Unit 12 What’s the best radio station

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 12 What’s the best radio station?
Section B
1. 形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級的構(gòu)成及用法。
2. 形容詞、副詞比較級和最高級的規(guī)則變化和不規(guī)則變化。
1.___________(hard)you work,the better you are.
2.Today it’s quite__________(warm).But yesterday it was even_______(warm).
3.Of the three cities,Shanghai has_______(many)people.
4.I think the fish is much____________(delicious)than the duck.
5.Which city do you think is __________(beautiful),Sanya,Beijing or Harbin?
Step3閱讀74、75、頁和76頁 合作探究以下問題。
形容詞最高級用法 (一)用法:當(dāng)需要對三者或三者以上的人或事物進(jìn)行比較,表示“最……”的含義時,需要用 級。我們在使用最高級時應(yīng)注意以下幾點。
1、形容詞最高級前通常要加定冠詞 ,但如果最高級前有物主代詞、名詞所有格等修飾時,則不用定冠詞。如:(1)onday is my busiest day.星期一是我最心的一天。
(2)Jim is ike’s best friend.吉姆是邁克最好的朋友。
2、形容詞最高級常與介詞in或of引導(dǎo)的短語(說明比較范圍)連用。若介詞后的名詞或代詞與句中的主語是同一類人或物時,常用of短語。當(dāng)強(qiáng)調(diào)是在某一范圍、場所內(nèi)進(jìn)行比較時,常用in短語。如:(1)She is the oldest of these children.她是這些孩子中年齡最大的。
(2)Lily is the youngest in her class.莉莉在她班里年齡最小。
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黃河是中國第二長河。
4、有時有最高級修飾的名詞前還可以用不定冠詞修飾,但這時不含比較的意思,只是表示“非常,很”如:Their performance was a greatest success.他們的演出非常成功。
聽、2a、 2b然后做74頁相應(yīng)問題。
Ⅰ.根據(jù)2a & 2b完成下列對話練習(xí)。
Step5、 Groupwork
1. Pairwork:1b Tell your partner about people you kno Use the positive words above.
2. Role play.2c Look at the information about the talent show above and make a conversation.
Step6、聽磁帶并朗讀3a(P75) and 2(76)三遍,完成本上的表格。
Step7、 Groupwork
Interview three classmates. Write their answers in the chart belo
1.The weather in Dalian is nice than______in Wuhan.
A.one B.those C.them D.that
2.______all the boys in his class,Tom is the shortest.
A.In B.For C.From D.Of
3.The population of Shanghai is ______than_____Tianjin.
A.larger;in B.larger ;that of C.much more;that in D.big;it is in
4.—Are you ______today?--- NO,he is a little_______
A.better,worse B.bad,good C.best,bad D.worse;better
5.Tom is _____of the three.
A.the funnier B.funniest C.the funniest D.the most funny
6.She is _____than ate.
A.more outgoing B.the more outgoing C.outgoing D.most outgoing
7.Don’t go out to play.You____finish your homework first.
A.had to B. have C.had D.have to
8.He needs _____his room.
A.to clean B.cleaning C.cleans D.clean
9.I could drink _____than you.
A.much B.much more C.much water D.many more
10.—Which is ____month of the year?—July,I think.
A.hot B.hotter C.hoter D.the hottest
1. It seems that American fast food is the most popular ______the world.
A.of B.in C.at D.about
2.What’s the ______cinema in town?
A.best B.better C.good D.well
3.Rose is ____of the two.
A.more careful B.the most careful C.the more careful D.most careful
4.Pedro talks to everyone.She is very______.
A.shy B.calm C.outgoing D.serious
5.I don’t like pizza with onions.He doesn’t like it,_______.
A.also B.too C.as well as D.either
6.--_______do you clean your room? --I clean it every day.
A.How far B.How often C.How long D.How old
7.Do you like the famous actress ______funny glasses?
A.wear B.put on C.with D.in
8.—How do you get home after school? ---______.
A.It’s about 5miles B.I take the subway C.It takes me 20 minutes D.Yes,I do.
9.They decide on the best place ______lunch.
A.have B.having C.to have D.has
10.The post office is close ______our school.
A.at B.between C.by D.to
11.y P3 player is ______than hers.
A.more expensive B.most expensive C.more cheap D.most cheap
12.We hope our life can get ______.
A.best and best B.better and better C.good and good D.well and well.
13.—um,I think I’m _____to get back to school.
—Not really ,my dear.You’d better(最好)stay at home for another day or two.
A.enough well B.well enough C.enough good D.good enough
14.We _______some popular music at the party last night.
A.listened B.watched C.played D.wanted15.Who won the prize

Unit 12 SectionB
1-5 D D B A C 6-10 A D A B D
1-5 B A B C D 6-10 B C B C D 11-14 A B B C

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/40637.html

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