于某事]
159、There are lots of ways to keep fit.保持身體健康有很多方式。
[ 本句中的動詞不定式短語 to keep fit作后置定語,修飾ways ]
160、It’s y duty to save patients. 挽救病人是我的職責(zé)。
[句中it是形式主語,動詞不定式短語to save patients是真正的主語]
161、What’s the nae of the serious disease? 那種重病的名字是什么?
162、We don’t have to be afraid of catching the flu.我們不必害怕患流感。
[ ①have to+動詞原形,意為“必須做某事,不得不做某事”
②don’t have to +動詞原形,意為“不必做某事”]
163、Health is iportant to everyone.健康對每個一人說都是重要的。
常用“be going to+動詞原形”和“助動詞will+動詞原形”表示。③但這兩種句型用法上有點區(qū)別:be going to句型是事先經(jīng)過考慮,而will的句型不一定事先經(jīng)過考慮,它只說明將要發(fā)生某事或存在某狀態(tài)。④所以如果不是事先經(jīng)過考慮的就不能用be going to句型。⑤但有一種特殊情況:根據(jù)一定跡象判斷將要發(fā)生某事也可以用be going to句型,如Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain. ⑥be going to 句型中含有動詞be,句型轉(zhuǎn)換和以前相同。
will+動詞原形:無論主語是什么,都可以用will,當(dāng)主語是第一人稱時,可以用shall. 在以第一人稱I/we作主語的疑問句中一般用shall, 用表示征求對方意見或詢問某情況。
注意:英語中,表示位置移動的動詞 go, coe, leave, fly, start, arrive等等,可以用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將。
句式:①一般疑問句:Will…? ②特殊疑問句:疑問詞+will…? ③否定式:在助動詞will后面加not,可縮寫為won’t。
2、碰到動詞要先看句中有沒有特殊的單詞的用法或句型,如be going to和情態(tài)動詞要加動詞原形,介詞后面的動詞要加ing變成動名詞, help sb. do sth.,spend…(in)doing sth.等等。。如果沒有,就看看要用哪一種時態(tài)。
形容詞+名詞,(連)系動詞+形容詞 [后面能加形容詞的就是系動詞]

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/40119.html
